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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!

    Peony Moon

    I've never actually smelled what Peony smells like on it's own, but I'm pretty sure that's the floral that kicks me in the face when I apply this. It smells kind of like roses but nicer. It's like a much sweeter rose, much more like Turkish delight than rose. I much prefer Peony for sure because some roses just smell very old lady on me. So, at first this is a whoosh of sweet flowers. I'm also not sure what plum blossom smells like but it's still lovely. It definately smells a bit watery, like petals floating on water and only when it starts to dry do the woods appear. They're not overpowering thank god because I think they might ruin this. They're very soft and subtle and change the blend slightly! It's very nice but I wouldn't buy a bottle. It's very pretty and pink!
  2. ouch!

    Poisoned Apple

    Ok so yup...this IS apple. I would say a green apple more than red though! It's a perfumey apple when it's wet, most probably the opium. And I can detect a slight woodyness too. I'm not sure what Oleander or Hemlock smell like but I'm presuming it's one of those that's giving off the woodsy scent. After about 30 mins the whole thing comes together beautifully. The apple calms down a bit, the opium dissapears..(Thank god) and that woodsy smell comes forward to balance things out nicely. It smells like an apple brought in from the wood by the evil queen to kill Snow White! I wouldn't buy a 5ml but I have two friends that have fallen in love with this. That's their Christmas present sorted!!!!!!
  3. ouch!


    This packs some PUNCH!!! She's the second of the Muses I've tried and both have been the same with the throw element! (Euphrosyne was the other). At first it's Rose & Ylang Ylang, extremely floral.... After a while, and I mean about 30 mins of good throw, it fades and yay!!!! Sweet Pea my love....only slightly though, it's enough for me to smile because I adore it! I've only recently discovered it and it's there..but only slightly. I don't get Myrrh at all really during the drydown or in fact at any stage. It definateyl has that powedery smell to it and I can detect the Stephanotis, having just finished my imp of Regan so I think that's what I'm getting. It's very nice...but VERY strong and Floral. Strong..I suppose like the muses were!
  4. ouch!

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I just posted one in the gallery Yay thank you!
  5. I have yet to experience any kind of actual reaction from other people or myself from a voodoo oil. But I'm really excited for when it does actually happen. I've been wearing Love Me this past week...I'm still waiting for Prince Charming to come riding down my street on a horse lol. Having said that I do feel happy when I wear Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo, but that's because it's in my top ten and I Luuuurve it!
  6. Oh my gosh! I MUST get my hands on this then!I think 1000 kisses Deep is one of the nicest smells EVER! If you can't live without Alkmaar you can always use Turbo Bubble or FAIRY jasmine.They smell the same!Also 17 Cherry Tree lane is supposed to smell the same as Skin Sin body Lotion...give that a try!But if you're looking for a BPAL that is similar I'm not sure.Sowwwwy!
  7. ouch!

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    When I read the notes for this one I thought. I simply must try this immediatley if not, sooner! It just sounded like somehting I knew I was gonna like and was tempted to buy a bottle straight away. Got an imp and now own a bottle! This is lovely. It smells like fizzy fruit, in the same way that Croquet does. I think if you were to put Croquet on one arm and This on the other you'd smell like a heavenly fruit bowl walking around. It's really fresh and doesn't really morph on me at all. I can't really smell the Orange, It's mainly the Guava I think. And I think the spun sugar is what's giving it the effervescent kind of smell. (Which dissapears quite quickly by the way) If you like fruity bubblegummy kind of smells then this one is for you! The only thing is that it doesn't last long at all *cries*. I wish it had more throw and lasting power because it would be so awesome!
  8. ouch!

    Walk into a florist's shop, inhale deeply...

    I was gonna say The Reaper & The Flowers. Soooooooooo flowery. It's like a Bridal Boquet to me. It's rally really pretty. Good luck finding what you want. x
  9. ouch!

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Just wanted to say.... The bottle tipping thing with Snake Oil can be a mistake unless you wanna knock out an entire room (Which is fun) *giggles*
  10. ouch!

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    EXACTLY what I do. It gives me just the right amount. If I'm feeling particularly slathery, I tip the bottle onto my neck too, and rub my wrists everywhere. I do look a bit silly leaning all over the place but hey!!!
  11. ouch!

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Is there a picture of Diwali anywhere? I've searched the topic but it returned no results, I also had a look in the gallery.. :)
  12. ouch!

    Love Me

    A commanding, dominant oil that increases sexual magnetism, creates an intense and irresistible air of attraction, and amplifies potency. Love me is a nice sexy blend with a good amount of throw and lasting power. I definately get the Coca Cola vibe that everyone is metioning but it doesn't stay like that for very long. At first it is a mild cinnamon scent with some sort of wood and possibly oranges too. The cinnamon is not a kick you in the face cinnamon though thank god. On drydown this turns incredibly sweet...it's more just like a vanillary, woodsy orange. And it's really really nice. Quite unusual really. It's kind of like a spicier "Hunger" a bit more complex. I just hope it attracts alot of people to me, I could do with some Love at the moment! hehe. I'm on the fence about purchasing a 5ml, but maybe in the future!
  13. ouch!

    Blood Moon 2005

    This is defiantely a musky cinnamon scent at first. It's almost creamy. But it still has that Lunar spark hiding in the background. I can detect absolutely no wood in this at all which I find very strange. I like it but it's nowhere near as nice as the other Lunacy blends I've smelled. Maybe because I'm not a great fan of Cinnamon. The cinnamon does calm down a bit after a little while and it does leave behind a subtle blend of woodsy lunar oils...finally! I thought I was going crazy!
  14. ouch!


    This is fun, just like a jester. And it makes me feel happy when I wear it. The scent of Jester should definately be a bright bouncy berrylike smell and I think this is perfect. It reminds me medicine, and I dont mean because it smells medicinal in any way. I mean it reminds me of a childs medicine. One I used to take when I was little. It smells the same in the bottle as it does on my skin and doesn't morph during drydown. It's very berrylike, but not sweet berries, there's something that makes it smell like it would be a sour berry if you ate it. I ADORE neroli but I can't smell it in here at all...which is a shame. it's one of my favourite notes. It would be lovely for a child to wear, Or me...if I'm feeling blue!
  15. ouch!

    Temple Viper

    I ordered a bottle of this the day after I smelled my imp. Now, I'm a Snake Oil lover like many so I was extrmely excited about the snakes to say the least. I've only tried 2 but have 4 more on the way...this one I ordered first because of the notes. I'm in love....this is Smoky and Sweet at the same time. Much more smoky when it's first applied, but then turns into this beautiful Vaniallary resin smell. Only slightly reminicsent of snake oil on me. I think i'm getting Champca too...does champca smell slightly like Gardenia I wonder because that's what I'm getting. I was wondering what the snakes would be like considering that snake oil is such a potent blend with lots of throw, I though that it might just take over everything however, this is practiaclly a brand new scent that only slightly reminds me of snake oil. It's a sweet very addictive smell, Definately something you would wear out at night dressed up in something slinky! I think it might raise a few questions when I wear it..and for now I don't think any other snake is gonna come close to this!!
  16. ouch!

    Red Moon 2007

    WHOOOSH! Did you hear that?.....That was the sound of Red Moon zooming to the top of my favourite Lunacy oil so far list.. I knew I would like it! When it's wet it's a spicy orange smell, absolutely gorgeous. It reminds me of Christmas. But as it dries the orange fades by about 50% and allows other things to come out to play. Musk and something very exotic and almost...vaniallry. That's probably just my body chemistry though, it seems to find vanilla in blends that don't even contain it. I really wish I knew how to describe this one better. Its frustrating me, it smells like no other oil I have tried so far....and I will be hoarding this from the for sale forums so HANDS OFF!!! hehe.
  17. ouch!


    I feel like I should write 2 reviews on Aeval but I won't and the reason is this... I received an imp of this a long time ago, and fell in love so ordered a bottle straight away, when the bottle arrived it was a completley different scent and I mean COMPLETLEY! So I'll write my review on the bottle I have and not the imp...for the record the bottle is still lovely..but nothing like what I was hoping for. I want a bottle of whatever is in the imp, if I could find it I would hunt it down and but lots lol. So...Aeval to me smells quite melony. It doesn't really smell green, maybe only slightly but it's more of a fruity smell that's ever so slightly floral. It doesn't change during drydown much. It IS very fresh and something that a younger person should wear, maybe even a teenager. I can smell the tonka a tiny bit but the most predominant note is something like melons as I said, is that the Sweet Pea?I'm not familiar with how it smells. Overall I would say that this is a scent to wear during the day, not a nightime scent and that's because it's very bright and fun! Sorry, bad review but...I'm a bit heartbroken hehe:(
  18. INSTANT LOVE!!!!! I just knew from the description and idea that I was gonna love this one and hey presto! Morairty is sooo gorgeously sexy! It smells slightly meicinal at first..but that soon dissapears, it does smell very spicy and red and really does conjure an image of this mystical female fortune teller. The musk is the predominant note mosly, but there's also a fruitness to it. It's deep and very addictive, I can't stop smelling my hand. There are some similarities between this and snake oil for sure. It's the way that it's sensual and exotic. It's like an more masciline version of Snake Oil, with less vanilla and alot more spice! I want another bottle before it dissapears, this is definately in my top ten!
  19. ouch!


    This is really unusual to my nose, I've never thought of buying or wearing a scent that smells like pumpkin. It's smells like spicy cookies when it's wet, and when it dries it goes extremely woodsy on me. It gives it a much drier scent that makes it less foody. This was my little brothers favourite imp of mine that he smelled, so I bought him a bottle and my mum made me take it back because she couldn't bear it haha. She just doesn't understand BPAL at all bless her!! I'd like to try the other pumpkin scents..just to see!
  20. ouch!

    Snow White

    2005 Version I've had this bottle for a while but have forgotten to review it oops!!! (I think) Now, I, like alot of people have been totally intruiged about this infamous blend that you hear so much about, and so I stumbled across a bottle on the for sale forum! Oh what joy. It was the first ever unsniffed bottle I'd purchased. How to describe Snow White? It smells like watery, vanialla'ry flowers. They smell musky. This IS instant love for me like alot of other people. It's smells so feathery soft it's gorgeous. There is definately some sort of creamy note in here. But I'm not sure what. It doesn't change on drydown which I'm thankful for, and although it is a chilly but soft smell, it lasts a long time. I'll definately be ordering a bottle of the 2007 version in the coming months before it dissapears! TOP 10 MATERIAL IS THIS OIL!!!
  21. ouch!


    REGAN OMG This was a free imp from the lab that turned out to be beyoootiful! I love those times when you smell a few imps after recieveing lots and you put it back in the box. Then you grab it out at random one day and fall in love!!!! I'm very lucky (in my opinion) that my body chemistry amps anything with vanilla! This is indeed, very feminine. Very sweet and floral. But I'll wear anything if it makes you smell yum. (I'm a boy so...go figure). When it's wet it's much more floral, but after about 10 minutes, my body chemistry makes the vanilla go WHOOSH! And it has a lovely amount of throw! It's an extremely soft, feathery and fluffy floral on me. Kind of like "Skuld". Considering Regan betrayed her father, King Lear quite badly, this scent could have been a bit darker to match her personality...but I'm not complaining. It's sooo nice! I want a bottle for sure and after recently also discovering Othello, I think I need to try more of these shakepseare oils!!!!
  22. ouch!

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I'd just like to say.... I always hear the Xiutlchlti (however you spell it) smells like Angel by Thierry Mugler. My opinion is that is smells EXACLTY like Gucci "Rush" for women. Only because my manager used to wear that perfume and when I smelled Xiutichlihtilchilticihe haha. I thought of her straight away... I bought my mum Angel for xmas one year so am also very used to what that smells like! Does anyone else agree??
  23. ouch!

    Queen of Sheba

    Wet, this is a whoosh of Almond. Smells like Marzipan cookies. Then, as with all other blends that contain almond it dissapears as soon as it's there. The almond scent is literally there for about 20 seconds. What emerges after that is a very strange thing indeed. I wouldn't call it spicy it's more like a woodsy/Nutty smell. I think there's probably some kind of Sandalwood in here somwhere and possibly saffron? A colleague of mine hit the nail on the head with this one. She said. It smells like Rice. And you know what? IT DOES!!!!! It smells like freshly boiled rice. Sooo bizzare. But the way I think of it, The Queen of Sheba possibly had rice as one of her offerings to King Solomon So overall...it's a woodsy/nutty/rice smell once dry on me! I don't think I'll order it again as an imp, but it's certainly interesting and this is one of those imps that has taught me something about history! I love that! ETA: Ok I've waited even longer now and it's changed again...it's a much more spicy floral now (This is an hour into wearing it). This one is a morpher!
  24. Snake oil does have the most fantastic throw though! And yay because it's sooo gorgeous. That is the oil that always get's comments when I wear it!
  25. Because all of the oils are blended by hand, so I suppose it depends on the batch. Some oils age better than others too, plus the whole body chemistry thing.. The oil in Question is Blood Amber (omg love love) I have a bottle and two imps, one of the imps is significantly weaker than the other..so I think it's probably aging mainly that is the cause.... But don't worry, you'll find out which notes and blends work for you.... Like Gardenia is just WHOOOOSH on my skin, and Vanilla too, anything with vanilla is very strong... There are soo many oils..it will take time to figure out... It's all part of the fun of BPAL...