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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Medeine

  1. This oil is one of my favorites so far! Unfortunately, there is some variation between batches - the imp that I initially bought has a very strong fir scent, whereas the bottle and second imp that I bought afterwards have almost no fir. In all of them, I can smell the hyacinth and jasmine, with the jasmine sort of forming a background for the hyacinth. But without the strong fir smell, the hyacinth becomes a bit overpowering, and it smells oddly like bubblegum if I concentrate on picking out individual notes. That's not a terrible thing, because it's a cute, spring-like scent; it's just that the fir made it more unique and sophisticated.


    I'm thinking that I might try and layer this with another oil that has fir or pine as a dominant note. For now, though, I'm hoarding that first imp for special occasions.

  2. Or you both have imps/decants from the same incorrect batch. :( For instance, I have a Lab bottle that's labelled "Pais de la Canela," but what's inside is actually Paris. In that case, it's pretty obvious (and understandable) how the error happened -- in this case you could try to hunt around and see what else starts with D and might explain what you're smelling.


    Alternatively... it *does* sometimes happen that the Lab has a mishap in the blending process. :(


    Thanks for the tip, I'll try that! If all else fails, I'll just order another imp to compare the two. :)

  3. Hi! I think this is the right place to post my frustration.


    I've got a decant labeled "Danube" but it smells nothing like the description. I've also checked the reviews and read pages of thoughts over Danube, but none was similar to what I was getting. I'm thinking of a mislabeling.


    Here is what I smell: It is like tobacco.. and leather or black musk I guess. I may be wrong, since I'm a newbie to identifying single notes succesfully. But I can easily say that it smells something in between Dracul and Hellfire (and a bit of Dee). And it is definitely a masculine scent. Nothing like "floral, watery or sweet" as described in Danube review thread. Can somebody help me out?




    It might actually be Danube. I just got an imp from the lab, and it smells nothing like the scent description, or what other reviewers have said. For me, it's a sort of warm, spicy, pungent smell (in a nice but very unusual way). It feels like a deep reddish brown colour. I don't know about tobacco, and have never smelled black musk, but what you wrote reminded me of how Danube smells on me. I wonder if we both just amp a certain note?
