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Everything posted by GlowJob

  1. GlowJob

    White Rabbit

    In the bottle:Fresh lemon juice spilled on just washed linens. Wet:Strong,astringent lemon tea spilled on just washed linens. Dry:The white pepper comes out to battle with the lemon.Still loads of fresh linen with a hint of a very proper tea smell. I expected it to be more like creamy lemon tea but this is strong and citrusy.Might be better for a male.
  2. GlowJob

    The Hesperides

    In the bottle:Smells like an apple tree at the starting of fall. Wet:Almost ripe green apples with a fresh bark undertone. Dry:Woodsy apples.Smells like an orchard in October. A great green scent.May consider ordering a 5ml to have for when it's too cold to spend much time outside but I miss the fresh smells.
  3. GlowJob

    Chaste Moon 2005

    In the bottle:A milky flower bush. Wet:Same as in the bottle. Dry:Way too much floral! I thought this was going to be soft and creamy but my skin amps up florals and this turns into a heavy bridal bouquet that's slightly wilted.
  4. GlowJob

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    In the bottle:Juicy strawberries "fragrance",far from real strawberries. Wet:Same as above but with a hint of florals. Dry:Oh no!This turns all florals on me but with a hint of fake strawberry syrup. I wanted to love this so much!I hate how my skin amps up any floral notes!
  5. GlowJob

    Pumpkin Patch IV (2005, 2006)

    In the bottle:All creeeaammmy pumpkin. Wet:More down-to-earth pumpkin. Dry:The perfect pumpkin incense.Creamy,spicy and realistic. My favourite of the Pumpkin Patch so far...but I have yet to try #1!
  6. GlowJob

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    In the bottle:Creamy sandalwood. Wet:Becomes more sweet but is similar to the smell in the bottle. Dry:Spicy vanilla.Alittle plasticy. I was so excited to get my hands on a bottle of this but it was quite dissapointing.Nothing special,really.My least favourite of the MonsterBaits.
  7. GlowJob

    Monster Bait: Closet

    In the bottle:Sharp buttercream with loads of fake blackberry scent. Wet:Juicy blackberries with a hint of cream cheese. Dry:A fluffly cake smothered with blackberry buttercream frosting.Yum! A very juicy scent.I love it!My boyfriend says it smells like silly putty though!
  8. GlowJob


    In the bottle:Whoa,coconut cream!Makes me gag alittle! Wet:Warm coconut cake with a hint of salt. Dry:The starchy notes of fresh fried dough start to come out and mix with the coconut.I get no caramel apple note whatsoever. A nice mix of salty sweetness.Smells exactly like Jessica Simpson's Dessert fragrance in Taste.
  9. GlowJob

    Beaver Moon 2005

    In the bottle:Tangy cream cheese with a hint of spice. Wet:Cheesecake with graham cracker crust. Dry:The cupcake smell comes out more but the cheesecake is still there.It's like white cupcake base with cream cheese frosting.So yummy and not too overpowering! When it starts to fade,it turns alittle plasticy...but that's just a good excuse to slather myself in more!
  10. GlowJob


    In the bottle:Whoa,honey mead!A hint of floral too?Strange. Wet:Pretty much identical to the smell in the bottle,just alittle creamier. Dry:It smells like a candle shop.A mish mash of wax and florals with a hint of creamy undertones. Not what I expected at all.I'm not really impressed.Smells like something I could have bought at a dollar store!
  11. GlowJob


    In the bottle:Honeyed fig. Wet:Coconut mixes with the honeyed fig and starts to turn green. Dry:A creamy incense smell with notes of lush greenery and creamy delights.Not too sweet or too herbally. I like it!Does bring to mind imagines of a biblical garden!
  12. GlowJob


    In the bottle:Maraschino cherries and bright almond Wet:Same as in the bottle but with a cinnamon undertone. Dry:Cinnamon hearts!It's all dry,spicy cinnamon from Inferno.This scent SMELLS red. Fairly good lasting power.If I dab some on my clothes or in a scent locket,it retains the cherry-almond juicy goodness!
  13. GlowJob

    Red Lantern

    This smells exactly like gift shops in China Town.It's alittle bit too heady for me but it's right on with being called "Red Lantern"! ADDED Nov. 26: In the bottle:Smells like walking through a Chinese Market. Wet:Identical to the smell in the bottle but drier,almost dusty smelling. Dry:My skin seems to be picking up nothing but dusty florals.No yummy caramel or tobbaco notes Smells too much like commerical perfume for my taste.Into the swaps with yee!
  14. GlowJob

    Trick or Treat

    I expected this to be all sugary and foody but it's almost all spice on my skin.Sweet spices,but spices none the less
  15. GlowJob

    Fruit Moon

    I reaaallllyyy wanted this scent to work on me.... But on my skin it was all fruity children's chewable vitamins!Blegh!