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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!


    Hmmm Rage? That's not what I'm getting from this.. I'm getting a kind of fragrance counter perfume that is quite fruity (but general fruit, no specifics) and with some floral there too...there is a bit of spice when it's wet but not too much and not for too long.. Dragon's Blood??? Where??? Ocasionally and usually when It's wet I get a kind of fiery burnt smell..which is more close to what I think this blend should smell like..but it's only there for a minute. Other than that it's just.. not THAT special (sorry Beth)..
  2. ouch!


    Not knowing what Muscadine or Cereus were before I smelled this blend I couldn't work out what the hell was going on I still don't know what Cereus smells like..so I can't comment however.... Now I know, I can safely say the muscadine dominates this blend at first with the patchouli. It's got that grape smell that reminds me slightly of Blood Phoenix, but with patchouli at it's side! It's ever so slightly boozy but barely noticable (The booze). The patchouli mellows out alot while it's drying and it turns into a much smoother blend. Everything comes together alot more and I wish this would be the point where the Nag Champa would pop out but it's only there a little bit. Not very spectacular for me and I won't be buying a bottle but..I have tried all of the Norn's now so I feel a bit more complete!
  3. ouch!

    Green Tree Viper

    Yep.. Minty snake oil! The mint is strong at first without being overpowering.. but it fades fast on me. Mint always tends to do that. It's a spicy/vanilla/mint. Then it leaves behind the snake oil but it's not as sexy as the normal snake oil... it seems to be more mellowed but still just as musky.. The throw isn't as much as snake oil either but it's definately pleasant! I can's smell bergamot at all... Not may favourite snake so far but still nice. I never would have paired snake oil with mint..or..anything fresh for that matter like green tea or begamot! Interesting!
  4. ouch!

    The High Priestess

    This morphs very quickly then dies!!! it goes from.. Almond >>> Almond/Mint/Aniseed >>>> faint almond/mint>>>>some sort of greenery>>> GONE!! All in about 10 minutes! (I've never reviewed a scent in that way before but it felt appropriate)
  5. ouch!


    WOWZERS this is gorgeous! This is bottled "Lush" on me and I'm never letting it go!! A lovely forumite frimped this for me and I wish I could remember who now because I would grab her and kiss her and swing her round. I put it on my hand and almost fell over at the beauty!!! So...anyway, enough of the sexual intercourse with an oil. I seriously don't know where to start with describing this, it's a million different things at once and it's extrelmey complex. It definately reminds me of a Lush store, I used to work in one so I'm very familiar with the smell..it's kind of like what my clothes used to smell like when I got home from working there, or...when you buy alot of things and you get wafts from the shopping bag...(I know I sound crazy). I would say, I can definately detect wood...definately incense & floral...but there's a complex sweetness that surrounds it and it's stunning!! I just can't get enough of it!! Glad I managed to get a bottle...I'll be on the hunt for more though.. Sorry for the crap review..but some things are just so hard to describe!
  6. ouch!

    Blood Phoenix

    I think I've finally found a Dragon's Blood blend that isn't completley dominated by it!! Wet this is grape, strong in your face grape, like grape sweets or fizzy drink. It also has this..dark edge to it..like it's been burnt or something. That's hard to explain but that's what i'm getting. As it dries the strange burnt side of things calms down a but but.it's still got a major tang! A sharp tang that's overtaking the grape...I have a feeling though that the grape will hold on for as long as possible considering that first kick! A bit further along...whoa this is changing alot.. grape? it's almost non existent, how wrong was I? It's now very very sharp..and tangy all by itself.I'm guessing this could be one of the flowers..mixed with the neroli... Once this stage has passed it's back to grape again, but much sweeter this time...maybe it's the almond sweetening things up, my chemistry tends to amp sweet things. It's all fusing together and becoming a very rounded scent.. and I seriously haven't got dragon's blood from this at all..it's very strange! It's deep, red...and a constant morpher...
  7. ouch!


    When it's wet it's quite sharp and I get neroli...love love love neroli so.. Ok dry , erm...this one is another one that baffles me a bit. Neroli is gone.. I detect it at all, this to me is very very sweet. Almost candy sweet and it's gonna sound extremley strange but it smells like banana, not real banana, the fake sweet banana, like milkshake or a candy one. There's also a hint of the apple blossom there and it's stuck between wanting to be a fruity or a floral. On my skin the sweet always takes over everything so..at the moment it's staying a candy sweet smell..it's like I said before. It's slightly artificial smelling. But I still like it. It's nothing like the crazy floral some people are getting.. I like it!!! Glad I got a bottle before it went away!
  8. ouch!


    LOVE LOVE LOVE! And such an unexpected love too. Got an imp for free, and it was instant love! This is now the second of the Shakespeare oils that I've loved and it's only the second I've tried hehe. This is supposed to be masculine but to me, not one tiny bit. And rose??? no way...this smells to me like clean laundry with some flowers resting on top. NICE flowers though. Not florally old lady flowers if that makes sense! Clean crisp flowers! It could be described as slightly soapy I suppose, but in a goooood way. Expensive posh soap. Not horrible cheap soap. I've got a 5ml already and am so glad this is a GC oil. It's defintaley now in my top 10 GC oils so far!! ETA: Oh wow, I'm reviewing this again 2 years down the line, only because this oil has aged so beautifully that I can't resist. This oil has changed composition completley!! Imagine...Spellbound Lite, this has turned into a gorgoeous...incensey rose dusted with musk. It's absolutely stunning to me now and better than before. Spellbound shot through with air....spellbound in the wind...you get the idea. I'm going to have to get a fresh bottle to smell the way it smelled before as I love both. This is such a good example of how amazing these oils are!
  9. ouch!

    Snake Oil

    <div class="bpal" style="background-color:transparent; border: 1px dotted #000033; color: #000099; padding: 5px; width: 90%; align:center;margin:0 auto 0 auto">By far, our most popular scent! Magnetic, mysterious, and exceedingly sexual in nature. A blend of exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla.</div> How could I possibly have been using BPAL for over 2 and half years and forgotten to ever review snake oil? that's probably the silliest thing I've done!!! Unless I'm being dumb and cannot find my review but believe me I have searched! Anyway.. The famous Snake Oil to me, is gorgeous. Yes...ANOTHER SO lover here. It's a most addictive smell. Vanilla with a massive twist. A twist of spice and mystery. it gets alot of attention because of the amount of throw it has, and people always ask what it is...or comment! It lives up to it's legendary status in my opinion. It does drydown slightly powdery on me which is a bit annoying but only when it's very dry.. I have yet to experience the "aged" SO thing. But..I have a bottle that's nearly a year and a half old and haven't used one drop so..I will surely get to try soon! It's a luscious thick oil.. and it's very sexy spicy and sweet! I don't really know what else to say...it's all been said before!!
  10. ouch!


    Ok I'm so confuddled.... I have an imp of hellfire and I cannot tell for the life of me which one I have, whether it's the old formulation or this one!! I'm reviewing here because..it smells like neither of the descriptions I have but I spose it's closer to this if any! *wonders if that's correct* Ok, this will be a strange review because reading the rest..I get NONE of the same kind of notes or smells!! (oh yeah, it is defiantely an imp of Hellfire, it has the lab label and everything) Well...one of my favourite GC blends is Sed Non Satiata, and this is very similar to that. I got honey straight away (Which is why I'm confused, because it would make more sense that this is the old formulation grr). But anyway..I put SNS on one hand and this on the other, very very similar except that this has a slightly green note to it, and seems to be less sexy, but much more musky...there's a hell of alot of musk in here.....It's a a musky, sexy..almost vaniallery honey blend which doesn't match ANY of the two desctiptions! I NEED AN EXPERIENCED FORUMITE TO TRY THIS AND TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!! That's the only way I can describe it..
  11. ouch!

    Embalming Fluid

    I REALLY REALLY like this!!! I've had my imp for an eternity but never got round to wearing it yet! Well...it was the pick of the week last week and I've fallen in love! I really want to smell this next to 51, so when I get home I will.. They are in the same vein for me, extremely fresh and uplifting... When it's wet it's mainly lemon, but a really nice lemon...not washing up liquid lemon...not fake lemon..it's almost like a green tinged lemon.. As it dries and has warmed up on the wrist a bit, it just becomes this incredibly pleasant crisp smell..the green tea is giving it a slightl herbyness, and the white musk I cannot detect but I'm sure it's adding to the overall smell! I just WISH this lasted longer..it's a shame, citrussy things tend to go fast on me... I think this has to be added to my bottle list though, because it will be beautiful for summer!!
  12. ouch!

    Silk Road

    Silk road to me smells like Cinnamon tea when it's wet, like a dry cinnamon tea. It smells nothing like I expected it to. The spicy cinammon part dies down VERY quickly so it's more mellow, in fact it's almost instantly..this oil does not want to stay around for too long. It does change slightly when it's dry but not very much and I have no idea what's going on with it. The cinnamon is holding on but something is mellowing it out a hell of a alot. It's hard to describe.. It's taken all the spicy kick away and it's fading fast into a soft cinnamon smell... This one is making me think!!!
  13. ouch!

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    First of all I want to say the artwork for this blend is sooo cool! I think Zarita is so pretty despite being a total toy killing weirdo!! Wet this is quite sharp and tangy!! Like a floral orange smell. It's the carnation that dominates the iris and it's really really nice. It's extremley feminine, but that doesn't stop me wearing it at all! The cream note only starts to appear once it's dried off a bit, the orange part backs off (Citrus things sometimes get eaten on me, especially orange). And now it's a nice creamy carnation. The cream note isn't as strong say, milk moon. But that sourness is still there! It's really really nice, but I won't be buying a bottle. The imp is fine for now..
  14. ouch!

    Sage scents - White, Clary, and others

    Another Clary Sage lover here!!! I'd like to find a scent that has it as the dominant note! It's gorgeous, and the best belnd I've ever smelled it in was Lush's Aura Suavis bubble bar! That was the SEXIEST!!!
  15. ouch!


    This is strong....very strong indeed! It reminds me a hell of a lot of Sugar Skull. The only difference being when it's wet, there is a tiny bit of some sort of fruit there, cherry or possibly strawberry..(I never got any fruit from sugar skull). It's like burnt sugar...or toffe or something along those lines...but that dissapears fast! Zooom! It's very buttery and sweet like most people have said with a slight boozy note. I thought there would be alot more booze in it though! When it's dry it does change ever so slightly, it's more..green. There's a slight green note to it, similar to what I smelled in Pumpkin 4. Is it sage? or something like that I don't know. Overall...it's extremley strong and sickly..but in a good way. But I won't be getting a 5ml of this. You'd never run out!
  16. ouch!


    This is really nice!!! But not..amazing enough to warrant a bottle for me! Yes...when it's wet it is floraly and a bit spicy..tiny bit of something woodsy in there too. But it changes ever so quickly for me and goes very very sweet. The spice stays a tiny bit and the Iris goes. It does fade quite quickly though and then just sweetens up into this soft sugary berry smell. Almost as sweet as Bordello. Which is lovely but no wear near as strong as I like! I'm glad I got to try it, but it's not one of the oils that sticks out..
  17. ouch!


    Phobos... I love lemongrass...alot. Not really on my skin though. This is the first time I've worn an oil that is dominated by Lemon. When wet, indeed Yes. This is a massive whoosh of lemongrass/Verbena. I don't get any grapefruit from this blend at all.. When it starts to dry the White musk comes out, and the lemon zesty side of thing fades.. It just leaves behind a very faint lemony white musk. It's not really anything special to be honest. It fades very fast!!! Edited for typos DOI!
  18. ouch!

    Dragon's Hide

    YAY MY 100TH REVIEW!!! This is a slightly smoother mor smoky take on Dragon's Blood for me. The Dragon's blood is always the most predominant note in any Dragon's Blood Blend. But this has the faint smell of Leather & once dry it's kind of smoky! It's nice, but by far not the nicest dragon's blood blend. However, whenver I wear anything with Dragon's Blood. I always get a sense of empowerment, and this still has that effect on me so....
  19. ouch!

    Temple of Dreams

    This will probably be the shortest review I've ever written.. This smells quite simply like Lavender & Urine mixed together...
  20. ouch!

    Pumpkin IV (2007)

    This is the only pumpkin scent I've tried of the patch... I was supposed to get 4 and 5 but ended up with 2 fours! Oooops! Ok so when wet, this is extremley buttery and sweet. Very pumpkin dominated, I love the wet stage I think it's gorgeous, this kind of buttery foody smell is not something I'd usually go for but the more times I apply, the more I'm loving it. One person commented it almost smells like butter biscuits and I agree. It's very smooth... The green side of this only starts to emerge on dry down, it turns to a kind of...perfumey green grass scent. Almost a floral herby/grass. I really like this stage too. And the pumpkin is almost not there at all, or..only there a tiny bit if I sniff hard and concentrate. I really really want to to try all of the rest of the set now, especially number 5!!! *goes on the hunt* Ouch!
  21. ouch!

    Golden Priapus

    This goes very quickly from a Piney slightly woody scent to vanilla city! My body chemistry always amps vanilla like crazy so. It's just a very simple morph from one to the other. Pine/wood TO Vanilla. Wham Bam thank you mam! Ouch! (that's probably the shortest review I've ever written)
  22. ouch!


    Baghdad for me is another one of the Wanderlust collection that doesn't really evoke thoughts/images of it's name. It is however, nice!!! It's quite soft and musky, tiny bit spicy. The fruity notes in this are kind of drowned out at the beginning and fade to nothing quite quickly. This is all about the musk. There a floral here, but it smells like a wet crushed in the rain floral...kind of like how violets smell to me! It's not a blow me away blend, but..still nice. I won't be buying a 5ml.
  23. ouch!


    The description of this had me at Hello! I've actually had my imp for ages but am only just using it now. I do have to say though, this smells nothing like I thought it was going to. Completley threw me off. This smells extremley sweet and vaniallry to me, the same vanilla that's in Antique Lace. There is a slight spice/woodsy element, but overall the oil has hardly any throw. Only after re applying a good few times does it start to jump off of my skin. My chemistry always amps vanilla and I'm not sure if it's in here but this basically smells like a musky vanilla on me!! Even though it doesn't smell like I thought it would. It's still very very nice. If it had more throw I would be buying a bottle of this but, As far as the more "Famous" blends go. This one is a slight dissapointment. I expected more...I don't know if that's hype or not but hey!!
  24. ouch!

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    If you can get hold of any.. NUMB is way violet. Like a chilly wet violet! Good luck! x
  25. ouch!

    Spice me, baby! The spiciest BPAL blends

    Cinnamon...? Blood Moon (If you can get it) Saw Scaled Viper Frumious Bandersnatch (To my nose smells alot like cinnamon) Good luck!