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Everything posted by alicia_stardust

  1. alicia_stardust

    That Pirates of the Caribbean smell (The Disney Ride)

    I haven't found the right combination of scents yet, but oh gods I love the way that ride smells. I was eight years old when I went to Disneyland for the first time. Not only was that my favorite ride, but I kept talking about how it smelled.
  2. alicia_stardust

    Pumpkin Smash

    PUMPKIN SMASH Wet: In the bottle it smells like pumpkin and a very small hint of smoke in the background. Dry on Skin: This starts as a classic pumpkin scent, but within the first couple of minutes I get smoke and a touch of beer. The smoke is really unique and doesn't overpower the other notes. It remains dry and subtle. After some time has passed, I start to smell a waxy candle scent and the pumpkin note (now with subtle spice) has once again come to the forefront of all of the other notes. The wax is a perfect accent to the pumpkin and smoke. It remains complementary and smells much better than you might imagine. Pumpkin Smash is very evocative and reminds me strongly of adolescent Halloween mischief. It is not sweet or dessert-like at all, yet it still smells delicious. The smoke and beer do not make this a masculine scent at all. It's quite lovely and grounded, but still full of pumpkin goodness! This is a perfect execution to the concept of smashed pumpkins.
  3. alicia_stardust

    Egg'd Mailbox

    EGG'D MAILBOX Wet: In the bottle I smell a creamy, thick vanilla. There's definitely an egg note in there but it's lovely, not gross. Dry on Skin: This is definitely reminiscent of Egg Nog, but it has a creamier vanilla aspect to it. There almost seems to be a touch of soft and light booze, and something that smells very custard-like; that's possibly the "eggs" speaking. It took me a while to pinpoint it but I think I also smell nutmeg and tonka. Carnation is a possibility but if it is in there, it only enhances the blend and does not, in any way, make this a floral scent. I do think it might be my favorite of this year's Inquisitions scents. Egg'd Mailbox is a creamy, vanilla egg custard with a touch of booze and nutmeg. It is gourmand and yet not a high-pitched sugary dessert. Instead it is unique, complex, grounding, and comforting. It brings to mind the welcome warmth of indoors after coming in from a cold, late night of trick-or-treating. And of course, it's imperative that a lovely dessert awaits you after your long night! Edit: Am I imagining it or is there a teeny, tiny little soft amount of a metallic scent in there?
  4. alicia_stardust

    Pumpkin Cheesecake

    PUMPKIN CHEESECAKE Wet: In the bottle I smell cheesecake and pumpkin. Yum! Dry on Skin: For the first while I get pumpkin cheesecake. It is dead on, and I love it! This is more pure pumpkin than "Jack" pumpkin. As time passes, more and more spice comes out to complement the pumpkin. Despite the spice, which sits on top of the other notes, the cheesecake aspect is not lost. This is very much like Beaver Moon, with a pumpkin twist! As time passes I get a touch of brown sugar and graham cracker. They just barely peek out as the pumpkin and cheesecake scent starts to slowly fade from my skin. The spice is the last to go. This is fun, foody, and decadent. I love it so much!
  5. alicia_stardust

    Ignis Massage Oil

    IGNIS Ignis is a remarkable massage oil with a beautiful fire scent. It calls on the fire archetype with fervor, power, passion, and energy. I find it to be empowering and sexual in nature. This is such a lovely medley of scent. It starts with a strong blast of patchouli and myrrh, but right after that I smell a bright note of ylang ylang and mandarin. The mandarin really lends a nice touch to the patchouli aspect of this and the sandalwood is really pretty. The scent of Ignis calls to mind deep red and orange hues. Glowing. Flickering. I am so impressed by each and every one of the elemental massage oils. I can't even pick a favorite because each one is so beautiful, so complete, and wraps me up in the essence and mood of its element.
  6. alicia_stardust

    Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

    SUGAR-SLATHERED CANDIED APPLE Wet: I smell the crisp bite of red apple and a slight touch of caramel. Dry on Skin: This dries into a gorgeously juicy, red apple scent. It is tangy and crisp. The caramel is definitely there, but it's a lighter caramel than what I smell in Creepy. I compared those two scents side-by-side on my skin and there is definitely a difference in the lightness of the caramel. This scent also has a strong dusting of sugar that lasts throughout and is the last thing I smell on my skin, after the caramel and apple have faded away. The wear-length is medium and the throw is strong. This is very festive and warm! It reminds me of Halloween carnivals from my childhood. =)
  7. alicia_stardust

    Marshmallow Poof

    MARSHMALLOW POOF Wet: In the bottle I smell sweet, fluffy sugar with an almost syrupy quality to it. It reminds me of the deliciously gooey marshmallow topping that can be dolloped on top of an ice cream sundae. Dry on Skin: Marshmallow poof is right!! This smells exactly like pastel-colored, fluffy, soft marshmallows. I get a strong layer of sweet vanilla over the faintest hint of lemon extract. There's just a drop of something cherry-like as this dries, but then it disappears. Marshmallow poof remains a decadent, sweet, bright marshmallow scent with qualities that remind me of both Midway and Sugar Skull. This one is a winner, everyone! I love this!!
  8. alicia_stardust

    Carnal Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    Carnal soap was my first BPTP soap love, and it remains among my favorites. Carnal soap is also responsible for making me fall in love with Carnal as a scent. I had not tried the BPAL perfume before the soap came out, and now I always keep both on hand. As with all the other soaps, Carnal is soft and moisturizing and it lathers really well. It has the perfect amount of richness from the fig and the perfect amount of zing from the mandarin.
  9. alicia_stardust

    Snake Oil Soap

    Well many people know that I am completely in love with musky, sexual scents and Snake Oil is one of them. The soap is no different. It has a strong Snake Oil aroma that scents the entire bathroom and leaves my skin silky soft, with a bare hint of the scent left to linger on my skin for a short while after my shower or bath. This is one that I must always have on hand, no matter what!
  10. alicia_stardust

    Pumpkin Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    Pumpkin Soap is an amazing little guy. It is the quintessential autumn scent and I find it to be right on the line between foody and non-foody. It definitely seems to be almost straight pumpkin; not buttery, not complex, but possibly with a touch a spice to round it out. I also love the texture and weight of this soap. I think it might be the clay. It still lathers really well but it's a different kind of lather. I am so glad I got more than one bar of this!!
  11. alicia_stardust

    TP'd Trees

    TP'd TREES Wet: In the bottle I smell a slight little bit of forest and evergreen, and a soft waft of sweet and fresh powder. Dry on Skin: I expected this to have a hard, masculine edge from the oak, cypress, and pine. Instead it is a sweet, refreshing, and light scent. It's not quite aquatic, but almost. It is almost powdery, but not too much so. The main thing I smell in this is a soft cotton blossom and a touch of white musk. The pine and woods are ever so slight and are just present enough to keep the fluffy 2-ply from floating off! This is gorgeous, fun, and reminds me strongly of Enraged Bunny Musk.
  12. alicia_stardust

    Midnight Kiss

    MIDNIGHT KISS - I have a bottle of this on order but we got a frimp from the Lab and it immediately became one of my husband's favorite scents. He has taken the frimp and claimed the bottle that's on the way. The thing is, he's going to have to fight me for it. Wet: Cocoa and red musk. Dry on Skin: The first thing I smell when this hits my skin is a warm, nutty cocoa absolute. It sits side by side with the red musk which I find to be a glowing red, sultry, sensual musk with a sweet juicy bite to it. After the scent has settled into my skin, the red musk dominates the scent. The cocoa absolute fades and I can smell the patchouli behind the red musk. Then something else happens as the scent morphs: I get a wine-like, warm, sandalwood aspect... with SPICE. It's as if there's a touch of hot dry spice that sort of brings all the notes together. It's my favorite part of this scent! If you like this glowing red musk scent you must also try Lampades, Red Phoenix, Blood Moon, Mme Moriarty, and Hollywood Babylon. But really, Midnight Kiss is worth checking out. It's so unique for a red musk scent. It is so sultry, spicy, and passionate.
  13. alicia_stardust

    Crypt Queen

    CRYPT QUEEN Wet: In the bottle I smell a deep red, tangy scent mixed with a sharp bite of pepper. Dry on Skin: Immediately I smell a sweet, juicy, glistening red scent. I expected that the pomegranate would rule this scent for me, but I smell the raspberries right alongside the pomegranate. The plum deepens this scent, and the gardenia and rose complement those fruits with a sweet, light touch. After a few minutes I smell the black pepper. It strongly contrasts the glistening red fruits and spreads a layer of dark and foreboding over them. The patchouli is not forgotten and it works with the black pepper to counterbalance the gorgeous fruits and florals. This is an alluring scent that is full of depth and duality. Despite the duality, it keeps a strong cohesiveness. It is simultaneously sweet, light and sexy, yet is also evocative of dark crypts and the clods of earth that blot the light out as they cover them.
  14. alicia_stardust

    Kindly Moon

    KINDLY MOON Wet: Sweet florals and an almost apple-like tartness. Dry on Skin: This is the most soft and ethereal floral blend I have ever smelled. It is elegant and graceful, clean-smelling, and breath-taking. The florals for the most part meld together into one seamless scent, but there are moments when I can pick out the gardenia (love!), hyacinth, and peach blossom. The moonflower and lily also peek out of the medley of scents, and there is a short amount of time that I can detect the contribution of the beeswax. Kindly Moon has a wider than average throw and yet it is not overpowering. It is just sweet and lovely and ethereal. Even though it is a lovely mix of soft florals, I do not get springtime from this. It's hard to describe the mood it evokes but it fits the description exactly.
  15. alicia_stardust

    Aquae Massage Oil

    AQUAE Aquae is yet another stunning addition to the massage oils from BPTP. As with Terrae, I am impressed by the silky smooth, lightweight texture of the base oils. It is so easy to work into the muscles and it sinks in quickly, leaving no room for worries about greasy stains on the sheets or fingerprints on every surface. In the bottle I smell a dual mixture of something sweet, blue, aquatic and something woodsy, almost herbal, and almost tea-tree like. On my skin the scent changes. I do smell chamomile first and foremost but my attention is quickly drawn to the frankincense and sandalwood. Beyond that I think it's the davana that lends a slight woodsy, balsamic twist and the helichrysum is fresh, sweet, and almost tea-like. The geranium is very uplifting especially in the way it combines with the sandalwood. My nose can't find the lavender in this, but I'm sure it's there. Overall there's something about this water scent that is bright yet relaxing. This isn't marshy water, nor is it high-pitched water that turns soapy. It is simply a pure, clean, uplifting water scent that has a salty blue, soothing herbal bite to it. Scent-wise, Aquae is remarkable representation of the archetype of water and this is coming from a water sign. I find the scent of Aquae to be healing, purifying, refreshing, and emotionally cleansing. It is calming and therapeutic in the most stunning sense of those words. Beyond the therapeutic aspects of this, by nature massage oil is a medium that is sensual as well. I find both purposes fitting for Aquae. I will use this whenever I want to draw on any of the aspects of the water archetype. Whether I am applying this to my own neck and arms, or I am giving/receiving a massage to/from Axiom, this is a stunning blend to have at arm's reach.
  16. alicia_stardust

    The Ghastly Garden

    THE GHASTLY GARDEN Wet: In the bottle I smell a vividly sweet mix of florals. It's very inviting and almost candy-like. Dry on Skin: As soon as this hits my skin I smell a heady, intoxicating sweet floral that reminds me of the way jasmine or dogwood scents the air. They do not smell the same, but they have the same effect. It is gorgeous, nectar-like, hypnotizing. Almost fruity. It's as if the sweet and enticing floral blooms are trying to distract me with their beauty so that I will forget their poisonous side. As time passes, though, I can detect more and more of a sinister undercurrent. A slight green bite comes out to overshadow the floral blooms and there is a touch of watery, sap-like darkness. This is exactly what I envisioned when I read the description for the first time, and it hits the concept dead on. This is such an evocative scent that I just have to keep it!
  17. alicia_stardust

    The Perilous Parlor

    THE PERILOUS PARLOR Wet: It smells sweet and almost fruit bubble-gummy. There is definitely pear in there. It's juicy and ripe. Dry on Skin: On my skin the pear is less sharp and it blends with the vanilla to create a perfectly creamy, delightful scent. As this warms to my skin, the vanilla really starts to deepen. It gets richer and has a more decadent twist to it. I can't put my finger on what else I smell in this but whatever it is, it complements the pear and vanilla really well. This is a delightful, foody, creamy scent that really lifts my spirits when I wear it. Even though they do not smell the same, my emotional reaction to the scents has grouped this scent with the likes of Kunstkammer and Pink Phoenix.
  18. alicia_stardust

    The Twisted Oak Tree

    THE TWISTED OAK TREE Wet: In the bottle this smells incredibly green, ivy-like, and mossy. There's a dark bite to it that I have a feeling will come out strongly on my skin once I apply it. Dry on Skin: For the first few minutes I smell the blackened, rotting oak. It has an almost sinister quality to it; it is sharp and has a bite to it. It almost reminds me of strong black pepper, the kind that makes you have to sneeze. The peppery quality fades off shortly and the ivy comes out in full force. It's incredibly green and twisting and the moss is a perfect addition to that. The ivy is crisp and watery and it rides out the remainder of the scent as the blackened, rotting oak slowly fades into obscurity. I love the spooky atmosphere of all of these Haunted House blends!
  19. alicia_stardust

    The Chilling Cellar

    THE CHILLING CELLAR Wet: In the bottle it smells like dry wine that hasn't sufficiently aired, and coppery blood. There's a touch of earthy, dark sweetness and a touch of spice. Dry on Skin: I get the wine, clay, and copper tang of dried blood right off the bat. After that my nose starts to sort through the scent a little closer. I detect something that reminds me of blood musk, bitter cocoa (ever so slight), and possibly allspice. The musk and spice give off just enough of a sweet, inviting warmth. The dry wine is ever-present and then slowly fades off. The blood musk (or is it red musk?) seems to be the strongest note on my skin, and it is the last to fade after all the others have disappeared. I really love how "red" and creepy this scent is. A final note: there's something about The Chilling Cellar that is sinister in a tantalizing way. The only other scent in my history of BPAL that has had the same effect on me was The Tell-Tale Heart from the Maelstrom series. The scent literally brought the story to life. The Tell-Tale Heart and The Chilling Cellar seem to have something in common, scent-wise, and as far as I'm concerned, The Chilling Cellar is a perfect addition to this Haunted House.
  20. alicia_stardust

    Spiked Punch

    SPIKED PUNCH Wet: In the bottle it smells exactly like boozy fruit punch. The booze packs a wallop and my nose cannot convince my brain that there isn't actually alcohol in there. There's a strong, distinctive oak-like note to the booze. Dry on Skin: As soon as I apply this to my skin the alcohol rears up and I feel like I've just had a drink but am trying to hide it. Even though I don't know ALL my boozes, I do think this might be bourbon whiskey or cognac because it has a dry, rich aroma that reminds me of the scent of an aged wine barrel. Oak and wine and the fume of dry golden booze; it's so distinct it's almost tangible and I can practically taste it. I love it! For those worried about the booze in here: never fear! It softens up and is less in-your-face after a few minutes. At that point the fruit punch is much more noticeable. It is red and glistening, tart, nectar-like, juicy. My first guess is pomegranate, possibly with some grape, berry, and citrus added in, but if so then they are seamlessly melded together into one blended punch scent. This really reminds me of scents like Swank and The Hamptons, but with more of a tart kick that is contrasted by the boozy oak wine barrel essence. This gradually, beautifully, fades out ever so slowly until I am left with just a lingering hint of ruby colored punch. This is so much fun!!
  21. alicia_stardust

    The Forbidding Foyer

    THE FORBIDDING FOYER Wet: In the bottle I smell a sharp, almost spicy booze that's been poured over wood. Perhaps that's the cognac? Dry on Skin: As soon as this dries I smell rot and dust over the woods and booze. The booze, when combined with the woods, seems to create a rich, dark, and almost spicy scent. However, there is a rotten and dusty note that keeps a lid on that and lends itself to the creepy atmosphere of this scent. After a short while the brimstone really comes through clearly, and I really love that stage of it. I think this is a perfect creepy atmospheric scent. I don't know that I'll reach for it as a perfume, but as a room scent in October? Yes!
  22. alicia_stardust

    The Atrocious Attic

    THE ATROCIOUS ATTIC Wet: In the bottle I smell a touch of sweet rose, powder, and a light and fluffy version of lavender. It really reminds me of a toned-down cousin to TKO. Dry on Skin: For the first few minutes this really reminds me of TKO. After that, the lavender fades a bit and the rose and violet come forward. They do seem to be similar to Hope and Faith. The rose and violet are not strong. Rather, they have a soft and sweet smell to them. They're powdery, fluffy, faded. This scent evokes images of forgotten belongings and lost memories, left to fade away into obscurity. After the first few minutes this scent doesn't morph again until the very end, when I finally start to notice the sandalwood. It lends a light-colored, dry, dusty layer to the fading florals. This is lovely in a nostalgic and sad way. The description, when paired with the scent, is so powerfully evocative.
  23. alicia_stardust


    AEAEA Wet: In the bottle I smell something that reminds me of salt water and fresh green grass. There's definitely a fresh "green" quality in there. Dry on Skin: I immediately smell aloe, sharp and strong. It sits above a dark wave of salt water and a high-pitched, electric ozone. I don't really detect the berries at any point, but I do get the cypress and cedar. I also think that the floral in there is really heightened by the aloe and both keep a strong dominant role in this blend. Overall this is a nice aquatic-floral-ozone with a smattering of dark woods and a dark breeze. I really wish this stayed true to the way it smells in the bottle and in the first 15 minutes on my skin. After that my skin chemistry really does something weird with the aloe.
  24. alicia_stardust

    Hunter Moon 2007

    HUNTER MOON - I have found a new favorite autumn lunacy! Wet: This is gorgeous! I smell a high-pitched autumn scent, wine, and a touch of musk. Dry on Skin: I'll say it again: this is gorgeous!! There's a very strong dry red wine in there, and I smell dry autumn leaves and musks. The musks do well to express the tension of the last harvest and the hunt, and yet the musk is not so animalistic and feral that it scares me off. The musks come off as creamy and dry, almost comforting. There's a coolness to this scent that calls to mind the chill of autumn air at night. There's also a sense of being surrounded by forest. There's a nice little finishing touch of dry fire and spice, which goes so well with the musks, leaves, and wine.
  25. alicia_stardust

    Pumpkin V (2007)

    PUMPKIN V - The hot ginger spicy one! Wet: Pumpkin and a touch of ginger. This one is going to have a nice kick to it! Dry on Skin: It starts with pure, sweet, juicy pumpkin and a bright note of lemon peel. The lemon peel sticks around for the first while and melds almost seamlessly with the blood orange and neroli. They fade to the background as the vanilla and benzoin join in. The benzoin does not go very incense-like in this blend; rather, it seems to anchor the pumpkin and keep the vanilla from becoming too cloying. The vanilla sort of amps then fades, then makes a reappearance later on. The red ginger in this really takes off after the oil has settled into my skin for a few minutes. It makes my skin very warm but does not cause a reaction or any red marks. It's very dry and spicy and it works so well with the pumpkin and all the other notes. This is a fiery and sexy autumn scent! As time passes the scent turns dry, then fades and softens until just a lingering bit of red spice and orange pumpkin remain.