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Everything posted by bolmasaur

  1. bolmasaur

    Midnight Mass

    Midnight Mass 2010 In the imp: This smells very astringent, like acetone (nail polish remover). Not getting the incense at all. On, wet: Cedar. Cedar, and acetone. And baby powder. All with a sweet tinge underneath. Dry: If this is a midnight mass, I'd be sitting in a highly-polished cedar pew, near a cut Christmas tree, far far away from the censer. I like this scent, but I was looking for something different, a huge church-incense-in-your-face scent, as though I was the altar boy holding the censer, inhaling the smoke. (In fact, I probably yearn for this so much because I WAS once an altar "boy". So far, no go. No scent I have tried has matched church incense for me. Time to check out Cathedral and Penitence, I think.)
  2. Thanks so much for all the replies! It's really helpful. I've found a sample of Midnight Mass, so I'll get started with that, and with all of the other suggestions I've got plenty to keep me [my wallet] busy!
  3. Hi everyone! I'm brand-new here, and new to the world of scents as well. I've had trouble with scents in the past, as many seem to really irritate my nose. I'm a big fan of green scents and "clean" citrus-y scents, for the most part, because I don't tend to have trouble with them. In this case, though, I'm looking for something different, and something very specific. I used to be Catholic, and I was an altar server at my former church for about five years. I love the smell of the incense used in Catholic mass, which I believe at my church was largely myrrh. I'm looking for a scent that combines myrrh with candle wax and a basic "churchy" smell, maybe with a small hint of a smoky smell as well. I've done some reading here, and I've heard Cathedral and Penitence might be something like what I'm looking for. I've also heard that Midnight Mass is good, but I see it's a Yule scent, so I'm not sure whether it will be available anytime soon. I'm wondering if there are any other fans of the Catholic church smell out there who might be able to help me choose one of these scents over another, or direct me to one I haven't read about yet. Thanks so much for your help!