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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!

    Recs for Longest Lasting Oils

    In my experience I have found that... The Caterpillar (Crazy amount of throw and lasting power) The Highwayman (Probably the strongest & longest of all I've tried) Spellbound (Lasts and lasts) Good Old Snake oil...it just seems to never want to go anywhere. Euphrosyne (But she's gone now so you might find it hard to get) Also..Snow white, not the strongest amount of throw but definatley lasts a long long time.
  2. ouch!

    The Unicorn

    I LOVE this and am really tempted to get a bottle even though it's very feminine. It just seems that the Mad Tea Party blends can do no wrong, they are all so far among some of the nicest GC's I have tried. And The Unicorn is no excepetion!!! It's a very fresh fruity floral at first which smells like you've just come out of the shower, it's very very nice. I have no idea what the flowers are..Linden Blossoms I suppose.. It calms down after that quite quickly on my skin, and it turns much more sweet and fruity. It smells like there's alot of fruit in here even though none is mentioned in the description. I think I can detect strawberry but not sure. This is sweet in the same way The Fairy Market is sweet. It's innocent and light and extremely pleasant. It does morph very quickly on me from the floral to the fruit but that's ok with me. I think I'm definatley going to have to get a bottle! Such a beautiful blend. ETA: The last bit of my imp I let dry right down alot. It resembled The Fairy Market a hell of a lot!! YUM!
  3. ouch!


    Oh dear...what a mess! Like all of the other blends I've tried with Almond in them this is the same at first. Whoosh..in your face almond. About 20 seconds later...it's gone! And I get the Myrrh and musk. It's quite nice.. About a minute later??? PLAY-DOH! This is the first time I've experienced this...grr! I've had the powder thing happen to me, but no..this is fake plasticy play-doh. Nevermind, 1 out of 155 can't be bad! ETA: Whoa what a complete 180 I'm having on this scent. The Play Doh thing was happening from a little swipe across my hand and a little bit on my neck! I have now discovered that if I slather this one..(Yes it does knock out a few people) I actually can experience it properly.. I do get ALLLLL the musk and myrrh after the intital blast of the almond. And YES it IS extremely sexy too! My SO commented when I hugged him. Twice last night! YAY! I take back the play doh part of this review.
  4. ouch!


    I'm just getting apples from this from wet to dry..there are no herbs at all *pouts*. It's still really nice and everything. I just wish it was a bit more complex. I can smell the amber too which is lovely as always, but the apples are what's sticking out the most. There's not much throw either and it fades quite quickly on me. Nice...but wouldn't buy a bottle, there are far nicer blends that contain apple for me.
  5. ouch!

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    Hi there, I just searched this thread but couldn't find what I'm looking for!! I'm trying to find out how you pronounce Khajuraho or..which syllable the emphasis is on.. It's my top LE of late and wear it so much. I don't know how to say it when people ask. I'm pronouncing it Ka-JURE-a-ho. Which to me sounds like I'm saying.. You're a ho. I'm praying this isn't the proper way to say it..
  6. ouch!

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Gosh those labels are soo lovely!! The blade of grass one is gorgeous and fearful pleasure?? SO glad I ordered that one. Can't wait to see the rest now!!
  7. ouch!


    This is actually reeeeeeeeally nice. It's very spicy on me...it's a spicy musk in the wet stages. It doesn't knock you out with it's throw though, it's probably just about right I'd say. Someone commented and said I can smell you, it's really nice. I've never experienced the spicyness of carnation like this before, it's almost like a foody spice! When it's dry it changes..the plum becomes more noticable, and makes it sweeter. I really like plum in blends I think it's gorgeous. Midwinter's Eve being a favourite of mine. The musk stays throughout drydown and behaves. This one is blended so nicely it's nicer than I had expected. Now it's a musky plum that's actually quite tart, but still sooo nice. Overall this is such a pretty blend, It's a little hidden gem because I've had it for a long time but didn't know how nice it was. Hiding there in my imp box.
  8. ouch!

    Red Musk

    for myself!! I COMPLETLEY forgot Scherezade - my all time number one love of GC blends! Red Moon 07 - My favourite lunacy (So far) Sometimes there are just too many scents going round in my head!!
  9. ouch!


    Bewitched to me is quite a simple scent that morphs very quickly then fades... It's a herbal green scent when it's wet..with a slight musk there. My imp is quite old so..I'm pretty sure I'm not getting the full effect of this.. *pouts* It then dries very quickly to a sweet sweet soft berry smell, very similar to Lady Macbeth. I'm a huge huge fan of berry smells. But this one had absolutely zero throw on me. It's very close to the skin. And I'd still like to try a fresh imp of this.
  10. ouch!

    Red Musk

    You can add me as a red musk fan for sure!! It's one of my top favourite notes..along with sweet pea..vanilla and tonka! I ALWAYS try BPAL blends that have red musk in them. I love the way it makes a blend very sensual, deep, sexy and mysterious!! Fave blends are. Scherezade (My favourite EVER gc blend. So yum) Mme.Moriarty (Of course) Spellbound (Quite potent but stunning) Dragon's Heart (Which to me is similar to Spellbound but with added Dragon's Blood resin) Haunted Palace (This one is gorgeous) I luuuuurve it! ..my biggest reccomendation is Mme.Moriarty!! I'll be hoarding this one for sure!! ETA: Scherezade!
  11. ouch!

    Sea of Glass

    This is a slightly citrussy scent, that is very heavy on the ozone/floral. Unfortunately it does smell a bit like air freshener on me.. I'm not really a fan of ozone/aquatic smells anyway and am yet to find one that makes me go ooooh. It is very fresh and crisp though and would be a nice summer/springtime scent. I love the name of this oil and that's the reason I wanted to try it, it is a slight disspointment though. I'll use up my imp and see if my mind changes but it's going to be a slim chance.
  12. ouch!

    Dragon's Musk

    I never thought I'd like this as much as I do!!! Dragon's Milk is the numerno Uno of this section. And up until now, Dragon's Heart was the other contender...this has taken over Heart...but not Milk...oh no!! This is a lovely musky..very "Indian perfume oil" smelling blend. Much more than the other Dragon's Blood blends. I wish I knew the 5 musks..but..no. Although I'd probably hazard a guess at Indian Musk hehe. The musks change the Dragon's Blood considerably, Dragon's Blood smells quite floral sometimes..but this is very very deep and sexy indeed and I really want a bottle of this for sure. I'll be putting in an order!! YUM!
  13. ouch!


    This is pomegranate & lemon...with some fizz added in!! It's like a spritzer. It's very very nice, and something that I adore...but..it's kind of verging on candle/air freshener. And some poeple may not like it (Screw them though hehe) It's got alot of throw but not much lasting power. It's one you need to keep applying all the time. I think it's great...yum!!! Fizzy fresh and something to wear when you feel a bit groggy!! Bottle has been bought.
  14. ouch!

    Fairy Market

    BEEEYOOOTIFUL!! This is probably one of the prettiest (and I mean PRETTIEST) BPAL blends I've smelled. it's perfect for the name and concept. It's light, pretty & sparkly...and blended so well. It's got a tiny fizzy misty smell to it and a slight green tinge. It's also very sweet and only a tiny bit floral..I've never smelled bluebells..and know what lavender smells like so I'm guessing this is bluebell that's so gorgeous on my hand...There is defiantely NO incense here for me... The Fairy Market doesn't have alot of throw but I think it's ok that it doesn't...fairies are delicate creatures and so is this scent!! It's adorable!
  15. ouch!

    Black Lace

    Be still my heart!!! So happy I got a bottle....why didn't I get two??? grrr!! This is a gorgeous smokey vanilla that has alot of throw and lasts a hell of a long time!!! I could still smell this on my coat two days after I wore it out one day!!! This is Antique Lace but 20 times better...it's the same gorgeous creamy vanilla that I've only ever smelled in BPAL blends, but it's sexier and smokier and just a whole lotta gorgeousness!!!..and I will hold this bottle to my heart for long as possible.. *has a snogfest with his own wrist*
  16. ouch!

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Oh my god gorgeousness!!! This is up there with Mme.Moriarty for me and it's a new discovery??? why didn't I get this sooner? Hoardworthy!!! This is incensey flowers (Champaca). I can see how this might give a few people a headache if applied too liberally, it's quite potent. But it's definately gorgeous. I'm not usually a fan of florals...but the incensey side of things is making it totally bearable...well...lovable for me. The incense in here is the incense that you find in Scehrezade, not the incense in say...Cathedral.. real incense...it's sweetened by sugar which develops after a little while on me, Sugared Incense is definitaely what this is, the flowers are verging on being soapy in the beginning but I think the rest of the notes in the blend temper it down.. I really really like this and think it smlels nothing like the original Midway, this is a whole other story! *hoards like crazy*
  17. ouch!

    The Haunted Palace

    Whoa what a winner!!!! This reminds me of my beloved Red Moon 07 but with more red musk! *has a smellgasm* This is fucking gorgeous (scuse my French) Where do I start? This is dark and bright at the same time...the red musk (One of my favourite notes) gives it a sexy sultry personality and the blood orange brightens it up slightly. This is the first time EVER in a BPAL blend that I haven't amped the vanilla like crazy so..I'm very impressed. As it dries the red musk is really taking hold and not budging, the Orange is there too but only in the background. This doesn't smell floral on me at all. It stays as a sexy musky orange..and I'm totally happy with that. It's sex in a bottle!
  18. ouch!

    Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal

    YUM! It smells very fruity in the bottle but that all changes when it's applied to my skin. I can really smell the pink pepper and a spicyness at first and there's the faintest hint of a fizzy lemon smell which is yummy too. It's much more spicy than I expected. I always amp vanilla and sweet things to a crazy level!! The ginger is there alot too in the beginning and it's a lovely blend overall. The cream and vanilla come forward a tiny bit as it's drying, but it's getting spicier and spicier, it's verging on almost smelling like cinnamon... Whoa this is changing fast...after bout another 5 mins the cinnamony spice is mellowing..and it's now turned into a faint cream, with a slight fruity background... How very bizzare?? I'm keeping it!
  19. ouch!

    Hay Moon

    Wet, this reminds me of Van Van ALOT!! It's that same kind of herbal lemon...it's yum. I don't get any honey from this whatsoever, which I think would have added a nice touch and made the kind of sharp lemon a softer edge. Anyways..at it dries that changes..and it now turns into something that similar to Scarecrow..that kind of dry, grassy smell. Must be the Hay Absolute. But..where Scarecrow has a slight perfumey note to it. This is much more basic and true to the overall idea of the scent. This is definately something very different..and I'll be keeping my bottle to wear randomly and see how I feel!
  20. ouch!

    Green Phoenix

    I absolutely adore this Top 10 LE's for sure! And has such a gorgeous label. It was the one that jumped out at me saying BUY ME BUY ME from the most recent anniversary. I have all the others but this is by far the best!!! I was very concerened about the mint because I'm not too fond of it but thankfully it doesn't attack. Anyways...this is absolutely gorgeous and clean smelling, it's like you just stepped out of the shower in a haze of green steam. It's kind of watery and musky at the same time. And the strongest note is the lime, followed by the tea and the musk. It's got a citrussy feel to it, and it's fresh in a way that most other citrus blends aren't. When it's dry it becomes much softer, I think the green musk is amping on my skin, and it's soooo nice I want to lick my arm hehe I could go on for ages....but I won't. So glad I got a bottle!
  21. ouch!

    Fire Pig

    Ok I have to agree with the_cat_godess when I say that the pomegranite is pulling out the big guns here. (It's like a more complex Swank). But behind that there is whole massive ginormus bowl of fruit that's fizzing in lemonde! IT'S GORGEOUS!!! There are so many things in here that can't pick them out. This is so bright and lovely I want to drink it. After a little while I can smell the sweetness of the peony and it comes to the forefront quite a bit and pushes the other stuff to the back...*wonders why fruit NEVER lasts on me when it's my favourite kind of smell* From there it basically stays more or less the same, the Peony amping with a slight fruity background... I suppose I'll just have to keep reapplying to get that gorgeous fruit bowl wet stage!
  22. ouch!

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    Chaos Theory 4: Edge of Chaos DXXII (522) This is a pale blue aquatic floral...it reminds me alot of Blue Moon 07 only alot less fancy!! I can smell aloe at first mainly...then it's just loads of flowers & a hint of citrus..it's slighty air freshener smelling and there's a very watery feel to it with one flower (Which I'm not sure of) dominating the whole thing. It's the same flower that is the strongest in my Blue Moon blend...arrrgh what IS it?? This one is going off to swaps..
  23. ouch!

    Schwarzer Mond

    Finally got a bottle of the coveted Schwarzer Mond! SO... I also get that fizzy cola vibe when it's first applied but that literall stays for about 20 seconds...then poof! It's gone. Then it's a whole lotta Patchouli and Myrrh, it's very strong so I'm gonna have to be careful how much I apply. It stays like this for about 20 mins.. These two notes are predominant throughout, but when it's dry it turns more musky on me.. and a bit sweeter. It's not so dark when it's dry. It's much more pleasant..I'm not really into heavy patchouli or Myrrh scents so I'm thankful they back off a bit. I'm not sure I'll wear it often but..I'm intruiged to see how it ages and I'm definately keeping the bottle. The label is so pretty too. I can see how some people would find this scent stunning but for me it's only OK.
  24. ouch!

    Lune Noire

    This is really really pretty! Much prettier and lighter than I had expected. It's mainly pear when it's wet, with a floral there too..I'm taking this to be the Orchid. It's lovely. I wouldn't say it has the stongest of throws though. It's going to be one of those perfumes you have to get very close to smell properly. As it dries the pear fades..(as fruits always do on me) and it becomes more floral. Orchid and Jonquil are taking over and it gets stronger. As much as I don't want to say it...this stage does smell slightly like a counter store perfume..so..I'm waiting for it to change again...(please please Tonka, Champaca and Blue musk come out to play?) Drying further, there is a faint trace of Champaca (nyum nyum) but it's holding on to that floral..commercial kinda smell. From there it just fades quietly to a soft floral...Champaca very faint.. Overal it's still very nice though..
  25. ouch!

    King Cobra (2006)

    I LOVE THIS!! This is my second favourite of all the snake pit that I've tried..(Second to Temple Viper). It starts out very dark, incensey...and gorgeous. The snake oil is apparent but it's being beaten into submission by a gorgeous resinous smell. The frankincense & Copal are very noticable. This packs quite a punch when it's wet. Truly gorgeous! Only on drydown does it sweeten up alot more with the vanilla from the Snake Oil. I reaaaaly amp vanilla anyway, and especially the vanilla that's in Snake Oil. It comes together to be such a beautiful blend worthy of hoarding for me. I'll be ok with my bottle for now but I think when the Carnaval is due to leave town I might have to nab another one...