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Everything posted by Gale

  1. Gale


    This is one I was dying to try and I wasn't disappointed! Wet: Okay, this has a hint of red musk (which I cannot wear, no way no how). But just a hint. It's deep and woody and the patchouli is apparent right away, too. Dry: This is awesome. The musk actually smells good on me! This is all about musk, woods, patchouli, and lemon and lilac to stop it from being overbearing. A wonderful companion scent to Aziraphale. Love it.
  2. Gale


    Aziraphale is delightful! Wet: Quite woody and papery-dusty (the bible accord). Dry: Oh, yes, now a light muskiness joins the woods/papery scent and sweetens the whole thing. It is warm, dry and sweet--but not foody, by any means. I really like this one, and I think it fits the character perfectly. As the previous reviewer has mentioned, if you are looking for a masculine scent, this isn't neessarily it. To me it's unisex and would smell great on a man, woman, or angel.
  3. Gale


    In Good Omens, people found that they liked Shadwell, even though he didn't want them to...Well I like Shadwell, also! Mildrewed raincoat and all. Wet: To me this smells like tobacco and something sweet, with just a little mildewy sharpness in the background. Dry: As others have noted, this is a comforting smell. The tobacco and sweet milk go together nicely. It's warm. Happy. And I think it will get much wear from me during the Fall and Winter. To smell like this on a rainy November day would be quite nice!
  4. Gale

    Thirteen (13): July 2007

    Oh, this is a keeper! Wet: Rich, deep, buttery chocolate. This is truly fantastic. I can also smell a background of fruitiness and spices. Dry: Now the chocolate and the fruits/spices have switched places! It's a fruity spicy blend with a background of chocolate (still rich and buttery smelling, mind you). It stays like this for the duration, with little separate notes popping up now and again. I love this! it might even out-do the 10/06 version.
  5. Gale

    Leo 2007

    This is really wonderful! In the bottle: I got out my bottle of Et Lux Fuit and sniffed the two side by side. They are almost identical. On dry: This is so lovely. It isn't super strong and no notes overpower the others--not even the saffron. The amber and frankincense mix beautifully into a warm, golden haze. Faintly in the background is a sort of bakery scent--but Leo is by no means foody on me. It's just gorgeous.
  6. Gale


    This is very brief. On me, Lydia was jasmine from start to finish and in-between. No other notes for me.
  7. Gale

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    I was able to sniff some of this courtesy of GypysRoseRed's sniffing circle. Wet: Pastry--buttery pastry. The crumpety smell is spot on and yummy. Dry: The currants are here. This is also a very true currant smell. After 30 minutes: OK, I get incense(?). Not a heavy, spicy incense, more of a light, lemony incense. Oh skin, what mischief hast thou wrought? Where is thy crumpet? Where are thy currants? The incense note lasts for a good two hours. I certainly don't hate it, but I am not going to be pining, either.
  8. Gale

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    This is outstanding! Wet: Caramel and vanilla--strong! Dry: Caramel, vanilla, and something darker (the patchouli, I'm guessing). This is different from other caramel blends in that it is a clean smell--despite the presence of many potentially heavy and overwhelming notes. Perhaps that is the carnation's contribution? I can't smell carnations, but it is a clean scent--that's what really strikes me. I love this. How beautiful the Salons are. (Sounds like the beginning of a poem...)
  9. This is gorgeous! Wet: I also get a dark, chocolate-like (but not sweet) scent. Almost immediately, this mixes with a woody herbal scent. Even this early on, it is really stunning. Dry: Very spicy, dark, and sweet. This must be the saffron, which for once is behaving for me, but I smell something almost edible--and probably poisonous! I really love this one. The beauty and complexity of all of the Salons amazes me.
  10. Gale


    As soon as I smelled this in the bottle I started laughing (that was my very first reaction, and that's not so bad). Wet or dry, this is (as others have said) fizzy, fruity, boozey, and orangey. It's delightful! A refreshing, happy scent, one I would wear on a hot, sticky summer day, in prison or out. Makes me smile. Doesn't last super long, but a scent this effervescent probably wouldn't. Thumbs up for this one!
  11. Gale


    Privilege Wet: I get florals with a sharp bite --I think that's the oakmoss, though. Dry: The oakmoss behaves and it turns into a very light, bright classic floral. I'm awful about picking out separate floral notes (except carnations ). *ahem* Yes, but this doesn't have carnations. This is a warm weather scent, and not one I would wear as an everyday perfume, it's rather more formal. I must say, Beth has created something much nicer than the person who served as its inspiration.
  12. Gale

    Blue Moon 2007

    Wet, this starts out as a soft, quiet floral. It is so pretty, and I'm not a huge floral lover. After it dries, the woods emerge, but quietly--overlaying the florals. I really can't pick out any single note, it is so seamlessly and perfectly blended. After about an hour (for me) an incense note emerges, unlike any other I've experienced. It smells like church incense, but in an empty, silent church on the morning after an evening Mass. I am in love with this, which totally surprises me since I didn't expect to be at all. A beautiful work of art--thank you, Beth.
  13. For me, both Shoggoth and Eden have the same coconut note that's in The Star--which means I can't wear any of them.
  14. Gale

    Monster Bait: biggerCritters

    I got my 5ml in a swap, and am thrilled to death! In the bottle and wet: Not much vanilla, but plenty of jasmine. This is not surprising for me. On wet: As soon as this hits my skin, the vanillas appear, making the jasmine sweet and delightful (which is surprising). Dry: This turns into a beautiful creamy vanilla with just a hint of floral. It stays true for hours afterward (7 so far), just with the volume turned down.
  15. Gale

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Carnal is spicy/fruity gorgeousness! Aglaea is another favorite of mine. Aizen-Myoo starts off wet with a sharp, biting citrus, but almost immediately turns into a beautiful summery frut scent.
  16. Gale

    Milk and Cream Notes

    Sudha Segara is very milky--and I don't think there's honey in it.
  17. Gale

    Pink Moon 2007

    As soon as I opened the bottle and smelled this, I knew I had made a grave mistake in not ordering at least two bottles. Wet: Fresh, clean, sweet carnations! Dry: Still clean, sweet, now a bit spicy. Gorgeous. After 8 hours: Spicy and sweet, and the carnations are still recognizable as carnations. This is so beautiful, a perfect Spring/Summer scent, and I have secured two more bottles so I can slather to my heart's content instead of anxiously gazing at my lone bottle.
  18. Gale

    Tiger Lily

    So often I've opened my imp box, breathed deeply, and thought "I wish this could be put in a bottle." Well, Tiger Lily smells exactly like my imp box! It's beautiful and sweet but not too heavy (BPAL honey loves me, and I reciprocate). It dries down to an almost commercial-smelling perfumey scent for a little while, then moves on to a soft sweet, well, honeyed lily. At the end, just the honey remains. I really love this, and I'm so glad I took a chance on a bottle. My imp box...sigh
  19. For some reason, even just a sniff of Kumiho makes me feel happy. I noticed it the first time I opened the imp.
  20. Gale

    Red Lantern

    This one is a fascinating morpher. In the bottle and wet: Caramel and coconut! Dry: Okay, now the caramel is fading to the background and I smell lots of opium, a bit of floral, and some spices. This could have turned sharp, but the caramel and coconut anchor it beautifully. Red Lantern lasts long and stays true. I love it, and think I'll get a second bottle before the Lupercalias go down. I suspect it will age beautifully.
  21. Gale

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    I love Wulric! In the bottle and wet: Cocoa! Yum-dark, dark, deep cocoa. (As was noted earlier, the oil seperates, so I gave the bottle a shake before I put some on. It's also thicker than any other BPAL I've tried.) On dry: The cocoa hangs in there, and verbena, lavender, and sage come forth, The result is like nothing I've smelled before. It's beautiful and strange. There are some similarities to Candy Butcher, except where that one turns creamy, Wulric stays strong, but with no notes dominating. Lavender, vetiver, and cocoa--It's gorgeous.
  22. Gale

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    Tiresias is very interesting. In the bottle and on wet: Sweet caramel and patchouli, a combination I never smelled before. Dry: This reminds me of Miskatonic U. more than anything, with the sweetness and woods--but with some dark spiciness thrown in. I don't really notice the tobacco, but then again, I like the Lab's tobacco notes. Tiresias is warm and dry and perfect for a freezing cold winter day. As with nearly everything I've gotten from the Lab recently, I'm really glad I have a bottle!
  23. Bakery: Creepy (LE) Cockaigne All Souls 06 (LE) Saw-Scaled Viper Fruity: The Hesperides Katharina Bathsheba Aglaea Thaleia Carnal General Foody/Gourmand: Haloa (LE) Shub 13 (10/06 LE) Candy Butcher Boomslang I know I missed about a couple dozen!
  24. Gale

    Banded Sea Snake (2006)

    I am really just loving the Snake Pit to death! In the bottle and on wet: Banded Sea Snake smells to me quite a bit like how Sudha Segara smells to me. It's soft, soothing, and creamy. There's a floral note too, but not at all instrusive. Dry: I still get the soft soothing note, but a crisp, watery element emerges. I can't really detect any Snake Oil components in this one. It's gorgeous!!
  25. Gale

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    WOW. This one morphs like crazy! In the bottle and on wet: I do not like this at all. Heavy, thick cassia and something sour. But, I know by now to never judge BPAL by how it smells wet... As soon as it dries (I'm talking a few minutes here, no longer) it becomes sweet bakery cinnamon and vanilla! It stays like that. Holy cow, this is beautiful! It's delicious, but not too foody. Beautifully done!