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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!

    Blue Fire

    This is way tropical. It's blueberry and Papaya, I don't get Gin and only a tiny tiny bit of lemongrass. It reminds me of when I used to make Jelly as a kid. Vey strong in your face fruit. It does have a kind of green/dry element to it when it's dry. Almost a dusty smell. Which is a bit weird. But it's still nice!!
  2. ouch!

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    I'll put my two pennies worth in, just for future..hope you're enjoying your weirdo order hehe!!! I was gonna say..(because I love the more unusual scents) Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo (So fun and smells like pencil erasers on me, the nice sweet smelling kind I had as a kid) Drink Me (Seems to be a chaos theory of it's own..so many different strange notes..you Never know what your gonna get) Jailbait It's just a nice novelty scent..start out cinnamon bubblegumey then dries to a nice fruity on me..
  3. Just a mini post to show my concern..(It's not an official oh my gosh where is it yet?) But..I'm getting worried. I'll leave it a while longer before investigating properly.. Got a click N Ship on 2nd August..no preciousss (I'm international so..don't wanna jump the gun) Got another click n ship 7th August..no preciouss (This is more recent though so..not so scary) I got my last order a week before within 4 days...hmm! But as I said..I'll wait a week more or so..Just needed to vent a little bit around people that care hehe. ETA: Oh my gosh...just thought I'd text my flatmate to see if anything had come. He said yep..there's a red and white package from America. so YAY!!!!!! Happy Joy.. He's drunk so he said it took him a long time to read who it was from..could you imagine my suspense???
  4. ouch!

    Santo Domingo

    An exotic, sultry blend of tobacco leaf, bay rum and heady Caribbean blossoms. I really really really like this, but I'm concerened that my imp is aged so much that I feel like I may not be getting the true scent!! ANYWAYS..... When it's wet I get smell that is similar to baby lotion with flowers in. Now....I've experienced the BPAL powder of death before and this is different. It's so so nice and such a clean fresh scent that I hope if I order a bottle this is what I get. I get no tobacco at all, I defiantely get no rum. Which I'm thankful for because I'm not a fan of boozy notes. I was excpecting something different completley. The florals??? I'm guessing rose is one of them, the same sort of rose that's in Othello. The rose in Othello was giving it kind of dryer sheet smell which is gorgeous to me. I detect that here..other than that? I couldn't guess. Sorry a bit of a rubbish review but sometimes..things are hard to describe.. The tobacco only appears once it's dry but the floral and babyness stays..I wouldn't say this blend evokes Santo Domingo in my opinion, fresh maybe it will be a different story.
  5. ouch!

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Thank you Stellans, They're nice!
  6. ouch!

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Yep! The layout's a bit different, but the font & scarecrow are the same.... Yay! Thanks tartchef. I think it's so nice. Can't wait for my bottle to arrive now.
  7. ouch!

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Can I just ask a quick question!! Is the Hay Moon label the same as that awesome picture of the scarecrow on the lab's site??
  8. ouch!


    The wet stages of this perfume are AB-SO-LUT-ELY STUNNING!!! Yes..it's rose but it's a dark, incensey, smokey rose. It just about resembles rose to me so, if you're usually scared of them this blend might still work for you. I'm not too fond of rose myself but since smelling "Othello" and this, I can be turned. I think it's kind of similar to "Scherezade" or I'd say a girly version of "Czernobog", it's that sensual, sexy red sort of smell. I adore red musk too so. I think I'm probably a bit biased. This would be a very sensual scent for a woman to wear out in the evening when she's dressed up very glamourously! Unfortunately the dry stages are not as swoonworthy. The musk is more apparent and kind of takes over..not that I mind. It's still nice. I just think that the wet stage is where the magic happens with this blend on my skin!
  9. ouch!


    Well..this is a dark one! It's at first mainly Patchouli and Myrrh it's also got a very slight medicinal tone to it that's green. It quickly changes though to a FLORAL??? Double Yoo Tee Eff? and powder. Now it smells like dark powder..and flowers. It's still pleasant though, but..I smell like a gothic flower shop that used to be a mother & baby changing room before. I'm wishing that the oakmoss was more prominent. But it's turning powdery. Only a few blends have gone powdery on me so I need to find out what notes are the same. *goes to investigate*
  10. ouch!


    I luuuurve amber so had to try this. I'm not sure what the hell is going on with this but, when I first apply it I get this damp smell which I've smelled in a few other blends. It's like someone trod on some flowers in the rain and mixed them with musk.. I don't like it at all.. When it's drier, this is much much nicer. That would be the gorgeous amber on my skin warming up and pushing the manky flowers out of the way and letting the musk through more too. I even at certain points get a kind of Licourice note which is very nice. It's really really lovely. And a co-worker stopped me to ask what it was. It just softens and softens as it gets drier and drier and it just becaomes one of those scents that melts into your skin. It's really nice. Unfotunately though, the rotten flower note is putting me off wanting to get a bottle!
  11. ouch!

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    Chaos Theory CDXXX (430) Yay!!! Mine when it's wet smells like tropical fruit...I would say it's like mangoes..or guava or possibly both. .And there's berries in here too..lots of em'. But they come out as it dries. The tropical fruit is there first and then BANG...lots of berries. I was hoping for something fruity and I got it. And berries?? I coudn't have asked for more. I wish I knew the exact berries they were, if I was gonna liken them to anything it would be like dewberry perfume from body shop. A small black or red berry, YUM! They're quite tart and I love that!!! The tartness does down after a little while and the berries become much softer. I still have another two bottles from another order so I'm excited about that now!!! This chao theory bottle is going NOWHERE!!! IT'S MINE!
  12. ouch!


    To me this smells very herby and quite perfumey, I would love to be able to smell the purple musk in it but I can't. It smells kind of plain to me and is not anything special. The notes listed were lovely but I can't tell them apart, and it jst smells a bit..meh! I can't get any pomegranite from this. *pouts*. I think it's probably the tobacco that is the main note with something very store counter perfume behind. I think this will be going off to swaps... eeek!
  13. ouch!

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    This, like the desciption says is pale. It's a lovely powdery fizzy lemon scent. But it's not your usual lemon. It's not astringent or cleaning fluid lemon. It's a more light, young, delicate lemon. Unfortunately the throw is not strong. Somebody did ask me a minute ago what I was wearing today, but she knows about my BPAL love. She did say it was pleasant though.. I'm not sure what clover smells like so..I can't say if it's apparent, but I'm guessing it's a green kind of smell. I'm not getting any green at all. The lemon does die down when it's dry. I kind of wish it stayed, because I really like it when it's wet! It leaves behind a very clean smelling powdery smell that again isn't the usual powder notes from BPAL oils. The whole thing is..very light. Not enraged at all. I would say this is more like.. "Sedated Bunny Floating On A Cloud Musk". It doesn't last very long on me either, but I have a bottle to keep applying from.... Overall, I like it alot. I just wish it was a bit more..ENRAGED in the throw department!!!
  14. ouch!

    Black Cat

    I love the idea and description of this oil..unfortunately the smell does note bode quite so well with me When it's wet I get a very light mint that's smothered in roses and baby powder. Mint always goes bye bye on me so..after about literally 20 seconds..I'm just left with Roses covered in baby powder and I'm gonna say..possibly violet. When it's dry it's the same, I smell like an old lady's powder puff! Roses, Violet (Slightly) & powder! I definately will not be getting a bottle of this!!
  15. ouch!

    Love's Philosophy

    Yum!! This is soft scented...but with alot of throw. The saffron is only apparent for me right at the beginning. The cream is sooo nice. It reminds me of Murray Mints. A very very buttery creamy smell with the saffron there too. On dry down the vanilla starts to amp (As ALWAYS with me and vanilla) and it wafts quite a bit...2 people have mentioned they like it so..yay! I smell like vanilla ice cream. When it's dry the vanilla and cream have almost gone..the vanilla is there still but it's not the lovely creamy vanilla that was there before. What it leaves behind is a slightly vanillary sharp smell...which must be the Saffron left lingering on the skin! It's definately lovely.. Glad I got to try it.
  16. ouch!

    Midwinter's Eve

    Love love love! This is just so up my alley! And I thankfully I have enough to last a long time! I found a bottle of the 2005 version and then it got released for yule 2007! I read the description and thought yup I want!!. I'm a sucker for berry/fruit smells. This is very a sweet plum and has alot of throw and it lasts a long time. It smells like candy berries and it's lovely! There is no tartness to this at all it's just quite simple. And not trying to be flash!!! I actually got a bottle for my flatmate and she has used it in her burner (Blasphemy in my opinion) but it worked really well. If you like sweet fruity sugary plum/ berries! Youll like this. It's fun. ETA: When I get home I'll put the 2 bottles I have on different hands to see how it's aged or if there's any difference!
  17. ouch!


    This is lovely! I'm a fan of vanilla so..I'm kinda biased. I'm also lucky (Or unlucky, depends which way you look at it) to have a body chemistry that makes vanilla pounce off of my skin!! The downside is sometimes it can take over a blend completley! This is the case with Tombstone. When it's first applied it's a gorgeous woodsy/sharp vanilla! The imp I have of this is aged alot...so it's very thick! This is the kind of vanilla that is in Snake Oil. On me..very potent, thick and noticable. Unfortunately all the other notes get drowned out pretty quickly by the vanilla in this, but the cedar holds on for the longest. It's hanging by a thread though... After a while it's just straight up vanilla... I still really like it though, and I'm going to put it on a few friends hands to appreciate the other notes because vanilla just loves me far too much! ETA: I actually let this dry right down today for the first time, right down. (And I'm a person who applies regularly) But...until it was almost not there anymore and YAY!!! I smelled wood! Ok, that might not seem cool but for a vanilla blend that's dry? on me?? That's very good. We have a breakthrough!!!
  18. ouch!


    This to me is more like a green/fruity smell than a floral. In fact..I don't think it's floral at all. I can't say I know what Sampaguita blossom smells like, or what the other blooms are. But I'm getting when it's wet, a fruity smell that's alot like pineapple. There's a green tinge to this which I'm presuming is the Palm... It's really nice, I like it alot. I'm not sure if there's supposed to be an aquatic element to this (Judging by the Pacific reference) but I'm not getting that either when it's wet..or when it's dry.. I've had the imp for ages and only just got round to picking it out!! It's a fun smell.. As it dries. I do get a faint woody smell, but it's not too strong and the scent turns alot muskier. Now it's like musky fruit. If I walked through the jungle and smelled anything like this...I'd be smiling happily! It's perfect for the sunny day we're having in London today, which is such a far cry from anything tropical!!!
  19. ouch!


    WHOAAAA! This is black-musk-tastic! With a lime background. It's really really nice and I keep going back and forth between...order a bottle NOW??? or..wait a wee while. It's definately a masculine and sexy scent. It's extremley musky on me, and the lime is the other note that is predominant! I don't get any boozy notes really..I think my body chemistry must be eating them up... Before this blend I didn;t know what a Fougere was...now I have researched..it makes a bit more sense!!! As it dries the citrus element dissapears (which is often the case with me and citrus). Once it's dry it just turns to a softer musk with no citrus at all... It's very nice though...glad I got to try it out! ETA: I just had an argument with the office dragon over knucklebones.. Her (To someone else but loud enough for me to hear: Tom has got tha godawful perfume on again. Me: Ruth, I can hear you I'm sitting near enough... Her: Yeah, well it's making me feel sick... Usually I don't rise to her horrible remarks..but this time. Me: You kno what? Tough...I don't care. I'm sick of your whinging.. Her: I can't believe your ignorance.. Me: You know what...your mouth is really loud and your mobile phone constantly rings and annoys everyone..sometimes you just have to get on with it. Her: Well...I'm not making anyone feel sick.. Me: YOU'D BE SURPRISED!!! I have to come to the rescue of my BPAL!!!
  20. ouch!

    Beaver Moon 2007

    Wowzers I love this! It's so fun. It's a gorgeous..Cherry and Strawberry vanilla cake on my skin. And it has a good amount of throw. I actually let my friend try it first one night when we went out. She was wafting the whole time..on the bus..in the pub. And I'm so glad I got a bottle. The cherry is stronger than the Strawberry but as it dries it evens out slightly..then the cake part of the blend dissapers more and leaves behind a nice light fruity smell. Gawjusssssss!!!
  21. ouch!

    Devil's Claw

    Hmmm! Lots of Vetiver and some other stuff which I think may be..a wood of some sort. This scent has attitude and takes a while to calm down. It does go slightly sweeter on me once its dry and there's something more pleasant behind all the smokyness and darkness! It's definately pungent and has made me realise that I'm not that fond of vetiver in this quantity!!! No 5ml for me!
  22. ouch!

    Lady MacBeth

    This is really nice even though it has hardly any throw on me. The wine note is only there when it's first applied and literally dissapears within minutes. What it leaves behind is a very sweet soft berry smell. Light berries. It doesn't change much from there it just gets softer and softer and then fades. It's very very pretty though and I love berry scents! I'm still to find an Illyria scent that I don't like...(don't think that's gonna happen )
  23. ouch!


    I've heard alot of times that this is the best comparison to Lush's Avobath..I disagree...this to me is basically just a fresh lemony scent that doesn't really knowck my socks off. It is slightly detergenty... I can't detect Jasmine at all and the verbena seems to take over the whole thing.. Not a favourite...
  24. ouch!

    The Apothecary

    When this is wet, it's mainly ginger/lemony. But it's a herbal ginger/lemon. It's very fresh and very bright and very like alot of other blends I've tried that have ginger in them.. The drydown is where the magic happens with this one..once the ginger has calmed down a bit. It's a lovely very fresh herby mix. I can't smell the grass and I think the moss is just mixed up in there with herbs that I'm getting!! I'd like to know the exact herbs that are in here...at a guess I'm saying rosemary???? And there's a plant I used to smell when playing as a kid that was kind of lemony..green leaves with red edges! God knows what it's called. But that's what I can get!! I think if this blend had wood in it, maybe a light wood it would have invoked being in an apothecary so much more. But that's not to say I'm dissapointed!! I still really like it on the whole. Not a 5ml for me though!!
  25. ouch!

    Singing Moon

    Moonlight over grave grass, meadowsweet, marsh hellebore, rock sea-lavender, Irish Lady's-tresses, melancholy thistle, and wood bitter-vetch, with the scent of autumn fires in the distance, sprayed by wind howling over the Atlantic. This is probably one of the most unusual lunacy oils I've tried. Amd the first time I've gotten to smell the famous "Dirt" note! When it's wet, it's a strong almost medicinal smell that consists of dirt, moss and a tiny spark of Lunar oils.. it's very strange but still nice. It's like..moss with flowers in it, I can sometimes get a sort of Eucalyptus smell too..that's when it's first on the skin though.. The dirt and moss smell calms down a bit as it dries..and it's much more floral/aquatic...but I couldn't pick out any in particular. It's now just a mixture of flowers with a slight earthy note in the background swirled with a bit of aquatic. I'm not going to get a bottle but I'm glad I got to try it, and I LOVE the name and poem that goes with this blend!!