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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ladyflash

  1. Ooh, if you're looking for a 2011 Yule that smells frosty, Colder & Colder reminds me of winters in Colorado.


    Peppermint, spearmint, white musk, and elemi settling into a deepening darkness.


    I don't think this one "yells" into your nose; the musk keeps it pretty tame. This one was one of my favorites in the Yule collection; I don't think I have anything remotely similar to it.


    If you like lavender, Pain (GC) is a pretty minty one. The pennyroyal & lavender keep it pretty clean.

  2. Wish I could find a bpal similar to Champagne Snowshowers! *laments loss of favorite scent*

    Did you manage to get a bottle of Snowshowers perfume? It was on their Canadian website last week & is a LE fragrance. I was considering getting Twilight as well, but I have a BPAL that smells similar (SDPU1) and the bottle was $50. Eek.


    I'd love to know what BPAL smells like Snowshowers though, because I tried the perfume and it was gone in 30 minutes. :(

  3. Right now, I'm considering getting bottles of Colder & Colder (creamy minty goodness), Midnight Mass 2011 (sweet incense), and Midwinter's Eve 2011 (plum candy). Still working through the other decants I have so I know what I want! :D

  4. Prologue: Purchased an imp from the lab. I really like dragon's blood, but it is just too metallic for me by itself.


    Intro: In the imp, I can definitely smell the dragon's blood. Ooh, and the apple is warm and not too sweet! There is a hint of musk, & a hint of floral.


    Exposition: Wet, I can smell the dragon's blood, but I wish it were more prominent. The dragon's blood is preventing this from turning into DKNY Golden Delicious, which is inoffensively boring. This, thankfully, is not! This is one of the few apple scents I can wear because it's not overly sweet. After an hour, the dragon's blood comes back into play, and is spicier & more prominent. Slightly less apple but still there. The floral is not overpowering, which I'm thankful for. I do like that the spice amps up as it dries down further, but doesn't make me smell like spiced apple cider or anything. After about seven hours, the scent is pretty much gone.


    Epilogue: I wouldn't mind a bottle of this, but I think I'm going to stick with my imp for now. I'm pretty pleased with this scent. Good lasting power. This is very comforting, and the warmth makes it perfect for the winter.

  5. Prologue: This is a frimp from the lab. I was kind of happy when I read the description, because I love blackberry, so I was hoping to smell good things with this.


    Intro: In the imp, it's super fruity. omg. I love it.


    Exposition: Fruity fruitiness of fruit. So yummy. It's fruity, but not sweet fruity. I get really picky with strawberry scents, because I don't like the artificial kind at all. To me, strawberries are tart. This is tart without the sharpness. I can detect a hint of gardenia, but it's not in your face. As it dries, a slight muskiness can be detected. Two to three hours later, it dried down to a super musky fruity wonderfulness. I can't even describe how yummy it is, other than...this is yummy.


    Epilogue: I need a bottle of this, stat! This has become one of my favorite scents! Thank you lab, for sending this to me! Absolutely perfect for the summertime.

  6. Prologue: I first became interested in this when I found out about the 2011 Yule fragrances. Midnight Mass intrigued me, but I wanted to try a GC incense fragrance first to start with something similar. My parents are devout Catholics, and when my mom used to make me pray with them every night, she would always burn some incense resin because she knew I liked it. I purchased a bottle of this from a forum sale, which I believe is still relatively fresh.


    Intro: Incense and more incense in the bottle.


    Exposition: So much incense resin up the wazoo...but not my favorite one. I don't remember which one my mom uses, but this one reminds me of the smaller crystals of incense resin from the Catholic supply store. I wasn't a big fan of the smaller crystal one. It's growing on me, though. It still smells great. Very good throw. However, after two hours it dries down into really musky patchouli. I like patchouli, but not like this. Fortunately, the patchouli stage doesn't last very long, and it finally morphs into a sweeter incense.


    Epilogue: I'll have to wear this more to see if it actually did smell like patchouli halfway through, or if I was just crazy. The "good" incense that my mom used didn't smell like this, so I was slightly bummed. I think I had different ideas about the fragrance than what it actually smelled like. Still, I like it and will wear it again.

  7. Prologue: Alice in Wonderland was the first book I ever read by myself as a child, so I have fond memories of it. The description of this struck my interest (I love the smell of lavender and chamomile together), so I purchased an imp from the lab.


    Intro: I don't know if I have a strong familiarity with lavender, but I could immediately point it out in the imp. I could also detect a tart citrus smell. Yum.


    Exposition: Oooooooooh, grapefruit and lavender together! I can also smell lots of chamomile wafting between the lavender. There's not enough grapefruit to make this a tart, bright fragrance. I can also slightly detect some musk & the bite of currant. really like this. Very good throw. I really, really like this. It doesn't last as long as I want it to; after 4 hours, it's pretty faint. When I smell my wrists up close I can still smell it. The lavender turns a little medicinal by the end, and the grapefruit disappears, but the chamomile is still ever present.


    Epilogue: Love this. Not too bright, not too dark, just right. I definitely need a bottle.

  8. Prologue: I purchased an imp of this from the lab. I wanted something that would help me sleep during the week, if I needed it.


    Intro: In the imp, the lavender is definitely the most prominent note. Perfect.


    Exposition: I decided to try this on a Friday night, because I had to be up pretty early the next morning for a meeting. BF was still playing video games in the room, and was talking pretty loudly, so I wanted something that was going to knock me out. I wasn't sure where I would apply it, so I actually applied the tiniest dab right under my nose. I doubt this is the best place to apply Somnus, but I was a little desperate. The lavender is still the most prominent note, but there is a soft herb scent to the oil as well. Seemed a dash sweeter than just plain ol lavender, too. Unfortunately, I could barely fall asleep that night, and didn't even stay asleep. I'm immune to Somnus! :cry2:


    Epilogue: I was looking forward to this scent the most when I ordered my pack of imps, because I have been having trouble sleeping lately. When I used it the first time and it didn't work, I was so disappointed. I ended up using it again on a different night, and did not notice any difference in feeling rested or staying asleep. I really wish it would have worked on me! Though, to be honest, I wouldn't mind falling asleep to the scent of this every night if I could. It is a mind-clearing, relaxing scent.

  9. Prologue: I received this as a frimp from the lab.


    Intro: Cedarwood in the bottle, and nothing else.


    Exposition: Hellooooooooo, cedarwood. I don't really smell tangerine, but instead it smells more like orange marmalade, the very sharpest & bitter kind. There's a mix of the scent of tobacco on clothes & something sweeter. Strongest oil I've ever tested. The tobacco does come out more, but not in a good way. After 15 minutes, it smells like...cigarette ash. :cry2: I had to wash this off after it turned into...that! Oh my goodness, I can't believe that happened.


    Epilogue: I wanted to give the tangerine/orange marmalade a chance to morph into something sweeter to take some edge off the wood & tobacco elements, but the cedarwood & burnt tobacco was giving me a headache. And I really like that sweet tobacco smell, too. So disappointed!

  10. Prologue: Okay, so I didn't actually want to get this because of the trickster god...but...sigh. I'm going to admit it. I wanted to get this because I really like the Phoenix Coyotes (they're a NHL team) and I wanted to get a scent with the same name, hoping it would embody the concept of that team. :blush: Yes, I am that silly. I originally ordered an imp of this from the lab, but I also purchased a bottle from a forum sale.


    Intro: Amber, musk...seems like another BPAL oil that is inoffensive. Didn't jump out at me at first. Seems pretty dry.


    Exposition: Warm amber, very musky. I like how warm this is. I...kinda like it! This reminds me more of what I think the Thousand Needles region from WoW would smell like. Oh, or Karaya Grasslands from Suikoden 3! Very dusty, very dry, slightly animalistic. I can see coyotes on a bluff, looking out into their territory. Dries down into a dry desert wind, but spicy! It smells like late August in Phoenix, when it's still blazing hot out but the wind has cooled down juuuuust a bit. For some reason, I'm also getting a slight wet wood after a monsoon storm. It gets a bit spicier as time goes on, but the dust subsides a little. Still pretty dry and animalistic by the end.


    Epilogue: This is too warm and fuzzy for my favorite hockey team, but I still love it. Reminds me more of where I've lived and where I live now; I don't really like admitting it, but I do enjoy living in a desert.


    Editor's Note 12/3: If you don't want a headache, don't slather this on. I probably only needed to apply some on my chest OR the back of my neck, because I did both and I was swimming in the scent for most of the day. Phew. Very strong.

  11. Prologue: I purchased a bottle from a forum sale. The description sounded beautiful; definitely something I've not experienced, living in the desert. All this dead leaves business is foreign to me. :lol:


    Intro: In the bottle, it is super earthy, yet sharp. I hope this sharpness goes away.


    Exposition: I applied this to my chest & the back of my neck before I left for work. Pretty strong throw! Seems like the sillage was pretty good, too: the BF asked me what I was wearing, and mentioned that he liked it. I could smell musky, dark amber goodness all day. The sharpness either comes from the clove (which I could smell) or the saffron (which I couldn't really smell). It lasted almost all day; after 6 or so hours, I could still get whiffs of it. By the time I left work, it was mostly gone. I'm not too familiar with most of the notes in this; I had to look most of them up to understand them all.


    Epilogue: This was a total sleeper hit! I love this! Got a compliment from the BF when I wore this, so that's also a plus!

  12. Received this via forum sale.


    Wet: Can smell myrrh & crypt dust. Super floral on me. It's ok but not my favorite. Oh, there's the white tea, definitely. Faint musk...I was just starting out testing fragrances, so I don't know what "red musk" actually is. Inoffensive floral so far.


    Drydown: More dust is billowing from the floor, with more white tea. I like drinking white tea, but when it is sweetened a la Teavana, I don't really like it (and this seems somewhat sweet on me). Tingles my nose, like I am inhaling dust. I am expecting myself to sneeze.


    Further drydown: WHY IS THERE SO MUCH POWDER AND DUST? ACHOO! Now nauseating powder & dust. Fairly decent throw (but in this case, a bad way). I can't smell musk or myrrh anymore until I put my hand to my nose. I wish this myrrh would come out more; it smells incense-y and wonderful when I put my nose up to my hand and breath deeply. However, when I can smell whiffs of it from afar, it just smells like powder. After 2-3 hand washings (and about 2-3 hours), it just smells like powder. I wanted to sneeze every time I sniffed this.


    Verdict: I wish it wasn't so dusty on me. I don't mind florals, but when the dust starts to kick up, it makes me sad. Swap pile it goes!

  13. I placed my order for Leather Phoenix a couple hours ago via CCNow, but it came back a few minutes ago saying I messed up my cc information. I fixed it and thus placed another order with the correct cc info (turns out I put the wrong expiration date, go me), and it created another order number.


    When the lab goes through orders, will they see that my bad order and good order are linked, or will I just get sent to the back of the line with my good order?

  14. I had posted this in another forum, but someone directed me to ask here. I did some searching, and found similar topics, but not exactly my situation.


    I checked my bank account and see that the amount of my order was deducted yesterday and today. Then I see a pending credit in the amount of both charges added together. When I check my CC order status it says shipped.


    But the charges/credits cancel each other out, so no money has actually been paid. Has anyone seen this before?

    I wanted to chime in and mention that I noticed this on my online bank statement as well. It was for my most recent order that hasn't shipped yet; however, I did receive a CnS for my oldest order (which was a little more expensive). I dunno if my order being shipped will be charged tomorrow & the earlier credit/charge was a mistake.

  15. Sweet green apple, apple blossom, sweet strawberry, pink pomegranate, violet leaf, tea rose, and red sandalwood.

    When I first put this on, all I can smell is sweetness. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. SWEET. Oh, and strawberry. Less apple than I thought, too. I was a little disappointed, because I do love apple. The brightest fruity fragrance I've ever worn.

    After five minutes, I can finally smell some of that white tea! Still super duper sweet, though. The fruit and tea combination reminds me of Teavana Youthberry. Seems slightly floral on me as well.

    As it dries down, I can finally smell the pomegranate & more of the floral. Oh my god, that sweetness does not go away, though. It's so cloying and all up in my business that it's giving me a slight headache.

    The floral comes out more after an hour, but still. Sweet. Argh. Not even apple sweet with a hint of tartness, but just...sweet.

    Annnnnd at the end, it changes completely and smells like sweet...sandalwood? What?!

    Thank goodness this doesn't last long on me. Maybe two to three hours. I just wish it wasn't so damned sweet! It smells so happy and pretty, and I would wear it all summer (and maybe a few times during the winter, to brighten my spirits) if it wasn't so cloyingly sweet.

  16. I just had to get at least an imp of this, because Araw Ng Mga Patay comes from my parents' homeland. My mom has been back to the Philippines a few times for this special occasion, which is this ridiculously large party involved celebrating everyone's lives, dancing, fireworks (in her district, anyway), and of course, fantastic food. I've never been, but I've heard it's a blast.


    Anyway, on to the review.


    Initially, I get this warm caramel, as if the flan is coming straight out of the oven. Over it I can smell white floral: jasmine and sampaguita, more specifically. I don't really like jasmine on its own, but when blended with other notes it smells incredible.


    About five minutes later, the perfume gets warmer and warmer. More caramel & more sugary treats. I'm not a big fan of sweet scents, but this reminds me of my aunt's house in the Philippines when we come over and stay in the little guest house in the backyard, behind the main house. This smells very much like said backyard, when we eat meals out on the patio. The floral is still there.


    It's pretty heavy and slightly musky, like the humid air when you walk outside. The heaviness reminds me more of summers in the Philippines; their monsoon season starts in July and ends in either August or September. It rains at least once every other day, and that musk hangs over like rain clouds.


    There's an interesting balance between the caramel and the floral. Those are the only two I can really smell. The caramel gets stronger and somehow spicier.


    At about the 4-hour mark, the caramel starts to fade into the background, and the floral takes precedence. By the end, all I can smell is the sampaguita. There is a lot less caramel.


    The strength overall is not bad. I like that it only lasts anywhere from four to six hours. I probably won't get a full bottle, but I'll definitely keep my decant and wear it whenever I miss summer vacations in the Philippines.

  17. Ooh, my first review. Please be kind :3 I got this as a freebie in a sale from Leopard403, who provided me with other wonderful 2011 Halloweenie scents. I also lived in Las Vegas for 12 years and (still) have a love/hate relationship with it. I had to have this.


    When I first put it on, I smelled very fruity red wine that's been sitting out all night, the faint scent of beer, & old stale casino carpet engulfed in old cigarette smoke from the past 30 years. The fruitiness dries down after a while, but I can still smell everything else.


    You know that scent you smell when you're standing in the middle of a row of slot machines inside a casino? (Aside from the thick cigarette smoke, of course.) I can smell that exact scent about an hour later, with a little more of that cigarette smoke.


    Unfortunately, it doesn't last as long as I want it to...it's gone in about four to five hours, and towards the three-hour mark I can only smell a powdery, incense resin on my skin.


    Works very well in cooler weather, and it's not too sweet for me. I ordered a bottle of this after wearing it tonight (my first 5ml!), because I feel like I would wear this quite a bit.
