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Everything posted by dirtytrip

  1. dirtytrip

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    In the end, it's caramel, but it takes too long to get there. I share some reviewers' disdain for ultra-heavy food scents and this one pelts my head with cloying sugarbomb notes. Literally. It's headache-inducing! It's too obnoxious to even attempt comparisons with food items. Nice to have tried it, but it's not for me.
  2. dirtytrip


    You remember that discontinued massage bar from Lush called It's a Pleasure, Treasure? Remember the majority's opinion? And all the Lushies sing, "It's a taco, Paco!!" Wildfire is like that. It's corn chips on my skin at first, which isn't altogether unpleasant. I'm not surprised I feel this way, seeing as Fritos are my favorite chip. Anyway, it mellows out into something quite floral and playful. I suppose it's the dragon's blood, though no other perfume with dragon's blood in it pleases me this much. I'm not "wild" to have a bottle, but given some spare cash and the opportunity, I wouldn't say no.
  3. dirtytrip

    C. Auguste Dupin

    Leather, leather everywhere, and not a myth left from the ghetto. David Bowie wrote my review the year I was born. And yes, this scent stuns me. I like it, but yeesh. Wouldn't mind having a briefcase or laptop bag with this aroma.
  4. dirtytrip

    MVJBA: Dog Days of Summer

    So, here I was expecting some Roadhouse, and I got that, but enlarged. It's the scrubby woods not far off from the roadhouse. Nothing really green here to me at all. The grass is tired and so are you, and the sun is cooking the fragrance right out of those flattened pallets of reeds. Is there time to lie down for a little nap in this dead, sunburnt sweetness? The last of the wildflowers are nodding at you...
  5. dirtytrip


    Well, I knew it'd be love as well. In the bottle, it's gleaming and sharp. Hold your best piece of golden citrine crystal to the light and look through it. On my skin, after about 30 minutes, it's rubbed itself down into a soft, sensuous fragrance. It's fuzzy. How can a scent be fuzzy? But it is. It also has this silky cling to it, much like my beloved White Phoenix. Must be the wonderful musk entwined with the amber. So, get yourself some if you can. Well worth it.
  6. dirtytrip


    For the most part, I'm really pleased with this one. In the imp and fresh on my skin, it's "BPAL does classic perfumery." It's got that je ne sais quoi of graceful style - all of the elements come together in a way that suggests class to my nose. It is sweet yet brisk. Once it has dried it becomes a bit too cloying in a manner similar to gardenia, something to do with the freesia, I think, but I enjoy this well enough to have purchased a bottle. 51 is elegant, and I'll certainly consider wearing it on my next date with Bryan Ferry.
  7. dirtytrip

    La Vita Nuova

    Nobody likes this but me, ahahaahahhahahaaa!!! Well, not really, but I'm definitely in the minority, and happy to be so. This is beautiful on me. No overbearing lemon, just a fresh, shimmery, fruity sweetness with a light musk undertone that lasts for hours. This has earned a place in my collection for sure.
  8. dirtytrip

    The Passionate Shepherd To His Love

    This came off as a generic floral on first app, and then as it dried it turned spicy with a bitter edge, which, altho interesting, was not appealing. Buh-bye! Edited to add that I tried it again recently. It had the heady rose thing at first, which died down (thankfully) and gave way to some clover and heather with the ivy poking its head out at last. Still not a fabulous, must-have kind of scent, but pleasant enough.
  9. dirtytrip

    Love's Philosophy

    All right, it's over, I'm here now And here's the word. This is boring. Yeah, that's right. This is a boring vanilla with a slight spice tone, kind of like something I could pick up at Walgreen's. I got the infamous wintergreen impression right at first, but that died down quickly. Overall, it reminds me a bit of cream soda that's been sitting in the glass a bit too long - sweet, flat and generic. Got this as a sample from the generous Anna D. and I've very grateful to her for showing me that I was smart not to jump on this bandwagon!
  10. dirtytrip


    I haven't been this happy with a GC in a while. It starts out quite rosy and that joins forces with the sandalwood and patchouli, making this a red, rubbed wood scent with gentle rose overtones. There's enough green to balance, from the palmarosa I take it, and the green doesn't override and sour everything up. It's got a good incense vibe that doesn't smell like a cheap or ill-informed throw-together from a head shop (like some of the BPAL GCs do). Quite good, bottle worthy.
  11. dirtytrip

    The Atrocious Attic

    Laurel's right - she nailed it with her observation of the sugared rose note from Hope coming up in this. Maybe that's what's driving me away from it I don't get the sugared violet impression of Faith so much, which is too bad, cause if I did, this might have been better. As it is, it is too much wood on me and with the lily/rose a little too sour, for lack of a better word. Very light, no heavy handedness here. It's not without it's charms, but this isn't a breakneck scent for me to acquire.
  12. dirtytrip

    The Oval Portrait

    Mmm, this does it for me I get honeysuckle, stargazer lily and vanilla musk predominately. It is a sensuous, sexy floral, which is one of the very best things in the world to me. I agree with an impression of Fairy Market for its ephemeral factor. Gotta get a bottle. ADDED Dec. 22: This scent is a thing apart. I think it's the vanilla musk and honeysuckle playing fantastically together on my skin, with just a touch of that stargazer lily. It's quite reminiscent of The Atrocious Attic, as some have mentioned, but there is an extra dimension to it. An expansion on the mansion, yo. Back when I was trying to decide which I wanted more, I tried out this and the Attic on my boss, one on the left hand and one on the right, in an effort to secure an uninformed opinion. He picked the Portrait. Like I said, it has that something. Femininity at The Ritz. Edited to add that this is the new NEW review, ten months later. Apparently, I've already reviewed this. Mods, please take the time to merge this post with the other one.
  13. dirtytrip


    Oh, Tum, you were so fucking disgusting when first I tried you. Wine-soaked uncleanliness. Now you've dried and you are better than it seemed you would be at first, like that skeevy guy you're somewhat attracted to in spite of yourself and your better judgment, and once you do go to bed with him he turns out to be kind of...talented. Which is what I heard somewhere, a friend of mine had an experience like that. That's what I remember. Anyway, you've got this winey-floral thing going on with some kind of spice note perking you up, and while I don't think a bottle of you + me is meant to be, I'll always think fondly of our time together in the imp.
  14. dirtytrip

    Pisces 2008

    I'm happy I got this too, as a Pisces and as a person Not quite what I had envisioned for my sign, still I like it nonetheless. In the bottle, it is a gentle, rich herbal with a powder note. On my skin, it becomes floral-spicy/musk with powder. So far, I get the poppy, grains of paradise, wisteria and passion flower more than any other notes. I could have done with less powdery (although this does seem to be mellowing) and more musky in this concoction. Other than that, it's very attractive. Love the sweetness that comes out at the very end.
  15. dirtytrip


    At first, this is very rosey-fruity to me! Must be the plum action. As it dries, it takes on a slightly bitter backdrop, which I take is the jasmine, or maybe the jasmine and daffodil together, and I end up with a reedy floral. Started out great, but I don't think this is for me. Wanted to add that once this was completely dry, it turned out nicer than expected for me. A happier ending It is similar to other florals I've loved, so I may not rush out to get it just yet.
  16. dirtytrip


    Hm, I thought the cinnamon would drown out everything, but it really, really mellowed once it was on me. A little too mellow - it doesn't have any throw whatsoever. A pretty skin musk scent flavored with honey and a touch of pepper, might get a bottle sometime.
  17. dirtytrip

    Reindeer Poop

    Perfumed brownies, with a pastry note (similar to the one in Drink Me) that lingers at the end along with traces of a musky patchouli. Quite pleasing and the label work is adorable too! This stuff does NOT stay strong on me. Ten minutes into application and it has faded considerably, altho it is still there, haunting the air, much in the way that real poop does when it's near you and you can't see it and you're checking your shoes every five seconds
  18. dirtytrip


    When I wear this, I feel like I'm eating a salad. Not because it smells veggie, but because it smells so FRESH! It's a clean bath scent of unidentifiable florals. Had I known, I might have sought a bottle out by now, as I never would have purchased this based on the description. I normally don't go in for aquatics much, but this is very pleasant. To take off on what JennyGardener said, don't believe any of those tabloid stories about our Cthulhu here. With a sweet, sedate perfume like this, he's obviously a perfect guest for tea and gossip
  19. dirtytrip

    Dixie Love Perfume

    I just luv this stuff. I'm not around a lot of people at work, and I don't have a steady boyfriend right now (the one person I know who could possibly come to fill this position would just attack me no matter WHAT I'm wearing, probably), so I can't speak to the efficacy right now. I adore how I smell with this, so I don't care! It's a patchouli-edged sweet floral on me, maybe cinnamon in there, maybe cassia, not sure. Just for fun, I'll definitely try it around large groups of people (big festivals here this weekend) and see if I come off like a rock star, like our Ms. Summer here.
  20. dirtytrip


    A well-blended cologne scent, with a bit of that Irish Spring vibe, it's true. It's pretty much bergamot, moss and lavender, with some jasmine running up in the background. It softens up as it dries. I like this, maybe not as much as Casanova and Whitechapel, but I do enjoy it quite a bit. Would certainly like it on a man too.
  21. dirtytrip


    I'm selling my bottle, so I thought I should do a review before it goes! Gnome is a lovely earthy-pine scent when it's wet. It's definitely darker than Destroying Angel, but like Angel it has a floral aspect to it which comes out more and more as it dries. Mostly dry to bone-dry - just a touch of pine but more floral-resiny now. Funny that something so "dirty" on others should turn out so floral on me! It mellows out very quickly on my skin, so this leads me to believe it won't hang around long. When I huff it, I find it calming and soothing. Quite nice, give Gnome a chance.
  22. dirtytrip

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    This is another scent with an Ingenue vibe to it, tho not quite as young as that word implies - it's a fresh floral for the mature young woman who's been around a bit. The aquatics don't dominate, but smooth out and add depth to the myrtle and peach blossom. This slightly sweet fragrance lasts at least three hours on me. Quite nice, not sure I like it enough to buy, but I'll enjoy my imps.
  23. dirtytrip

    La Befana

    This is...ok. Somehow, it smells better as it wafts up around me rather than when I hold my wrist to my nose. It starts as violets with candy overtones, and becomes violet-tinged charcoal with a touch of reediness. Love the idea of La Befana, don't care for this interpretation too much.
  24. dirtytrip

    El Dia de los Reyes

    Eh, it's nice, but I wouldn't rhapsodize over it. It's mocha, rich and chocolaty while wet, and as it dries there's more emphasis on coffee over chocolate. Didn't last long on my skin. Would be a good room scent if you like that sort of thing.
  25. dirtytrip


    The shadowy, fitful scent of nightmare, rife with ill-omen: osmanthus and tuberose over pulsating, heated skin musk, spiked carnation, night phlox and vesper iris. I would have sworn there was gardenia in this. At first, it had that yecchy gardenia tone to it, but this has lessened some and become all about other types of white flowers. Still, if I want that, I can do better. Fairly pleasant but in the end this is too cloying for me.