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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Caper

  1. Caper


    The imp was definitely off-putting, but I decided to try it since I'm in a culling mood. The wet stage is nice, and the vanilla really comes out. After it dries for a bit it becomes a bit less appealing. Meh. Too much apple. Swap!
  2. Caper


    I like this! I get melon, fresh-cut grass, and maybe a hint of the sea. By far the best ocean scent I have tried yet. Similar to Sea of Glass but a touch sweeter.
  3. Caper


    Something in here smells a touch off. I much prefer my carnation sn for a spicy floral. Maybe it is the musk? I'm not sure, but something wafts in and out as a yucky note. Though I kind of feel like if I sniff it enough it is good? Hmmm... I think if there was a touch more plum then it would be good, but I don't get much of the fruitiness I associate with plum.
  4. Caper

    The Worm Shall Revive Thee With Kisses

    This one is amazing. Fruity, and earthy (not soil, just grounded) with a hint of moss. It is like everything that I love in a blend. Which probably means that it won't be very popular since I tend to be an outlier with some of my tastes. I don't really get heavy vetiver from this, but maybe that is because it is tempered by the sweetness of the pom? Either way, I'm definitely getting a bottle with my next order.
  5. Caper

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    I get coconut? And a hint of pine. It isn't bad, and I will probably test it a time or two before passing it on. I an actually liking the two hour dry down more than the wet stage.
  6. Caper

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I like new topics because they keep the conversation fresh, rather than adding on to huge threads, but I'm not a mod and I think that doesn't work well here so, I'm only adding to say YES! I had a decant of Pumpkin Masala Rooibos and bought a bottle. Completely different. I did manage to find a bottle that was like my original decant, but I'm kind of wary of buying bottles based on imps now. It's kind of why I've decided to be happy with the imps I get or go straight for a bottle. I've had batch differences with Nero, Carnal, and Ravenous. Not a lot on these, but definitely different amounts of the oils.
  7. Caper

    Fledgling Raptor Moon

    I think I'm nuts because this one was celery, celery, and more celery on me. I tried it probably four times hoping it would get better but it never did. I even reread th notes list and looked for them but I couldn't find anything but celery.
  8. Like almost all of my reviews, I have pretty much the opposite experience of the majority of the reviewers here. This starts out with a lovely chocolate in the imp with a hint of something sweet. Wet there is something slightly earthy that comes out. It isn't the dirt note at all, but rather a deep, dry, tempered chocolate scent. If you have ever melted bittersweet chocolate chips to make fudge, this is the scent from the pot. It fades, and becomes slightly sweeter and lighter. There is more than a hint of spice, but it doesn't become overwhelmingly one note, like spice can sometimes do, it mellows into something rich and gourmet. I get no BO at all, and sometimes I'm suggestionable, so I went and put some on right.now. T make sure. Nope. I once bought this mexican chocolate that already had sugar and cinnamon to make hot chocolate. You are supposed to melt the chocolate in warm milk. I ended up eating the chocolate and it tasted just like this smells. This is the only chocolate that I'm getting a full bottle of, the rest are all partials because the box of chocolates are some of my most worn scents.
  9. Caper

    Cheshire Moon 2013

    This one is driving me crazy because it reminds me so much of a GC blend I tried in the very beginning of my bpal career, but I can't remember which one! It is lightly fruity and floral, but not too sweet for me. The papaya and guava come out for me after the initial wet stage wears off. It isn't like a fake tropical fruit scent, but more like a real wet guava scent. Very nice for spring, and I'm glad I got a bottle.
  10. Caper

    The Sound of Insects

    I get lots of tea and bright fruits. I love citrus, so this brightness is exactly what I was looking for. I don't get much ginger, but maybe it is just part of the overall tartness of the scent. I like it a lot, in fact my first inclination was to get a bottle for sure, it then or realized that I have quite a few citrus fruity blends and let it mellow. It is still a soft scent on my arm five hours later, but I think a decant will be enough.
  11. Caper


    I bought this unsniffed when I was on a lavender kick and I am so glad! This is slightly sweet and fruity, slightly herbal, and warmed and rounded out by the musk and resin. My dh said that it smelled like fresh linen,and I agree, but really nice linen that has been sun-dried and then folded with lavender sachets. And, um, maybe someone is eating black current sorbet in bed? The ozone is definitely clean, but luckily it doesn't smell like CK1 which is how ozone/clean usually translates. This is easily one of my top fifteen, probably even top ten right now.
  12. Caper

    Trick or Treat Soap

    The sticky sweet scent of candy corn! Oh I'm first! This soap is a chocolate brown, with small squares of white, orange, and red peeking through. I decided to use it as a handsoap in the bathroom because my kids love to wash with "the chocolate candy soap". I definitely get the sweetness of candy corn mixed with a chocolate layer on top. It smells like something I want to eat, the lather is great, and it doesn't dry out my hands. Overall a win, especially for encouraging my kiddos to wash their hands!
  13. Caper

    Sweet Lavinia's Dread Puddings

    I put is one on and my students started sniffing and asking who was eating pancakes. I like it a lot, I just love that maple coziness, but it is similar to Halloween at Misk U, and I think a decant of both will be enough for my maple needs.
  14. Caper

    fresh basil leaves?

    I really like Hagsgate as a vegetal garden scent. It is in the Last Unicorn series. I don't know if it is basil exactly, but it is slightly sweet and spicy, You might also try Garden Path With Chickens, it is a DC Salon blend, but fairly easy to find. It has a touch too much of a floral note for me, but it has nasturtium which is slightly spicy.
  15. Caper


    This one reminds me of the snow note in Yellow Snowballs and Ondurdis from last years yules. It really is a delightful winter, snow scent, but I already have a few things (Cloth of Gold and Country of Eternal Light) that fill that niche in my collection. If I didn't already have those two bottles I'd likely get it. It really is refreshing and beautiful.
  16. Caper

    Mother Shub's Gingerbread Temples

    This is like a honey single note on me. There is the teensiest, tiniest hint of ginger, but when I try to sniff it, it evaporates into the honey. I'm kind of sad about it because I'd love to find something a bit more cakey.
  17. Caper

    Solar Phoenix

    So I keep hearing about those BPAL blends that have a death note, but you try it anyway and miraculously the death note works. This blend is one of those for me. I'm not a fan of rose. I thought I could be back in the beginning of my BPAL adventures, and just no. It always hits too high of a floral note. So I decided that the good could possibly outweigh the bad in solar phoenix, besides, maybe yellow rose is different from all the other types of rose, and I tacked on a decant to my order. This is working so well I may have to consider trying some jasmine, because that is the only other note that has consistently been as awful on me as rose. This oil is sweet and slightly spicy with a hint of fruit. I don't know what happened to the the rose but it is either really gentle, or yellow rose is my friend. I think I'm going to get a bottle.
  18. Caper

    Sleepytime BPAL

    My kiddos love How Doth The Little Crocodile for bed. Woodsy chocolate with a touch of moss.it really is nice. I use land of dreams: sleep ( I found a partial and really need to find a full bottle because I'm getting low) for when I really need to just sleep. I also use Banshee Beat and Luna Azul.
  19. I can't believe how amazing this is. I'm getting a back-up for sure. It reminds me of being up at Lake Tahoe during winter break when inw a kid. The pines outside, playing in the snow and coming inside for hot chocolate, and a slight touch of incense. So so so good.
  20. Caper

    Rum-Soaked French Tonka

    This was so weird for me. I got this dry, bitter, powder that wasn't like anything in the notes. In the bottle it smelled like rum and a touch of almond and was quite pleasant. Once dry it was like the bottom of an old wooden coconut husk crate that had been abandoned to the desert air and covered in bitter powder. I rehomed my bottle to someone who loves it though.
  21. Caper

    Substratum Soap

    This is an immediate earth note to me, but not earthy like Zombi, earthy like dry soil. It is masculine for sure, but not overwhelmingly so. My husband and I both used it and it suited both of us, I don't get much fig, which is great for me because fig usually ruins blends. I also don't get intense cedar, just a nice sweet slightly woody scent. Really nice.
  22. Caper

    A Torrent of Light

    When I found so astonishing a power placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time concerning the manner in which I should employ it. Although I possessed the capacity of bestowing animation, yet to prepare a frame for the reception of it, with all its intricacies of fibres, muscles, and veins, still remained a work of inconceivable difficulty and labour. I doubted at first whether I should attempt the creation of a being like myself, or one of simpler organisation; but my imagination was too much exalted by my first success to permit me to doubt of my ability to give life to an animal as complex and wonderful as man. The materials at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so arduous an undertaking; but I doubted not that I should ultimately succeed. I prepared myself for a multitude of reverses; my operations might be incessantly baffled, and at last my work be imperfect: yet, when I considered the improvement which every day takes place in science and mechanics, I was encouraged to hope my present attempts would at least lay the foundations of future success. Nor could I consider the magnitude and complexity of my plan as any argument of its impracticability. It was with these feelings that I began the creation of a human being. As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hinderance to my speed, I resolved, contrary to my first intention, to make the being of a gigantic stature; that is to say, about eight feet in height, and proportionably large. After having formed this determination, and having spent some months in successfully collecting and arranging my materials, I began. No one can conceive the variety of feelings which bore me onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success. Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs. Pursuing these reflections, I thought, that if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption. A torrent of light: eucalyptus petals, white mint, white amber, and ozone. yay, i'm first! let's hope i can do it justice. i find myself drawn to descriptions that are bright and clean, even though i don't always like the way they smell on me. a torrent of light smells great on me though, and i think it's because the amber tempers the higher pitched notes. bottle: light citrus? and ozone. i think that this might be the difference between eucalyptus petals and straight eucalyptus. it's a lighter non-astringent eucalyptus that makes me think of citrus. really amazing in the bottle. wet: oh yum! i smell clean and light. there's an brightness to it that makes me think of electricity, but the eucalyptus is vague and not harsh like i was worried it might be. it could be unisex at this point, which is usually how ozone comes across to me. dry at 5 min: the amber starts to warm and mellow the brightness of the mint and eucalyptus. i say mint and eucalyptus, but neither of those are really prominent or harsh like they can be. just light, breezy, and a hint of cold. this seems to be more feminine to me but it isn't strongly feminine at all. in fact i would say it is nicely androgynous. dry at 30 min: the amber has really warmed it up and softened it like amber usually does. i love amber in pretty much everything i've ever tried it in and seem to be lucky that it doesn't go powdery on me. the eucalyptus petals add a slight floral edge to it but i'm not really into florals and it definitely doesn't come across as a floral. it's more like the floral adds a touch of complexity to the warmness of the amber and the brightness of the ozone. verdict: i like it a LOT. i'm definitely keeping my bottle and i think it will work well on those days when i need a bright winter scent that isn't foody or sweet. masterful blend! 9/10 for those that were afraid of either the eucalyptus or mint being too strong or astringent, you should try this one anyway. they are very subtle and the amber and ozone are the more prominent notes.
  23. Caper

    Pumpkin III

    When wet this reminds me of wet dog. Like, your dog that needs a bath that you thought to take to the river and now is wet and muddy. That only last for a minute or two and it turns into a really nice spicy, warm, orange peel-pumpkin blend. If it went straight to the dry stage I'd likely get a bottle, but I've decided that I have too many perfumes to get anything that i will hesitate to use, and I think the wet stage would make me hesitate. I'll be keeping my decant though.
  24. Caper

    Orange Pumpkin Floss

    I almost passed on this because of the petitgrain, which I thought was what caused passion butterfly to go horribly awry. Looking back, I think it was likely the black amber in that blend. Back to the point, this one is freaking fantastic when you are feeling foody. The orange baked goods is a nice analogy, sweet strong pumpkin, that is much more moderate than jack, a waft of sweet orange, and a hint of spicyness. I'm really glad I added this last minute because I think I'm going to have to add a bottle to my post order.
  25. Caper

    Oak Leaves and Kyphi Atmosphere Spray

    This is amazing. Warm and woodsy and sweet. It reminds me of oak moon, and twisted oak tree and is just perfect.