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BPAL Madness!


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About willrollinsnow

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


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    Nothing Selected


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  1. ive just joined up: having been a self-prescribed gourmand-vanilla lover for years (or so i thought), its my shocking realisation that maybe i DONT like those at all! or at least, my body doesnt, because i find myself getting nauseous, even though im telling my brain, 'no no, its so yummy, though'-- probably, im not alone in this self-hypnosis...anyway, now i face a daunting-- and expensive-- challenge of getting rid of the dozens of perfumes ive collected, which are 99% all vanilla, tonka bean confections...and finding completely different ones instead. and cold, icy scents intrigue me! ive done some cursory searches on here, but a lot of the 'icy' 'stormy' scents seem to come holding hands with *pine* which...i do not enjoy. im alright with peppermint; mint seems to be a given in the bpal 'cold' scents... as long as its not going to yell into my nose the entire time. in conclusion, could you recommend some bpal that smell like loads of (clean, not black slushy) snow, thunderstorms, and glass, that do *not* contain floral (esp. no roses, ach!) or fruity scents? preferably bare minimal or no pine or aquatic? the ones im keen on purely from comparing their descriptions fitting this criteria right now are: archangel winter, nuclear winter, snow-flakes, and house of mirrors but! im worried some people commented that some of these have pine (like fern-frost?)? also...on a tangent, my skin seems to love dating incense, amber, and mandarin orange, and sometimes really dark chocolate...which got me reading up on: Brahmin, Succubus, Jacob's ladder, Corazon, The Lion, Bastet, Batty, Pussy, Burning Vulva mouse's long & sad tale Dragon's milk Hunger, The Girl Ravenous Zephyr O Copper Phoenix Scherezade Dorian Queen Mab Mme Moriaty Huegos de Santos Le Pere Fouettard Faiza Baku Velvet Zarita Black Forrest THe Black tower thoughts on the above listed? keeping in mind i want to stay away from florals or fruity scents. and, lastly, if by any chance anyone knows how i could bulk purchase most of those in imps...that would be lovely. im combing the sales thread at the moment, but seeing only one or two scents pop up at a time! thank you