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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Missy_killer

  1. Missy_killer

    Poisoned Apple

    A perfect, lovely, gleaming red apple whose sweetness masks a swirl of narcotic opium, oleander, and hemlock. To my nose: Apples! A mix of red and green apples. I'd say there are more green and tart ones than red and sweet. On: First of all I acidentally spilled a little with my imp..hmh..Second of all it's very strong soapy apples. But there is something else too. Something very sharp. It smells like apples, but when you inhale deeply there is this..I guess you can call it poison, lol! Rapunzel in Ballpoint is a more "true to life" apple, where as this really is a fairytale-poisoned apple. It doesn't smell rotten or bad in any way. but it..smells weird. and of course appley. After two hours it kinda smells like apples and black licorice. It's nice, but I prefer Rapunzel for my apple-fix.
  2. Missy_killer

    Miskatonic University

    To my nose: First thing I smell is something cake-y and caramelly, which is the last I'd expect from this. On: Oh, I recognize this. There's some chocolate-covered caramel stuff going on here. No coffee so far. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, becuase I generally don't like things that smell like coffee (though I loooove to drink coffee). After a few minutes on my skin the caramel starts to disappear and a dusty note appears. Now it's more like dusty icecream-wafers. Still no coffee, no woods or magnificent halls. This smells more like a table with candy that has been left untouched for ages. Thick dust covering and clibbing to the candy.
  3. Missy_killer

    Lilith vs. the Giant Crab

    To my nose: I smell tangerine and tonka first up. I also get the sandalwood and pear. It's not a fresh pear though, more of a canned, super sweet one. There's also some spices here, but I can't put my finger on exactly what kind of spices. Spicy fruitsalad? On: This one has also changed since last time I tried it (like Regina Erebi did). Last time the tangerine was the most prominent on my skin, but this time it'sthe pear. Pears, tonka and sandalwood is everything I can smell. As it dries the pears dsappear more and more but the other notes (except for the tangerine which I can't find anywhere) are live and well. I now also smell coconut. Lilith vs the Giant Crab - Tangerine cream, benzoin, white sandalwood, white pear, tonka and ambergris accord After ten minutes: I still haven't gotten any tangerine, or much of the cream (both were present last time I tried this and I liked it back then). I smell ambergris and that always makes me think of very expensive shampoo. I even rolled the bottle to see if it would have a better outcome, but no luck. If you'd like to smell like fresh from the shower, expensive shampoo from the hairstylist-kind of way then I'd recommed this to you. I'm gonna have to try this again before I decide what to do.
  4. Missy_killer


    To my nose: Ooooh... This one is very lime and citron heavy! I also detect some mint? At least..I think it's mint? On: This smells like soda pops candy! (or like Lush's Whoosh if you haven't tried the candy) Very bright and citrus-y juuust like I love it! The citrus slowly dies down and the lilac enters the party. There's another BPAL with lilac and citrus that I tried not so long ago (and can't remember the name of) that made the same outcome = citrus and lilacs turn to soap on me. Boo! Very disappointed.
  5. Missy_killer

    The Zoom

    To my nose: Like I suspected. Dragon's blood really kills all the other notes for me. It smells like heavy floral/cheap lipsticks to me. On: Mhm.. Lime, cedar and dragon's blood all mixed together in a blur. All three of these are fighting over who's gonna be on top - who's gonna be the star of the show. It actually seems that the lime is the strongest one so far, but I don't dare to believe that the dragon's blood has given up. Oooh, this is the same type of lime that's in Voodoo! After a few minutes though, the DB has returned *dramatic music*. And fueled with new powers it decides to kick the lime to the curb and take the throne. As usual, Dragon's blood and I are not friends, and can't cooperate. End of story
  6. Missy_killer


    To my nose: I smell a light brown sugar/caramel with some nuttyness going on. And..Cucumber. I've seen that others have also gotten cucumber from this blend, and even when I've closed the lid I can still smell it. Odd. On: Immediately Mischief smells very nutty, but not even five seconds later there's that cucumber again! I wouldn't call this sweet, but it certainly is an odd mix. As it sits longer on my skin I get more of the nuts and less of the cucumber (though it's still there), and even some of the sugar is comingout to greet me. The caramel gets really loud after about 30 min, which gives me a headache and I have to wash it off. Sadly, this one is not for me.
  7. Missy_killer

    Fizzy Jack O' Lantern

    To my nose: fruity, buttery rich and a hint of carbonation. On: Fruity and sweet, still not a lot of carbonation, but it smells lovely! I smell lemon and what must be the ginger, it's a bit spicy but not too bad. This one doesn't morph at all on me, it stays the same - and it stays very loud. After an hour or so I had to wash it off becuase it was just too strong and sweet. bummer.
  8. Missy_killer


    To my nose: That's odd.. It smells like warm, clean lavender and the same type of lime that's in my beloved Voodoo. I like it! On me: I'm very surprised that it's a sweet and fuzzy lavender with a hint of lime. Usually lavender is either dark, or cologne-y. I think I also smell lilac, but not a fresh-from-the-bush type of lilac. It's more a scented candle-type of lilac to me. After five minutes: I smell some vanilla in this. Very pleasent warm and fuzzy vanilla and lavender. After two hours: I completely forgot that I was testing, lol! I still really like Villain. It's got a nice and sweet lavender with a vanilla undertone. I'm also really happy that this one didn't turn out to smell like soap on me, which many of the other lavender-scents have done.
  9. Missy_killer


    To my nose: I'm not really sure what I'm smelling here.. Green tea, and fig I think. A lot of people think that patchouli smells like dirt, and in this case it actually does. I normally never get dirt from patchouli (or blends that contain it). On: Fig and mango bathing in green tea. That's all there is, no morphing, no nothing. The tea has a bit of a "lemony" note in it, which is nice. I just wished this would be fruitier. but now when I look at the notes I keep wondering how I thought this was gonna be a fruit-party? I must've confused it with something else.
  10. Missy_killer

    Drink Me

    To my nose: Wow. First sniff and I smell buttered toast and turkey. Second sniff is all pineapple with an aftertaste of almond cherries. On: This smells soooo weird! Toffee and toast in a blender with fresh pineapple juice and cherries. I think I smell the turkey too, like toffee-glazed meat. And...No. God No. I can't be sure but I think the buttered toast, toffee-glazed turkey and custard mixed together is making my tummy turn. It's a bit of a shame because the pineapple in Drink Me is so sweet and juicy, it's like the real deal! Oh, and to make things worse the custard is very vanilla-y and buttery. And now I smell popcorn all of a sudden. Caramelized popcorns. Now, don't get me wrong because I LOVE popcorn, but they should only be buttered and salted, never ever sweetend. Now take all of the ingredients that I just listed, from the toast to the popcorn, throw it all down the blender and mix it to a gloopy greenish gray soup - dump it over your arm. That is how this makes me feel and I can't take it any more! Need to wash this off pronto!
  11. Missy_killer

    Regina Erebi

    To my nose: This is fruity! It smells like cold fruit-tea. Sweet and almost something bitter mingling together in here. I smell Pomegranate and mullberries, with a little bit of cherries and the mint. The mint isn't very "minty" though, more green and adds an almost medicine-feel to Regina. On: Hm.. This is different from when I first tried it on. Scents always like me better straight out of the package. After they've been "resting" for a couple of days most people say the scents change for the better, for me it's usually the other way around. Last time I got strictly mulberries and mint when I did a skintest. But now I get all kinds of red fruit and what I belive is the myrrh. It has a sweet, but almost metallic smell to it. And then it starts smelling like a candle. Five minutes later: Why does it always happen to me?! I tried Regina on directly from the mailbox and loved it, minty mulberries and red fruits - it was soooo yummy! And now I get a high pitched screech of metal and what I can only say is red sweetness. Not even any fruit! I wonder if I'll have to shake her for about a week to get back to the first and yummy stage? Or did my skin change? Time of the month? So many question marks, I'll have to do another test of Regina before I decide what to do with her.
  12. Missy_killer

    Blood Pearl

    To my nose: I smell violets. Straight up, musky violets. With a teeny dab of coconut. On: This is much sweeter than I thought it would be. Still violets and a touch of cool coconut. For hours this was between the states of "meh" and "need to wash this off, headache incoming!". It was very floral, sweet and cloying. Some reviwers has gotten Dragon's Blood from it, I thankfully didn't (DB smells like old, cheap lipsticks with a floral edge to me). But now, about three hours after I put it on, it has changed. It's still sweet but the violets are gone. There's a powdery feel to Blood Pearl and I think the coconut is just there to soften up the orris and musk without adding too much of itself in there. It's a shame. If Blood Pearl had more coconut in it I would have liked it much more. But waiting three hours to get to that stage? No.
  13. Missy_killer

    Ghost House

    To my nose: This is mostly moss and some woods. I think there's a small smidge of berries hiding here, but it's so faint that it might well be my imagination. On: It smells sweet on my skin, but not berries per say. Just..Sweet moss and woods. After it has been sitting on my skin for a while I sense something that actually smell like berries. Finally! Just what I was looking for. But not the raspberries that I was waiting for, these are... grapes. *sigh* After an hour: The awful dusty smell that has ruined a few scents for me (Autumn Cider among others) is here. It's covering the berries and the woods in a grey fuzzy blanket of dust.
  14. Missy_killer


    Boo 2012 To my nose: A sweet and buttery scent, that is almost cake-y. I really hope this doesn't turn out to be like the evil migraine-cake in Eat Me On: A buttery cake with a vanilla detergent as an undertone. The cream helps mellow out the detergent, so it's not as sharp as detergents can be. After a few minutes: Huuuh..It smells like some creamy ricepudding. You know, like ris á l'amande (if you're familiar with that). Oddly enough I really like it at this stage. Usually buttery type of scents give me terrible migraines, but this one works. I keep wondering if it's the clean laundry that makes this bearable to me? It's not at all what I had expected from Boo. I'm kinda bummed that the spun sugar ditched the party before it had even started. But I'm also happy that the cake left. Might need some further testing before I decide what to do with this.
  15. Missy_killer


    To my nose: This smells like cherry almonds/marzipan and nothing else. I love to eat marzipan, hate stuff that smells like it. On: Artifical cherry candy. I've always hated cherry-flavored things becuase they all taste like some kind of dishsoap. Eeew. After a couple of second it changes. It smells like the skin of apples and has some strong soapyness about it. Apple scented soap! The cherries are gone, thankfully. I think the apples are more green than red actually. Red apples are sweeter, and these are more tart. After an hour: Still smells of apple scented soap. But it has already started to fade I'm afraid. Edited to add that this is for the 2012 version.
  16. Missy_killer


    This is for the 2012 version. To my nose: Wow, this is strong. I mean REALLY strong. First sniff I get burning campfire, apples and patchouli. It's very smokey and manly. On: On my skin there's a blast of red apples and mullein, it's still really strong but without the burning campfire. I want to say that I have some sort of memory of this smell, but I can't find it in my head. It's late autumn/early winter. It's dark outside and there are small fires set up here and there to light up pathways. Some people have put apples on stakes, roasting them over one of the fires. 30 min later: the apples are till here, still red and sweet now. A dark grey-smokeyness is in the back, making this not overly sweet. I was just out walking the dog, and got whafts of this during the entire time. And since it's cold and rainy in the part of Sweden that I live in, it was just the perfect scent for being outdoors! Last time I tried Samhain (around November or December I think) it did not smell like this at all. Back then it was just burning campfire all the way. This gets sweeter as it ages? This is the review I wrote a couple of months ago. I tried Samhain again yesterday, and it was SO strong, apple-y and sweet it almost gave me a headache. And all the smokeyness was gone.
  17. Missy_killer

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    To my nose: I smell cold, honeyed tea with small smidges of mint here and there. I wanna say that it's a very floral tea, I'm guessing it might be the orange blossom that gives that vibe. On: I wonder if this is the same type of honey used in Womb Furie? ..It smells a little bit like Playdough, just like WF does. The honey with mint is all I can smell. No hard edges here at all, like a little ball of playdough dipped in mint. Then the orange blossom peeks out. A soft little citrus that's way too shy to break through the minty honey-ball. After a couple of minutes the orange blossom has gained enough confidence to break up the honey and mint. Now all I can smell is orange! The honey and mint are hiding behind the orange's back. After about 30 min: I smell honey and vanilla with a tiny dab of lemon instead of orange. Where's the vanilla coming from?! Two hours later: Cold, mint tea with milk, sweetend with honey. Edited because of spelling boo boo's.
  18. Missy_killer

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    It iiiiis! It swirled up to my top 5 scents immediately and I've worn it almost all summer.
  19. Missy_killer

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    The Lilith-series (the Tremulous Song) that contained Love was taken down in June I believe. I have a bottle of Love, and it's the best rose-scent I've ever smelled! It's not marshmallow-y on me, just sweet and creamy roses.
  20. Missy_killer


    To my nose: Sin is a lot sweeter than I thought it would be. In the imp all I can smell is amber and honey-sweetend cinnamon. I'm really hoping the sweetness will go away once on my skin! It reminds me a little of Smut 2011, but without the chocolate. On me: I make a dab on my hand and all I smell is honey and amber. There's not a trace of either patchouli (which, since it's black, I would think would be veeery prominent) or cinnamon. Or wait. I start smelling some cinnamon. Very faint at first, I have to keep my nose half an inch awy from my hand to smell it. And then it grows stronger, more powerful. A couple of hours pass: Sin is perfect. All cinnamon, all the way! Not a creamy one like Pickled Imp, it's not Chai-esque or sugared sweet foods-like either. It smells like grounded up cinnamon. I'm saying grounded up because there's a powdery feel to it, not in a bad way though!! I like it a lot and can see myself wear this through fall and winter. It does however make me sneeze a little now and then. Or maybe I'm catching a cold. In any case I will keep my eyes open for a bottle of this! I never had a burning sensation with Sin, but then again none of the BPAL I've tried that contains cinnamon has given me any reaction at all.
  21. Missy_killer

    Rapunzel in Ballpoint

    To my nose: Tart green apples. That's the only thing in here! On: Mmmmmmhhh! Juicy, fresh green apples. From one angle it smells like applejuice and from another it smells like apple scented-fabric softener. That's perfectly fine by me since I love that fabric softener. It's not sparkly or fizzy on me, which is a little sad. It might work to layer this with a sparkly scent? I need to try it with Bon Vivant, get some more sweetness in here. Very happy that the apple is fresh and not baked, because my skin doesn't really like baked apple for some reason. After 45 minutes Rapunzel has already started to fade :C After 4 hours I couldn't smell Rapunzel any longer. Sadly it's the weakest out of the four scents I tried from this collection. But it's a really nice and tart green apple, just how I wanted it to be.
  22. Missy_killer

    Uncle Brian

    To my nose: Ooooooooohhhh, this is very sweet and yummy! I think it reminds me of Schrodinger's Cat, but that might just be my imagination. On: I smell cotton candy with a touch of wine and lots of gummy candy. It's bright and fun with fruity and delicious candy scattered all over it. I don't get any raspberry at all, but little whiffs of lime now and then. Mainly it's just this delicious candied sweetness all over it that I like But it reminds me so much of another BPAL..It must be Schrodinger's Cat, but I can't find my imp to do a comparison. It's hiding somewhere, that sneaky little kitty. In the end Uncle Brian smelled just like pale yellow Haibo gummy bears, or like elderberries (is it called that?). It only lasted for a couple of hours on my skin, but I really liked it.
  23. Missy_killer


    To my nose: Smells like men's cologne and smokey wood in the bottle. On: This has been compared to as a softer version of Antikythera Mechanism and I can only agree. The difference between the two are that Araña has a strong cologne-vibe and AM made me smell like a burning campfire.. I prefer the cologne, actually. After about 10 minutes the cologne/alcohol dies down and the only thing I can think of is that this smells like a man. A very sexy man, nontheless... ..And then I stop thinking about sexy, vanilla scented-men and realizes that Araña smells lovely! It's a creamy and soft wooden vanilla that I can use and not suffer terrible migraines from. 45 minutes in and it has started to fade a little, sadly. The vanilla is still soft and smokey, which I love. It is what I wanted AM to be, but the tobacco killed it for me. So, if you wanted to like AM but your skin just like mine, loves to amp tobacco to the high heavens and make you smell like you enjoy bathing in ashtrays/setting your wooden self on fire, try this instead. It's lovely! It lasted about 4-4.5 hours, but for only making one drop on my hand, I'm happy with it's staying power!
  24. Missy_killer


    To my nose: Cakey sweet and strawberries. No rose in the bottle at all. On: Ooooh.. I instantly get rose, but not the normal lemony roses that I always smell whenever there is rose in a scent. This one is dark pink or deep red. I smell some vanilla here too, it's trying to mellow out the rose and keep it from stealing the entire show.. It gives it some creaminess, like luxurious creamy rose-soap (but without any soapiness!!). So far I detect no sugar, no ultrasweet marshmallows and no strawberries. Now, you should know that I'm not a flower-loving gal, I don't like to smell like roses or any other floral. I'm also migraine-sensetive to vanilla, and can't do buttery/warm vanillas. And when I read one disappointed review after another becuase of the rose, I was afraid I'd hate this. But this is PRETTY! I've tried Pink Snowballs, but the rose in that wasn't nearly as good, and I was only happy about PS when the roses left the party so the coconut/vanilla could shine. It is very rose-heavy on me, but now and then there is this creamy note that swirls up and makes it SO beautiful. Ladies and Gentlemen, we seem to have found the one and only rose-perfume I'll ever want to wear! As Love dies down the rose gets softer, but on me it never really disappeared. I didn't get any marshmallows or strawberries on my skin, but to be honest it didn't really matter too much - because it was so pretty on its own. Edited to add: The staying power is medium I'd like to think. The drop I made on my hand was smellable for about 5 hours. Updated July 14th 2013: Sooo... Love has warped up to my top five favorites and is probably my most worn oil next to L'Essance de L'engougement. I still love it just as much as when I tested it, and it hasn't given me a migraine even though the weather has been really hot.
  25. Missy_killer

    White Rabbit

    To my nose: This is like springtime in an imp. The mental image that I get from this is: Early "bright" morning in spring. The grass is glowing limegreen in the sunlight and clean linen are hanging out to dry in the soft warm wind. You're standing next to a little cottage where the kitchenwindows are open, and you can smell how someone just poured up hot tea and the scent mixes with the newly ground pepper from the spicerack inside. On: Smells just like in the imp. Sunny, bright and with a peppery twist. I can smell something "green" and floral, but I can't put my finger on what exactly it is. It doesn't smell like straight up grass or any other type of floral. Just...Bright green. Under the green I smell some laundry lurking about too. After 15-25 min: Okaaay.. All I smell is clean laundry. That's it, no bright green, no sun, nothing. How disappointing. Now, I'm not that in to smelling like newly washed linen - but I figured I would let the Rabbit stick around anyway and it's good that I did because it continued morphing. After another 20-30 min the clean linen was nowhere to be seen, instead there was this sweet honey-scent. I don't think I've tried any other BPAL with this specific honey, since it's not thick, cloying or toffee-ish. It's bright and sweet, and I want to call it liquid-y. What I didn't get much of was the tea, and I got no milk or vanilla whatsoever.