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Posts posted by whitsunweddings

  1. In the imp: Ginger and lavender. Very fresh and herbal, both garden-y (not floral), and foody.

    Wet: The lavender is stronger, plum coming out a bit.

    Dry: Ooh, mostly ginger and lavender, but there are nice fruity notes in there too. It's bright and sparkly, tart without sour. I really like it, but I wore it to work and was gone within a few hours, so I think I'll pass on a bottle.



    In the imp: Amazing, like omg I'm going to die. Sweet orange, spicy bay and smoky tobacco.

    Wet: Like in the bottle, but moreso. Orange dominant, and there's a note that smells like clove.

    Dry: Sweet, lovely, spicy, amazing. I need a bottle.

  3. I'm reviewing the 2012 version!


    In the imp: Oof. Sharp, fresh pine with hints of sweet clove underneath.

    Wet: That's really lovely. Sweet clove dominating quite quickly, with pine just underneath.

    Dry: Just what I was hoping for with this scent! Clove sharpened by pine, which I'm very happy with, as pine usually dominates on me. Would not be adverse to a bottle, particularly for use as a room scent.

  4. In the imp: Like pumpkin dish soap, pumpkin and booze. An interesting night perhaps! But not something I care to smell like.

    Wet: I don't want to be disgusting, but this is like pumpkin vomit and soap.

    Dry: There's a creamy sweetness that I feel could be nice, but it's drowned out by the aforementioned vom/soap combo. Groce.

  5. In the imp: Intensely sweet creaminess.

    Wet: Yup, like sugar and linen. I'm imagining this as a cloud of pink sparkles emenating from my wrists.

    Dry: Sweet linen and cream. I can't decide if I like this or if it's sour saccrahine.

  6. In the imp: I'm getting the Hana-Kimi theme going around my head. PEEEE-AAACH!

    Wet: Peach and amber.

    Dry: Pretty much just sweet peach on me. Quite a lot like Jack but without the spices. It's very pretty, but just not ~me. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a peach scent!

  7. In the bottle: Fizzy ginger, more like ginger root that you'd put in a curry than like, the powdered ginger you'd use in baking. There's a foody 'biscuity' note in the background that I assume to be honey?

    Wet: Whoa. STRONG ginger. It's like, medicinal, and it's mixing weirdly with the honey and cream.

    Dry: Fizzy ginger root with spoiled cream and biscuits. I'm so bummed, 'cause I adore all the notes, but this just didn't work on me :(

  8. In the imp: Sweet, slightly spiced pine.

    Wet: Sweet clove, cumin and basil with a sharp piney edge.

    Dry: The spices are lovely, but one note has gone all sour and oddly... fishy? on me. Ick. Also, my chest went all itchy as soon as I put this on my wrists. Trolled indeed.

  9. In the imp: Sweet floraled honey with a hint of smoke.

    Wet: I'm getting that clean, almost linen-y, honey note, but there's spicy tobacco in there too. I sort of feel that this could be amazing, or it could end up smelling like a pile of laundry sitting in a smoker's bedsit :/

    Dry: A clean honey with hints of smoke and spice. It's okay.

  10. In the imp: We have this biscuit in NZ called Gingernuts - our most popular, apparently - and this smells just like them, mixed with lavender.

    Wet: Yup. Ginger-caramellised-sugary-biscuity lavender. Glorious.

    Dry: The combination of spice and sweetness makes this like a bubblegummy Eclipse with the barest hint of lavender. Wonderful! I need a bottle.

  11. In the imp: Dorian. This is seriously just Dorian.

    Wet: Sweet, manly, earl grey tea. Or, as some like to call it, Dorian.

    Dry: Yeah. It's Dorian. There's maybe the slightest hint of jasmine, but that aside, they're virtually identical. I do love the tea note - it's very true. When I was travelling recently, I stood near a lady in an airport who I'm pretty sure was wearing either this or Dorian and I was really jealous of how fresh and clean she smelled. Seriously contemplating buying a bottle for travelling!

  12. In the imp: Lavender!

    Wet:... With something quite minty and zingy? This is not unlike Pain.

    Dry: Yeah, I was hoping for something like my beloved Gaueko - lavender and smoke, y'know - but this is a more tart and herbal lavender blend.
