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Everything posted by alicia_stardust

  1. alicia_stardust

    Two, Five & Seven

    I have been searching for a good rose scent for a while. Most of them I reject because my skins amps up rose notes like nobody's business. Two, Five & Seven is perfect! I have one or two more rose blends to try out but this one so far is the best. In the vial: sharp rose with a slight greeny scent to it. There's something in the background that almost reminded me of cherry cough syrup. On my skin: this drys down to a very nice menagerie of roses. They all mix together well and wowee! Do I ever love it. I can smell a hint of grass in there but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not. Mostly, it's just a beautiful rose scent. It had a good throw and lasted a number of hours. It wasn't too sharp, too sweet, or too cloying. I gave this 4 out of 5 stars.
  2. alicia_stardust


    Numb is a very cool, frosty scent. I didn't expect it to be quite so minty and that threw me off for a bit. Wearing: after I applied this the minty part softened up and sort of left. Then I got a sweet, cool, violet scent with a very soft and feminine feel to it. I was surprised again. I actually quite like this despite its bad rap in general. After a while: faded in a couple of hours to nothing. It was nice while it lasted but it didn't "grab" my attention like some scents do. I gave it a 3 out of 5 stars, which means I may keep an imp but it can definitely get swapped if I need to clear out some space.
  3. alicia_stardust

    Pink Phoenix

    Wet: slightly tangy or sharp, strawberries. On skin: doesn't change much at first. On drying: I start to smell more of the sugary sweetness and the vanilla. It mixes nicely with that tangy strawberry scent I smell. I think of the color pink (of course) when I smell this. I also have to note that it is light, playful, innocent, and fun to wear. After a while: The same notes are all there, but I get an almost caramel creaminess to it. Lovely. This one was a big surprise for me. I never thought I'd like it and then I had to go out and scramble for a bottle. I rated this 4 out of 5 stars. A must keep.
  4. alicia_stardust


    When I first sniffed Sylph, I was surprised because it was not what I expected. And yet! And yet it's perfect. It is very "air" to me. The lavender is a good base for it, and swirling around that I get citrus and grassy notes. Something about this is ozone-like without being the type that gives me a headache. Makes me think of a warm, bright afternoon, hilltops and grasses blowing in the breeze. Beautiful. 4 out of 5 stars. I'll keep some on hand. ADDED 3/4/08: Sylph is my favorite of the Elementals. It is mostly a gentle lavender with something citrus, like bergamot. There is an almost herbal quality behind those two aspects. Overall this has a light, airy feeling and it brings to mind the wind that would whip across a sunlit meadow of grass and florals. Something about this smells inexplicably "yellow" and for that, it reminds me of a sunny summer day with bright fluffy clouds and a pale breeze.
  5. alicia_stardust

    Egg Nog

    Oh baby! I have to start by saying that I am not a foody scent girl for the most part. There are very few exceptions. But wowee! Egg Nog is dead on. It has that slight boozy, creamy, nutmeg, vanilla smell to it that's just perfect. Makes my mouth water. I sure wish I could get more of this! 4 out of 5 stars.
  6. alicia_stardust

    White Light

    In the vial: warm and spicy. I think it's cinnamon. Wearing: it doesn't change much on my skin. Whatever the notes are, they meld together until they become a swirl of emotion. The emotions and thoughts I get when I smell this are warm, relaxed, comforted, protected, fearless. I smell cinnamon and citrus, and perhaps in the background there's something herbal (eucalyptus?) and slightly floral. I get a very bold, warm golden white light when I picture a color for this. I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars.
  7. alicia_stardust


    I read the reviews for Mercury before it went live again for one day, and though... meh, that doesn't sound like a good combo. Cinnamon and lavender? Hrmph. And then I kicked myself repeatedly once I got an imp of it and saw what I missed out on. Then I went into a mad scramble to find a bottle for sale. Lavender + cinnamon is the most interesting combination ever. I adore it. I can't quite describe what it does to my mood but it's calming and bouyant and "confident" in a very strong way. It doesn't change much for me between the vial and my skin. I can't tell any change that occurs. Just apply lightly or use it as a room scent if you're sensitive to cinnamon. I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars.
  8. alicia_stardust

    Has No Hanna

    In the vial all I could smell was a light and sweet floral. Wearing it, I started to smell a slight warmth, and a lot of "high-pitched" florals like lilies. Not sure exactly what they are but the closest I can tell is lilies. I also get a ginger-fruit type of scent in the background but it melds well and hides behind the flowers. Since this is such a light and sweet scent I found it very bouyant to my mood. I'd say that it succeeded in "lifting spirits". A good one! I'll keep some on hand.
  9. alicia_stardust

    Block Buster

    At first sniff I couldn't tell a single thing that was in this, only that it smelled very familair. Wearing it, I realized that I was smelling a sweetness and a spice that was perhaps cinnamon but a very mellow one at that. The note that stood out the most was apples. It reminded me very much of Samhain 05 for a while. In the end I felt it was effective and nice smelling. I'll keep some on hand. I gave this a 3.5 out of 5 stars.
  10. alicia_stardust

    Blood Rose

    In the vial: sharp, tangy with a touch of rose in the background. Wearing: this starts out as very sharp and tangy, almost fruity. There's a sharpness that makes me think of berries and wine. It makes me think of the color red. As it dries down, the rose comes out more and blends with the other notes to make a very heady, sexual, heady rose scent slashed with a resinous and deep fruit scent. It's gorgeous. In my ratings I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars. Lovely!
  11. alicia_stardust


    I got an imp of this from a swap/sale. In the vial there's a sharpness to it, and something sort of musty. It makes me want to say patchouli but there's a lightness to it (maybe citrus?) that keeps it from being down and dirty like most patchouli is to me. Wearing this, the patchouli becomes more apparent. I get a green smell, something light, something sharp, and then the overpowering mustiness. Patchouli is not my friend. I don't really care for this but I can see using it or keeping it around for specific purposes other than wearing it for scent.
  12. alicia_stardust

    Snake Charmer

    Whoah. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet. A few weeks ago I got an imp of Snake Charmer from my friend. Initially I thought it smelled nice but it didn't grab me. I set down the vial. Later in the afternoon I sauntered past it and decided to put some on. It was amazing! I was euphoric! In the vial, I smell warmth and spiciness, but it's hard for me to detect the different notes. It almost reminded me of Blood Moon but with more sweetness (the vanilla?) Drying, I get more of the layers. It's like sexy red mists, warm golden amber, sweet vanilla, and plum all swirling together. It's very "heady" without being too much. It's very lusty. It reminds me of O and Snake Oil, but it is far far better! Snake Charmer is sensual, earthy, and gorgeous. The scent stays beautiful on my skin and doesn't change much after the initial drydown. I give this a 5 out of 5 stars, and I shall horde any of it that I can get my hands on!
  13. alicia_stardust

    Red Phoenix

    *swoon* I have been completely surprised again. Here I am, this watery light blue aquatic Pisces-type...and all my most favorite scents are warm, red, and spicy. In the bottle Red Phoenix reminds me of Blood Moon and possibly even Snake Charmer minus the sweetness. On my skin, Red Phoenix just blooms into this red, warm, spicy, earthy scent that just melts me into puddles. I will hoarde this like a madwoman and enjoy every second I am wearing it. Love it! I gave this a 5 out of 5 stars!
  14. alicia_stardust


    Yuletide smells very green and piney in the bottle. In fact, I could barely distinguish it from Mistletoe at first. But I was oh so wrong. On my skin, it morphs into this sharp but bright red and juicy menagerie of berries. The green part stays there but falls to the background so I can really enjoy the berries. Of the Yule LE scents this year, this is in my top 3 with Jacob's Ladder and Lick It. I give Yuletide a 5 out of 5 stars! It would probably make a great room scent, too.
  15. alicia_stardust

    Lick It

    This is simple and worth gobs of adoration. I mean...peppermint, sugar, and a touch of creaminess when worn? What's not to love. It even quelled my nausea when I wasn't feeling well. I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars. Love love love it!
  16. alicia_stardust


    Oh, phooey! I wanted to like this but I just can't stand it either in the vial or on my skin. I personally think it's the chestnuts that ruin it; it's too nutty and I can't get past it to enjoy the other notes! I gave this a 1 out of 5 stars.
  17. alicia_stardust


    I was very, very nervous to try this given that everyone knows me as Stardust. And I desperately wanted to like it but was worried I wouldn't and would be disappointed. But I love it! In the bottle it's very floral and party-like ('70's, anyone?) and definitely smells like hairspray to me. On the skin, it livens up into more and more florals until it peaks, then I find that I can detect the champagne, smoke, slight hairspray. It's truly a genious concoction! It is the perfect scent for a night out, parties, clubs...a trip to Vegas! I gave this 5 out of 5 stars! A keeper!
  18. alicia_stardust

    Jacob's Ladder

    In the bottle: light but warm amber, and sweetness. Not sweetness like a candy sugar, more like a brown sugar type of smell...without being foody. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not. Wearing: Wow, oh wow. Must buy bottle before it goes away!! It's beautiful. A warm light amber with resinous tones and swirling gold colors. My review truly can't do it justice. 5 out of 5 stars! Buying bottle(s)!!
  19. alicia_stardust


    I was lucky enough to snag a bottle of this from the Lab when Beth recently posted all the backstock on ebay! In the bottle: very fruity, tangy, sharp. It reminds me of watery flowers, too, but I definitely get a fruity kick that's almost candy-like. Just applied: still fruity, but I get more florals now. It softens without going powdery on me. After an hour or more: The tangy high notes fade and it becomes a luminous, swirling water floral. A lot of reviewers mention "drowning flowers" and I definitely get that. Water lotus. I also get a slight "warmth" to the scent, and a depth as well. This is one of the only aquatic type scents that actually works on me without making me nauseated. Since this morphs so much, I have a hard time narrowing it down more than this: fruity/flora/aquatic. I gave this a 5 out of 5 stars!
  20. alicia_stardust

    The Chariot

    Whoah. Wet it smells tangy and sharp to my nose, like berries but not quite. Dry it changes. It smells so familiar yet eludes me. I can't tell what it reminds me of. It's sort of milky, creamy and chalky with this bitter medicinal kick to it. Licorice. That's what it is. Black licorice. I can see using this for magical purposes but I wouldn't wear it otherwise. It just doesn't work on me. I gave this 2 out of 5 stars.
  21. alicia_stardust

    Annabel Lee

    This definitely smells green and sweet. It's light. I can definitely smell the cucumber both in the vial and for the first little while after I put it on my wrist. I love this for the first hour. After that, it turns way too soapy on me. I gave this a 2 out of 5 stars.
  22. alicia_stardust

    The Hermit

    The Hermit smells light and warm to me, like a dew-dropped garden in the warm afternoon sun. It's very non-intrusive, with a bit of an herbal scent in the background. However, the thing I notice the most on me is something that reminds me of tuberose or lily. It's lovely! I've been trying to limit my purchases to only scents that really "grab" me. This one "grabs" me, and I think I may have to buy a bottle!
  23. alicia_stardust


    Authority - Creativity - Courage - Leadership - Abundance - Good Health & Healing - Illumination - Truth - Honesty - Wise Counsel - Prophecy - Pride - Revelation - Equilibrium - Mediation - Nobility - Generosity In the imp - very citrus, and is that oranges I smell? Wearing - the citrus leaves and I'm left with a warm golden, fiery scent. Not fiery like cinnamon. It's fiery like warm heat that melts into your skin when you lie in the sun on a summer afternoon. I smell resins. It's lovely. I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars. Very nice, indeed. Bottle please!
  24. alicia_stardust

    Storm Moon

    Storm Moon is beautiful and I think Beth captured it perfectly. The description fits so well. However. It didn't work on me. I tend to only be able to wear the more "subtle" aquatic and air scents. This one was a little too much, and a little too strong, and a little too soapy. I think it would make a beautiful room scent, though!
  25. alicia_stardust

    Milk Moon 2005

    ... Milk Moon is Flower Moon’s warmer, gentler cousin; it is a scent that emulates the closeness of child and mother. In it, cream and warm honey soften our traditional blend of lunar oils. Oh, goodness! I loved the smell of Milk Moon in the imp! But then when I wore it...it went downhill. Perhaps it's just too sweet for my tastes, or perhaps it's my chemistry. But as it dried down it turned into this overly sickly sweet vanilla. It was overpowering and burned my nose a bit. It was also very sharp and reminded me of those "over done" vanilla perfumes (complete with alcohol/perfume headache) such as Vanilla Fields. Ick. I gave this a 1 out of 5 stars. I will be putting this one in my sale & swap pile so it can go to someone who will love it.