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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!

    Anne Bonny

    Anne Bonny This is another one that has grown on me over the time I've worn it. The first time I smelled it I thought it was quite medicinal, kind of eucalyptus. But over time that changed.... The Red Sandalwood was the most predominant note for me. Which was quite fitting due to the whole, pirate, wooden, ship kind of thing. The frankincense was also quite stong, but the sandalwood stayed stong all the way to dry. It didn't really change very much either, it was just a nice woodsy scent. I think it's definately a unisex scent aswell! Overall...I didn't find it amazingly special but it was quite pleasant!
  2. ouch!

    The Caterpillar

    ooh this is ever so pungent, in a nice way. It is indeed, really incensey but very very floral and perfumey at the same time. I can't detect any moss or anything green like that, it's just a very strong perfumey floral with alot of incense. I think the Jasmine is the most prominent floral... It doesn't really change much from wet to drydown either... It's defintaley got alot of throw and lasts a long time. Would be nice as an evening thing for a lady, but not really for me....
  3. ouch!


    Ladon This is the first Dragon's Blood scent that I've tried that hasn't been completley taken over by the Dragon's Blood. It's mainly the apple blossom, and apple that I can smell with a tiny hint of Dragon's Blood. It's actually really pleasant and very light and fresh. I can't detect White Musk at all, thank god because I just think it would ruin the blend for me It's a shame this Imp leaked everywhere and I only got to try it once But hey, I'm happy to have tried it at all......
  4. ouch!

    Storm Moon

    What to say what to say? Erm...nothing really that someone else hasn't said already. Very Aquatic, very Ozone. I can smell lemon in here I think, and there's defintately a similar note to Sea of Glass... mixed in with the lunar oils! It's very fresh, and a few people said it smells like Laundry (Which is a good thing I think). It's nice, for when you want a quick uplift of freshness!
  5. ouch!


    Ok....This is a strange one! The two most predominant notes for me are..GRAPE...and CLOVE. There's definatley clove in here somewhere. When it's wet it's all grape and clove, which to me is a very strange combination...I do not like it one bit...so far there have only been a few BPAL's that I've not liked very much and this wet stage is not winning either.... Once it's dry slightly though, this very resin'y incense kinda smell happens, it's either Frankincense or Myrrh. It's much more tolerable now, but that grape soda smell just won't go away..it's kind of ruining it a bit. Setting sun?.....erm....not really. It's not warm, calm or relaxing enough for that..it's a scent that's trying to be bouncy and fruity but mysterious at the same time....it's slightly medicinal smelling to me. (sorry I'm just totally typing what springs into my head between sniffs) There's a wood in here somewhere too. This is a very strange blend for me......And right now I'm going to go back and read what everyone else has to say about it. Because I'm a bit baffled! Ouch!
  6. ouch!

    Where is this scent?

    Tum is one of the Stations of the Sun scents, from the Excolo category. Yay thanks...............mwah!
  7. ouch!


    OOOH! Me no like! This is almost all opium on me. Which, if I'm honest, I'm not too fond of. It smells very much like a perfume shop counter perfume from the old days, which I suppose where the commercial scent "Opium" comes from. Now....I'm not that familiar with Narcissus, but there's definatley no Myrrh... Very perfumey and something that my nan would wear.....it should not have been caled Darkness in my opinion.... No 5ml for me..................
  8. ouch!

    Where is this scent?

    Oh my gosh I'm about to go insane!!!! I've been searching the forums and review threads for about..oh let's say 25 minutes now...and I need some help! I have an imp of "Tum" I know I've seen the reviews somewhere (maybe) either in unreleased, or discontinued scents. But I think it's gone! It's taken me about 10 mins to find this thread just so I can ask..... *checks himself into forum training 101* Who is this "Tum"? and where does she come from? It's not very nice either But it just so happens to be my random imp picked out of my box to use for the next couple of weeks! Can anyone help out a poor fellow? Ouch!
  9. ouch!


    Bloodlust Hmmmm there is something about this blend that is making go I think it's the Vetiver. When it's first applied it's all Dragon's Blood and Vetiver, that's the note I've decided I don't like. It gives the blends a very sharp, almost peppery feel to it, that is hard to get used to. Thankfully this doesn't last too long, because I would have been put right off the oil! So.....once it passes the wet stage the red musk comes out a bit more, which I love and the vetiver takes more of a back seat. It settles down to a nice musky blend, with a touch of dragon's blood! No 5ml for me though
  10. ouch!

    Does BPAL stain?

    I would say it Definately does stain....well...........some anyway, Snake oil has stained my fave white shirt, and my skin on all occasions that I've worn it. (I'm not mad at the Snake Oil though ) Mme.Moriarty has stained my brand new marroon top! and today, Bloodlust flicked onto my shirt.....I'm gonna pay for that one! Hehe! *goes to find strong stain removing stuff from somewhere*
  11. ouch!

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I have an imp of Aeval......When I first smelled it, I completley fell in love..and I mean LOVE!!!! So much that my first order from the lab contained a 5ml..... My 5ml arrived and it's a COMPLETLEY different smell altogether...it's actually something that I would never have ordered. It's still nice but the love factor is not there. What the hell happened? I'm hoping that the imp is the more aged version....so I can wait...but the difference is so extreme I don't have much faith. Eep!
  12. ouch!

    Dragon's Heart

    Dragon's Milk is my first love of the Ars Draconis oils but I would say this is my second favourite! Lovely lovely lovley! The Dragon's blood is the most apparent note when it's first applied and wet....but once that dies down a bit more the Red and Black musks really take hold...and give off a very sexy powdery scent, there is a slight Blackcurranty feel to this blend but it's mainly the musks for me! It's quite powerful and lasts a long time! I love the colour of this oil...very dark and thick, just like the blood straight out of a Dragon's Heart would be! To sum up...I would say this scent is similar to Spellbound, but with Dragon's Blood thrown in! It's gorgeous
  13. ouch!

    Turn around time

    Hi mamapie... I'm a fellow brit.. cor blimey and all that! I placed my first order on the 24th of feb.GOT IT TODAY!!!!! Soooo fast so hope that gives you hope!!!!! I'm still squealing from opening the prescioussssssss! ETA: by the way
  14. Have you tried Pop In The Bath Bubble Bar? It's the same...so you can layer the scent! I'm not sure there was a perfume of Olive Branch......There definatley was a Shower Smoothie made specially! There were definatley perfumes of American Cream/Flosty Gritter, Potion/Ruby Red Slippers, Honey I washed The Kids/Ma Bar, Fever/Hollywood/Mirror Mirror and...Snowcake! So I don't think you've missed out anywhere (I could of course have completley missed it myself)
  15. ouch!

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    Strawberry Moon Ok...My review agrees completley with Lotusjenn.....Except that I like the fact that it's plasticy Strawberry..... I don't get any "lunar" feeling like most of the other Moon oils...and I definately don't get Lotus or anything else... It's definately just plain...plastic Strawberry that gets more and more plasticy smelling! And it's fun.
  16. ouch!

    Empyreal Mist

    Hmmmmm! This scent relly confuses me. To my nose....It's a compleley balanced mix between Fruity, Floral, ozone. But it doesn't switch between the 3, it's all 3 at once. It's really fresh smelling (the fruit and ozone I suppose) but it's also very very soft at the same time (the floral). It's kind of like something a teenager would wear I think, like a body spray. It IS very misty, as the name says... There's not much throw with this one unfortunately, but it suits the oil. If it had alot of throw it would take away the whole "mist" element. Overall, it's a soft but fresh, quite girly scent.
  17. ouch!


    ATHENS I have kind of changed my opinion of this one over the 2 weeks I've been wearing the imp. I didn't like it at first but it's grown on me. First off it's all wine and honey (which was the reason for the dislike at first) Someone at work said "I'm not too fond of your imp today, you smell like you're hungover". Hmmm, if that's not enough to put me off I don't know what is. But because of my pure and utter love for Bpal I persisted because I know how these oils can morph and change over time. The drydown stage is the nicest, the wine dissapears and it's like a spicy honey, with alot of floral. To me it's along the same lines as Sed Non Satiata. Not the same, but that same kind of feel! It doesn't really evoke the feeling of athens to me...but hey. It's nice. A little bit sultry...little bit sexy. Hopefully it will turn you ladies into greek godesses (Or gods if you're a guy like me )
  18. ouch!


    Numb Numb to me is, like most people have said, powdery, soft violets! It's pretty much like there aren't many notes in it. And I wouldn't say that it's cool, or cooling. Nevertheless it's still nice. Occasionally I do get a strange smell. It's like a crushed in the rain violet. And not in a good way. It's like soggy, trampled on by shoes in the rain violet. Yeah... that's more like it. It's almost like a dirty violet. But it's only sometimes. Most of the time it's very nice and fresh. Alot of people at work that had my wrist shoved under their nose said they liked it, and they definatley agreed it was a summer scent!
  19. Bon Vivant smells way similar to Champagne by Yves Saint Laurent!
  20. I've had a few that I can't tell the difference between, or are extremely similar. Hopefully it's not a problem with my nose. "Spellbound" and "Lust" smell identical to me when they are wet and only change slightly on drydown. I can't tell the difference between "Red Lantern" and "Hearth" And yesterday i put Aizen Myoo on one hand and Sea Of Glass on the other. Extremely similar to me. Slight difference on drydown but not much. It's like sea of glass is a slightly more floral version of Myoo or myoo is a slightly more fruity version of sea of glass. Am I going crazy?
  21. ouch!

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    This is another one of my top 5, Wet.... it's got a slightly green note to it that I'm not really sure about. My nose isn't that finely tuned, but it soon turns into a really really sweet smell. I describe it as rubbers. Rubbers meaning, my friend used to collect pencil erasers when she was a kid, and some of them had this smell, almost identical to Aunt Caroline! It's like a fake plastic, sweet smell. Which some people would probably hate, but I think it's something a bit different. It takes me back to my childhood. It's fun to wear and it has a LOT of throw on me. I wore it out clubbing about 3 weeks ago, and the smell is still wafting every now and then from the jacket I wore that night! Thanks Aunt Caroline, you certainly make me happy!
  22. ouch!


    This is it! This is the one for me. I've finally found it. Hip hip hooray! I've been looking for a smell like this for a long time and i've finally found it, I'm very happy. It's spicy, sensual, incensey and just YUM YUM YUM! This is probably the closest you can get to smelling like a "Head shop" Is that what you guys call it in America? I would say like an occult book store that sells candles, and crystals and things. It does turn slightly powdery when it's very dry but that still doesn't put me off. It's gorgeous and I'm in luuuurve.
  23. ouch!

    The Lion

    THE LION The dry, glorious warmth of the Savannah. A golden, spiced amber, proud, regal and ferocious. After having worn this imp over a 2 week period, I can safely say I LOVE it! When I smelled it first I thought, it smelled like a spicy herbal tea. But as it dries the warmth comes out of the scent (The Amber). It's definatley got something that reminds me of cinnamon, but it's much nicer, because I actually don't like wearing cinnamon. When it's dry it almost goes kind of plasticly sweet on me, which I love. It's that same sort of sweetness that Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Has. But an Amber sweetness, not a bubblegum sweetness. It's absolutely gorgeous and I will be on the lookout for a bottle in the swaps topics for sure! LOVELY!!!
  24. you want something with a hint of orange in to be like SDM - not sure what that would be. bliss is more like cadbury's dairy milk, velvet is drier with the sandalwood & all I can remember about gluttony was that I had to get rid of it as quickly as possible... maybe bliss layered with an orangey something would be good. Have you tried Ravenous? I think it smells so close to Sonic Death Monkey or at least so much that it's highly complimentary. It's probably been mentioned but the closest thing to Potion, on me, is Carnivale. I'd probably suggest maybe "13" for a similarity to Sonic Death Monkey. It's got that orangey chocolate kinda thing going on. Oh my god are you serious? I LOVED Silent White. Does Snowflakes have Pettigrain in it? MUST......SMELL........SNOWFLAKES.........ARGH!!
  25. ouch!


    Ok, now... unfortunatley I have to deal with some of my friends telling me that all my imps smell like air freshner, and I, being the Obsessed person that I am, come to the rescue of the imps, try to point out a few notes to get them to understand and make them change their mind. This time round though, I'm going to have to agree with my friends This to me, smells like citrussy air freshener. It smells nothing like incense and it definately does not smell dark. I wish I could smell the incense note but hey! It's quite a dissapointment actually, It's kind of like one of those air fresheners you'd get that's called, "Rain" or "summer breeze". I think it would be best in an oil burner. *Feels a bit bad for ripping into Nyarlathotep*