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Posts posted by Ketzel_Mermaid

  1. Can any of you who have had a bottle of Arkham a good long time review how it tends to age? Right now I’ve got a bottle that’s a couple of months old and it has –- both in the bottle and on my skin -- a cloying, sickly sweet note that I find unpleasant. I was hoping it would be more woodsy, dry and earthy. (More like Burial is the closest way I can describe it.) But I’ve got a hopeful hunch that it might go that way as it ages. So I’m wondering if I should just take it out of my current rotation and be patient to see if time improves it. Does time tend to bring out the forest and tone down the floral in this one?

  2. Something else that smells strongly of tea rose to me is Glasgow. It doesn't list tea rose, but that's what I get. Tea rose and blackberry and something breezy-green.


    You know, I'd been on the fence about trying that one. Not for this category, but just in general. I think I'll add it to my wishlist. Thanks for the info!

  3. (Be careful, too: To my nose, as it ages, that green turns into beer. :blink: )


    Hi-freaking-liarious. Well, horrifying, but also hilarious. So basically, if I get a bottle of Two, Five & Seven, just go ahead and use it up promptly unless I'm going for a Queen-Victoria-attends-a-frat-party vibe? Duly noted.


    And thank you, Leopard403 and wishingwell, for all the other thoughts; noting this stuff for my next order.

  4. Euphrosyne is the only one on your list that I've tried. I too went for that one since I love tea rose, but unfortunately all I got from it was gardenia and jasmine (and eventually baby powder). :( I'll definitely be watching this thread for recs!


    Yep, that's the trouble: I don't have any way of knowing which of the notes will be dominant on me, a la Marie.


    But as for London, I'd pretty much made up my mind to order some even before my tea rose hunt began, because it does sound interesting even if doesn't turn out to be what I'm looking for in this category.

  5. Hi, all


    I realize it's not possible to get single-note scents, but I'm looking for one that is mainly tea rose. My only other specification is that it be a GC scent, because I really don't want to fall in love with something only to have it disappear. (And I know that could still happen with a GC scent, but it seems like I'd have a better shot at continued access to something if it's not a LE or from a special collection to begin with.)


    Based on my own research, I'm thinking my best bets would probably be:





    Two, Five & Seven



    Can those of you who've tried these confirm/deny or offer alternate recommendations? As always, thanks for the excellent advice! :wub2:


    (Oh, and I already have a bottle of Marie, and on me it's almost totally violet. Which is nice in its own way, but I have to admit I was a little disappointed that the tea rose seems to get lost in there.)

  6. Hmm. Those both sound intriguing. (Although I try not to bond deeply with LE scents, so as to avoid getting my heart broken. I actually try to do this with people as well. Um, not that there are LE people, but there are people who are less...well, available, and I've learned the hard way to avoid becoming smitten with them.)

  7. I would absolutely suggest Anathema (Black opium, with vetivert and honeysuckle). Although the opium and vetivert sound like they might drown out the honeysuckle; they don't, they just support and emphasize the honeysuckle - to my nose.


    Hmm. Might be worth a shot. What is the black opium like, anyway? I've seen it in other descriptions and can't bring up a smell memory of it.

  8. My husband is very fond of the smell of honeysuckle, so I'd like to wear a BPAL scent that is primarily this to thank him for wearing Iago for me. (Iago makes me weak in the knees.)


    Reading over a thread from 2004, New Orleans and Twilight seem to be suggestions. But I'm a little wary of the jasmine in both -- jasmine tends to do weird things on me. It goes slutty, but not in a nice way; more of a trashy way. Think Morgan Fairchild, those of you who are old enough. And smelling like Morgan Fairchild circa 1983 is definitely *not* a way to express apprecation to one's spouse.


    I did see other blends mentioned, but honeysuckle doesn't seem to be the main note in them. And of course the search function on the site is being revamped, so I can't make use of that.


    Suggestions, anyone? Thanks! :wub2:
