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BPAL Madness!


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Status Replies posted by Glambie

  1. No words for how much fun I had at the BPAL booth this year at D*CON! Love the Barrials and this amazing company!


    1. Glambie


      Oooh, yay! That's awesome, hon! :) Miss you! Hey, speaking of Atlanta...hope we can meet at Dragon*Con in August! xoxo

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Positive thought for the day #33 Halloween decorations and NEWS!

    1. Glambie


      NEWS?! Oh shoot! I've been out of the loop! Sorry I've been so swamped lately and out of touch. :( Miss you, girl!! **hugs**

  4. Switch Witch Switch Witch SWITCH WITCH!!!

  5. Still in shock from my BPAL-filled weekend at Dragon*Con!! **Squee!!**

  6. Whoo, 6 posts away from 1,000!!!!

    1. Glambie


      Huzzah!! Can't believe I missed this epic event. ;)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Positive thought for the day #16 wearing Harvest Moon 2011 in anticipation of Fall. Only 36 days to go!

    1. Glambie


      Oooh, I see it got a loving home!! <3 :)) hehe Nothin gets you in the mood for fall like Harvest Moon!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Positive thought for the day #9 everything happens for a reason.

    1. Glambie


      Hell yeah, girly! :)) <3

  9. Positive thought for the day #6 looking on the bright side of everything and turning lemons into lemonade (not literally mind you)

    1. Glambie


      Absolutely! But hey, there's nothin wrong with making literal lemonade, either! hehe ;)

  10. Positive thought for the day #4 being fortunate enough to be able to afford a new pet.

    1. Glambie


      I'm so lovin your positive thoughts!! :) Have fun with your new lil furbabies! xoxo

  11. High of 106 today, eh? I'm just gonna sit here and drink my homemade iced green tea with soy. But I'm supposed to be cleaning the deck. :o( Spiders + Heat = Sad, sad day. Hope everyone's keeping cool and safe!

  12. Want to karaoke... must... karaoke...

    1. Glambie


      Give me enough tequila and I'll join you!! It's been waaaaay too long, and I have a hankerin to belt out Queen's "Somebody to Love." =)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. 91 Days down :(

    1. Glambie


      Awww, so sorry babe! I'm anxious for it to hurry along, too, cause I'm ready for our tea and chocolate night! :o) Sending positive thoughts your way that you'll have some resolution soon!

  14. Hmm...just now watched Tim Curry's "I do the Rock" video on youtube. Holy hell. Even more exciting than his wizard song from The Worst Witch!! :oP

    1. Glambie


      Even more fun for all the Tim Curry fans out there:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. They got a cherry pie there, that'll kill ya...

    1. Glambie


      And a damn fine cup of coffee!! ;)

  16. Glambie is my sunshine! <3

    1. Glambie


      OMG!! Seeing this totally made my day! lol (And you, my dear, are my happy Snoopy Dance!) :o)

  17. Trying to write a my statement of purpose for graduate school admissions

    1. Glambie


      If you ever need an objective reviewer to check it out, PM me! I am in my second Master's program and was accepted into a doctoral program, as well. So I have some experience with these letters! ;o) Good luck!!
