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Posts posted by Mokiefraggle

  1. Holy cats, I never quite believed the reviews that said lotus smelled like bubblegum until I received this particular frimp. I couldn't believe that the notes listed could possibly be in this sticky-sweet bubblegum scent, especially since the oil even had a pink tinge to it. I was even about to put it aside and not even consider it, but I like all the other notes, so I figured it was worth a shot.


    It's nowhere near as sweet once it's on skin, which I was grateful for. I thought I was going to be stuck with something sweet and candy-scented in a terrible way, but it started settling down as soon as it went onto my skin. Within about a half-hour, I couldn't detect any of the bubblegum lotus note at all, and ended up with a delicious incense and amber scent that I probably have lots of things similar to, but I'm rather liking. I think I can put up with a brief period of mild bubblegum note to get to it, at least when I'm in the right mood. It's pretty, subtle, and thankfully didn't go powdery at all. I'll keep the imp, but I doubt I'd be ordering it specifically any time soon.

  2. This one actually kinda scared me in the imp. It was ferociously woodsy, like the smell of wet wood rather than a warm, polished wood scent I was hoping for when I read the notes. I had no idea what could've been the source, since I'm pretty sure I've had a BPAL or two with rosewood or teak, and I don't recall oak being that sharp...this was so strong and so harsh at first that I actively jerked back from the imp on first sniff, but I'm used to putting trust in the Lab and their work, so I finally went for it. It was all worth it.


    Once it was on my skin and had a chance to settle, the aggressive woods settled down into something much more mild and warm, and the flowers started to come out. I ended up with something very nice and balanced, and I'm realizing I don't actually amp rose like I thought I might, since it stayed surprisingly calm and blended with the other scents. Good stuff!

  3. Got this as a frimp with my 13 order, and I have to admit that I took one sniff of it and decided immediately that it was going straight to Darling Fiance, no question. I didn't even bother testing it on myself, since I knew that while I totally can wear this scent, it'll never be quite as good as it would be on him. I was absolutely not disappointed when I stealth-dabbed him with it tonight, and I may order him a bottle of it closer to his birthday.


    So, as I said, I knew at first sniff that Thanatopsis would be his. Darling is all-over a woodsy, musky, green scents type of person. He wears juniper, pine, and other green notes beautifully, and this is no exception. It's very close to the body wash he likes to use (the C.O. Bigelow Elixer line, particularly Green), and much like the few BPALs he owns, but it's a slightly darker note than what he normally tends toward. I think this is the first time I've ever tried anything with a black musk on him, as he usually wears things like Yggdrasil or Golden Priapus, but I knew that meant he'd agree with the pine and juniper from the get-go. The musk also agrees quite well with him, not going lemony as black musk sometimes can; thank goodness. I know citrus scents don't work nicely with him, from the few times he's tested the more citrus-note blends of Elixer lotions and colognes, and I'd have been rather disappointed if it went lemony and ruined the rich, dark green scent that it began with. It's a dark, delightful scent on him, very deep and a bit earthy, and I kinda almost had to drag myself away from his neck to write this review.


    I'm always glad when I can pass an imp or two off to Darling as opposed to setting them aside to one day become a swap; he doesn't buy many of the things he still sometimes refers to as "the smelly stuff" with a mock crinkle of the nose for himself, so I definitely enjoy being able to share the love and make him smell amazing at the same time. :3

  4. Got this as a frimp, and I'd probably never pick it for myself on a whim. Vetiver and I don't ever seem to get along, and Voodoo proved to be no exception to that rule. All I got from this was the smoky sting of vetiver, such that I couldn't smell any of the other notes--all of which are faves save for the almond and lime. Can't get past that smoky note, at least not on me. It smells too masculine and just a bit wrong, so I'm going to pass on wearing this one.


    On the other hand, my fiance smells just fine and dandy in vetiver, so I'm going to throw this in his little collection of imps. He'll at least enjoy it, and it'll smell quite nice on him.

  5. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet...I'm pretty sure I haven't reviewed a lot of the things I've gotten from the Lab of late, but to forget this one, I feel I'm doing it a disservice.


    Dragon's Boner is a lovely scent, and I'm very glad I blind-bought it on the notes (and the bottle art; I admit I've got a silly, dirty sense of humor) alone. Dragon's blood tends to be agreeable for me in general, but this is the first time I've gotten the "flowery" kind I see so many folks mention on the forums. It's very bright, and to me seems a bit like...freesia? Or maybe that's it in tandem with the pear blossom? All I know is, it's not quite the lilac people often say, but definitely a flower. I notice it both in the bottle and on my skin, though the latter also brings out this wonderful creamy sweetness of the honey and cream notes that somehow makes me think of a cup of tea, even without the tea notes. Not too sweet, but very warm and a bit heady. I love the throw, and it's a scent I don't find too heavy for everyday, nor too average to wear for a night out.


    Love this, and I shall hoard this one bottle with all the greed of a proper dragon until it comes again. :D

  6. I didn't think that a two-note scent would be as impressive as I found Penitence. I love both notes, so I was bound to try this frimp, but I was pleasantly blown away. For some reason, I thought it might smell a bit like Anne Bonny, even if they only really share one note, but I think I like Penitence better. It's trading in Anne Bonny's sandalwood kick for a myrrh note I really like, and yet the whole thing smells both a bit like a church and a bit like unburnt incense. Nice.

  7. Another frimp from my just-arrived Luper purchase. I'd never really thought on buying the Conjure Bag blends, just because they have no actual notes listed...that makes me a little leery, but this one might become a bottle buy. It's lovely, though it's shockingly strong for a floral. I was surprised at how much kick a little dab had to it.


    Wet: very floral. Like, I don't even have a clue what any single note is, just floral. Not a particularly white floral, definitely not a lush tropical or oriental floral...just flowers everywhere. Smooth floral; nothing jumps out as sharp or shrieking, but it's incredibly potent and dense. Still, I like a lot of florals, and it's certainly not offensive.


    Dry: wow. Still so very floral, but I'm getting a bit more specifics. I think there's gardenia, maybe jasmine or tuberose. Probably a tiny bit of rose, given how sweet it is, and a bit of magnolia making it creamy? Though there might be a resin note behind it; I think BoneBone24's suggestion of benzoin might be close on the money. This is lovely, and kept going strong for quite a while; it took about 6 hours for it to fade beyond my ability to notice it, even close-up. For a primarily floral scent, that impresses me. Even some of my much-loved resins and musks don't last that long.


    Verdict: keeper! It's softer in tone than my usual, as I don't have many florals I count as everyday wear except in summer, so I think it's a nice addition to my collection. I think maybe I should consider looking into the other Conjure Bag blends, since this and #20 Love Oil ended up so good on me.

  8. Just got frimped this with my Luper order, and I'm very glad I did. This was one of those blends in Mad Tea Party I've glanced at and considered several times, being that I love musk, and I love-to-death the Lab's lavender note in things like Dorian, but the citron and pennyroyal gave me pause simply because I had no idea what the latter smelled like, and most citrus is hit-or-miss on me. It appears that it's a hit here, and I think I may have to try it on Darling as well. It feels like something he'd wear about as nicely.


    Wet, Mad Hatter gives me a very clean vibe. The pennyroyal is a bit on the minty end, but it's also fresh without being too green; a good thing, seeing as very green scents often go awry on me. The lavender is soft and a bit smoky-seeming, with very little of the citron coming through. I get very little if any citrus out of this blend, but that doesn't really bother me.


    Dry, it gets a little of the powdery/creamy edge that musks can sometimes have, but not in a "scented baby-powder" fashion. Just a little dusty over that crisp, fresh green, and the smoky lavender. I rather like it, since it's soft and unassuming, but with just a little something strange around the edges. It's not too masculine, nor is it really anything I'd call feminine, but rather a nice gender-neutral sort of scent, not too dissimilar from something like Dorian or Whitechapel. I like.

  9. Sigh. I have finally encountered a BPAL that I truly just find to smell like cat pee. I don't know what it is in this blend, since I've worn other blends that involved one or more of those notes, but something about them together somehow went wrong. It might be the lemon peel versus the usually fresher, jucier citrus notes, but I just don't know. All I know is that I've tried it on multiple occasions, and it's not changing. It smells funky and a bit too cat-pee-ish in the imp, and it still smells funky and off when it's on my skin, so I'm done trying it.


    I think I got this once for my mum, so I might see how she liked it. Maybe it's just this imp, or maybe it's me and she'd like another.

  10. A potent, enticing love formula, favored among Louisiana courtesans.


    Had this one for a while, got it as a frimp and barely wore it because the first few times I sniffed it in the imp, all I smelled was sharp-green-herbal. I sometimes can do soft greens, and a bit of herbal note isn't terrible on me, but the sharp green was what put me off. I remember trying it a couple of times and just sort of assuming it was green and short-lived, after which I ignored the imp.


    Tried it again today, and found that is actually not the case. The imp itself seemed a bit toned down, with more of a dry herbal note that I rather like, and on my skin it was much softer. I still have no clue what herbs are in it, but it's a much gentler scent overall after a bit of aging. And! And-and-and! :o I now know that it dries to a soft, very gentle magnolia and rose scent with a tiny hint of dried herbal blend in the background, and that it's lovely! :D


    It's not quite a bottle list scent, but I now have a much greater desire to actually wear #20, because it dries into something that's very pleasing, and the initial herbal shock is much subtler than originally noted.

  11. Sigh. I want to love Queen of Sheba. I love the Lab's honey note, and spice notes of any sort are usually wonderful on my skin. But apparently I don't get along as well with almond, or possibly just a bit too well, since it comes out loud and clear in the front end on my skin. I end up getting something that smells a lot like those hotel lotions that claim to be "almond creme" or something, which I've always hated, and that just swallows the other notes entirely. I sometimes get honey and the spices, but those seem to be the odd times out rather than the rule.


    I just don't know. It's not terrible, just not something I really like...even if it never goes disgusting or wrong on me. I think it's an imp that I'll use up, but probably never purchase, and any more frimps will likely be gifted away to those who might like it better.

  12. As someone who's not terribly fond of aquatics, I can honestly say I really like this one. It's bright, clean, and not too complex on me; I just get a fresh scent with some light citrus notes, nothing too heavy or cloying. Perfect for summer, as it doesn't morph or go into an off-smelling, greenish phase like certain light floral scents can, nor does Sea of Glass feature a heavily oceanic aquatic note. It's a light, watery scent that just stays clean and crisp, perfect for summer.

  13. Thoroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon.


    Love this scent. Really love it. I find that all the notes balance each other out wonderfully, creating a sweet, resinous, earthy scent that lingers pleasantly on my skin. The cinnamon is a lot milder than in some spicy blends that I've tried, which I appreciate; I adore the note, but other blends I've tried with it often seem to have the cinnamon right up in the front, which can result in a scent more like cinnamon candies than the warmth I'm looking for. Sin is just right, and a pleasant all-around scent I feel comfortable wearing at any time.

  14. Got this one as a frimp, and it's definitely not one I'd buy intentionally. I'm okay with lilac, and tuberose is a nice note on me, but that violet...*shakes head* Just can't do it. I keep trying it just to figure out if I'm amping it, or if I just don't like it, or what, but I think it's just that one note that's so off-putting. It's the strangest thing, since I love Elf...unless parma violets are much different. All I know is, there's a certain sour-sharp note that I've come to associate with a violet note, which just turns my stomach a little. And unfortunately, Nocturne's is so strong I can't stand it. I think this imp is getting relegated to the junk pile with C'thulu.

  15. Wow, I am really behind on reviewing my BPAL stock. I've had this for ages, and haven't written about it!


    I'm a musk fiend, I admit. Red and brown musk, in one perfume? I was all over this, not to mention the myrrh and leather. I don't recall ever having any other BPAL with saffron as a note, but I like it in cooking, so I'm willing to give it a go here.


    It's definitely a strong, throw-heavy scent, with a lot of musk in the foreground, and leather that does indeed smell like it's been sitting out in the sun to bake. Smells like my leather jacket when I've worn it in late spring, when it soaks up the sun and just radiates that warm leather smell. The myrrh is dusty and a bit dry, and it all works together amazingly. Not sure if I'm getting the saffron, but it's a lovely scent on the whole. It stays warm musks and leather on my skin the whole time, and doesn't wear off easily. I'd easily have bought another bottle if I could've afforded it.

  16. I bought a bottle of this, just because I so desperately adored it in all aspects--the picture, the story, the name, everything. I wasn't necessarily sure on the whole about the scent, but sugar, vanilla, and mint are all usually good for me, so I figured I might as well give it a whirl. I'm not quite sure if it's one of my better picks, but it's definitely a cute scent that I might wear every now and then. I'm totally not ashamed for blind-buying it, even if it isn't exactly my thing.


    Mostly, I get a whomping great lot of strawberry candy in the foreground, and a lot of candy-floss sweet behind that. The peppermint candy is almost nonexistent, and the vanilla icing is buried somewhere in all the rest of the sugary maelstrom; it's a bit potent in the OMG SWEET category. It's right on the edge of cloying, and it definitely throws a fair bit. I've been wearing it since I opened the package today--about two-ish--and it's still going strong enough that I can smell it even without directly huffing my wrist. And I only applied a tiny dab! It's started to go into a kind of strawberry-filled cake with vanilla frosting scent on my skin, and I'm once again in awe of the Lab's ability to make so many different vanilla notes; this one genuinely smells like the sort of canned vanilla frosting I'd expect to find slathered on some strawberry-stuffed white cake, and it just makes this scent smell further edible.


    So, it's a bit strong and definitely diabetic coma-levels of sweet, and I'm not sure strawberry notes are really great on me, but I'm not complaining. It's good for those silly, fluffy days when I want to feel like a kid again, wearing ridiculously candy-scented perfumes and lip gloss.

  17. 2015 version, and I adore this. It definitely needs to be around more years, because I will buy the heck out of it any Lupercalia it's present.


    So much caramel and tobacco goodness here, and the coconut adds a creamy sort of note that's lovely. The currant makes it just a little sharper, cutting down some of the sweet with a tart note that keeps it from being just one-note sugary, and the spices round it out without it feeling too foody, though I don't think I'm getting the delphinium at all. :/ It's lovely, sexy, lush, and warm, and I clearly ought not to have stopped at one bottle.


    Next year, please?

  18. Seconding the recs of Old Demons of the First Class and Al-Shairan, and throwing one in for The Great Sword of War. It's deep, musky, and has a certain level of fiery ferocity that certainly screams "War", but is also quite fitting for a sleek, sexy devil.

  19. I love this; I love red musk so much. Red musk is right there in the front, and the civet is right there as well--a more potent, sharp musk, though not anywhere near as potent as Siberian musk (though very much recognizable as being a catty scent without the dreaded "cat pee" aroma many have mentioned), and I can only assume that the opium is what's making it sweeter, rather than just being the uber-musk. It's strong in a good way, deep and heady, with a lot of staying power, and just enough throw to make it noticeable. However, it's not overtly "perfumey," so the throw doesn't immediately scream "who's wearing perfume?" when I'm out-and-about.


    It's good, it's richly musky and very smooth, and I like it. It's simple, but powerful, and it's different enough from my other beloved musky scents that I enjoy having it. Not sure if it's one I desperately need more of, due to its simplicity, but it's very nice when I just want a nice, rich musk note.

  20. I'm not sure quite what to think of this particular 13, though I know I don't dislike it. It's just...so very peculiar to my nose, though without being displeasing. Just odd.


    Right away, as soon as it's on my skin, I get a strong mix of the cacao and the two lemony notes of citronella and lemon verbena, both very distinctive and different, with a lavender note making it a little herbally sharp, and the patchouli and galangal adding some earthiness and some spice. There's also a definite herbal note from the mugwort, and a note of chamomile that I can definitely make out as it dries, but I've no clue as to what most of the rest is or should smell like, so I can't tell what's going on from that.


    Cacao, lemon, tiny bit of gingery heat, lavender astringency, and some herbal and earthy notes. I don't know quite how it all works, but it's strangely good. I'm happy to keep it and try to figure out what the heck is going on in this, because right now, I'm so very confused by this scent.

  21. Frimped from the Lab, it's something I've wanted to try, but I've put off in favor of LE bottles. So glad I got this!


    In the imp and on my skin wet, it's like Earl Grey with honey, and a bit of a spicy note (the carnation, from what I've gathered), and a creamy rose note. The rose is soft, mild, and sweet without cloying--this is why I love the Lab's rose notes--and goes surprisingly well with the carnation's spicy qualities, and the citrus bite of the bergamot. The honey is nowhere near as heavy as some of the other blends I've had it in, though it is the rich honey note rather than a lighter honeycomb note like in Elf.


    Dry, it's spicy, rosy honey, with a light, creamy note and a hint of bergamot, like a spiced, rose-scented Earl Grey with a tiny bit of milk and a big dollop of honey. Soft, light, and ladylike, without being juvenile or at all cloying. It fits in quite nicely with my general tastes, and I'll probably consider a bottle one of these days...when I run out of LEs that catch my eye, I suppose.

  22. I really like this one. It's a little bit sharp in the bottle and at first on my skin, but it's a very bright, energetic scent overall.


    Hagiophobia starts off as very much the scent of pine-wood. Like, this is freshly cut pine, still ragged and seeping bits of pitch, right in the front. It almost put me off for a moment, until I realized what I was smelling, and was able to focus on the rest of them. Then, the frankincense and myrrh start to come out, with the heat of the ginger and a little citrusy tang from the yuzu. Not sure I'm really getting the dragon's blood, though I admit that it usually just gives me another layer of "smoky incense" than the sometimes flowery scent others mention, so it might be getting lost in the shuffle. I don't get much that distinctly says "cypress," either; it might just get buried under the pine.


    This is a fierce, energetic scent--I'd agree with bheansidhe that "martial" is a good description--with a lot of fire and wildness to it. Don't know if it quite depicts "soul-crushing guilt," but it's definitely the scent of frenzied devotion. It's a great pick-me-up scent, good for clearing the head and warming me up for things, be it for work or any time of stress. Like it, even if it's not an everyday scent by any means. It's amazing for its energy and its ability to perk me up, right when I want it.

  23. I'll add in another vote for Perversion, and Old Demons of the First Class, and definitely Xiuhtehcutli, though I'll also toss in one for The Great Sword of War. I get a sort of smoky, musky orange-dark-chocolate thing with tobacco sweetness and a light herbal note, with a sweet tonka backdrop. So delicious and amazing, I almost want to eat my arm when wearing it sometimes. And Antikythera Mechanism is amazing, though I'd never think to call it smoky. I mostly get sweet and woodsy from it.

  24. I struggled to choose which of the Phoenixes I wanted this year, though I'm glad I chose the one that wasn't just another blend of all my favorite notes. This is beautiful, lush, and very bright, and it stands out quite nicely amid my usual musks, vanillas, and spices. I'm happily in love.


    Oddly, when I first opened the package, it had a strange hint of something like camphor or menthol in the background as I opened the bottle to take a sniff. It lingered for a bit on my skin the first test application, but never potent enough to put me off. Second day I tried it, the menthol-camphor scent was gone completely, so I can only assume it was an artifact of being cold and not shaken enough? Go figure.


    Now, it's a very lovely scent of warm, red fruits, the currants bright and slightly more in front of the plum, which is warmer and thicker. The amber is warm as well, spicy and very pleasant in tandem with the plum, and there's definitely a hint of a metallic note that makes the whole thing shine. It's a bit low on the throw, but the overall combination is a very sensual smell that I'd rather have cling close to my skin than be out there for everyone to notice. I've always liked deep, rich fruity scents, and it's nice to know they'll play well with me, too.

  25. Frimped this one with my Phoenix order. Oh, I so need a bottle of this~!


    Wet, it's a lot of chewy coconut scent. Like one of those Girl Scout cookies with the coconut and caramel, or like my mum's German chocolate pie when it's warm. Sweet and thick, with a little spike of rum in the background. Can't distinguish the tobacco, as I think its sweetness is getting mingled with the coconut to produce that delicious sweetness, and I'm amazed that this doesn't smell like suntan lotion or like a bad candle. And wowie, does it pack a wallop; I can smell this one on my wrists even with my hands well away from my nose, though it doesn't seem to bother anyone around me.


    Dry, it's a little more tobacco, still with the marvelous sweet coconut; they're more distinct now. The rum lends a little more sweet and a little bit of its own kick, and makes it a well-rounded scent that I can see as an all-year thing, even though the heavy (though not cloying) sweetness should lend itself to something I'd wear in the winter or fall. This, however, seems like something equally at home around the pool in summer as it does curled under blankets in the winter.


    Big bottle. Need it. And my wallet weeps.
