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BPAL Madness!


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About Fleurdelys

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday December 19


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    United States

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  • Interests
    Reading anything that isn't nailed down (esp. Gaiman, GRR Martin, Stephen King, Atwood, various poets, classical and victorian lit, romance novels - trashy and otherwise- and political satire comic strips ie The Boondocks and Doonsbury)


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
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  1. Fleurdelys

    The most hippie / hippy scent you have tried?

    Oooh.. Gaueko. Nag Champa and Lavender. It's perfect for wearing with my purple Doors shirt, and (also purple) Janis Joplin tee!
  2. Fleurdelys

    Dragon Moon 2006

    I took a big chance ordering this moon. Dragon's blood and I typically don't get along. However, I was very pleasantly surprised by this blend. The cherry blossom and tea leaf are the most prominent notes, with the dragon's blood adding just the right amount of sweetness. The bamboo adds a clean, fresh hint of green to the scent, and the sandalwood is barely noticable - just enough to keep the sweet floralness in check. Absolutely enchanting, and perfect for late spring.
  3. Fleurdelys


    ::spanked:: ...Thank you, Sir! May I please have another? Oooh..I do like this. Wet, it's all cardamom, which I love. I was worried about the drydown, because I'm not a huge fan of patchouli. Luckily for me, my skin is picking up more on the leather note, so it becomes a spicy leather scent, with hints of patchouli and bourbon, instead of all patchouli, all the time. It's warm, spicy, and quite delectable. Everything blends together perfectly after drying, so that none of the notes are fighting for dominance. (Pun totally intended!) Another perfect Lab scent. Thank you, Maestro Beth! edited because spelling them funny foreign words is hard!
  4. Fleurdelys


    This is a spectacular scent. It's beautifully balanced between fruit and darker notes of spice and musk. Anyone who is a fan of cranberry/spice blends or candles will love this. That said, it's just a bit too foody for me - so I'll swap it off to someone who can give this scent all the love and affection it deserves.
  5. Fleurdelys


    I don't get much mint in this at all. It's more of an impression of coolness to the scent, rather than any specific type of mint. I mostly get mosses and a hint of ozone, which is alright by me. This is like Bayou, without the stagnant water and rotting flower effect. This is a scent I'd wear to the gym to stave off sweaty smelliness. It's a cool and light scent, but very long lasting. Kudos to the Lab. Another winner! edited because I'm a comma whore and my grammar leaves much to be desired
  6. Fleurdelys


    This was way too strong with the pine and eucalyptus for me to want to wear, but it's a divine room scent! I have some going in my burner right now. Just right for the holiday season. It also has made me amazingly alert and focused. I think I'll be getting a great deal accomplished this evening!
  7. Fleurdelys

    What Scent Is This?

    I also got a funky mint Hamadryad imp, in the order I received on 12/23. I looked around for other minty blends, and I think we may have gotten imps of Envy - based on the description of the scent, and the reviews people wrote. They pretty much described everything I was smelling on my skin when I tried this imp of Hamadryad. ::shrug:: I had intended to try Envy anyway. I just ended up getting around to it sooner than I expected!
  8. Fleurdelys


    Hee hee...I put this on..and the first thing that popped into my head was..I smell like a Fuzzy Navel! Heh. I do like this scent, because it's SO everything. So peachy, So boozy. It's not quite as much a "me" scent as Fae, but it's still fun to wear when I want to step outside the box a bit. I'll keep the imp and use it, happily - but for a big bottle of peach joy, it's Fae all the way!
  9. Fleurdelys

    The Raven

    Oh, this is a great violet scent. I tried Veil, Nocturne, and Wings of Azrael. Veil and nocturne were too sweet and soft. Wings smelled like...celery? ::shrug:: Then I tried The Raven. Perfect Violet Bliss. It's sweet violets at first, but then the sweetness wanes as it dries, and the musk comes out to ground the scent. Love, love, love this. This has replaced Morgause as my scent to wear on days that I'm wearing dark purple.
  10. Fleurdelys


    Ok..so at least I'm not alone. I opened the imp (which came in around the same time as the others with this problem) and I was like...OMGWTF....Spearmint? That's all I'm getting. On my skin it softens up a bit, but no spice, no foresty smell... I think I'll have to peruse the site to see what other blends contain mint and do a comparison. Maybe we got a mislabelled lot? ETA: I think we have fallen victim to the sin of Envy. If you read the description of Envy, and then some of the reviews - they match what we are seeing here. Heh. I'll have to swap for another imp of Hamadryad or order another - but no matter - little oddities like this are kind of neat sometimes.
  11. Fleurdelys


    Hmmm.. I like this very much. This is the first of the BPAL honey note mixes that works for me. I do get the grape scent initially, but only very briefly. My skin eats wine notes. Then it settles down into a mix of smoke, honey, and dry bay. I tend to favor green or musky scents, and this is a great mix of the two. It's balanced well with my chemistry, so I'm not finding the bay or the honey overwhelming. This works just the way it should, without smelling like food. This was a timely swap for me (Thanks Zenvodunista!) because I'm attending a formal wedding this weekend, and my dress is styled like a dark brown chiton. I imagine I'll be wearing Delphi, to go right along with it. And to think I was stressing over what perfume would be PERFECT with my dress. I should have known the BPAL gods would smile upon me and come through somehow!
  12. Fleurdelys


    I had this preconceived notion about Brisingamen from all the reviews I read - that she would be warm and spicy and sweet. I got spicy and sweet, but some component went really...cold on me. Like almost Halls Menthol cold. And it never really warmed up. I wanted a warm, embracing, enticing fragrance. Usually amber does that on me. Instead of warm and enticing, I got a scent that says "I'll play hard to get." Maybe I'll have better luck with Bastet.
  13. Fleurdelys


    This is not a bad scent at all. It's a cool, powdery (in a good way), floral. However, it smells almost exactly like this perfume I wore in High School to please my first boyfriend after he bought it for me. Windsong...::shudder:: Godawful stuff, and he ended up being a heel. Wearing this oil was an exercise in demonstrating how strongly scent and memories are associated. Too bad they weren't good memories, or I might have liked this scent much more!
  14. Fleurdelys


    OMFG! I'm completely enthralled by this scent...fascinated...ensorcelled....not enough adjectives in the dictionary. I've just spent the last thirty minutes with my nose attached to my arm, trying to figure out WHY I adore this scent the way I do. I mean, c'mon, there's patchouli in this... normally any and all patchouli turns to stinky feet on me, and my skin amps it like no tomorrow. Here, it's nonexistent. YAY! Even the ginger is Good Ginger, and not evil Siren Ginger. Oh god, it's so spicy and dark and smooth. I want to run off and lock myself in a room with my box of *ahem* toys... and not come out for as long as this scent lasts on me. And this is coming from a person who wears predominantly florals. I've tried a ton of scents from the Love Potions category, looking for something that makes me feel and smell sooo sexy. This is it. This is not a scent for wilting, graceful women. This is a scent for a woman who attacks her guy when he walks in the door, leaves scratches while ripping his clothes off, and says "I'm going to have you, all night, however I want...and you're going to enjoy every second of it!" The woodsy note in here is dry and brown, with little to no green. The spices aren't foody to me at all. Just a dry ginger smoothed and sweetened just a bit by the fig and tonka. I don't get tons of rose or cyclamen out of this. This is in no way a sweet scent. It is nudging the line of masculine on me, but it's like being with a guy, and having his cologne on you later - just blending into your skin. You get whiffs of it, and think (dirty thoughts) of him sporadically all day long. This doesn't morph too much, and has good staying power. I tried it on my guy first, and it was awful...smelled like a dead possum stuck in a log. Before I swapped it off, I tried it on a whim, and I am sooo glad I did. Definitely a big bottle! ETA: I wore this again today, now that whatever hormone spike was going on is over..., just to reevaluate the scent. I still like it very much. It's spicy and just treads the line of masculine. For women, I want to say it's austere and severe, almost, because of how dry it is, but in a strong, intelligent woman sort of way. Today I wore my hair all pulled back and a black turtleneck, and the scent fit - gave me more presence. Turning me from librarian girl into a Martha Graham clone ::fake European grand dame accent:: "NO NO NO... you vill not quit. Your feet.. they are not bleeding yet!" Wearing it will definitely tilt your chin up a notch or two, and woe to the person who would cross you wearing this scent. Very aptly named, I think. </edit>
  15. Fleurdelys


    My skin hates me! I put this on, and could smell all the wonderful fruit and floral and vanilla for ten minutes. Then patchouli and musk muscled their way in, tag teamed me, knocked me down and beat me up until I had no choice but to concede defeat to their unholy alliance, and wash it off. And twenty minutes after washing it off, I can still smell the evil duo!