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Posts posted by Morsigne925

  1. A rather strong "soapy" scent right out of the imp on me; definitely get the touch of absinthe, it's an herbal-boozy sort of soap. It's fairly strong on me, not sure if I could wear this one without getting a headache. It's got a bit of that "old stuff" smell to it too, like things that have been in an old box. I think this one may be a swapper.

  2. Haven't tried any of the "aquatic" type scents yet - it's very interesting. A very "clean," light smell on me. Maybe a little floral? It's like fresh breeze. It stays fresh without being sharp the way it is a bit right out of the bottle. It really reminds me of the experience of playing the video game Flower, actually - like it's what I imagine the air would smell like, weird as that may sound. I like this scent a lot, I'm still deciding if it's my style to wear as a perfume in general. It's definitely a keeper for now though, whether or not I order a big bottle.

  3. Got a sniffie of this one in a recent swap and it was enough to test, so why not?


    Wet/Imp: Very very sweet wine. Definitely getting floral, too; unfortunately largely rose-smelling to me. This smells exactly like some of the floral handsoaps my grandmother gets from little shops. Ehhh...


    Drying: Definitely straight up smelling like my grandparents house. Not a bad thing, but i don't really wanna smell like it. gonna pass this one on to someone who may love it!

  4. Wet/Imp: Smells like christmas. This is seriously also straight up the same scent as I get from the "Fresh Balsam" candle at Bath and Body Works - and I am not complaining. I LOVE tree smells. I want this to be a candle AND I would wear this as a perfume. Let's see where this goes.


    Drying: Sweet, cool tree scent. Like Yggdrasil but less minty, less sweet, more pine. Love love love it. Going in the big bottle pile.

  5. Wet/Imp: Strongly of....brown butter. Some kind of toasted butteriness. Like popcorn, but sweeter. Very foody to me right off the bat.


    Drying: Descriptions of ginger snaps I think are accurate, but these gingersnaps are more buttery, decandent. Reminds me of these super thin flower-shaped ginger cookies I can't think of the name of right now. I could also see pumpkiny spiced chai in here. Now I think on it actually strongly reminds me of oregon chai taste, as well. I really like the scent, and as with so many I want it for a candle. Can't decide if I would wear it...probably? Maybe? It smells damn delicious.

  6. Wet/Imp: Hit-you-in-the-face almond, with some sweet vanilla-ish spices. Now, I love almond, but it tends to smell a little harsh and boozy to me if it doesn't calm down. Something else seems to be fighting its way to the front, and I hope it does because this has the potential to be just wonderful from what I can tell so far.


    Drying: Actually starting to remind me a little of white rabbit for some reason - smelling like a toasted almond cake/cookie or something. I actually *really* love this. This would make a great Winter scent. Something about it also reminds me of the mainstream perfume Boyfriend. It's almost a little musky. This is going into the big bottle consideration pile!

  7. Wet/Imp: First impression is of a less spicy Hellcat. Boozy almond, plus clove. Lots of clove. Starts to smell like a boozy cider even.


    Drying: Smells like one of those oranges with cloves stuck in them. I feel like I would love this if the clove would just calm down. On the other hand this is another one that would make a nice candle. Don't dislike, but probably wouldn't use as a perfume.

  8. Wet/Imp: OH this smells good. It really strongly reminds me of Lush's silky underwear powder - it's a definite coconut/baby powder thing going on. But I don't hate it this time. I love coconut. I think it must be musks that give me a strong "powder" vibe.


    Drying: Powder-ness seems to start going down giving way to the toasted hazelnut smell, with the florals. This may very seriously be a bottle order in the near future. Smells light and delicately feminine to me.

  9. Wet/Imp: HOO this is the inside of an old wooden box right off the bat to me. Like one that once held sachets or spices; it reminds me strongly of just such boxes at my grandparents' house, actually.


    Drying: Getting to be more sweetly cinnamon-y as time goes on, but keeps the old wood scent around. Again this would make a really interesting candle/atmosphere scent to me, even if I wouldn't wear it as a perfume. Will have to deliberate on whether to keep it around!

  10. Wet/Imp: Sweet cinnamon and spice - I was expecting more herbal-ness from my experience with the other bewitching brews, which contain more licorice than I would like. But this...this I could possibly get behind. Especially in the winter time - it reminds me of spicy tea and winter potpourri. I would actually really love this for a room scent or a candle.


    Drying: Starts to go a bit the powdery way that Snake Oil tends to do on me, but the spiciness seems to hold up enough to keep it still unique and pleasant. I will probably use up the imp of this even if I don't buy a bottle as I love spicy scents.


  11. Bewitching, tantalizing and dangerously seductive. A thrilling, exotic blend -- deceptively sweet, but spiked with malice. White ginger, jasmine, and a touch of vanilla and apricot.


    Delighted to find this as a frimp in a recent swap, as it has been at the back of my list to try for a while!


    Wet/Imp: I love white ginger. Overall this smells halfway between tropical flowers and an incense shop. The musk is doing something a little funky and I can't decide if I love it or wish it wasn't there. I do keep coming back to sniff it either way. Jasmine starts coming out strong as it starts to dry.


    Drying: I think the musk is just a bit too strong for me :( and it isn't dying down much as time goes one. Such a shame because I really love the ginger/jasmine combo! This would be great for someone who likes particularly musky florals.

  12. Mage

    Wet/Imp: Incense and fragrant woods, also reminds me of an old library at my college


    Drying: Incense actually calms down a bit, which is surprising to me since they usually blow up on me, and it becomes almost floral? Like a mysterious woodsy floral. Like flowers out in the woods after it rained. Being in the pacific northwest this actually really reminds me of fall, and now that I'm thinking about it it bears a resemblance to Samhain to me. I really love this one by itself, too and I can't wait to try it layered with other rpg scents.

  13. Elf

    Wet/Imp: Smells like freshness, if that is a good descriptor. Vaguely lemony, vaguely like irish spring but not as obviously perfumey


    Drying: I reallllllly like this one, even without layering with anything else. Will do an edit later with it layered, maybe. It smells a bit like an old B&BW scent I used to like, but not as ridiculously strong and much nicer in general, the lemon verbena or something like that. I'm really curious to see how this layers with other RPG scents, this is the first of that line I have reviewed, and I already love where this is going. As time goes it smlls very pretty, like a fresh morning.

  14. Wet/Imp: Cedar cedar cedar, with some other stuff I can't make out yet


    Drying: Cedar still the most prominent, but leather and other things are making their way to the forefront. I think of an old cedar box you've kept a bunch of stuff in and you are opening it for the first time in a while. Some sweetness comes out more and more as it sits, could be the carnation.


    Cedar calming down as time goes and it becomes a lovely herbal wood scent. Again, would love I think to have this as a candle or room scent, though I am unsure if I would wear it. Now that I think about it, it might actually make a nice man scent though....hmmmmm.....

  15. Wet/Imp: Spicy chocolate


    Drying: Smells like a fruity-sweeter, less smoky and less tobacco Antikythera Mechanism, with musky chocolate. Indeed, it smells the way some mochas I've had at Dilettante chocolate bar taste. I actually love this smell, not quite sure if I would wear it regularly, but good grief I would love to have this as a candle, or a potpourri bag in my closet or something, particularly for winter. As it sits more it becomes a more powdery baked chocolate smell, with the mandarin close behind and the tobacco lingering in the background. Lovely, and unique. 4/5 stars

  16. Imp/Wet: Smells vaguely like a shop where you can get those small scented soaps and other frilly pretty things, then also smells like a minty berry tea of some sort.


    Drying: This one is very intriguing. I can't quite decide if I love it or not - there is one note in there, not sure what, that is a little harsh on my nose and makes me wrinkle it a bit every time I sniff; but there are also things that make me want to sniff again. It is more musky and like some of the more commercial perfumes I've smelled, and yet also not. I may have to stay a judgement on this one for a while. I don't immediately love it, or hate it. It smells clean and dirty at the same time, can't figure out how quite else to explain it.

  17. Received this one as a frimp in my latest order!


    Wet/Imp: Smells actually quite bitter on me, not unlike the way that Hershey's special dark chocolate tastes, or powerful espresso mixed with black pepper


    Drying: Seems to stay very bitter on me, each time I sniff it it hits some weird part of my nose that almost burns, similar to what happens when I sniff pepper; think I'll have to wipe this one off. The scent may work for some people but on me I just can't handle it :/ this is one for the swap pile for sure, unfortunately.

  18. Bottle/wet: cinnamon spice pumpkin and chai; i suppose i get a little fruityness too, probably the mango


    Drying: Smells like a better version of those oranges with cloves stuck in them, plus pumpkin goodness. I love this scent - it seems all my favorites are fall and winter smells :D I will really enjoy this this fall, along with Samhain and whatever new Halloweenies come round.

  19. Wet/bottle: Very clean, bright; not unlike irish spring soap to me


    Drying: lovely floral, and I usually do hate too much floral - it's got just enough darkness coming through from musk to make it quite nice on me.


    Overall, this is one that smells sort of classic-perfumey to me, but I do like it, so will keep it around! 3.9/5

  20. Finally reviewing my bottle of '12!


    Bottle/wet: Strongly herbal, like leaves; definitely smell some apple-cider scent in there


    Drying: Becomes a really lovely fall day, especially like one in Seattle, where it may have been raining; apple-y and spicy and woodsy, crisp and cozy at the same time. I really love this one!

  21. Imp/wet: Funny, it doesn't seem all that overtly masculine right out of the imp? Rather it smells very clean to me, nice and fresh


    Drying: It does start to smell a bit like some mens' deodorant scents I've smelled. I have to say I would not be able to stop smelling a guy wearing this; I can barely stop smelling it on myself! Not overpowering at all like some cologne, just....great-smelling. Definitely a keeper - would attempt to put on any guy I'd date. 4/5

  22. Funny, I have always hated the smell of tulips, but this scent is actually very pleasant. On first whiff, the absolute first thing that popped into my head was playing the game Flower. That's the image I persistently get from smelling this - flying around in a sometimes sunny sometimes drizzly green grassy flowering meadow on a breeze.


    It becomes a little more floral as time is going on and I miss the grass, wish it stayed around longer; I absolutely love this for a spring scent. Pleasantly surprised, as I was convinced by the description that I'd hate it. 3.8/5 stars I think.

  23. Imp/wet: Spicy/toasted almond liqueur, almost like frangelico and amaretto mixed. Not quite as sweet an almond smell as some other almond based scents I've tried (like Hellcat)


    Drying: Musk definitely comes out, hope this doesn't become too powdery


    More drying: Hroom. Certainly becoming pretty powdery on me, but I can't decide if I dislike that as I usually do. It's less of a baby-powdery smell and more of a fancy lady powder/ladys' lounge at a fancy department store type of powder. Gonna put this one in the undecided pile. 3.5/5 stars

  24. This is really and truly the first scent I've tried that I *immediately* thought to myself "I need to get a bottle of this."


    Imp/wet: Gardenia


    Drying: Ginger comes out more - this reminds me of visiting the botanical gardens in Hawai'i and smelling all of my favorite things there (I love tropical floral scents like plumeria, pikake and flowering ginger). Unsure if the ginger note is supposed to be the flowering ginger or the root but whatever it is, it is magical. I feel beautiful wearing this. 5 stars, absolutely getting a bottle.
