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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by angelic_misanthrope

  1. I am in love. In love, I tell you. I haven't fallen this hard for a scent since the first incarnation of Geek. Count Dracula is teh sex.


    In the bottle: Cinnamon and clove and a bit of neroli.


    On my skin: The dominant notes are cinnamon and leather, which suits me fine. I don't get any more clove or neroli, and the black musk doesn't peek its head out at all, but that's perfectly okay. It's a warm, seductive scent. It's rather masculine, but once it dries, it softens and is unisex enough that I can wear it without feeling like I'm borrowing my boyfriend's cologne. So very, very sexy.


    I need another bottle of this. Mein Gott.

  2. After a night of drinking, I was wrestling with my guy on the floor, and he suddenly stopped and said, "Mmmmmm... you smell like rum and...something else. They should make that into a perfume!!" The "something else" was De Sade. Apparently the scent of a drunken libertine is irresistable. heh


    Seriously, though, the scents that men tend to like on me are: De Sade, Geek, Jack, and any of the Pumpkin Patch scents.


    They're never as impressed by Hellion and Devil's Night as I am, which makes me sad. hehe

  3. I've really been surprised at the number of unfavorable reviews Geek has gotten. It's my absolutely favorite BPAL scent. Hell, it's my favorite scent of any kind, EVER. hehe I love it.


    It's also my seduction scent. Any time I am planning to put the moves on someone, I slather on the Geek. Not only do the men in my life love the scent of Geek, but it also always puts ME in the mood, so then I feel and act supersexy. I have had total strangers stop me and say "God, you smell GOOOOOOOD."


    I have a bottle and a half that I've been hoarding, and another bottle on the way from the re-release. I can't chance running out of this leathery goodness. Mmmmm...
