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Posts posted by Amalthea

  1. When I first apply this, I get a huge rush of warmth from the blood orange. It's bright and glowy and it reminds me of the red hot desert. But then I also really get the soothing notes of tonka and amber at the end, which is incredibly soothing. Almost reminds me of Dorian, almost. This one is a morpher but I kinda dig it!

  2. I got this little baby in the mail today and oh me oh my... this is love love love. I bought this impulsively and since my purchase, was becoming increasingly nervous that I had made the wrong decision. None of the notes really appealed to me and leather is usually something I avoid. But from the moment I sniffed this from the bottle, I could smell the leather but it was muted and the rest was almost a lovely sweet floral and a bright phoenix-y hope started to blaze within me. Wet on the skin, I get sweet green tea with a background of leather. An hour later, the leather is still there but fading quick. It is truly lovely and to me, quite feminine. I never thought I'd wear leather until today. :wub2:

  3. Imp: burnt sugar and incense

    Wet on skin: Vanilla, incense and sugar

    Drydown: The vanilla gets creamier and the incense goes into the background but it is still a gorgeous combination

    Dry: Even creamier vanilla and a little incense

    Verdict: Mine is really fresh and I will always feel the need to love it. It really reminds me of Indonesia which is a country close to my heart and so I will always smell comfort in this more than the sexy.

  4. Imp: Hmm Nivea Visage cream??

    Wet on skin: Can barely smell anything! Clean florals...

    Drydown: Nivea visage cream with some citrus twist

    Dry: This is light and refreshing. In a skin cream way...

    Verdict: Still on the fence... it reminds me of Skinfood's Balck Sugar scrub. It's nice. I hope I can find an opportunity to wear it.

  5. Imp: Sharp and sour

    Wet: Sandlewood and grass and lavender, smells a bit like medicated cream.

    Drydown: Lavender

    Dry: Lavender + something I can't pick out

    Verdict: To me, this almost smells like a really good companion to LUSH's Twilight products. Yummy. Will get a bottle if the imp does its job.

  6. Imp: Pear and woods and green, a cool and sweet scent

    On skin: The green is stronger, still cool and sweet and refreshing.

    Dry down: The ozone is quite strong here, green and fruity. Still somehow manages to be light.

    Dry: Everything has now mostly settled, it's faint but sweet and powdery.

    Verdict: I was surprised at this. It's actually a really beautiful scent that is strong at first but still sweet and light. I hoped it would last longer but I would definitely buy a bottle if I finish my imp.

  7. Imp: Cherry, chrysanthemum, plum

    Wet on skin: chrysanthemum, plum, sharp and sweet

    Dry down: chrysanthemum, candied plum

    Dry: syrupy sweet plums with flroal background

    Verdict: Mmm. I just don't know. There aren't enough florals to ground the plums and it's given me a slight headache. I may hold on to this regardless, try it in a few months.

  8. Imp: Myrrh, slight florals

    Wet on skin: myrrh, jasmine

    Dry down: slighter myrrh, less jasmine, more rose

    Dry: No more myrrh (well, actually very faint), no more jasmine, rose... it's all rose. Damn.

    Verdict: I wish rose was my thing. But it isn't, especially not all rose ick. I might actually give this to my mum because it smells exactly like LUSH's Turkish Delight Shower Smoothie (her fav).

  9. Imp: Sharp fresh grass, fruits, almond.

    Wet on skin: Oh, hello toasted almond! Still something fruity. It's not quite fig but it smells yummy.

    Dry down: I smell the green again but it smells sweet yet bitter, like the sap from something green freshly cut, it's morphing a bit already. The almond is gone again and the fruit is still there. A little soapy. A little like air freshener. Now foody. Sweet almond and fig. What the heck. Fickle fickle! :P

    Dry: What on earth happened, it's so sharp it hurts. Hello air freshener with a hint a almond. Weird.

    Verdict: Eden, I am disappoint.

  10. Imp: Juicy, cherry like and coconutty.

    Wet on skin: Sweet coconutty macaroon syrup

    Drydown: Hmm.. it's like above but warmed up into baked goods. Wow. Plus maybe some honeyed milk. YUM.

    Dry: Hmm I do smell the pineapple people have mentioned. It's like those asian pineapple cookie/biscuits, the ones with the pineapple jam inside. But in a bottle.

    Verdict: Oh wow this is seriously yummy. This is one of those foody scents I can can actually see myself wear. Maybe in winter though. I think if I finish my imp, I'd get a bottle easily.

  11. In the imp: Smells sweet, floral and fruity. I'm wondering whether this was worth the hype. It smells a lil like a perfume I've smelled before... in a department store...


    Wet on skin: Grass, sweet florals and fruits. Faint incense in the background


    Drydown: the incense are bolder, the sweetness of it has toned down, there is a very faint whiff of earth. It is still intensely floral though.


    Dry: Oh. That's beautiful. I may have tested a little too much on my wrists but finally, I get the mystery and the ethereal. The florals are faded in the background now and it really does smell like an outdoor market, the stalls, the flowers, the green grass by the hills, the dirt beneath your feet. Dammit. Please come back Fairy Market!! :(

  12. I tested this at the same time as a Dorian v2 and I must admit I was a little disappointed at first...


    In the imp: Boozey but sharp with lemon. Reminded me of cleaning product.


    Wet: The same, although a little mellower. The vanilla probably coming out. Frankincense also about.


    Drydown: It began to get creamier, maybe not creamier but rounder and better.


    Dry: Dry it was so much better, wearable and gorgeous.


    Verdict: After being initially disappointed, Tattered Lace went one way and Dorian v2 went another, both became their own and lovely in their own right. I feel like I'll wear this is summer.

  13. From the bottle: Smells like something you would drink. I can smell berries and honey and it is syrupy. If I good a strong sniff it smells like cherry lollies. It's a bit tart.


    Wet on the skin: The cherry and the berry tone down while the honey is still very present. It's no longer syrupy but it's still really sweet and the cherry makes it cloying.


    Dry down: Bye cherry! Hello berries and honey. Yay dandylions. This is more like it.


    Dry: Definitely more floral now. Florals and honey with faint fruits.


    Verdict: I can smell the booze but it's subtle, like chick drink subtle. I feel like this plays quite nicely with my skin chemistry, thank God it morphed! It is definitely feminine and not noticably boozey. I'm not one to go for syrupy sweet scents but I think within all its sweetness, there is balance. This is my special occasion girly go to.

  14. I tested this frimp with a clean toothpick.


    In the imp: Reminds me of an older ladies perfume. Regal, powdery and perfumey.


    Wet on the skin: Alcoholic but also the same as above.


    On the drydown: Hmm. Baby powder with an old lady twist? So disturbing.


    Dry: It smells like generic feminine perfume. It loses its powderiness which is probably good. I feel like it's a younger scent now.


    Verdict: It's nice, I suppose but not something I'm amazed with. It's going into my frimp stash.
