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Everything posted by the_cat_goddess

  1. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    MCCIL: In the bottle: Powdery floral with a light citrus in the background. Maybe some cherry blossom. Wet: Juicy and creamy... like grapefruit yogurt. After 5 minutes: Turning spicy with citrus. My wrist is starting to itch... not a good sign. After 10 minutes: Just powder. Conclusion: Not for me. Will trade impies, though.
  2. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    XLV: In the bottle: Cedar maybe? Smells woody to me, but I don't know enough about woody notes to know what it is. My boyfriend says licorice and pine, but conceded it could be cedar. There's something else there, too, though. Like molasses but not cloying or supersweet. Wet: Wood notes come out stronger. Pencil shavings faintly in the backgroup After 5 minutes: I can't tell if it's fading or if I'm getting used to the scent. Off to the coffee. After 10 minutes: Reapplied since it was fading and now the woody smell is really strong. Unfortunately, it faded pretty quickly again. Before it faded, I smelled a cedar scent mixed with red wine. Conclusion: Not really for me. I'll use it to swap impies, though : ) Previously reviewed by bicyclette.
  3. the_cat_goddess

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    In the vial, it is so pretty. Reminds me a little of Fruit Moon. On, it's a transluscent fruit. It's like Ice Queen without the Ice. I'm not sure if it is the guava or the apple blossoms, but I love the light fruitiness! After about 15 minutes, it is starting to fade. MUST REAPPLY NOW!!! Oh, what is that? Light florals and a touch of sour are coming out. NOOOOO!!!! I'm going to set this aside and try it when I'm less... picky.
  4. the_cat_goddess

    Carnaval Diabolique

    Wow! A wake me up scent... I love lemon ; ) On, it stays true to its lemony promise. Yummy lemon candy... After about 10 mins I get some floral added to it. It's a really pretty scent. I like Tarot: The Sun better, but this is still beautiful.
  5. the_cat_goddess

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    In the vial, pure yummy chocolate! Wow! Unfortunately, it took 3 seconds on my skin to turn in plastic. Horrible, wash it off NOW plastic. I'm thinking this might be a bad time for reviews, since this is the second plastic of the day. Sad...
  6. the_cat_goddess

    The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child

    Smelled very light in the vial like it was muted. On my skin it immediately became jasmine and plastic. Finally just nastiness that I am desperately wanting to wash off. I don't understand where the tea and cherry blossoms are *sigh* Into the trade pile...
  7. the_cat_goddess


    Had to try this with such a pretty description. In the vial: Pears with a floral backdrop Wet: Pears amping up Drying: Pears begin to recede and I get a sweet floral 30 minutes: All but gone. Faint hint of something sweet. Lovely, truly, but too fleeting!
  8. the_cat_goddess

    Black Moon

    I am in love with Black Moon! I think this blend will prove to be very popular. Wet: Very jasmine with light pear. Super strong! Drying: Fades and blends smoother into a floral with a fruity base. I still get jasmine, but it is definitely in the background. Fades within 20-30 minutes. I applied a second time and same fade time. I just applied a third time in the same place. It smells so good that I can't help reapplying!
  9. the_cat_goddess

    Schwarzer Mond

    I received my Schwarzer Moon today. I thought it was Kindly Moon when I ripped into it, and was confused. Now I understand the patchouliness! It smells similar on me to a lot of the darker amber blends. I smell similarities to Snake Charmer and Snake Oil, espcially. Too dark and perfumy for me, but I know this will be a popular blend! Now, Black Moon.... Oh, yum!
  10. the_cat_goddess

    Et Lux Fuit

    In the bottle: There's something really odd smelling in here. Yes, I get the lemon/grapefruit that everyone else gets. It's just that there is something else in there that is not quite right to my nose. Wet: The not quite right scent is amped. WHAT IS THAT??? It's some bit of floral that refuses to harmonize with my lovely citrus. It's like stink weed destroying my perfectly sunny, happy day. 5 mins later: Is there a little bit of peach in here? Florals and citrus and peach. Very disturbing because it behaved quite nicely when I tried it on last night. Now it makes me gag. The floral is turning rotten. I think I will have to try this on another time. I just ate and I'm feeling kind of full. Maybe that accounts for the queaziness I'm feeling. 10 mins later: I smell white grape mixing in now. I don't like this. It's florals with rotten fruit and I want it OFF. I want to go cuddle with my new CTIIIs and forget this ever happened. AND forget that I have another bottle on the way. Conclusion: Good throw, but YUCKY on me! Edited: Carnation is coming out in its spicy glory. I do love spicy sunshine. MMMmmmm! I guess half an hour isn't so bad to wait for this beauty to blossom!
  11. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    IV (4): My last CT in the seven I purchased with HGM. I'm getting more!!! In the bottle: OMG!!! I love this! It's hazelnutty coffee with a brownie. Makes me think of sitting at Barnes and Noble nibbling on their nutty brownies, drinking a cappuchino, reading a book. Smells like a light amount of cassia, but I know it's not. Wet: YUMMY!!! I don't really like nuts in my brownies, but it smells like fresh baked brownies with walnuts on them... but more nuts than brownies. Maybe nutmeg behind it, too. After 5 minutes: No different. I can't tell if it's fading or if the smell was so strong that my olifactory glands have expired for now. Going to smell coffee... After 10 minutes: My grandma used to make brown sugar and spice pecans with cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, and allspice. This smells just like opening a tin full of that nutty goodness. Conclusion: I'm keeping this. It reminds me of my grandmother. I'll share a couple imps because it's too delicious not to, but the bottle is mine no matter what!
  12. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    XLIII (43): In bottle: Herbally with a hint of cool fruits. I get green and white. Wet: More so on the fruit. Like a not quite ripe white peach. It isn't peachy, but smells like there could be peach in there. With green leaves. It smells like the end of winter morphing into spring. On 5 minutes: Maybe some apple or pear in there. Again, it isn't ripe fruit at all. It's not a commercial fruit smell by any means. This is all green and white. I can smell a little bit of unripe banana. Sweet, but unripe. Some melon. I really like this. 10 minutes later: Powder is entering into the equation. But there is still some fruit with florals coming in. I'm liking it less. Conclusion: Too floral for me. It's like a bright, white, cold light. I really like the fruit aspect, but overall, it's just not for me. I think this would do well as a commercial perfume, though, especially in the spring.
  13. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    XXI (21): In the bottle: I really wanted this to smell like heavy booze, since it is 21, but no. Which is okay, because I don't like boozy scents and this one is lovely. It's sweet and heady with a little bit of cucumber in it to temper it down. This is very floral and was definitely meant to be a perfume. Maybe some aloe and a little tea and ginger in the very background. Although, I think I can make myself smell almost anything I want to! Wet: Floral floral floral!!! I'm not good at picking out notes, but it smells... happy to me. After 5 minutes: I'm reminded of being a little girl smelling sweet flowers under a bright sun. But a little cool, like spring or autumn. Definitely not summer. 10 minutes later: There's some fruit in here. Very lightly behind the flowers. Like being in a garden that has mostly flowers and a peach tree. My boyfriend says he smells melon, but he always smells melon. Drydown: Now I'm getting grapefruit mixed with flowers. It's become a floral aquatic. Interesting. Conclusion: Limited throw, although it seems to last pretty well. I'm not really a floral kind of person, so I'll probably trade this out, but it is really pretty.
  14. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    LXI (61): In the bottle: Scared me because it starts out having a medicinal cherry smell. But, no, it's berries and... dust? Especially raspberries. Wet: Different kinds of fruit here. Definitely red fruit, but exotic. And cream. And dust. Very strange. On for 5 mins: The dust part is really elluding me. It's not exactly dust. Hmmm... I got it! It's smells like the Japanese strawberry candy I used to eat when I lived in Tokyo. They're wafers that crumble easily when they're eaten. Neat!!! 10 mins later: Strawberry soda. Drydown/Conclusion: Stays the same, fades fairly quickly, limited throw. I'll probably keep an imp for novelty purposes, but it's not really wearable to me. It's like strawberry scented powder, which is cute, but not on me.
  15. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    XLII (42): In bottle: Uh, celery. Completely. Well, maybe with a dash of dill. Good for anyone who likes those tomato leaf scents. It has a spike of black pepper at the end. Wet: I think there's neroli in this. If you've used Lush's Big, it has a similar smell. Sharp floral, but in this case, with vegetable leaf. The pepper disapeared almost immediately. On after 5 minutes: I'm getting a little bit of dandelion now. Like when the stem breaks and the milk comes out. I'm liking it more. Definitely green and herbal, but pretty. On after 10 mins: There's some vicks coming out when I inhale it very deeply. Interesting... and that's morphing into pine a little. This scent has quite a bit of change in it. It's vicks and pine. But not wintery. Kind of like pine sap. Conclusion: I am surprised to find that I like this scent. It morphs a lot but is really very interesting and unusual. I'm on the fence on whether to keep it, which means I'll probably keep it.
  16. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    LIII (53): In bottle: Herbal/soapy with a sweet undertone On: Okay, so no one else likes this combination but me; I like to mix Water of Notre Dame and Midway. It makes a really foody/aquatic that I love! This smells like that, but with amped up grapefruit. A bit of green in there, but the grapefruit is pretty strong. On after 10 mins: The grapefruit is settling down more. The sweetness that reminds me of Midway is coming through now. I am really loving this! It smells very similar to the drying of my WoND/Midway mixture. Nice throw but starts to fade down after an hour or so. Definitely keeping this bottle! : )
  17. the_cat_goddess

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    XXXII (32) In the bottle: Robitussin. I'm really not a fan of cherry cough syrup. It makes me kind of nauseous. On skin (3 min): No changes, no morphs, straight cough syrup. I shoved my hand under my boyfriend's and my sister's noses and received groans. Can detect a little bit of almond coming in... On skin (10 min): Straining, I can see how someone could like this. It has really good throw and smells kind of pretty if I keep my nose at least 6 inches away. My boyfriend did ask me what that new smell is and said he liked it, but he wrinkled up his nose when I told him it was the same one. Edited on drydown (30 mins) Ahhh... I think it's raspberries. I was reading through some of the other posts since I stink at picking out notes. Someone else said raspberries and plum and that is almost exactly it! It's very similar to the note in Monsterbait: Closet that I didn't care for. Edited again for 1 1/2 hours later: It smells like Beaver Moon's dry down. Who knew?!? I can't wait for 2 hours for a perfume to morph into another perfume that I have 2 bottles of, though, even if it is my FAVORITE PERFUME!!! Consensus: Definitely NOT for me, sadly. I hope there is someone out there that loves the smell of Robitussin. Maybe it reminds you of childhood? :hopeful:
  18. the_cat_goddess


    Wow! Skadi is absolutely beautiful. It perfectly embodies the feeling of standing in a northern woods with snow everywhere, yet its warm and comfortable. It brings back images of childhood. I received this from a very generous LJer who sent me sniffies of several rare blends. This is the one I was least hopeful for, and it's actually the greatest (the others were Red Moon, SN Georgia Peach, and a full imp of CT LIX). I MUST have more of this!!!
  19. the_cat_goddess

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    OMG!!! So excited my Panties arrived today. The bottle is beautiful In the bottle: Rummy sandlewood, sweet. I was hoping it would be sweeter. On: Same as in the bottle at first. After a few minutes, I get only sweet sandlewood. Then it turns to soap. Soapy sandlewood.
  20. the_cat_goddess


    Apparently I love buttercup! I'm not so fond of jasmine, but this is really pretty. Put me down for a 5 mL! : )
  21. the_cat_goddess


    Yummy buttery almond! Marrachino! Not as pleasant on the dry down, though.
  22. the_cat_goddess


    Wow mint!!! My first thought was that there is some catnip in here, but I think that its more like a real mint from a mint plant. I like it a lot!!!
  23. the_cat_goddess

    Danse Macabre

    Not liking it in the vial... On: dirty grass in an unpleasant way. Sharp at the beginning of the inhalation, but dulled towards the end. *Frankincense always hates me!* Makes me want to wash this off as quickly as possible! Definitely going in the swap pile! : )
  24. the_cat_goddess

    Bon Vivant

    I can definitely smell the effervescence! The strawberry is kind of like strawberry soda, artificial. It smells like my Strawberry Shortcake doll from childhood, but like she grew up and spilled champagned all over herself. Pretty, but not for me...
  25. the_cat_goddess

    Blood Pearl

    I smell herbally rubber, if that makes any sense. I'm not really good at picking out individual notes. I get a little bit of coconut that disolves into powder. An hour later, it's all baby powder... this one goes in the swap pile : ) Oh, hmmm, just realized that it smells a lot like Black Pearl on the dry down on me.