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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. TEAK!! Gosh..now I've smelled it in Glowing Vulva & this I'm realising how magical it is! It's such a unique smelling wood. Usually I'm iffy with woods but this one works. Together with the vanilla and tobacco this scent it gorgeous. It's a thick luscious liquid and the scent is very deep and think too. Kind of reminds me of a distant relative of Snake Oil (Call me crazy). The vanilla is gorgeous and doesn't ever take over, the teak remains strong and the whole thing stays beautifully balanced. This oil is one of those oils that to me...smells expensive. It's a like a sweet, old peice of furniture made of teak that was bought in a headshop. Lovely!! This could easily go onto my bottle list!
  2. ouch!

    The Death of Autumn

    Wet...this smells like a soft vetiver and musk on me. The whole mix of notes though does lead me to believe I'm smelling leaves. It's quite a good illusion!! It smells kind of masculine and interesting. The dry down stage is much nicer, now it smells kind of nutty with a very soft musk and I'm reminded of one of my loves.."Sed Non Satiata" It's that creamy...softness with a brown feel to it. It's much nicer now and is more of a skin, snuggly scent. As it dries further the vetiver is coming back a bit stronger, it's taking away the softness of the perfume. There is still the brown feel/smell to it and the illusion of leaves but it's less sweet now. I don't think I'll be needing a bottle of this but the drydown stage is gorgeous!
  3. ouch!


    This is an unusual one for me. I can smell...a sweet floral, herbs and earthy dirt. There is definately Jasmine in here. The dirt note that's in Zombi and Singing Moon. It's quite a strong scent. It's pleasant and not at the same time. It's like the dirt is sort of ruining the flowers but not too much. Someone mentioned that this is kind of like The Caterpillar, I'm gonna have to agree with that statement. It's a rich smelling floral incense blend with a bit of dirt. I don't think it's for me.
  4. ouch!

    Queen Gertrude

    Thank you lab from the frimp of Queen Gertrude! I'm not a lover of floral so..not a massive fan of this. This is a translucent violet, very faint...very delicate. Would suit someone older (And not because of the whole..floral/granny thing) I just think of someone quite refined wearing it. I can smell the Chrysanthemum only a little bit and I'm not really sure what Delphinum smells like. It's not an in your face floral at all, it's subtle and light. Off to the swaps pile.
  5. ouch!

    Litha 2006

    ... Honey mead with honeysuckle, oak wood, ivy leaf, wild thyme, carnation, daisy, vervain, gum arabic, frankincense, yauhtli, and liquid copal. Having read the descriptions I can definately tell my version is the 2006 version. The honey is really prominent, but there's so much other stuff going on in here it's a bit overwhelming. It's floral and fruity with a roundness that's hard to describe. I don't get any herbal from this. This is a bright fun scent and it packs some punch. Honeysuckle is noticable and there is a really slight resionous twang which must be the frankincense. But this is one of those scents that I find really hard to describe. Very well blended. Grr. Hate it when that happens. As it dries it becomes more rounded and smooth, it's almost creamy, still a bit floral..still a bit fruity. The dry stage really shows off the honey, it's a flowery honey though. Really cool blend but not a massive favourite of mine.
  6. ouch!


    Sweeet! It's like Beth has taken the sweetest roses and the sweetest lotus blooms and put them all into one blend of yuminess!! The lotus is the front runner when this is first applied. It's almost like bubblegum but with a twist. The roses are there but they're very sweet and just slightly more in the background. It's like sugar coated petals. But as it dries the rose comes forward more and the balance is perfect. I'm not a fan of mega rose blends...but this is really really nice. It's so pretty and sweet and would be a really nice daytime scent because it's got a good amount of throw but..it's not an overpowering scent. It smells delicate like fairydust or something hehe. This is a winner. If you like...sweet, girly...youthful kind of scents this one is for you!
  7. ouch!


    Ok so what I get from Queen? I can definately smell vetiver & Lavender in here. It's not overtaking everything though because there is a sweetness to this oil that's stronger. This smells a little bit like sweeties with vetiver and some flowers. Very unusual and this is quite a strong blend. I'm gonna have to be careful with how I apply it. The sweetness, how do I describe it? It's NOT vanilla and it's NOT honey I don't think. It's just...sweet. As it dries there is a slight powderyness to it but it's not unpleasant in the slightest, it just calms the vetiver down alot more. I like this blend but..not really one I would wear all the time.
  8. ouch!

    Wood Phoenix

    Oh dear. Another dissapointing phoenix for me. Fire Phoenix was also a dissapointment! So...at the moment Pink Phoenix still reigns as my number one scent! This smells nothing like woods to me, it's completely different to what I had expected. This smells like slightly burnt brown sugar and some sort of fruit with musk. It's the sugar you find in Sugar Moon & Sugar Skull but lighter. In fact this is exactly what I thought Sugar Skull was going to smell like except I got major burnt sugar overload. The musk is nice, this definately smells like a brown Autumnul scent. But doesn't smell like what it says on the tin with my chemistry.
  9. ouch!


    This smells exactly like Murray Mints, I don't know if you get them in America but..it's exact! It's almost like a honeyed cream mint that's making me want to lick my arm. The vanilla is..hard to describe. It's like a rich, aged vanilla with honey and a soft mint. It's not like peppermint. This is yummy, and now??? My flatmate has lost my imp! Sad times!
  10. ouch!


    This stuff is gorgeous. I've never smelled an incense blend like it. It's got a strong element of Sandalwood that's very sweet. I am getting the powderyness that some people have mentioned but it's not the powder of doom that you can get with BPAL oils sometimes. The incense part of this oil is keeping the powder at bay with the sandalwood. This blend smells SO much more gorgeous when I really smell it up close. The incense is absolutely stunning. It's not like Nag Champa or...anything like that it's different. The sweetness of the sandalwood and other notes are just enhancing it I feel. The sweetness of this blend fades slighty after about 20 mins and the Incense and other elements take hold a bit more, the powder is also fading slightly and it's becoming sharper and it's now reminding me of a blend I've smelled before. Possibly Cathedral? With the Sandalwood of....Kathmandu?? The resins are coming forward which is what's reminding me of the mor resinous blends in the BPAL catalougue. This is definiately an interesting blend. I'm glad I got to try it.
  11. ouch!


    Ok so I'm finally trying out Shub-Niggurath First impressions are..whoa..spicy, dark ginger. With..vanilla? There's a foody side to this oil. But this is a dark foody. Like... Gingerbread twisted with darkness. I like it. I can smell the citrussy/lemon element too that you get when you smell fresh ginger root but the spicy side of it that you get from gingerbread/ ginger beer is taking over. I'll let it dry a bit further and see what happens... Hmm..getting more spicy as it dries, I can almost taste that burn you get when you drink fiery ginger beer. Drier still, some of the spice is dissapearing and I'm smelling something familiar, it's the vanilla that's in things like.. the "Midway" and "Egg Nog" blends. It's almost a custardy light vanilla. It's nice and it's tempering down the fiery spice. It's much nicer when it's like this.. I won't be getting a bottle of this oil though.
  12. ouch!

    Trick #2

    Hmm..this scent on my skin is overwhelmed by the wood & patchouli. There is a sweetness behind it & a bit of the pink pepper spice. I'm really hoping that this changes when the perfume comes to life a bit more becuase I want the berries, pomegranite and vanilla! *hopes* Drier still...this is smelling like 3 things. Forest, smoke and a slight foody edge. It's a dark dark scent and not one I would normally wear. It's interesting though and every now and then I get wafts of cassia. Where are all the berries??? Hmmm...this is staying dark and fiery on me. I feel like there are alot of things I'm not getting. I think I might have to swap this one...
  13. ouch!

    Lady Una

    Mmm lovely! I have a few plusses for this blend and a few minuses though. This reminds me of Bordello first off. It's that very sweet bouncy vanillary berry scent. The difference with this is though..it has the herb/spice element (Very subtle though, not..in your face herbs). This is what I was expecting Bewitched to be. It's really yummy. The other slight difference with this is that..it's more blackberry. Sweet blackberry and vanilla with herbs and it's a very light scent. (Which brings me onto the slight dissapointment... ) This scent has hardly any lasting power or throw. So..I suppose you could wear it as a personal scent. One to keep close to your skin. It's a lovely scent though overall and I would buy a bottle if it had a bit more kick!
  14. ouch!

    Van Van

    I adore this blend, I've owned it for a long time but only just reviewing it now. This smells of herbs, something lemony and dry grass. Kind of like Hay Moon in my opinion. But with Van Van there's a lovely sweetness to it that stops it from being sharp. I'm not sure of the effects but I'm wearing it today so I'll see how it goes! The throw is nice too, not crazy but enought to show people you are wearing it. Yum! This is my second favourite of the Conjure Bag Oils I've tried so far. Aunt Caroline is the queen!!!
  15. ouch!


    I absolutlely adore this! Nothing like I expected and so beautifully blended. I'm getting all the sweet things from this blend and I'm reminded of things like.. Hungry Ghost Moon, Vassakasaja...Hunter Moon 2008. It's that sort of overwhelming blend that smells of alot of things at once and it's hard to pick things out. I'm softened fruits, a bit of fizz....a gorgoeous note that I can't put my finger on that's making me want to eat my arm. This is a young bouncy blend. Would be lovely for everyday wear because it lasts a long time but isn't headache inducing. Yummy. So impressed with this! It's only slightly incencey. It's creamy too...but..just enough cream to whirl all the other notes together, like it's holding them in place. Any kind of incensey feel this blend had in the wet stage dissapears in the dry stage and this gets sweeter and softer and more smooth. I think I'm going to have to swap a bottle of this with someone... hmmm!!! Very hard to describe overall..but definately a winning blend.
  16. ouch!

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    Wow this is a good one! So unexpected. Red musk is my fave note so...wanted to get this. This is very musky, and headshoppy as someone else has said. It has a likeness to Smut, O & Scherezade. The honey really behaves in this blend as does the caramel. Usually the caramel in BPAL blends is so powerful and it ends up going to curry on me. This blend is gorgeous and sexy. It's a like a incencsey blend with a bit of foody going on, but not too much as the musks are the winning notes in the race. The wet stage is more red musky and the dry stage is where the foodyish and softer/skin musks come out. Sooo nice. If you've tried O and the honey was too much for you, you might like this. I most certainly do!
  17. ouch!


    Yum This scent is one I knew I'd love, me being a red musk lover and seeing it mentioned in the reviews so much. I was particularly scared of the "Boozy" aspect. Thankfully I'm not getting that at all. Firsty I get a big whoosh of Red Musk. (Yay) and I also get a slightly nutty vibe from this, kind of like the nuttyness of Sed Non Satiata (Another love of mine). The nuttyness is only slight though. I'm liking this alot and can say it's in the same family as Spellbound, Marianne, Scherezade, Snake Charmer. Red musk rules!! Once it dies down a bit the other musks come out, now this is more like soft..feathery musk with a dark twist. This is a winning blend. Now it's more like the tail end of Snake Oil on me. The dry stage where it gets soft and powdery. I have no boozyness to speak of yet, which I'm thankful for. This blend makes me think of darkened rooms with naughty things going on in the wet stage and then soft cuddles when the lights come on in the dry stage!
  18. ouch!

    Old Scratch

    Patchouli turns to powder of death on my skin so this one is going a bit wonky. The wet stage is a nice Lavender/woodsy scent. And there's a burst of feshness behind it. Then the patchouli and amber team up to for a big powdery bomb that explodes off of my skin. I still like it but I don't think I'd buy a bottle of this.
  19. ouch!

    The Ghost

    Like this alot, but still not one I would buy. It reminds me of The Attrocious Attic, it's one of those gorgeous florals that has you smelling yourself and saying, is this even a floral? Like...The Unicorn. Another one that is hard to pick out things individually, it's blended beautifully! It's very sweet, clean smelling and light. Faded ghostly flowers is a nice description I think and..it's very white smelling. Such a pretty perfume but just not enough kick. The name is apt as this isn't an in your face perfume, it's like a ghost hovering around your aura. LOVELY!!
  20. ouch!

    Hanerot Halalu

    Gosh I'm loving this!! Much more than I expected to. The smoky part of it is from the get go, there's a few other bits in there aswell, it's almost like there's a fruit in there. Or....maybe orange blossom? Dunno...something like that. This stage does wear off quite quickly though but it's beautiful!!! On drydown this becomes so nummmy...mmmm. It's like a sweet, waxy scent that I've not smelled before in any other BPAL blend. The closest I could compare it to would be Ichabod Crane but it's just that one element. It's the friggin beeswax of course. But it's so much more prominent in this blend and I LOVE it! It's a very comforting scent, and it's got a really good amount of throw. Something you could smell from a distance but....draws you closer. Mmm! This is a winner. Not gonna get a bottle but I've certainly enjoyed wearing the imp.
  21. ouch!

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    Oh my...an aquatic that I'm totally getting! The only other one has been Selkie, and I think the Benzion is what's making me like this. Yes it's an aquatic but it's not sharp...it's not like air freshener, it's almost got a golden element to my nose, kind of like..gosh..I don't konw it's really hard to describe. It's a soft aquatic. It's yummy. Still not up there with Selkie but it's a winner for the aquatics. !!!!
  22. ouch!

    Water Phoenix

    I'm really not loving this, but then again...I rarely like aquatic/ozone blends. The lavender is very prominent for me, so..this is an aqautic lavender at the moment but I can smell that there are a zillion florals waiting to burst out. It's one of the nicer aquatics I've smelled. It's nice and fresh without being too air freshenery. After this it's just a very smooth blend of alot of things...i'm finding it hard to pinpoint. I'm so crap with flowers anyway...but this smells of lots of blue and green petals..floating around on water. Not for me..
  23. ouch!


    WTF? Has someone secretly filled my imp with Rose Red? That's what Séance smells like to me. But slightly more woody. Smells like a very realistic red rose with greenery and some wood in the wet stage. Let's see what happens on drydown. Ah....as it dries..now I know what Hazel smells like. It's kind of got a sandalwoody vibe to it, and it's making the blend gorgeous. Not something I'd wear all the time but I can see the beauty in this. The very real rose has taken a backseat and it's all hazel/woodsy with a slight rose mingling in. Cool rose blend, but not one I'd get a bottle of.
  24. ouch!

    Amber Bottles vs Other Colors

    *turns into evil cartoon character* I can just imagine a vision of Beth completley changing the style and shape of the bottles and thousands of us running around screaming.. "THEY JUST DON'T FIT MY BOX ANYMORE...ARGH...MUST MAKE NEW BOX" *Changes back into sweet self*
  25. ouch!

    Moon Rose

    Other than Othello which is my favourite rose blend, this one is the only other rose blend that has been gorgeous in my opinion. It's a light rose, it's an effervescent rose, translucent is a brilliant way to describe it. Kind of like the rose in Beauty & The Beast in the glass case that twinkles... This is what I imagine Rose Moon to smell like (I haven't smelled it). It's in no way too weak though, perfect amount of throw. It's delicate and light. This would be good for someone who is not too fond of rose because it's quite different, very girly.