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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!


    This is Snow White with a soft creamy mint! These are the snowflakes Snow White would be dusting off of her shoulders on her return from the forest! I do really find Snow White hard to describe so I'm also gonna find this one the same. It's like this..... A really soft musky floral with a slight green tinge to it, with soft mint. Snow White is gorgeous and so is this. It's not the strongest of smells but it's very pleasant and cosy if that makes sense. If I didn't own a bottle of snow white I would have ordered this for sure because it's lovely! If you like Snow White and Mint, you'll like this!
  2. In my experience the scents with the strongest throw have been. The Caterpillar Highwayman (This had a knock you out kind of throw, definately the strongest oil I have tried lol) Euphrosyne Snake Oil Sugar Skull Spellbound Titania Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Aizen Myoo Most of the Dragon's Blood blends are quite throwy! Having said all of that, I suppose it depends on your body chemistry and the batch of oil that you get, I've had 2 imps of the same scent that have had different amounts of throw.... It's really strange I've heard people say that Old Morroco and Dorian have lots of throw on them, these two oils completley dissapear on me.... Body chemistry is a funny thing!
  3. Out of the one's I have tried, none are as nice as Snake Oil, however TEMPLE VIPER is indeed close, it's beautiful! But smells nothing like snake oil to me...it's like a completley new scent. Gawjusss!
  4. ouch!

    Red Lantern

    Gosh...I have ALOT to say about this one! Firstly, I must say I am ever so slightly dissapointed in this, only because the description and name grabbed my attention immediately!! I thought WOW. And was expecting this smoky, sexy, red....seductive scent. On me? Sickly Sweet caramel & coconut(at first). This to me smells EXACTLY like Hearth when it's wet, in fact I couldn't even tell the difference, it's only in the drier stages that it starts to change. Ok so...apart from the dissapointment with the foody side of things at first, as it dries there IS something gorgoeous underneath. It's lovely, I think it's the tobacco and amber. Blackcurrant? I WISH! Where are you? But the caramel and coconut will not hide. They just dominate this scent for me the whole time. HOWEVER... All of this is only when it is first applied onto clean skin! When I apply it again a second time it's another story...the beautiful spicyness that I was hoping for is kind of drowning out the caramel note thank god (only ever so slightly though)! This just proves that BPAL scents have a mind of their own. Love them! I would love to smell this blend without the caramel or coconut because I think it would be an absolute gem and possibly one of my favourites!!! Until then...I'll have to keep applying until the spicyness takes over.
  5. ouch!

    French Love

    This is really really nice! I love Dragon's blood scents, but this is one with a difference. The Dragon's blood is the bottom note which I find really unusal. There is something else in here that I'm dying to know about, so I can go and search for other blends with it in. It's hard to describe, it's almost like a vanilla....or that "Milk" or "Cream" note that's described in other blends and it's absolutely gorgeous!!!! To my nose this smells almost exactly like the "Fever" massage bar that Lush sells. A creamy kind of floral smell. ME WANT 5ML!!! This is my second favourite dragons blood blend that I've tried, second of course to Dragon's Milk!!!
  6. ouch!

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    Fankoooo to both of ya!
  7. ouch!

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    Can someone tell me where I find the international shipping rates? I have seen tehm before but can't remember what they've been changed to since they went up? Sorry if it's obvious, I've searched for a while! x
  8. ouch!

    Two, Five & Seven

    Rose indeed! When wet, this is a big bright rose! Like a huge pink fizzy giant rose . It's really nice. It reminds me of a posh rose soap or bubble bath, all luxurious and fragrant! You can definately tell there is more than one rose in here because it changes so much, the sweet bright ones appear first then as it dries the quieter smaller roses come out, that's when the greenness appears too. Only slightly though, there's way too much rose to let anything else get in the way! Someone did say to me I smell like old lady perfume, but still I'd like to say I smell more like Turkish Delight!
  9. ouch!


    OMG LOVE LOVE LOVE! This is the first BPAL that I've tried that morphs and I've absolutely adored both the wet and dry stages. I want a 5ml of this immediately if not sooner!!! At first it's the Neroli and blood orange that stick out, it's gorgeous and I love neroli. It reminds me of this spicy orange oil burner oil I used to use when I was 16. It's ver nice, almost like burnt oranges (in a good way) or like a cosmopolitan! But then as it dries, it turns to a lovely berry smell (the raspberry) and then on me...changes again to a very sweet, almost vanillary berry. My skin seems to turn everything so sweet, and it's like a lovely soft raspberry smell! I ADORE this oil and can't wait to order a bottle!
  10. ouch!


    Wow this is FUN FUN FUN! It's really really fresh and frutiy, it smells pearlescent, yup that sounds weird, but when it's wet it has this rounded, powdery pearly smell that I really cannot describe. Almost like some sort of luxury shower gel or bubble bath hehe. (is it the hedgehog musk? who knows?) So, as I said when it's wet it's a burst of alot of things, mainly fruit but as it dries it morphs a hell of a lot on me, the sage becomes much more prdominant and it goes alot more green. I cannot detect the patchouli at all, which I'm thankful for because as much as I like it, it would ruin this lovely scent for me! The rose is not apparent either. I think it get's drownded out by all the other notes! It's definately got alot of kick at first, and would be a lovely summery daytime thing for a younger girl. Very nice indeed!
  11. ouch!

    Dragon's Milk

    Now this is what I'm talking about!!!!! Dragon's Milk is (In my opinion) by far the most beautiful of the Dragon's Blood blends. Absolutely gorgeous. It combines the kind of strange hippyish/lilac smell of dragon's blood, but is so soft and sweet because of the vanilla. I've already bought a bottle of this after smelling the imp once! It's lovely to wear and has alot of throw on me. It gets softer and softer with wear because the Dragon's Blood calms down as it dries giving the honeyed vanilla a chance to shine. The blend of scents melt into each other to make it by far..the best Dragon's Blood secnt EVER!!! Instant love and now in my Top 10! Ouch!
  12. ouch!

    Dragon's Reverie

    As I've said before, I'm totally biased when it comes to reviewing Dragon's Blood scents because i luuurve them. This one is not the nicest of the one's i've tried but still pleasant all the same. Obviously the Dragon's Blood is the first thing to jump out. This always happens for me. I'm not really sure what poppy smells like so I can't comment, but I can say that as it dries down the Amber gives it a slightly softer feel, and the ylang ylang is apparrent too. I wish I could know what poppy smelled like to know if it's there or not! When it's completely dry it does smell quite sharp...so maybe that's the poppy..who knows? hehe. It's a nice blend, a slightly softer one to some of the others!
  13. ouch!

    Harvest Moon 2006

    Hmm.....as a few people have said, there is SO much going on with this scent but to me is really really berryish and sweet. Must be the sugar cane, it's really really nice and even though there's no vanilla in here (I don't think) it smells like sweet vanillary berries. I really wish I could detect some of the more interesting notes like the Hickory or the sage but I can't. It's quite powerful and does calm down after a while but it's still just lots and lots of sweet fruit! LOVERLY!!!!
  14. ouch!


    This smelles like Lemongrass/Verbena with a slight undertone of Lavender. It does dry slightly herby too... It also has the strange note that I've smelled before in other blends...which is...trampled on wet flowers.. Sounds strange I know but it's the only way I can describe it! I gave this to my psychic friend because I thought she might have a better use for it than me....so I might update if she mentions anything....
  15. ouch!


    Well I again I don't know what I can say that people haven't said already so I'll try and keep it short. Erm. When wet YES, this is definately pure melon on me, not Watermelon...but more honeydew or Canteloupe. I don't get any grape at all...which I wish I did because that would have been interesting. The Melon smell doewsn't last throughout though, this does dry down completley different on me...it turns into an Aquatic floral (Which I'm not usually too fond of) which just to me smells very...generic. It's probably me just not having a trained nose, but. It doesn't smell like anything special.....I seem to always want the Melon back hehe! . It's very pleasant and fresh...but the wet stage is much nicer than the drydown for me!
  16. ouch!


    I would put this scent into the same category as say...Madrid, Athens and Sed Non Satiata. It has that same kind of feel. There's definately a boozy element to this when wet. And also an underlying sexiness. Iy does morph somewhat and the booziness goes away (thank goodness). It's quite floral too...but O can't put my finger on anything specific. And I do not smell Lemon's for sure!
  17. ouch!


    This is FLOOOOORRAAAAAL! At first For a little while it's like walking into a huge room filled with Lillies...There is no rose at all really for me duning any part of wearidge! When it calms down though, it's much more pleasant, it does go slightly powdery but it's an extremely fresh scent. I wouldn't have put this as the scent to evoke the feeling of the church, maybe the gravestones and flowers outside. I get no incensey notes at all... I would never have tried this one on my own, but regardless of that, it's a very fresh floral, mainly smelling of lillies on me. Ouch!
  18. ouch!

    Hymn to Proserpine

    This is really pleasant. And for me...it's a whole new take on Amber.. The Amber in here is so different to the Amber in Blood Amber or The Lion. It just shows it can change it's spots if need be!!! This is a lovely, soft fruity, sweet amber but there's something else there too that's very nice. Wish I knew what it was. It kind of reminds me of a note that is in "Dune" the commercial perfume...not entirely, but the note that I cannot put my finger on (not the amber or fruits). Whatever it is it's very pleasant anyway. It's fresh and fruity and feminine (didn't stop me wearing it though hehe)
  19. ouch!


    Kumiho This was not an imp I ordered it was a frimp! And it's very pleasant. It's quite a plain simple scent to me and it doesn't have hardly any throw at all. When it's wet, it's very ginger/lemony, it;s nice and fresh and I've been wearing it in this lucky bit of sunshine we've been havin in Smoggy London! It only morphs ever so slightly on dry down (which happens fast) which I presume is the Tea. Still very nice though. There's not much really to say, it's simple and pleasant, and a nice oil to use if you need a bit of a refresh!
  20. ooh thank you! There's hope after all! I was sending the e-mails from my work address so maybe that was the problem!!!! I'll go and check the thread now...
  21. Oooh another concerned person here, I placed an order on the 26th April and have heard absolutely nothing! I've e-mailed the lab twice and pm'd someone on here....NOTHING!!! No click N Ship....no e-mail reply... Order number ID No.7476483342877192E It was a paypal transaction..... I'm scared... I think I may have been forgotten completley...... Where is my Temple Viper and Imp of Poisoned Apple? it's been 7 weeks! Have all the labbies gone home? *cries*
  22. ouch!

    The Music of Erich Zahn

    Wowzers! This was a surprise and a half. This was a frimp from the lab and it's absolutely gorgeous. It's like an even better even sexier version of Titus Andronicus (which I also adore). It's very musky and spicy and complex, but it has a lovely sweetness to it that just makes it yum! I'll defiantely get a bottle of this one. It just really reminds me of Titus Andronicus.....BUT BETTER!
  23. ouch!

    Blue Moon 2007

    Finally it's here and I'm really really scared to review it but here goes! Ok first off this is FRESH! Fresh fresh fresh! And very very floral on me. It's like a million blue petals wafting around me. There is a slight watery/aquatic note to it too that makes it very cool on the nose. I can't really pick out any one thing in particular (sorry ), but one of these flowers is sticking right out possibly the buttercup...hmmm. I get no woods at all. I must say however....it doesn't blow me away like I thought it was going to, I thought it would be more magical, please don't kill me *hides behind sofa* But it is very very pleasant and will be gorgeous on a hot day to make you feel all light and fresh! Overall it's a fresh floral, with a water feel! ETA: This sometimes goes powdery on me...
  24. ouch!

    Black Phoenix

    Whoa this is a morpher! This goes from sweet to sexy very very quickly! As everyone else has said this starts out Almond/Cherry for definate, I'm not really too fond of Almond on my skin but it goes away quite quickly. Once it starts to dry, it changes completley on me almost immediatley. I think this has got violet in it, because violets to me smell like trampled on muddy petals, and I'm definately getting that vibe. There's also definately some kind of wood in here, Sandalwood most probably. Possibly rose but that's not for definate. It's very sultry, and kind of powdery but with a floral/wood edge. I wish I knew what was in here! Grr! The more it dries, the softer and more rounded the whole thing becomes...still a teensy whiff of the almond back there but only ever so slightly.... I don't know if I'd get a bottle of this but I can think of a few people that would like it for sure. ETA: I'm convinced there's grass in this blend!
  25. ouch!


    Hearth... This is like pure sticky sugar at first....definately a foody, cookie like sweet smell! It's very thick and has alot of throw! It doesn't smell like what a Hearth would smell like to my nose. When it dries a bit there is a deeper different smell that comes out, I think it's the smoke, but it's really dominated by this sugary smell that's similar to sugar skull..... I wish it was more like the description but hey.....I don't get wood, cherry, or tobacco at all from this at any point. It's just sugary cookies with a tiny bit of smoke every now and then!