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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Glambie

  1. *Drive by smooches!!!!!*

  2. No words for how much fun I had at the BPAL booth this year at D*CON! Love the Barrials and this amazing company!

    1. Dedee


      Yay!! Glad you had a great time!!! :)


    2. thezander


      SO beautiful, as always! <3

    3. Glambie


      Awww, thank y'all!! *MWUAH!* <3 <3 <3

  3. How long ya gonna be in AVL, babe?? If ya have time, lemme know, and we can grab coffee or lunch!! I would LOVE that!! ;) <3

  4. Sweet Lilly!!! So happy to hear from you, love! I haven't been active on the forums since my Brazil trip, and I've missed ya like crazy! <3 I will try to write you soon so we can catch up. I have a break from classes and clinic for a few weeks. xoxo

  5. Daww!! What a sweet surprise to come back to the forums to find a message from the lovely Joyfulgirl! ;) Been WAY too long since I've been on here! Went to Brazil for 6 weeks and started an intense clinic as soon as I arrived home. *whew!* But now I'm back! hehe Hope all is well in your world, sweetness! xoxo <3

  6. Sweet sweet sweet!!! hehe Just saw your drive-by message! Things are going so much better here, and I may not want to even come home! ;) Hope things are wonderful in your world, love! *Mwuah!!*

  7. Oh, and I hafta say...having someone from the forum think of me honestly meant alot! Cause you see, I have roomates from hell here. haha Oh well, luck of the draw I guess, but thanks for your sweetness!!! Really lifted my spirits! *mwuah!*

  8. Oops! Tried to send message but it didn't go through! And *that* my dear, is the reason I've been MIA! ;) Am studying in an exchange program in Brazil and have about 3 weeks left...and the internet is completely unreliable here. But how sweet of you to think of me! It made me smile a big ole goofy grin! :oD Trust me, in 3 weeks you will be totally sick of me...

  9. hehe! Birthday twins, indeed!!! *sends in sexy, stealth Robert Plant look-alike to distract Ms. Daisybliss whilst stealing back mah cake* bwahahahahaha Hope your day is full of all the things you love the most! Love ya, girl!! xoxo

  10. Hi, sweet Dedee!!! Sending very happy birthday wishes your way, sweetness!! Hope it has been filled with lots of joy and everything your heart desires! *hugs*

  11. Aww! Miss you too, sweetness! Things have been crazy here but great! Yes, Brazil coming up in May! Nervous about it, but it'll be a great experience! The exchange students here are super sweet. :) Hope we can catch up soon! <3 xoxo

  12. Happy happy birthday, lovely!! Hope it's a great one!! xoxoxo :)

  13. Drive-by *glomps*!! xoxoxo Hope you're having a very happy New Year!! :)

  14. Awww....happy solstice and holidays to ya, sweetness! xoxoxo <3

  15. **Glomps** Hope you're doing well, sweetness!!

  16. Stopping by for a quick **GLOMP**!! :) Hope everything is going well for you! xoxo <3

  17. **Peaks head out of dark, ominous, bottomless pit of grad school doom** Hey, gorgeous! ;) Omg, busy busy busy as always. Hoping to write you a long catch-up message soon! Miss ya, babe! <3 xoxo

  18. Hey there, gorgeous, sultry brunette!! You look STUNNING! Doesn't it make ya feel great to have a chance? Perfect timing for the winter, too! Just trudging along here...busy day with clinic and then get to vote! YAY! :) Hope we can catch up soon! Been thinking of you. **hugs**

  19. **glomps!** Love your new profile pic!! :o)

  20. Awww! Heart you, too, girl! <3 <3 <3 Thanks for brightening mah day! :)

  21. haha Hey, girl! I actually JUST posted in GUSP. :) It was bad. So so bad. But I'm dealing! Sometimes you just hafta let it go. Thanks for thinking of me!! xoxo

  22. xoxoxo Thinking of you, sweets! <3

  23. Aww, how great to hear from you, hon! <3 I hope you're doing well! Things are crazy here with my new graduate program, but at least it's FALL! :oD xoxo

  24. Oh, and I MISS YOOOOOU!!!! :*o(

  25. Good luck tonight, sweetheart! I'll be thinking of you and sending all kinds of happy thoughts your way! Let me know how it goes! **hugs** <3
