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Posts posted by LauraB

  1. I want what everyone else is smelling: I get earth. Lots of earth. There is a slight trace of green at the start. And a faint whiff of anise (eh??!) and slight smell of burning rubber (this is what vetiver does when it Goes to the Bad!). Heaven knows what has happened to the carnation!


    But mostly my byronic antihero smells of dank soil. Bother!

  2. What is it with my skin and curry? I mean REALLY? I get chestnuts, curry and a faint resiny twang. But mostly curry. After ten minutes, its curry with a slightly nutty edge - I smell like I've been eating pasanda or korma and I spillt some. I do not smell like a glamorous literary vampire. I do not even smell like I'm wearing perfume, let alone the fantastic smells described by some of the other reviewers here.


    I had high hopes of this. Miffed.


  3. In the imp it's all watery violet and mint and quite lovely but on it turns unexpectedly to violet and lettuce and...curry!? There's a definite savoury note in there which is some form of curry spice and it and the violet are fighting for dominance...I smell like a granny in the food tents at a festival!


    Very weird - I do actually quite like it, but this isn't at all what I expected and I'm guessing Beth intended it to smell different (it's not so much brusque as peckish!) I'll be keeping the imp because it is so darn odd but I have no idea when I'll wear it...


    Edited for grammar

  4. Sweet aquatic (like Selkie without the saltwater) - there is a tiny note of laundry detergent at the top and a slight hint of something juicy at the bottom (juniper??), but neither is strong enough to dominate. As it fades, it gets a slight metallic edge but again it's just a touch. Unfortunately, it does fade quite quickly, or I'd be looking for more!

  5. Starts, dries and ends as herbal lavender! There is a slight touch of bergamot/citrus in there but you really have to sniff for it. It isn't as sweet as some lavenders, which suits me fine. As a lavender fan, I may well end up hunting out more of this...

  6. This is just gorgeous. Grapefruit rounded out with something sweeter (orange blossom? honey? It doesn't smell like honey). It reminds me of Baobhan Sith (which I also love) and I think they'll go well together. I don't need more bathoil, but I want this.

  7. Hurrah! I am NOT the only person to get celery from this perfume! I put it on and as soon as it hits my skin it smells of celery.


    I'm holding onto it just because maybe one day I'll want to smell of celery...

  8. Ooh! Pretty!


    This starts of as a tart, juicy apple. Gradually the vanilla cream (a sweet, creamy vanilla rather than a cream note as such, which is a good thing because cream goes sour on me and this doesn't) and the sweet pea come forward and take the edge off the sharp apple note. It is very "girly" - mine was travelling with an imp of Juliet and I can see the similarity, but Juliet is pear and a bit more aquatic. I'm another one who doesn't actually detect carnation, but maybe as it ages


    I like apple scents, so this is a new favourite :)

  9. Amber! And florals and something else sweet - I have no idea what, but all in all it's a very classy, rounded out scent and different enough to stand out. Not the greatest wearlength before it fades (I'd guess 3 hours before it fades down to a pretty but fairly ordinary soft floral), but it is noticeable while it's on without being brash or intrusive.

  10. An offering of frankincense, gold, and myrrh, with coriander, cumin, ambergris, white wine grape, and vanilla bean.

    Frankincense and cola - then frankincense and curry! I'm assuming at least one of the Wise Men got takeouts on the journey!

    Seriously weird. I'm holding on to it in case it settles down and turns into something good, but I can't wear it at the moment...

  11. As everyone has said, this does smell like really fizzy lemon or lemon and lime. There is something about it that is "perfume" as opposed to "I've just spilled my Sprite" but I honestly couldn't tell you what makes the difference...it is really nice though and I'm holding on to mine :P


    BTW, as a Brit, I have no idea what Independent means politically - if this is severely right wing then please don't enlighten me!

  12. Odd - I get a sort of sweet creamy violet from Violet Ray - almost a violet buttercream type scent - and noone else has mentioned this. I thought it was unusual and very pretty.


    I know I've tried Bruised Violet Compound once and decided that it wasn't a patch on The Raven but I can't remember why (apart from that The Raven is a great scent!)

  13. I was terrified that gardenia would ruin this but it doesn't! Yay!


    I don't get vanilla at all, but I do get a pretty rose and white flowers scent and it does seem in keeping with the "feel" of the painting. So glad I tried it - there are lots of fantastic BPAL roses but even so I may be looking for more of this.

  14. Approximately equal parts raw carrots and maple syrup. Seriously. After a while a little musk comes through and it does have a "pony" feel to it (this is definitely a pony rather than a thoroughbred, and a pampered Thelwell pony at that!)


    I do like it a lot, but I'm not at all sure when I'm going to wear it - maple syrup really isn't my usual style. I will hang on to my decant and I will definitely look for more perfumes with "carrot" as a note :P

  15. This starts off as a very lavender scent indeed - quite a sharp bitter lavender too. Eventually it calms down into sweet lavender with foody vanilla behind it. Surprisingly, given the Snake Oil, I am getting no detectable musk from this, which suits me very well - I'm guessing that may come out more as it ages, however.
