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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lapin

  1. lapin

    Similar to Arcana's Madame Lapin

    There's a smell called werepuppy?! Why are these adorable scents all LE? I want to smell like a fuzzy baby animal all the time! Thank you for your responses everyone - I'm going to order imps of the suggested scents and see how it goes
  2. I've stumbled across a bottle of Arcane's Madame Lapin (the name caught my eye, lol, but I don't want to be hooked on an LE! Plus, I really love BPAL and I'd like to contain my obsession to at least ONE retailer. Does anyone know of a similar scent made by BPAL? I did a forum search and did not see anything... sorry for cluttering up all these boards - don't shoot the n00b! Madame Lapin: "The essence of a soft brown bunny: fragrant notes of sweet honey, dry Atlas cedarwood, warm toast, buttermilk, and a subtle blend of spices" I haven't smelled it yet, so I can't speak for it directly... Thanks