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BPAL Madness!


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About lauramars

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday March 24


  • Location
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Computers, videogames, and all things girly.


  • Favorite Scents
    Rain, clean laundry, the woods, night-time, spicyness, wet cement, autumn leaves

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  1. lauramars

    Sea of Glass

    This scent is definitely my favorite so far - granted, I've only tried four or so of the eight imps I own! Haha. Bottle: smells like...nothing, really, except that weird sour oily note that all these scents seem to have in the bottle. Skin: Mmm, the oil goes away instantly. I don't know what these notes are, but they're all clean. The initial impression is the wind of a cool day, maybe some kind of flower, and even a hint of salt. It's incredibly calming and I feel very peaceful with it on. Later On: Still clean! The initial wet impression didn't seem to change much, and it lasted all through a long workday. It makes me feel as though I could forgo bathing if I chose, since I would smell cleaner than anything if I just put this perfume on. Ahh...relaxing.
  2. lauramars


    This was a gift from the lab - very nice! Unfortunately I can't stand it at all. In the bottle - EUGH! Cloying, headachey flowers. No water at all, or if it was there it was adding to the problem. My nose is not that sophisticated, but I did not like this at all. I still put it on in the hopes it would change on my skin. Wet - OH my. This was very bad. I don't know what that smell is, but it somehow reminded me of a "behind the bleachers" smell. Sticky spilled soda cracker jack vomit flowers. Am I crazy? I must be crazy. Whatever, I washed this off immediately. I have no idea what the scent would have been like dry, because I wore it for less than 10 minutes. I can still feel it in my nose. <frantically sniffs Sea of Glass to calm down>