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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    Gosh this actually smells like sweet smoke at first. I've never got the smoke note from any other blend that claims to have it in but this one...I DO!!! I'm not getting any of the spices or anything... It's just a very resinous smokiness at first with a hint of sweetness. It then turns into a soft powder resin smell. Reminiscent of..Midnight Mass (Minus Wood). My chemistry seems to blur resins alot and that's what I'm getting. I don't think this is how it's supposed to smell but..it's still nice anyway. It doesn't really change after this, I have never really smelled the spice in this but can imagine with the right chemistry this is a stunning blend. I'm gonna send this on to someone else I think so they can enjoy it.
  2. ouch!


    I'm always weary of opium and this scent's description says. "A drop". *sighs* That drop is still enough to bombard all the other notes out of the way in the wet stages. I will say also that this smells very commercial, but also very classic. Oipum just has that vibe about it in my opinion. This stuff is strong and I can smell Jasmine trying to break through even though it's not listed. It's a heavy floral and wants to be taken seriously hehe. It ain't messing around with it's strength. I can imagine this perfume in a fancy perfume bottle with the squeezy spray. A good perfume to make a statement with. And a good one for the evening. This stuff is ultra feminine.
  3. ouch!

    Slobbering Pine

    This is like a sort of...aquatic pine. It's not a detergent pine which was what I was expecting. It's a fresher version of Hemlock. This oil has two very different and very distinct stages too. The first one is what I just described and then the second one is so bizzare. It's almost like a soft sweet plasticy smell, nothing like pine at all. But also very hard to describe. It's way soft and very close to the skin. Weird. i did not expect this perfume to act like that. I wouldn't buy this in bottle form.
  4. ouch!

    Earth Phoenix

    This smells like fruity dirty flowers. In a good way. The famous "Dirt" note is here but it's prettied up with an oriental fruity vibe. It's really unusual as always with the dirt note, it's stuck between nice and eurgh. The flowers are more prominent as it dries and the fruit has subsided...then it fades to a breath of faint flowers. I really like this and don't really have much to say on it. It's not my favourite of the Phoenix's released in 2008 though and the one downside is it doesn't last long at all on my skin.
  5. ouch!


    My chemistry likes Civet, unfortunately I don't think I like it myself. This perfume is Czernobog Pour Femme! Czernobog's opening notes were green notes and civet. This is opium & civet. It's bearable at first but as it dries the Civet just get's too... weird. How can you describe this strange alien smell. It smells like carpet. Done!
  6. ouch!


    I'm getting the linen/laundry smell, I'm also getting a floral from this...and...something in here reminds me off Fairy Market. Yum! It's like it's in the same family. There must be a sort of grassyness somewhere. It's one of those perfumes that when it wafts around you and you get an unexpected blast it's like..."OOooh I smell lovely". Had a few compliments too. It's fresh...light..and I want a bottle now!
  7. ouch!

    Dr. John Seward

    This is really kinda sweet on me. As someone has said before..this does have an element of Khajuraho to it. The ginger and Tonka are prominent on me when it's first applied. Yum...J'Adore tonka. The ginger gives it a sort of...foody/woody smell. But it soon dissapears. The perfume switches though and the opium does what it normally does, which is make a perfume smell classic. (To my nose anyway) It just gives perfume that..."perfume" quality. I can only slightly smell the champaca, it's there adding it's beaty to the blend but it's not a strong note. I really don't know what to make of this. Khajuraho is in my top 10 LE's, and this is similar but.. sweeter and not as breathtaking as Khajuraho is to me. It's still quite a complex perfume though and if the notes weren't listed I probably would never have guesed them.
  8. ouch!

    #20 Love Oil

    I'm not really a fan of this one. I get Almond & Cinnamon forst off and then the blend very quickly settles into a powdery rose. Not a very outstanding scent in my opinion. It's kinda just normal. If you like rose though.. go for it!
  9. ouch!


    I like this one...yes I do! It smells green green and stemmy and a bit perfumey at first with a slight hint of citrus. It's one of those oils that makes you feel clean and refreshed. It's like a more grown up version of Green Phoenix what I mean by grown up is..there's a pefumey element to this wheras GP was all fresh and light and gawwwjus!! This is all in the opening of the perfume. During drydown this get's much stronger and much more perfumey, it's starting to smell more classic now, and alot more like an expensive department store perfume, the greeny ness has gone! It's turning more floral and pungent but in a good way!!! It gets stronger still as it dries but the smell is still the same. Where is this coming from? It started out as a fresh green soft scent that smelled like shampoo and now it's a full on in your face floral. Interesting.
  10. ouch!

    Milk Chocolate Buttercream

    This smells goooood! This is by far the best of the "Box Of Chocolate" scents I have tried. The chocloate is only therre when the oil is first on, it's a kind of fake-ish chocolate but it's still really nice, it's a vit creamier than the other blends due to the buttercream/vanilla. The dry down and dry stages of this oil are where it becomes so nummy that I wanna eat my wrist. The dry stage has big similarities to, the vanillary cakeness that's in "Midway" and the very dry stages of "Egg Nog". I'ts like that custardy vanilla that's sweet sweet sugary but soo good. The chocolate has completley gone and I'm loving this. It's not overpowering but enough to draw compliments. When the oil is very dry I feel like I've slathered my skin in Cocoa Butter cream. YUM! Love this oil alot.
  11. ouch!

    Cheshire Cat

    I am loving this. Fruity scents are some of my favourites so I knew this was going to be a winner. The citrussy grapefruit is apparent straight away, and there's a sweetness to this blend that makes it very youthful. It turns slighty more floral as it dries but there's still some fruit there. This one is a winner.
  12. ouch!

    Kubla Khan

    Oh I really wanted to like this but it's going all wonky on me. The notes just sound amazing. I love Champaca. I'm getting a very powdery Opium scent. Smells like 20 year old spoiled perfume. Sorry Kubla Khan, my chemistry doesn't like you!
  13. ouch!


    Hmmm this is what I think Death Of Autumn should have been named. It's more apt. October is very masculine. When it's first applied it has a spark of ozone/aquatic to it behind all the manliness. It's a nice manly scent don't get me wrong but...nothing I haven't smelled before. It's a bit generic. I get no smoke at all, it's more of a fresh, slightly aquatic musky dealio. Not really a fan of this. Ah well, you can't win them all.
  14. ouch!

    Baron Samedi

    This scent goes from Sweet Almonds to VETIVER Very quickly and doesn't change at all. I get no rum...no bay...no anything really. Off to swaps.
  15. ouch!

    Black Dahlia

    This starts out as a kind of sweet jasmine not the overpowering kind. The rose is there too and it's pleasant but nothing amazing yet. The jasmine has moments of trying to take over completley on drydown but that doesn't happen thankfully. Then the smells all come together to form a soft, sweet floral with the jasmine behaving nicely. Nothing to write home about with this one. Sorry. There are MUCH nicer florals out there!
  16. ouch!


    2007 Version Oh dear This blend is a total mess on my skin. It smells like a really really cheap musky mens cologne with a horrible out of date honey over the top. Then..BANG! Powder of doom all over the place. I'm gonna go wash it off immediatley.
  17. ouch!

    Gingerbread Poppet

    This is the 2007 oil (Just for the record). Ok, this oil does what it says on the tin!! It's ginger and spice and warm smelling when it's first applied. Then, the cinnamon bursts out and becomes the main note for a while which I find a bit too much. The dry stage is the most pleasant and realistic stage. It really does smell like sweet gingerbread...this would be lovely in an oil burner. I can smell the sugaryness of the oil., YUM!!
  18. ouch!

    The High Priest Not To Be Described

    oOoooh spicy! I really like this. More than I was expecting to. It kind of reminds me of Sepent's Kiss minus the dragons blood. This oil really opens up during the dry down stage and the incense and chamomile smell so yummy together. This oil really does have a strange list of ingredients but it works. The leather smells differrent to any leather in other blends, it's like leather-lite. It's a spicy yet kinda sweet scent and it's not too heavy. It's really pleasant. Not bottle worthy for me but I'm enjoying my imp today!
  19. ouch!


    This blend opens with a burst of sugary mint with the lemon and cardamom. It's quite refreshing, almost like drinking a cocktail. Then the anise creeps in and the sugar amps up to an almost burnt brown sugar smell. (Which is really appropriate as you are supposed to burn sugar into absinthe when you drink it in order to take off the edge) Genius!!! Then the mint backs off and it's going more like brown thick liquorice with a citrussy element (Cardamom). The whole time this blend has an underlying sweetness behind all of the notes that are sparkling on the top i'e the citrus, the mints etc. Dryer still, the mints have almost vanished and it's really sugary, the cardamom, anise and a slight citrus are all that's left and it's very faint. This blend eventually dies down to a faded sugary smell. All this happens VERY quickly. Literally 5 minutes. This blend doesn't work for me.
  20. ouch!

    Crypt Queen

    This is yum! I'm not even sure how I came across getting my mits on this but I ain't complainin! Ok so Crypt Queen immediately reminds me of one Mme.Moriarty. It's that deep dark red fruit smell. It's gorgeous. Very sharp, vary tart and very biting to the point of almost smelling minty. It's quite a complex scent and everytime I sniff my hand I get bits and peices of other notes. It's just stunning!! The sharpness dies down after a while and I can smell the powdery dustiness of the patchouli coming through, not so much that it's overtaking but it's adding to the overall smell. It's really weird because sometimes this smells a bit foresty, like there's pine or fir in here. This is one complex oil and I love it. As it dries furher it becomes more..dusty, less sharp. Still smells like deep red fruits but lees biting. It smells alot more like Mme.Moriarty in this stage. It's the patchouli mixed with the plum methinks! Softer still when it's completley dry. But it retains that dark red fruit throughout. Winner!
  21. ouch!


    This is a very zest green scent with white flowers. The lime jumps out when it's first applied and smells a bit fizzy with the white flowers behind. As it dries the white flowers come out to play a bit more and they stay soft, the lime and lemongrass are the main players throughout. This is one of those blends where I think alot of the notes get lost. I mean, there are so many and it's hard to pick out certain ones. Cocount is gone... amongst other things. It just smells zesty and floral but a blend of both things and I can't pick out particular flowers.
  22. ouch!


    The cinnamon in this is so light it's barely detectable but it's blended with the other notes so well that it's gorgeous!. This oil is fantastic!! It's a sweet and slightly foody scent that reminds me of Snake Oil without the spice. I never would have picked this out for myself but SO glad I have now smelled it as it' could easily knock another oil off of my top 10 GC's! The throw of this oil is really good, I think the fact that my imp is aged quite a bit helps. To describe the smell I would say it's like a warm light brown smells that's musky and foody. The kind of smell that you want to keep sniffing all the time. Want to slather!
  23. ouch!

    Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills

    Oh my gosh this is such a stunning perfume!!! The wet stages??? Not so much but the dry stage is gorgeous. When it's wet I'm getting a frosty mint and the greenery from the Fir. It's a nice crisp clean scent in this stage but not my favourite. The dry stage is . It retains the clean freshness but it get's softer and soo pretty. The amber is giving such a nice feel to this perfume. It does smell a bit plasticy but in SUCH a good way I really want to slather in this...it's gorgeous. I don't get any berries strongly but I can see they're playing their part. The perfect winter scent to make you feel fresh and crisp like a winter morning.
  24. ouch!

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    This on me is a very deep Jasmine/Gardenia smell with a thick luscious sweetness that could be be honeyed vanilla or somethng to that effect. There is a spicyness to this that I'm guessing is either cassia or cinnamon and it smells like a combination of dust/wood. It's quite potent so doesn't need much (As with many other jasmine blends). The dry stage is much nicer. The sweetness comes out mor and takes care of the overwhelming Jasmine that attacked in the beginning. It's definiatley more vanillary now but it's very thick, it's not the vanilla you find in Dorian, it's the vanilla you find in Dragon's Milk and Tombstone! Not really for me this blend.
  25. ouch!

    Velvet Unicorn

    This is one of those scents that I saw the description and thought....I must have that! Immediately.....if not?? SOONER!! I'm getting a slight tropical vibe from this and I'm definatley getting the likeness to Marshmallow Poof. MP is slightly coconutty to my nose and that's why I'm getting the tropical thing going on. It's like Marshmallow Poof with some fluffy sugar and fruit added to it. It smells slightly effervescent too. It's a fun bouncy scent that makes me think of a bag of sweets. Yum!! It's the kind of scent that you'd pick a certain outfit to wear with it like... (If I was a girl) I'd wear my hair in pigtails and have some sort of skirt with pink fluffy trimming. In fact, I think I might just go and throw that ensemble on right now The fruit in here doesn't smell like either cherry or strawberry to me it's almost like a citrus...a light citrus... The dryer stage of this is really where the marshmallow element comes out. Once the oil is dry it's a dead ringer for when you stick your nose in a bag of marshmallows. This is my favourite part. I really wish it was stronger though.. I love this scent!