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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by LadyDX

  1. Being new to the forums I apoligize in advance if I've posted this in the wrong area ...


    I ordered my first imps in Oct via CCNow instead of paypal because of not being able to update new bank info on paypal at the time. I didn't know at the time that CCNow didn't deduct the amount of your order when you placed it, but deducted it when the lab gets the order from them. (I'd already taken it out in my register so I wouldn't forget it)


    Here's my delima. My order now shows the lab has gotten it to fill (say's Nov 8- shipped) but we were unaware that our paycheck for last week would be shorted, and I'd already paid my electric bill by that time..leaving my account in the red till Friday :P


    Since it's in the red..that means the CCNow transaction more than likely will be kicked back and not paid...so here's my question, if that happens, does anyone know if I'll get some sort of notification from either CCNow or BPAL saying it happened? And if so, will I have to post another order and wait two more months to get it? =/


    I do know one thing for certian..from now on when I order from the lab it'll be Paypal only so I know the money is out of my account and this can't happen agian!
