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Posts posted by Caper

  1. Oh yay!! I knew you would know the answer!


    So I have the ferris wheel bottle, which must be the original, but the decant has a hint of night air before it settles into the sweet funnel cake smell. So weird! I love them both but I kind of like my decant a bit better.


    I wonder if it is just batch variation or if there was a different oil that was decanted as Midway? I have another decant that smells exactly the same as the bottle described as the resurrected version, and one that isn't listed as either original or res.


    Off to read the reviews!

  2. This is powder on me. I didn't figure it out until I tried blend after blend of the Carnival Snakes and they all turned to powder. I finally tried Snake Oil and realized that w the component that they all had in common that didn't work for me.


    I like it in the vial and lot. The vanilla and incense are great. I wish it didn't turn to powder pretty much immediately. Oh well, one less person competing with you all for the aged bottles y occasionally see!

  3. Daphne honey.

    So honey has been a death note for me in a lot of blends. Or at least I thought it was the honey. After trying this I'm starting to think that I must have mistaken something else for honey because this is beautiful.

    It smells like wildflower honey in the jar. Warm and soft and a hint of floral but not too much since florals and I don't usually get along.

    Definitely keeping the imp.

  4. so glad I came to read the reviews! I swapped a decant from someone and it is fruity with a lot of amber and a hint of patch, and I love it. so I bought a bottle. and it is whoa patch with a little bit of fruit and I love it. :lol:


    I wasn't sure if the decant was something else I should try and track down. two versions makes a lot of sense. maybe I'll layer them. :D

  5. The initial wood is similar to diable en boîte and a bit sharp but it settles into a beeswax/powder blend for me, it has to be the musk since black musk has never not gone powdery on me. This is great because I didn't get a bottle of this but was tempted because of the tea leaves and labdanum. :lol:


    I will pass my tester on to someone looking for one and consider black/dark musk a permanent "Do Not Buy" note. Which is great, really, because I need something to stop me fom buying all the sniffies!

  6. I passed on this one because the freesia in Miss Jenny was too much and kind of ruined it for me.


    I can't detect it here at all, which is awesome, except I don't think anyone is going to swap me for Miss Jenny. :lol:


    This is a really nice vanilla (boo-like in the imp) that has a supporting base of amber and peach blossom. The peach isn't a heavy ripe dripping with juice tyoe if fruit, but more of a gentle soft warm peach on the tree in the sun.


    All in all very nice. I don't know that I'll try to track down a bottle since I know it is popular and I'm starting to get picky with what is added to the collection these days.


    ETA- that plastic note everyone always talks about with vanilla? I just smelled it for the first time. :( at least it saves me from overspending to try and grab a bottle. :lol:


    ETA2- plastic doll head is gone! This is fucking amazing! So glad I ended up grabbing a bottle and letting it languish in my sales box for ten months because it is so prefect for spring.

  7. My rescue fairy was amazing and I can't say enough about how wonderful my package was taken care of and sniffies! :joy:


    This one is the main one that I wanted (and she grabbed two bottles for me) and I think I'm finally starting to get it down, because this is just wonderful on me.


    Strong ginger and sugar at first, which is yummy, but a bit Whoa! Spice!


    About twenty minutes later I get this heavenly spice scent with a touch of sugar and no baked goods at all. Spicy and sweet, but not too much of either.


    Clove, vanilla, ginger, and cardamom are all supporting each other and no one is dominating over the others. It isn't just spice though, and I think this is where the musk comes in, because there is this gentle softness that the spices settle into and the scent is nicely tempered.


    It reminds me of the gorroble a bit, but not terribly much, just in the same scent family.


    ETA- my dh just told me that it smells like nag champa incense. I can totally see that, in a spicy sort of way, even though that wasn't my scent association at all.


    OMG, I :wub2: this. Wearing it for bedtime right now and yum. So nice. I'm going to wear it to work tomorrow too.

  8. This was a straight bottle purchase for me and I'm undecided. I don't get any sugar at all and the lemon and lavender are tart and sharp.


    I would have preferred more sugar, so I'm going to try layering with LSSB, which is my favorite lemon scent. So maybe a mixture of the two lemons with a hint of lavender will work?

  9. I didn't get any citrus from mine just caramel and tobacco. I'm not sure why I expected tobacco to smell like anything different than cigarettes, but it doesn't. It is tobacco. With a hint of caramel in the background.


    Strangely enough, this is really close to Hothrun Dath to me (thought here is no tobacco listed in the notes?), and the reviews are so different for them that I have to wonder at the differences in how we experience perfume. I have a bottle of Hothrun Dath so I don't need to get any of this, which is great since it seems very sought after.

  10. I just put this on for bed and it is so beautiful I had to see if I had already written a review, and no, I hadn't, so here we go!


    Wet: soft lavender, gentle mango, and a hint of something sweet and dark.


    Dry: lavender still, but with a touch of maybe the orris and styrax? Nothing here is overpowering, but it is definitely more than just lavender. I think the opium tar (one of my favorite notes) is grounding this otherwise ethereal scent.


    It is really a perfect, dreamy, sleeping scent for spring. We just had a warm day and an evening rain shower, and this is really just perfect for the pink sunset and raindrops.

  11. this is delicious!


    it reminds me of strawberry moon v5, so a bit sweet with a hint of green, plus the cotton candy from wiley grasser. all in all, perfect for summer, sweet but not too much, green but not too green, pink but not too pink.


    if you can't find this (I tried for over a year before I found a bottle) then try for a strawberry moon because they are similar.

  12. This one will be a bottle purchase for sure. I love cedar and verbena, and I got a decant because snake oil is instant baby powder on me and I had to be sure. No powder in sight, and the woodsiness is strong enough to counteract the sweetness of the snake oil.


    I actually get a vague hint of motor oil, I have no idea why, but I have really find memories of mechanic's garages and oil smells. It also goes away if I try to sniff for it with that in mind. Weird.


    The verbena isn't too strong. It is just enough to lighten up the cedar and stop it from being too dense and single note.


    Either way, salt + verbena + cedar + snake oil is beautiful on me.


    ETA- there is something vaguely Oak Moon about this one. The verbena lightens this one up, so maybe it is just the cedar? But Oak Moon doesn't smell like cedar at all. I'm confused, but they smell similar!

  13. Definitely Strawberry Moon, but the roses settle in after the strawberry mellows so it has a unique twist at the end.


    If you don't know Strawberry Moon, then you should know that it is mild and sweet, a gentle strawberry that makes you think of warm summer afternoons and fresh red berries in the sun.


    The roses and hint of green that show up after drying are really beautiful here. I am not a rose fan usually because I get nothing but roses, but this one carria the sweetness of the berries and is really nice. I have Strawberry Moon v5 for my green strawberry scent so I won't be upgrading this one, but if you like a hint of rose that isn't too strong I would highly recommend ths.


    ETA: I woke up about five hours after applying and this smells faintly like Pink Snowballs, with a hint more rose.

  14. I definitely get mint, and something that reminds me of Cloth of Gold from the '11 Yules. I love that one btw, but I'm missing the myrrh. I might try layering with my Myrrh SN to ground the mint a bit.


    The dry down loses the mint entirely and I'm left with something vaguely aquatic but very mild and not soapy at all. It is nice, but I don't think I need a bottle. Mostly because I'm really trying to make every bottle fit a unique niche because my collection has gotten out of control. If it weren't for that I'd totally be putting one in my cart because it is really nice.

  15. I just grabbed a bottle from the sales page because I have been waffling on this once since it was up and the price was right.


    Green, citrus, and some sort of floral. The floral isn't identifiable (so no rose, magnolia, jasmine, or freesia) but it definitely smells like a garden.


    The floral disappears and I'm left with a green soft scent. Something like Hagsgate, but less vegetal.


    I'm glad to add this to my SN collection and will definitely wear it alone in the summer.

  16. SSDB gets :wub2: For that review!


    I can only add that I am only occasionally moved to write a review and I got this yesterday, sprayed it last night, noticed the lingering scent on my pillow, and came right here to let you all know this is indeed, awesome.


    Beautiful vanilla tempered by amber with a hint of frankincense. I was worried about champa a because sometimes that can go south on my skin, but it is just beautiful on my pillow.


    it smells rich, and lush, and gentle. Not overpowering but understanded and just damn good.


    I already have a bottle in my basket at the post and am debating about two.

  17. Curiously, Hothrun Dath, even though it doesn't have tobacco listed. The first time I sniffed French Tobacco SN, I could have sworn I was sniffing Hothrun Dath, which I'm familiar with since I wear it often. The resemblance was really marked and even the dry-down was like...two slightly varying shades of the same fragrance on my skin, if that makes sense.



    This!!!! I thought it was so weird when I looked up the notes and tobacco wasn't listed, because these are really really close on me. I prefer Hothrun Dath though.


    I also second AM. White Peacock was very teak for me, to the point that I rehomed mine because Expressive Head is my fav teak scent and I don't need two.

  18. The imp was definitely off-putting, but I decided to try it since I'm in a culling mood. The wet stage is nice, and the vanilla really comes out.


    After it dries for a bit it becomes a bit less appealing. Meh. Too much apple. Swap!

  19. Something in here smells a touch off. I much prefer my carnation sn for a spicy floral.


    Maybe it is the musk? I'm not sure, but something wafts in and out as a yucky note. Though I kind of feel like if I sniff it enough it is good?


    Hmmm... I think if there was a touch more plum then it would be good, but I don't get much of the fruitiness I associate with plum.
