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Everything posted by alicia_stardust

  1. alicia_stardust

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    Theodosius is a sexy, rich men's scent that I just love. I am buying a full bottle for my husband, stat! There is a gentleman's air to this, with a beautiful white musk. I love the way the musk plays off of the vanilla and the tea leaves. It gives it the right amount of calm, the right amount of sweet. This is both sexy and gentle.
  2. alicia_stardust


    It smells exactly like it's supposed to: sugared rose. It is pink and fresh and sweet, and it has the right amount of throw and wearlength. The rose doesn't get too cloying like it tends to on my skin. It pairs really well with Faith, either side by side or else layered. Try it, you'll love it!
  3. alicia_stardust


    It smells exactly like it's supposed to: sugared violet. It is dusky and purple and sweet, and it has the right amount of throw and wearlength. It pairs really well with Hope, either side by side or else layered. Try it, you'll love it!
  4. alicia_stardust

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    This is a subtle scent. It's soft, comforting. The mint is neither too light nor too strong. It sort of melds with the tea just right. A touch of blossom, a touch of citrus. Whatever it is, this is beautiful. Refreshing, not cloying at all.
  5. alicia_stardust

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    This has a mysterious, sinister scent to it. There's darkness there. The musks are strongest for me, and the rest of the notes form a sinuous sort of green/black scent. I love this one.
  6. alicia_stardust

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    This smells just like chocolate. The melty kind that you want to dip your fingers into in order to take a taste. The chocolate is not to dark, not too milky. It's just right. Yum!
  7. alicia_stardust

    Coral Snake (2006)

    I really love the way this smells for the first while. The apples are juicy and red and this is very refreshing. In a way the fruit aspect doesn't seem to mesh with the Snake Oil musks and such, so this is a "like" but not "love" scent for me.
  8. alicia_stardust


    Cottonmouth is a cool, clean, fluffy white floral that pairs so well with Snake Oil. In the bottle this was my favorite, without ever even looking at the notes in it. It is just so pretty. Fresh and springlike!
  9. alicia_stardust

    Carnaval Diabolique

    I get a blast of lemon, but it is a soft and subdued lemon. It is tempered by a complex, weaving blend of florals and opium. I love the way the tuberose pairs with the lemon. Even though I don't tend to favor lemon scents, I do really like this one.
  10. alicia_stardust


    Boomslang is sort of sticky/sweet. It is Snake Oil plus dark chocolate and a touch of teak. The rice aspect adds a touch of comfort/sweet to the rest of the scent, but it doesn't take things over. I think Boomslang might be my go-to scent when I want the comfort of chocolate with the sultry aspect of Snake Oil. Love!!
  11. alicia_stardust

    Banded Sea Snake (2006)

    Ah, a scent that is aquatic/mossy... that I actually adore! This is amazing stuff. I love that it seems like a subdued Snake Oil with an overlay of water and moss. The scent has a very green color to it. On my skin it has strong throw and long staying power. I find Banded Sea Snake to be especially comforting.
  12. alicia_stardust

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    I get an amazing kick of berry right off the bat, and that stays long and strong throughout the wear length. Behind the berry I get a touch of neroli and a touch of vanilla with the Snake Oil. Now that I've refreshed my memory on what the notes are in this, I do think that the cardamom adds some extra punch to the acai berry, but otherwise I was unable to pick it out from the rest. I really love this one. I think it's in my top 4 of the Snake Pit scents.
  13. alicia_stardust

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    Xanthe is sweet, pale, fruity. It has a sort of ethereal pink/orange scent to it and it almost reminds me of Kunstkammer, not in exact scent but in scent family. I really love the way this wears. It has a sort of uplifting yet mellow mood to it.
  14. alicia_stardust


    Last night I was told that my close childhood friend, JoAnn, had just passed away. Even though I thought I was prepared for it and had had a strange feeling about things with each successive report that came in from the hospital via her family, I wasn't. I was not prepared to hear that JoAnn had passed away. Early yesterday I had a feeling that I should light a candle for her. After 4 hours it was about halfway burned when I heard that she had passed on. Since that time, the other half of the candle has taken...15 hours to burn. What does it mean if anything? I slept fitfully last night. The candle was on my altar and Nathan said I kept murmuring in my sleep. I miss JoAnn. She was hands down the strongest, kindest, and most positive person I have ever known. Even if she is free from pain and suffering now, it's not fair. She was too young to die. It hurts me to think that her entire life was spent with health problems. Shock has delayed my reaction but I am slowly coming to terms with her death. In time it will hurt less.
  15. alicia_stardust

    Three Jacks

    This smells like swarthy, strong vetiver. Behind that there are woods, dry smoke, oil, and LOTS of patchouli. This isn't a wearable scent for me, but then this is a Voodoo blend so that takes care of that. I should keep this around until the next time I'm in Vegas.
  16. alicia_stardust


    Nathan is taking me to see Stardust tonight! It feels like I've been waiting for this for ages. I am so excited that I can't sit still. To make things worse, I just opened up some liquid caffeine. Someone tie me down now before I vibrate with so much energy that I start to float upward.
  17. alicia_stardust


    I imagine that this packed quite a punch as a Voodoo blend. I can just feel it. As a scent, I get a mix of jasmine/gardenia with a deep, dark resinous scent. It's earthy and spicy like red ginger and musk and something very aged; perhaps patchouli. This smells so much like a very serious, hidden magical shop that you go out of your way to get to in order to buy some of their wares. I *adore* Juju. There's something about it that is strangely comforting and releasing.
  18. alicia_stardust


    Since I never guessed that I would be able to try Venom, I never even looked at the scent description. If I had, I would have known that it would be instant love! I adore opponax and galbanum. The resins sit sinuous and strong, while the berries, lime, and jasmine burst forth to give this a smoky, alluring, sensual scent. This is graceful yet strong; sweet yet wicked. On my skin this has a strong throw and a very long wear length. If only I had more!
  19. alicia_stardust

    Virgo 2007

    Virgo is green and wet. It smells like crushed green stems and slightly bitter greens. On my skin it has a strong herbal quality to it, as if I had spent an afternoon in the garden and my skin had rubbed against the leaves of many fragrant herb plants. There's a slight grassy quality to this. I have no idea what valerian smells like, but I do know that the fennel is the strongest part of the blend for me. This fits the bill for anyone who loves earth scents without the patchouli, or who loves herbs and green scents.
  20. alicia_stardust

    Allison Gross

    I am so baffled by Allison Gross. I have read every review here and none of them match my experience with the scent. In the bottle I get a beautiful crushed green scent: herbs and grass and smooshed stems. It's gorgeous!! As the scent dries on my skin I get... a bitter and dry sort of green scent with a smattering of sharp, perfumey, almost generic florals. I have doggedly tested this scent three times to see if I could get a better result than that, but sadly my skin chemistry hates it. I adore the smell of this in the bottle, though, so perhaps this is a scent-locket sort of scent. For anyone that loves green and/or herbal scents: try this! I think you'll love it.
  21. alicia_stardust

    The Emathides

    The Emathides. I had no idea what to expect from this scent because I couldn't wrap my brain around the interesting combination of notes in here. In the bottle I smell lavender, mostly, with a touch of sweetness. On my skin it immediately changes. I get a strong, dark, molasses-like amber. It definitely has that resinous quality to it. The scent is so vivid that it's almost tangible. As the scent dries the amber softens up a bit and it is crowded by dusky purple scents: florals, the barest hint of currant, the barest hint of blue musk. For some reason my nose does not detect the rose attar at all, even though my skin usually amps rose anything. The overall "color" of this scent is a deep navy blue mixed with purple. It is haunting and beautiful. So beautiful.
  22. alicia_stardust


    Victoria smells soft and innocent, feminine. It is pale and not complex. Each note in the scent description sort of holds it's own spot on my skin, and at times I can detect them all separately. Other times they mingle into one scent. The vanilla musk warms the flowers and plays a big role in this scent after I've been wearing it for an hour or so. At that point the scent starts to have a slight perfumey edge to it. This is very pretty; very fitting of Victoria's character in the book.
  23. alicia_stardust

    Singing Moon

    In the bottle I get a strong, sweet smell that I am sure is meadowsweet. Lurking behind that I get the smell of murky, damp earth. On my skin, this very briefly reminds me of Crow Moon, and then that aspect goes away. As the scent dries, there is such a sharp bite of fresh-turned earth and soil that I can almost taste it. Behind this earth scent I can detect small amounts of water-drowned flowers, a touch of bitter herb, and then a lovely zest of seaspray (very subtle) and autumn fires. I can't quite describe what this scent does to me. It's very uncharacteristic of my usual favorites, yet I really like it. For some reason the scent of it puts me into a sort of holding state where I'm on the verge of melancholy, longing for expression of some sort, feeling a loss of something I can't grasp. Meditative. Quiet. Knowing.
  24. alicia_stardust


    Tristran is a very nice gentleman's scent. There is a youth to it. The woods are soft and gentle and I think they are tempered by the lemon peel, and grounded by the patchouli. The patchouli is there but it isn't the heavy, swarthy patchouli that I expected; I think that this lighter version is perfect for Tristran. I have no idea if it's the power of suggestion or if the patchouli combines with another note to create a "dirt and mud" scent, but it's perfect. I love the duality of the gentleman's scent combined with the "dirt and mud". Those two aspects both pull at each other, and complement each other.
  25. alicia_stardust


    Shadwell did not appeal to me when I read the scent description, but I actually quite like it! It smells of moss, water, and dampness. It has a grey but clean scent to it, but then that is altered by the comforting scent of the cream and the slightly sweet scent of the "roll-ups". What it really reminds me of is being in a damp bookstore cafe on a rainy day, where you can't quite dry out; scents waft over to you from the bakery and you sip your hot tea.