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Everything posted by aphrodite

  1. aphrodite

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Thank you for the rec, I have purchased a bottle of aged Snake Oil, can't wait to try it out you also might like one of the Snake Pit scents from the Carnaval Diabolique collection (you can find some of them secondhand, and they will be re-released eventually, possibly in the next year). you might particularly like: AUSTRALIAN COPPERHEAD: Snake Oil with acai berry, amber, cardamom, neroli, and smoked vanilla. BOOMSLANG: Snake Oil with cocoa, teakwood, and rice milk. HABU: Snake Oil with ho wood, teak, black musk, and bamboo. KING COBRA: Snake Oil with orris, frankincense, and copal.
  2. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    these are all LEs, but the first one is available most years at Yule time, which also makes it fairly easy to find secondhand: Pink Snowballs; Go To Sleep, Darlings; Winter-time; Love. and I haven't yet tried Alan McMichael from the brand new Crimson Peak update, but it's boozy (like Hellcat and Perversion) and people keep saying it reminds them of Snow White
  3. aphrodite

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    you might like Snake Oil or Morocco for classic GCs. if you're also considering LEs that you would have to get secondhand (or maybe find on the Lab's etsy or ebay), you might like (Not So) Penitent (Mini) Magdalene. You also might like All Souls, which comes out nearly every year for the Yule update
  4. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Try Countess Willie, Morocco, and Bordello...and maybe Morgause
  5. aphrodite

    Switch Witch 2016

    2016 answers first, and I'll leave my 2015 answers below a dotted line so you have more to go on. Some of it will be a bit outdated, but I'll try to brush it up. Witch, you asked about my favorite Alice imagery. I think the mad tea party and the cheshire cat are my top favorites. I also love the Jabberwocky poem, the walrus and the carpenter, the lion and the unicorn, the flowers, the pool of tears, the initial entry to wonderland with the eat me/drink me images, the caterpillar....you know, the more i think on it, my list is so very long, whether we're talking the books or movie adaptations. i love it all. as far as types, i love the original illustrations, the Disney cartoon, the Baba studios art, anything in an Abigail Larson type style, anything surreal, the look of the Tim Burton movie although i didn't LOVE the movie like i thought it would... it's hard to go wrong. 1. Tell me more about New Orleans, Austin, and Barcelona. Why do you like them? What would you pick up there if you were to visit? I love cities that are both historical and weird/distinctive, which these three have in common. I love the architecture (especially in New Orleans and Barcelona), and I love that every visit is guaranteed to bring something new. If I were to visit I would be likely to pick up a well made dish, ashtray, or other small functional item (I don't smoke, but I keep ashtrays for guests and sometimes use them for other purposes, like trinket storage) by a local artisan, or a verified antique (also likely a dish, box, or other small storage vessel). 2. Are you ok with questions directly posed to you? Fun interaction or ruins the surprise? I love the personal attention and mysterious correspondence, dear witch! What'd you end up getting in your PBSW order? I'm a big fan too oh, man. I'm glad you ask, because it just shipped and now I'm getting excited all over again! I got a bunch of surprises for my witchee, and for me I got Afternoons + Eiderdowns Bath Streusel, April Fool Bath Streusel, Gingermilk Sorbetto sample, Lemony Biscuit Bath Streusel, and Sky Blue Sky Sorbetto Other than the forum, what do you like to do online? Websites you visit regularly, social media you enjoy, blogs you like to read, etc. i do too much facebooking! lately i've been on a HUGE world of warcraft kick, so i've been neglecting the rest of the internet for the past month or two, but at various times i get on kicks of reddit, io9, xojane, xovain, reading various reviews/theories/etc. about whichever TV obsession is currently airing... oh, i LOVE The Toast, i think it's the funniest... i do a lot of random exploring and falling down rabbit holes. i always have dozens of tabs open of articles to read, but sometimes every single one is from a different site. I'm a little surprised that you went with April Fool. I'm super excited by that one myself, but it seems a bit foodie for you. Sounds so awesome though. it very well might be! but notes like honey, vanilla, cocoa, and spices tend to work out all right for me, and as far as fruits go, strawberry is a good one. it still might be too sweet, but my relationship with foodies is confusing, because sometimes i love something that would definitely be categorized that way, while more often than not they make me recoil. the ones i pretty much always steer clear of are things that smell like baked goods or other prepared dishes, rather than raw ingredients, but even that isn't an every time thing. for example, i received BPAL's gingerbread souffle in a blind swap, and i love it! Questions for you: 1. For measuring spoons, whimsical (but useful, of course) or utilitarian (i.e. simple in looks but solid usability)? so, i would definitely love something whimsical, but would prefer something fairly simple that will be more long lasting and durable if i had to choose between the two. my measuring cups from Coldie are copper, which is basically perfect because they're super nice and functional, but also pretty and a bit unusual. this site has beautiful whimsical spoons, but i don't think any of them are actually measuring spoons with specific sizes, so i wouldn't want them for that purpose, but they are an example of a whimsical style i love; http://www.faeriemag.com/collections/kitchen 2. I know you've talked a lot about tea in your various questions, but I'd really love a list of your top 3 tea purveyors (either ones you already love or ones you want to try. I know you've listed some before, but I need an update!). i've recently gotten into the company Bellocq, and particularly adore their genmaicha. i've also been drinking a lot of matcha - both hot and traditional style (whisked in a bowl until frothy) and iced with almond milk. i would love to try some different matchas of ceremonial grade from different companies if you know of any good ones! it would also be nice to have a second matcha bowl, as i've been using mine every day and thus cleaning it i opened a new one today that i REALLY like from Mizuba Tea Co. so i would love a backup container of that one, or to try their other varieties (i bought one container of the least expensive and one of the most expensive; i think there are two others in between). my favorite bagged teas are everything in the seasonal sampler by Traditional Medicinals, Yogi - Honey Lavender Stress Relief, Stash - Christmas in Paris (i should have mentioned this one earlier in the list, actually, it's amazing), and Mighty Leaf - Vanilla Bean Black Tea. i like adagio well enough, but if it weren't for the fandom element i probably wouldn't buy their stuff. i do quite like their Elevenses and The Pint, and would like to try practically any of the food items on their site. I haven't bought Teavana in years, but i used to adore their Strawberry Slender Pu-Erh. i love black or herbal teas with a cream element, mint green teas, the combination of chocolate and mint, herbal teas (especially with healing elements), traditional green teas...oh! there is a BPALer, i believe her name is Amy Blackthorn, who makes magickal teas. i would love to try her stuff. particularly something to bring good fortune. Do you like colouring? Yes, but it's not something I really make time for. Can you list your wishlists please? They should be in my 2015 responses, but I can tell you I have them on Amazon (email address for there is abroditegoddess@aol.com), Victorian Trading Company (i need to update it), etsy, bpal, bptp, maybe blooddrop If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get? I dislike Lush Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies? I think it's addressed in my 2015 answers but basically if you're really great at crocheting I might love something, but it's not the type of thing I specifically seek out Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc? No do you like comics or graphic novels? If so, any specific information (favorites, least favorites, ones you're curious about)? I love them. I haven't read Sandman Overture yet, and I'm curious about some of the spinoffs about the other Endless. I also have only read the first volume of Rat Queens which I liked, and I would like to read Monstress very much. If you look through my Goodreads you'll also see many comics and graphic novels under to-read, although I already own a couple that I haven't read yet - Persepolis comes to mind in particular Nail Polish: I don't need any BPTP: I should have a wishlist on the site. In general I love bath oils and atmos, I don't need any more hairgloss, I love the clothing in which I wear a small, I adore their candles...I always like to have the pens and notepads on hand Nail Wraps: No thanks Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop? I think I addressed this elsewhere, but I love tea - loose and bagged, caffeinated and herbal. Right now I'm obsessed with Bellocq. I would absolutely love some local spices as well. Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+) Maybe a 6 or 7, but it also varies based on flavor. Like, my favorite pepper is habanero, so I can withstand a lot of heat there. But I detest the taste of jalapenos, so all I focus on is the heat element and they're unpleasant. Don't be afraid to throw some spice at me, though. Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc? For graphic novels, special editions, and books of small to medium stature, I like the real thing. For fairly long and/or bulky books, Kindle. Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five No thank you, my monsters would eat your monsters Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one! If you sent me some seeds that don't need to be planted right away, I could plant them at my new home when I move this year. Which will be in Texas, to give you an idea of plant options. As for prank related items, I can't tell you how to prank me, silly! Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? I could use a new laser pointer Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests? I think I've addressed this in more detail elsewhere, but I don't like a lot of stuff lying around that's just decorative, and my decorative style doesn't match a lot of nerdy paraphernalia. but i love graphic novels, special barware (no more pint glasses, we have dozens), and if it doesn't look overtly like paraphernalia (e.g. it's not brightly colored, plastic, etc.) I might love it. I'm hardcore coveting the BPTP CP boxes, for example. Speaking of boxes, random side note, I could use one or two for organizing my ritual candles, incense, etc. I love the look of boxes disguised as books, but my full collection doesn't fit in one. Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? No, but I don't like polyester Stationery/note cards: Some note cards to be used in swap packages would be nice. I definitely don't need actual stationary, as my stepmom sells invitations and stationary If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category: GC: Tamora, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (no imps of these, I already have imps of them and I find imps unwieldy) LE: I'll update this after I get my Luper decants HTF: Antique Lace, Boomslang, Black Opal (I know all of it is aged, but the less aged the better, as I find the reallllly old bottles turn powdery) Any places you would like gift cards from? Amazon, PBSW, Etsy, Blooddrop, BPAL, BPTP, Free People Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences? I think I've addressed elsewhere but just in case, I love Urban Decay and Bare Minerals, I focus on eye makeup and brows, I don't wear any kind of foundation or BB cream, and I'm down to try your favorite Indies Junk food and candy? I think this is pretty thoroughly addressed in my questionnaire and below. Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)? Fancy measuring spoons Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything? I love plants. I think I've addressed it in detail in my questionnaire and/or last year's questions. I hope to have a yard by the end of the year, but will definitely not have more than a balcony before the end of this round. If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ? Wall, but if you make blankets or throw pillows, that would be great as well! Are you in need of BPAL storage? Not at present Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts? Yup! What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern! Their clutches, or maybe a tote, but also for the record I LOVE Baba Studios and basically want everything. If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family? I am a Ravenclaw! I like to pretend I'm a Greyjoy, but when it comes down to it I'm probably a Tyrell. BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? I could use a small (big enough for phone, wallet, keys, sunglasses, and not much else) tan/beige/nude bag Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that? Um YES, witch if you are not syrenemist, please note I love her work and if it's within your budget and scheming plans, something by her would be great. What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user? no trinkets, please. but my animals are cats, rabbits, and snakes. Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection? yep! so exciting I already ordered it Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme? YES. That's how I feel about all of this - one big, giant, enthusiastic yes. ESPECIALLY the food aspect, but all of it. It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five Johnny Depp, Tom Hiddleston, Jack Huston, Ryan Gosling, Edward Norton Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list i don't really listen to music on shuffle Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those? I love kimono tops. my preference would be lace or plain. I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug? I would adore a fairy door! or a tiny fairy box! fairies all the things! If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get? i'm choosing to skip this question because the things i would get aren't necessarily the same as what i would like to receive as gifts - e.g. for myself i might use it to stock up on books or maybe buy a new purse or something, but as gifts there's plenty of more impractical stuff i would love to receive. Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines! it used to be the first daffodil i saw, but I've lived in Louisiana for a few years now, so spring isn't really something i'm waiting around for. it's basically been spring since early February and it will be summer by the time spring hits my home state of Pennsylvania. Witchee, how do you feel about this type of garment? Not for me, thanks ------------------------------ 2015 Halloween season Do people mind handmade/homemade things? No, and in some cases I really love them. But. I can be picky in a way that's sort of hard to explain. If you're just starting out on a path of something and your stuff looks really homemade, I might not be likely to use/wear it. I hope that doesn't sound mean, but I just don't have a craftsy, shabby chic type of aesthetic, nor a very hippie one (although I do love nature inspired things - I just mean things my friends might have made each other for Christmas when we were 18). I also don't live in a wintry climate but I'm from one, so if you make hats, gloves, scarves, socks, etc. I have very little use for them and already have a large collection. If you make jewelry and it looks like maybe the maker is someone I know but maybe it's professional, I would probably love it. If it looks more like a basic tumbled stone with a standard style wire wrap or something you make in an intro type of class, I probably wouldn't. If you're more artist than crafter and you draw or paint, a custom piece would make my heart swell two sizes. Especially if it involves faeries (but in a natural type of piece, not like a cartoonish faery or something Hot Topic-esque), Alice in Wonderland, the tarot, etc. Homemade foods would be awesome, whether you bake, or make jams and stuff, or alcohol - basically any kind of food. And while I mentioned I don't eat mammals, I wouldn't be offend if you or someone local make a special kind of jerky or something that you want to send for my fiance. Anyone need towels? those "drink up witches" towels are cute, and are a good example of the kind of Halloween decor I would love - festive, a bit silly, but in an adult color scheme, serves a function, doesn't take up too much space, etc. Pumpkin? I'm not into things like pumpkin spice lattes, e.g. things with a pumpkin "flavored" syrup or anything. but I LOVE pumpkin. baked goods involving pumpkin, savory pumpkin foods like soup or stew, pumpkin seeds in any form (I love the praline pumpkin seeds from NatureBox soooo much, even though there's really nothing praline about them). Booze? I love booze. I talked about some booze in my questionnaire. If you make booze, I would love to try some. I don't like super sweet things, but I do like meads and ciders if they're pretty dry. For wines I love rose, vanilla-heavy dry chardonnays, and French reds. I'm a champagne junky, but again, dry dry dry. I love beer. I don't like hops-heavy beers, but my fiancedoes, so if you sent a bottle of what you make and it's too hoppy for me, it wouldn't go to waste. We're big scotch drinkers, and we have a larger selection than probably any of the bars in our town. If you have a really kickass liquor store or some other way to obtain sample size bottles of obscure or weird scotches, I would definitely try them and the beau would probably post our impressions on reddit, which I would be sure to share with you. if you're a hooch maker and you mostly make really sweet stuff, I would still like to try it because you made it, and would either share it with friends or incorporate it into cocktails if it's not something I would personally drink straight up on any kind of regular basis. Stuff from Yellowstone? I don't really have need of souvenirs from anywhere, but if there is a food or drink your area is known for or which can only be bought in your city/state/region, I'd love to try it. unless it's maple fudge. please don't send that even to share with my fiance, because something about that combination (maple and fudge) makes my teeth hurt just to smell it. For those of you who don't drink alcohol, can you specify if you live with any drinkers or ever have alcohol on hand for guests, vs. abstaining and preferring not to have it around at all? I'd prefer not to receive alcohol. Are you a fan of the TV show Penny Dreadful? Yes, very much. I asked this question because I found something REALLY cool that wasn't PD paraphernalia but would be appreciated by fans of the show, but alas, it only ships in the UK. What are your coffee and tea preferences? Do you prefer one, the other, both, or neither (and if it's neither, what about things like hot cider and cocoa)? Loose leaf or bags, whole bean or ground? Is caffeine OK? Any gadgetry you're in need of? Any brands or flavors that you particularly love, loathe, or want to try? I drink coffee every day. We buy whole beans from a local roaster, so if you send me coffee, please 1. send whole bean and 2. send something like that - local or from your travels - as I'm never going to reach for national chain coffee over my usual stuff. I love tea and drink it most days. I like to drink black teas in the morning if I have cramps and don't feel up for coffee - my favorite black teas ever are Kusmi Sweet Love, a vanilla bean black tea which I believe is made by Mighty Leaf, and a Teavana I don't think exists anymore called Strawberry Slender Pu-erh. I like to drink herbal teas for sleep, relaxation, and digestion. I mentioned this elsewhere, but I can never find Stash - Christmas in Paris tea, even online, and had to have a BPAL friend send me a box from Canada last time, so I would be so happy to get a backup of that. Flavors I like include peppermint, anise, fennel, lavender, chocolate/cocoa if it's not the primary focus (I especially love it with mint), vanilla. I don't like foody, dessert inspired teas. I'm totally up for teas that include herbal uppers or downers such as kava, kanna, guarana, ginseng, holy basil, any of that stuff. I've really wanted to try some of the teas BPALer Amy Blackthorn makes, particularly blends for peace, fortune, creativity. I'm okay with love/sensuality blends if they're more geared toward a positive experience for people already in relationships, NOT anything that would be designed to make someone fall in love. I love hot cocoa, but it has to be high quality and dark. I'm a big fan of European style drinking chocolate. cider can be nice, but unless you make it or it's local or something, I'm probably okay without. I could use a better storage system for single bags of tea that don't have a box, and the last few bags of tea from a box that's almost gone. What's your sense of humor like? Do you enjoy puns? Play on words? Dirty humor? Dry humor? Who are some of your favorite comedians? I have the sort of dry, wry sense of humor that often causes people to look at me in confusion for a minute, especially if they don't know me well, because they can't quite tell if I'm joking. I'm not sarcastic, but I often say things I don't mean for the sake of humor. I sort of detest constant, overt sarcasm. I try to keep my sense of humor positive, even when being critical - like I get very annoyed by the "no, really?" belittling sort of sarcasm that some people utilize, and am more likely to crack a wry one liner about something crappy that's happening to try to lighten the mood, or say something over the top positive about something about which I obviously do not feel positively. I definitely enjoy puns, dirty humor, and plays on words. I have been known to make some very dirty jokes, and I have a foul mouth. I also get a sort of cheesy wordplay pun habit from my mom's family. Louis CK is my favorite standup comedian. Some funny movies I love include Zoolander, Anchorman, Old School, Stepbrothers, Elf, The Sweetest Thing, Clueless, Mean Girls, Horrible Bosses; dark comedies like The Addams Family; offbeat humor like Wes Anderson movies. 30 Rock was probably my favorite comedic TV show, and would make me snort and laugh out loud. I also love Parks and Recreation, early seasons of Weeds, New Girl, Silicon Valley. Do you like board games? If so, which ones? Traditional or more unique? (like Settlers of Catan, Small World, Red Dragon Inn, etc) I love Scrabble, Risk, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Cards Against Humanity. Nostalgically I love Clue. I would definitely play any of the games specified in this question in the parentheses. I also like puzzles. Is there anything that you specifically do NOT want to receive? bar soap*, nail polish*, anything used specifically to commune with the dead (I LOVE occult and magic related things, including divination tools, but I don't do spiritualism stuff like ouija boards and ancestor contact), decorative items with no functional purpose, unless they are so special in concept and quality that it's almost like their "purpose" is to be freakin amazing. in other words, please don't send me little Halloween toys or knick knacks or anything, but if you think a decorative item just really screams me, there's a good chance you are right. we have a LOT of pint glasses and shot glasses, so I'd rather not receive those - unless, again, it's super amazing and special. I would rather not receive drugstore type candy, and while I would really love a set of string lights, I would prefer not to receive any that are very specific to one holiday or season, because I'm hoping to get a nice set to always have on our balcony. as mentioned previously, I would rather not receive crocheted/knit wintry items, or jewelry that looks very hippieish/very obviously homemade. *these are things I do use, but which I already have plenty of, so if you see one and think omg but it's soooo perfect! i probably will love and use it. i just really don't need it. Plain or fun socks? ankle socks, toeless sticky socks, tights, knee socks, thigh highs. i wear dresses about 98% of the time, and i live in a climate wear open toed shoes can be worn most days for at least eight months of the year, and I don't wear socks around the house. so with dresses i either wear no foot stuff or just tights, knee socks, or thigh highs - but early in the fall when I want to wear booties and it's not cool enough for tights, ankle socks are very useful. and i take barre up to five times a week, so I could definitely use an extra pair or two of toeless sticky socks. OH and this isn't to do with socks, but speaking of barre, the type of wrap-style headband you wear for working out, i could use another one or two of those. nothing outrageously wide-banded, as it wouldn't stay on my head. Name one (or as many as you would like) thing you would like to learn more about? a book came out a couple years ago specifically about inverted card meanings in tarot, which is a subtopic of tarot that I would like to learn more about. i love to read about history, mythology, and language, and i'm sure there are books on my goodreads to-read list that would give you ideas of topics I'd like to learn about. i love learning, so i sort of bounce from topic to topic and read a lot on the internet. i love to read about religious history, too. What one thing you would like to do more of? i collect tarot and haven't been reading my cards lately. that's something i would like to do more of. maybe if i had a beautiful cloth on which to do my readings, and a storage system for my decks, i would be more inclined to make it a daily practice. i would also like to meditate more, and incorporate small magickal acts into my day to day life. i already bake, but i would bake a lot more if i had really nice measuring spoons (i already got amazing measuring cups from my 2015 fall switch witch, but spoons would be great), and a metal tip for piping bags for icing. Dear witches and witchees! I know there is a question about "decorating style", but if you're comfortable, could you should us some photos of your spaces? i would rather not, mostly out of laziness, but you are very welcome to add me on facebook, and my instagram is public, so i don't even think you need an account to view that. Would you like any cookie butter (just to be clear, store-bought, not home-made, and does contain wheat since it's, y'know, cookie butter)? I already have some Biscoff spread and I only use it on occasion for a small treat, so I would say only if it's something quite different from that. Is there any particular piece (or pieces) of art (painting, photograph, etc) that speaks to you in some way? I love Salvador Dali, Abigail Larson, Laura Junge... I love surreal, gothic, ethereal, whimsical... mostly anything Alice in Wonderland related... I don't like the style that's sort of cartoonish in a doe eyed precious moments childlike kind of way, and while I enjoy anime, I wouldn't hang anime style art in my home. What kinds of things would you like from the Lilith BPAL or BPTP update (or are you joining a decant circle?) I already ordered partial bottles of the ones that interested me, so I'm all set. Stay tuned for my halloweenie desires! Do you want to received knit or crocheted items? If so, could you describe or even link to a couple of items similar to what you would like to receive? I'm probably okay without, but if that's your major thing, I love lace and lurex. What thing do you want to do (or get) but you keep putting off for one reason or another? Runes, I think I mentioned already. KEEPING THIS QUESTION FOR POSTERITY BUT I NOW HAVE RUNES Would you like anything from Lush? No. I would LOVE bath bubbling type products from another company, but one that does not use harsh sulfates like Lush does, and preferably one that doesn't put dyes or other harsh chemicals in. I really like what Blooddrop has been offering for bathtime things, and Paintbox Soapworks Whiskers Bath Streusel is my love. Do you prefer hand-made or store-bought? it all depends. SPICY! Scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" and 10 being "ghost pepper? scorpion pepper? I laugh at these! I love as much heat as you can throw my way!" Where are you? like in the 6-8 range depending on the flavor - I can tolerate much higher spice if it's a flavor I love. My favorite peppers are habaneros and hatch green chiles, I love sriracha, and I dislike the taste of jalapeno. What is your BPAL "Holy Grail"? Antique Lace Analog or Digital? Or Both? I mostly just use Spotify What scents from other perfume companies are you really wanting to have in your collection and or are just really wanting to test? Companies like NAVA, Arcana, Solstice Scents, Possets, Haus of Gloi etc.....? I think I largely answered this in the questionnaire, but I love NAVA and have been dipping my toes into Blooddrop. I find Arcana to be okay, and have had bad luck with everything else on that list. Do you have an affinity for any specific animals? Cats, dogs, snakes, foxes, wolves, and tigers. But I don't decorate my home with animal posters or use kitschy animal folders or anything like that. Kitchen Needs or Wants? I would love a nice new set of measuring spoons and/or measuring cups. Makeup! Do you like it, would you want some? If so what brands do you like to wear? I wouldn't be upset to receive it, but I'm also not desperate for it. My favorite companies are Urban Decay and Bare Minerals/Bare Escentuals Chocolate fiends ahoy! What kind of chocolate do you like? Do you like any other things in it or just plain good ole chocolate? I think I talked about this in the questionnaire. I love dark chocolate and almost never enjoy milk chocolate. I like chocolate containing nut butters above all else, but I'm also a fan of coconut, caramel, toffee, and sea salt. Would you be opposed to receiving a ton of Halloween themed items? A ton might be overdoing it. And I wouldn't want to receive things like pencils, erasers, plastic figurines, etc. I'm also not a fan of the bright, green-purple-orange type Halloween look, even though green and purple are my favorite colors. I like dark colors, sparkle, and generally classy things which are either subdued or have a bit of cheeky, sophisticated humor to them. Things like wreaths, garlands, puzzles, string lights, candles/candle holders, would all be likely to get use, but particularly if they're leaning more toward a gothic or witchy aesthetic, rather than a pumpkins and Frankenstein's monster kind of vibe. Would you be interested in any special little thing I might be able to pick up from the Great Lakes Bat Festival this Saturday? Both Janell Cannon (author of Stellaluna and other kids' books) and Fiona Reid (illustrator for lots of animal field guides) will be there, so would you possibly be interested in something like an autographed copy of Stellaluna or one of Cannon's or Reid's other books? Or something from the Organization for Bat Conservation, like a shirt or other swag? My childhood self would LOVE for me to have an autographed copy of Stellaluna! and an adoption would be sweet What items from the Weenie update interest you, should you have to option of getting anything as a gift from your Witch??? Would you be ok with decants, or bottles? I'll come back to this. I'm planning to order things from a decant circle, but I'll let you know what doesn't make the cut. What's your favorite scary movie? I'll name Halloween appropriate movies in general, because a lot of my favorites aren't what I would call scary: The Craft, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sweeney Todd, Hocus Pocus Blu-ray or DVD? We have devices that play both, but almost exclusively watch things via the internet Game systems? PC - I use an msi gaming laptop and my keyboard changes colors and it's super awesome. Also XBox 360 (this is currently in the bedroom on top of an armoire used for bedroom netflix access, so i don't play on it lately, but i would if i had an amazing game that was xbox only. not fable 2 though, i've already played it 10000 times, and fable 3 was meh). and ps3, ps4, wii, n64. i keep a fairly active Steam wishlist, my name is AbigailAbigail Are you dressing up for Halloween and do you need accessories? Yes, but I don't know for sure what my costume is. Options I'm considering are: Lady Stoneheart - I've done this before so I don't think I need anything, unless you make clothing and want to make me a badass cloak, in which case I'm 5'2" and petite; Sansa Stark in her gothic raven mourning ensemble, for which i have nothing; a glam Elphaba, with spakrly green eye makeup and a wee little witchy hat on a headband or something like that. OH and I'm planning to order a barbarian costume for RenFest this year, so a leather cuff or something (I have teensy wrists, so either small or adjustable) would be cool. Talk to me about bags, what kinds do you like? Sizes and styles? If someone gives me a bag I'll almost certainly use it - my grandma gave me this: and it's my number one airport carry-on. It's almost as tall as my torso and brighter than the picture, but I rock it. my sister made me a shiny black tote in high school with iridescent stars all over it and I still use it to carry miscellaneous food items to work. i uses purses of all sizes and have a mostly neutral wardrobe, so i would never let one go to waste. one thing in particular I could use is an evening bag that isn't black. i was a bridesmaid in a navy blue dress this summer and realized I have three little evening bags and they are all black. i prefer things with a strap rather than handheld clutches, because I'm a bit forgetful, but other than that if you see a bag of any kind you think i need, rest assure I'll use it. What are your favorite fandoms and do you want to receive anything related to such? i think this was in the questionnaire, right? but just in case - GoT, LotR, ooh I don't think I mentioned I love 80s cartoons, especially Rainbow Brite, and NOT Carebears, but most of the others, including obscurities like Lady Lovely Locks and Rose Petal Place... Neil Gaiman All The Things... as far as related stuff, I don't wear t shirts often and don't need any more mugs, and I wouldn't hang a TV poster, but we do have a framed map of Westeros on the wall and I have a set of LotR teas in pretty tins and a similar style set of ASOIAF teas... so the short answer is, yes, but with the same general provisions I've given on other topics about functionless items and cheesy things. I'm nerdy and silly, but I have a bit of what my mom calls champagne tastes. What are you planning to order from the Weenies update? I ordered a bunch of half bottles from a decanter, but BPTP is where I'm usually in the most trouble, so stay tuned. Renaissance Faire stuff: I go to a pretty big one every year, so there's nothing I pine for but can't get due to lack of access. That said, I love renaissance stuff, so even if you can't mail me a turkey leg (think about it, though. just give it a try. just to see. ), there's plenty of stuff I would be delighted by. I do really love honey straws, which many renaissance faires have. Do you like comics or graphic novels? Any issues or collections you want to read? Yes yes yes. I love them. I'm currently on volume 9 of Sandman and will probably order volume 10 soon. Until recently I'd only read the first six volumes, so if you were to get me 11, 12, or overture, it would have to be somewhat soon because I'm reading about a volume a week while reading a "real" book as well, but I would be super grateful. I recently read and very much enjoyed the first volume of Rat Queens, so I would like to keep reading that. I wouldn't mind continuing Pretty Deadly, although I only thought volume one was pretty neat. I love The Last Unicorn graphic novel edition, so if you come across something like that where it's a graphic novel of an existing beloved text, I'm in! My Goodreads is a good way to stalk, I know I've marked many things as to-read that I'm not necessarily remembering right now. I do want the first volumes of Lady Death, Witchblade, and Dawn. Do you like fanfic? Would you like a story written for you as part of your gift? What characters/fandoms/pairings etc do you like? It's not really my thing Where do you have wishlists? If you could please link to them or to a post that links to them. (Amazon, Etsy, Think Geek, Pinterest, Sephora, Lush, BPAL/BPTP, Soap Box Company, everywhere and anywhere!) Amazon (abroditegoddess@aol.com), Etsy, Sephora, BPAL/BPTP, Clockwork Couture. I should be findable eveywhere by real name or email. Would you rather receive a bunch of little packages through the round, a couple of medium packages, or one big package at the end? I don't want to pressure you, dearest witch, I want you to have as much fun stalking/spoiling me as I will have reaping the benefits! So if you are a breadcrumb dropping, little gift sending kind of witch, I will adore receiving little delights along the way. If you want to keep me completely in suspense until the big reveal, I can handle it! And anything in between. I guess I would say if it is little packages throughout the round, it would be nice to still have the last package feel finale-esque. But it is all really up to you. For those of us with out-of-country Witchees, would you be happy with receiving a few packages from local to you merchants (say, through Etsy or equivalent)? I don't think this applies to me, but I definitely don't mind receiving packages straight from the seller/company. Would Witchees like something from IKEA? No, thanks If/when you go to the mall, for which store do you make a beeline? Oh, I loathe the mall! But I do drag myself there once or twice a year and endure the artificial, overpowering smells of B&B Works in order to get a few three-wick candles and especially to get some refills for my wallflowers. Do you receive any subscription boxes? I currently subscribe to NatureBox, Sephora Play, and Try the World. I would be into a subscription if you see one that you think I would like. Do you like tarts/candles/incense? I like all of it, but if you send tarts, I do not own a melter/burner. I would buy one if I had need, but as of now I don't own one. My favorite ever room scent is black clove, but I also like to have something soothing for bedtime baths, like a lavender vanilla. Basically any vanilla that isn't straight up cake delights me. I like most florals, and minty things.Especially a creamy mint. I also like magickal / ritual candles a whole bunch. I buy from Nui Cobalt Designs every month. Is there anything you wish you could have picked up from the Dragon*Con exclusives? Yes! A rich patron to fund the absurd amount of things I ordered from a fairy. Is there a GC you've been dying to try but haven't got around to yet? Mostly unimpables. If you look at my wishlists on the Lab's site, the imp list is things I wish to try, or maybe it's that it's a bottle/imp list but I selected imp as the quantity... at any rate, it should be on there! Copper, colorful, or neutral jewelry? Yes. We asked about decorating style, but are you interested in receiving decorations for your home? Are you interested in things that go on the wall or things that go on shelves? Art, or functional decoratives. See previous answers for more details. Office supplies hound? Pens, pencils, journals, any preference, or favorites? Pretty notebooks or pens are always welcome. I live near a huuuuge candy store. What kind of candy do you like? Gummies? Caramel? Chocolate? Sour? Sugar-free? Toffee, dark chocolate, coconut, caramel. I prefer high quality stuff, natural ingredients. NOT sugar free, as I don't want artificial sweeteners. Any candy you send that I don't eat will still get eaten by my male counterpart or my coworkers. How do you feel about animal products? Not so much animal toys or food, but more like furs, paws, bones, etc. Feathers are fine. Absolutely no fur or paws. Bone items can be okay, as long as it's not ivory or blatantly harvested in a cruel way or anything. Are you interested in receiving any restaurant.com gift certificates for your area? I don't actually know if they have anything for my area. I would love OpenTable, though. How do you feel about "toys" - stuffed animals and the like? no thank you, my stuffed rabbit would be rather jealous and my creatures would -- oh! actually, if you wanted to send a squeaky stuffed animal for my dog, she would be very grateful. Did you see the eclipse last night? How do you feel about astrological events, like eclipses? Any interest in the Blood Moon Eclipse scent from BPAL? I did! Boyfriend and I walked around the neighborhood looking for it - there were lots of clouds, but we got many good glimpses each time a cloud moved away, and by the end it was visible from our balcony. I have a moon app and subscribe to a daily (day by day, but weekly produced) non-sign-specific horoscope about the general astrological conditions of the world, so I'm a fan of such things overall. No interest in the scent, though. Witchee's, how tall are you? And perhaps, what's your arm span (from wrist to wrist)? 5'2", and I don't know my wingspan, but if it turns out my witch needs this information, please pry further and I shall figure it out. How do you feel about the 4 elements? Or are you more of an Asian 5 elements person? Do you feel strongly about any of the elements, like a connection or a preference? So, I'm an earth sign, but with perhaps too much of the other elements in my life. I need to be more grounded. I work with the elementals more than any particular deity, so I guess I feel strongly about all of them. How do you feel about bento boxes? Is it something you would use if you were to get one? sure! Scarves, shawls or cowls? Mittens, gloves, fingerless mitts or wristlets? i have soo many scarves. i wouldn't hate a cowl, though! and i exclusively prefer glittens for the hands. how do you feel about online classes? Like, say, craftsy or creativebug? Or even lynda.com? i love the idea, but realistically i would probably not use it nearly often enough or soon enough. What do we want from Paintbox Soapworks? Copious amounts of Whiskers bath streusel and sorbetto. Also any bath streusel or sorbetto that isn't intensely foody or patchouli (lavender truffle is not overly foody, for example, but rice pudding is). Oh, and vats of Nihilist goat milk lotion. If I were to make you some art, would you prefer a frame that hangs or one that sits? And what color/style would you prefer? Hanging How do you feel about gourmet marshmallows? I would put them in gourmet hot chocolate Are you a slatherer or a dabber? Yes. Talk to me, dear witchies, about tea. I know we've covered this a little, but I really need the nitty gritty here- not just companies you like and don't like (Teavana? Adagio? David's? Some tiny place?) but I also want to know the other stuff: top 3 flavors, loose or bagged, the kinds of tea accessories you use- or have always wanted. Be specific. Provide links if necessary. I think I've already answered most of this, but I don't remember if I talked about accessories. I use a cast iron pot or a little mesh ball for loose tea, although I used to have one of those things that sits atop your cup and drains in, and I loved it. And I love bagged tea as well, for which I don't use any special equipment. Villainess is putting out brand new stuff for the first time in a while (as opposed to bringing back former lines). Sooo.... who wants it? If you see something that screams me, but I tried a vanilla focused blend from her once and it was much too sweet and foody, so I can't offer any specific guidance. How does everyone feel about duct tape crafts? Any favorite patterns? hmm, probably not my thing. Are there any flowers you especially like? it depends on why. for actual flowers, i can't have anything that's toxic to cats or dogs. mine will chew on any plant i receive. for perfumes and such, i don't like carnation (actually i don't like live ones, either) and i'm picky about rose, but i mostly like florals. for floral prints, i love daisies the best. Would you be interested in any cozies or cases (yarn o fabric, not hard cases) for tech stuff (phone, laptop' etc) or for cups/mugs/bottles or anything else similar. no thanks - my laptop overheats as is and for my phone if i'm going to use a case i want it to be protective. Would you like Halloween or Day of the Dead themed ornaments or a "bunting"? yup! Are there witchees who would like book related gifts like a booklight, bookmark, bookseat or something for your reading gadget,like a cover or a light for example. hmmm... my kindle has a nice leather case and built-in backlighting, and i think i'm good on bookmarks (but if you see a cool one, by all means! it's just not something i'm particularly seeking.) - that said, i love books and book stuff, so i'm certainly open to bookish gifts. I make handmade journals, mini albums and similar items. Would my witchee be interested in something like that? yes ma'am! What songs/music/artists/CD's do you like to listen to around Halloween? oh, i mostly like to watch Tim Curry sing Anything Can Happen On Halloween every day for a month. Are you interested in leg warmers at all? maaaaybe? Is your Halloween style scary, cutesy, folksy, grotesque . . .? sort of darkly classy with a touch of macabre. sparkly black things, lots of candle light, the occasional knife or skull (these last two are also part of my general decor). I bought the Portal board game last week & it came with a Portal 2 steam free download code. I already have the game on another console & it's one of my favorite series of all time. Soooo, would you want it? I haven't played the first one and fiance says we already have a copy anyway, but I do have a wishlist on Steam! Have you read The Martian? Or do you plan on watching the movie? I saw the movie, and I plan to read the book but already have a copy Pertaining to that, how does everyone feel about such things? Will anyone be participating? How about NaNo swag, is there any you want? I sign up for NaNo every year and then don't actually do it because I'm too busy, so no Honey or beeswax products? Discuss. Yes to all How do you feel about bumper stickers and car magnets? What do you like--cute, pretty, snarky, geeky/fandomy? no car decor for me, thank you, but if you see cool bumper/decal stickers that are on the smaller side (think circles, squares, and smallish rectangles, rather than the elongated message-y type of bumper sticker), we do put stickers on the keggerator on our balcony. BPTP Halloween! I would lovelovelove to receive any of these, and decants are totally fine, especially for hair gloss which I go through very slowly. AT MIDNIGHT WITH A PUMPKIN LIGHT HOME & LINEN SPRAY; ON HALLOWEEN HOME & LINEN SPRAY; PORTAL OF DEATH!!! HOME & LINEN SPRAY; SAMHAIN HOME & LINEN SPRAY; DEAD LEAVES, BLACK FIG, CACAO AND COPAL HAIR GLOSS; DEAD LEAVES, WHITE MUSK AND VANILLA HAIR GLOSS; CANDIRU COVE FRISBEE TOURNAMENT HOME & LINEN SPRAY; A FLING IN THE LAGOON BATH OIL top three desires in red. Jamberry? No thank you Marmite? I have always been curious! Used Claw Polish? No, not because it's used but because I don't need more nail polish. And since some people answered regarding this, I definitely don't want used cosmetics of any other kind. Discontinued BPAL: Antique Lace. I wouldn't mind a little more Regan, but I definitely don't need a bottle, and there was one called Sundrop or Sundew that I've always been curious to try. Blooddrop? Well, witch, I ordered immediately because I have been waiting desperately for more Blooddrop bath stuffs. But there is plenty I would like more of, and things I didn't order. Asterisk means I didn't order any. Bath Truffles: Chamomile Tea, Ghostly, Late Summer; Bath oils: Jord*, Sjofn*, Volva*; Bathy Bubble Bars: Harvest Champagne, Rubies & Emeralds, Softly Falling; Silken: Chamomile Lavender & Vanilla*; Sugar Bar: Vanilla Marshmallow* Spices? sure thing! any and all. dearest witch, I may stop answering questions soon. I want there to be an element of surprise and I want you to have some say in what *you* think is the perfect gift for me, so I don't want to answer so many questions and look at so many specific websites that I end up just calling all the shots. if some new sites pop up in the questions and I don't answer about them, it doesn't mean I'm shunning them - I just trust your judgment.
  6. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    For Snow White, try Winter-Time and definitely one or more of the snowballs. Since you like citrus, I would try Yellow Snowballs. The snowballs come out at Yule time, so be on the lookout this winter! If you ever see a bottle of Love for sale, grab it! It's strawberry rose marshmallow. You might like White Rabbit, Chanukkiyah, Avunculus, Bette Noir, Bewildered In A Dream, Catherine, Harlequin, and Hunger. Iulia, L'Artiste du Diable is a new/remix scent for the current Carnaval Diabolique so I haven't smelled it, but the notes sound right up your alley. Also Jezebel, Lolita, and Maenad. A couple of LEs in this list, but mostly general catalog stuff. Lyonesse, Tamora, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Velvet, Good, Paladin, Halfling, Hellcat, Grog
  7. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    For Lovers, try Obatala. For Venus, Le Serpent Qui Danse. For Ava, Lady Death : Savage. For Tamora, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale. For Dorian, White Rabbit.
  8. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    you must try countess willie, the witch queen, and bordello
  9. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Lyonesse, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Tamora, High-Strung Daisies, maybe Morocco
  10. aphrodite

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    you might love Lady Death: Savage, or Ava
  11. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Try Wanda to branch out! Good, Paladin, Elf, Half Elf, Tamora, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Blood Kiss, Antikythera Mechanism, Belle Epoque, Lyonesse, Against Idleness and Mischief
  12. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Tamora, mouses long and sad tale, Dana oshee, fae, hellcat, maybe bon vivant
  13. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    fairy wine, ghost houses, the current venus blend that has wildflowers I'd second Velvet Unicorn and suggest Candy Phoenix, Dirty, Shang Hai, The Unicorn and Titania. And Wensleydale for the clean, fresh scent, even though I personally haven't tried that one yet. I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar enough with the other Top 5s to make recommendations. Here are my current (ever-changing) Top 5: 1. The Unicorn (my ultimate grail) 2. Whip 3. Boo 4. Hope 5. Candy Phoenix wanda, go to sleep darlings, love, hesiods phoenix, ezekiels phoenix, the last unicorn ava! lady death: savage, fae, tamora, mouses long and sad tale Nice choices! Maybe Bordello for a different tone of plum from Kitsune-Tsuki, and Maiden or The Sea Foams Milk for things somewhat like Alice? Mine: 1) Tamora 2) Obatala 3) Hollywood Babylon 4) Snake Oil 5) O mouses long and sad tale, love, reflected vulva, lovers and a fan, not so penitent mini magdalene, avunculus the future ball, claircognizance, love, mouses long and sad tale, reflected vulva, black opal, lovers and a fan, hesiods phoenix definitely hunt down love. pink snowballs, arana, the future ball Noche Buena (the light, uplifting incense of the Misa de Noche Buena, purple sage, and a vibrant bouquet of plumeria, chrysanthemum, tuberose, Angel's Trumpet, Mexican tiger lily, dahlia, and azucenas.) Stardust (champagne, hyacinth, tuberose, ylang ylang and flashing white musk with jonquil, tobacco flower, white sandalwood and a pale poppy.) Pele (muguet and Hawaiian white ginger enveloped by warm, damp tropical blooms.) 51 (green mandarin, neroli, honeydew, white amber, guava, freesia, white and green musks hovering over desert scrub, smashed wood, and the dry, biting scent of night air over the Groom Lake salt flats.) A Winter Dawn (pearlescent pink grapefruit, neroli, helichrysum, freesia, white mandarin, and rockrose rising behind a dapple of snowflakes.) eat me, disco snowballs, dia de los muertos, champagne and opium, belle epoque 1. Picture Books in Winter 2. Mouse's Long and Sad Tale 3. Snow White 4. Alice 5. La Befana What are your thoughts? go to sleep darlings, tamora, hesiods phoenix, black silk mary lywd (lwyd?), tko, beautiful death, mourning lace, pink lace, mourning cloak, black silk tamora, fae, juliet, countess willie, ava (from the olla collection) forgive me if i accidentally include one of your no-no notes, but try goblin, obatala, black pearl, and eden sorry i screwed up the formatting on some of these. my top five: The Girl Butterflies, Flowers and Jewels Attending Lyonesse Hesiod's Phoenix Tamora runners up: Ava, Wanda, Black Opal, Aristocratic Couple and i don't do patchouli.
  14. aphrodite

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    You should try Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure, Hesiod's Phoenix, Little Maggie, Question Mark, and Prosperous Flowers of the elegant Twelve Seasons.
  15. aphrodite

    Behind the Scenes Atmosphere Spray

    Vin de Bourgogne with smoky beeswax, a splash of rose water, cracked pomegranate, bruised, fallen lily petals, and a smear of tobacco absolute. Holy gods, this is obscenely lovely. I bought several Luper atmos, and I sprayed each in a different room, closed the doors, and then went around to smell each one individually. I sprayed this in the guest bathroom, and when I walked in my jaw dropped. I ended up spraying it throughout half of the apartment after smelling it. It's a really beautiful floral with a dark sweetness; the beeswax and tobacco come together in an almost chocolaty way. I don't know that I could really pick the notes apart as well as some could, but I do know I'm considering selling off 2 or 3 other atmos and just stocking up on this and putting it in every room. It's gorgeous. Really stunning. If you're considering it at all, try it.
  16. aphrodite

    Unhappily Ever After

    The perfect way to unwind after you’ve eviscerated your foes: white champagne grape, blood red roses, violet leaf, and bourbon vanilla. This is soooooooooooo pretty and delightful and happy and I love it so much! Omg. If you're a big fan of the "Champagne & ______" scents, I would recommend getting this. It has the same effervescent note and will layer beautifully with all of those. The champagne grape is definitely dominant, and there's something sort of smoky in a soft way (not at all smoky in the way of things like Bonfire Night; more like some opium scents, and things with soft purple incense) that could be the bourbon vanilla. The bourbon vanilla definitely adds a sweetness as well, but it is in no way foody or cakey or plasticky or any of those things that vanilla can sometimes be. I don't pick out any roses or violet leaf, but it's quite well blended so they are probably contributing to the overall deliciousness. The only issue I have with this is I wear hair gloss every day and don't own one that's a good match, so I'm gonna have to do some more BPTP shopping. As a blind guess, though, I think those of you with Peaches and Incense or maybe IBT hair glosses would probably find a nice complement. Out of the ones I own I think it would pair best with Loosened and Soiled, but Loosened and Soiled has a ton of throw on me and might drown out the subtleties of this beaut. I used it as moisturizer rather than bath oil, but it has gorgeous throw. I was running late so didn't bother with a perfume, and I'm enveloped in scent. I might edit the review if it's drastically different as a bath oil, but it was very similar in strength and scent in the bottle, so I would think it's pretty consistent across the board.
  17. try Countess Willie or The Witch Queen. they're both unimpable, so you would have to buy blind bottles or find a decanter, but if either of them works for you they're both permanent installments.
  18. aphrodite

    Youth's Disengagement

    this is so sad and disappointing for me. i was sure i would love it and all of the other reviews are amazing, but on me it just smells like baby oil. off to the sales.
  19. aphrodite

    BPTP & BPAL Layering Combos!

    I've been wearing SELBSTVERLIEBT bath oil every day as a moisturizer. It goes really nicely with Vain Sorceress, and I've also worn it successfully with The Girl, Peacocks, and Le Serpent Qui Danse. I've mostly complemented it hairwise with Coconut, Vanilla Bean and Tiare, but it's also nice with Mid Orgies. ETA: Shining Dimple of Love goes nicely with Dorian HG, and any Dorian-based perfume.
  20. aphrodite

    Castitas Bath Oil

    I'm so sad about this one. In the bottle fresh out of the mail, it smelled like the most perfect vanilla imaginable. Not foody, not masculine, just vanilla. After the bottle had settled for a few hours, I sniffed it again and got a lot of cream, some rice flower, and still some vanilla. I used it as a moisturizer after my shower and it's fairly strong when used in that form (on my arms and legs). It's all cream and maybe rice flower, and it just turns my stomach. I really dislike this type of cream smell, but had such high hopes for a primarily vanilla BO (and thought it could be a different type of cream, as I do occasionally like things that have a creaminess). I don't know if it's specifically the combination of cream and rice flower, but I can't wear this again.
  21. aphrodite

    Countess Willie

    I first met the Countess in sniffie/tester form as a frimp. Which makes sense, because based on the notes list I never would have sought her out. Chocolate plum musk sounds intriguing and delicious, but chocolate tends to be something I like but never reach for, while a lot of plums go too intensely sweet on me. I'm generally not a fan of red musk, and find it overpowers most blends. I really dislike smelling like almond, so it would take a pretty amazing notes lineup to make me give amaretto a shot ( ). I wouldn't necessarily shy away from a blend for containing candied fruits, but it would be the sort of thing that would make me say, "hmm, hope that behaves." I really like the smell of ginger, but I don't normally want to smell LIKE ginger, and it can overwhelm many blends for me. In short, there is no reason in the world I should like Countess Willie. Dear gods, I love her so much. Top ten, for sure. I finally have a full bottle and can slather her on, and holy hell, it's just -- I love her. Everything behaves. It's dark and fruity, a bit creamy, and the ginger adds just the right amount of spice and character. I can't pick out the red musk or amaretto, but I can get a sense of them deepening the blend and helping everything meld seamlessly together. I just absolutely love this oil. I remember trying Bordello and thinking that it was very beautiful but a bit too accurate and evocative. If I still have an imp around I'm inspired to retest it after reading all of the comparisons to CW, although I also think the spicy element of CW might be providing the perfect balance that Bordello was missing for me. This is a blend that will boost my happiness and confidence, and is both sexy and comforting. I just love it.
  22. aphrodite

    All about plum!

    wait wait wait a minute...Bathsheba was reformulated? I have a bottle from '06 and decided I loved it so much I purchased a back up ummm a year or two ago. By older labels do you mean pre yellow things they use now? Off to check labels. Off to check and see if they smell different... I saw no sense in opening the back up while I still have one in use until this. What is this? Are you sure that it smells different? Usually when a scent has been reformulated, it says so next to the title on that scent's review page in the forum. Bathsheba doesn't have anything next to the name, so it was probably not reformulated. Maybe mspixieears just prefers it heavily aged?
  23. aphrodite

    BPTP & BPAL Layering Combos!

    Bourbon vanilla massage oil + Implacable Beautiful Tyrant + Hesiod's Phoenix. Today wearing Time Does Not Bring Relief, realizing it would've also done nicely with the massage oil, and wishing I had a violet hair gloss. Violet, vanilla and amber omg.
  24. I second this for the house! Hesiod's Phoenix. Oh yeah!!! Hesiod's Phoenix is definitely the one. La Lugubre Gondola is my 2nd choice, but Hesiod's is even closer. Now if only I could find a bath oil that completes the layers of gorgeousness! Today I'm wearing Hesiod and IBT with Unhappily Ever After, and while they play nicely together, UEA is quite strong and definitely has its own voice that changes the song from the basic silky vanilla resins.
  25. aphrodite

    BPTP & BPAL Layering Combos!

    Dorian hair gloss with Capax Infiniti! <3 I think Dorian HG will actually go with a LOT of my collection. It's all sweetness and white musk. I imagine it will pair gloriously with Sonnet D'Automne.