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Everything posted by vanilla323

  1. vanilla323

    The Soldier

    I do like the Soldier it's a fun and foodie scent. Reminds me of my hubby maybe eating pie! The overall scent wet and dry is about the same its a lovely vanilla cream scent with small whiffs of pie and the leather is there. It's a perfect soft leather scent. Not too strong at all. It's just there to add a little touch of masculinity to the overall vanilla sweetness. But that is mainly the only notes I ever get. No musk really for me. Oddly it had low throw but did last a while on my skin with a close sniff. This would be great on a man or woman!
  2. vanilla323


    Callidora...I went out on a small limb with this bottle. Gotta do that from time to time with BPALs. But sadly I fell off the limb because it didn't work for me at all. It was mainly a patchouli that wasn't sweet or complex and then musk. Which was also not very complex. I wanted more benzoin and cocoa but sadly they were not around to play. It also had short wear time and low throw. Ended up swapping this shortly after I tested it.
  3. vanilla323

    The Kingdom of Sweets

    In the bottle: not much maybe a faint bit of sugar Wet: This is very sweet! Which is awesome! I mainly get the lollipop vibe and maybe the very faintest hint of mint. It's not minty though but it just gives the sweetness a cool note overall. I do get some other fruitiness but it's definitely candy like. Lemon and maybe strawberry to my nose. Drydown: Not much throw on this at all. But when I sniff my skin it's mainly lollipops dipped in sugar. Wish this was stronger overall and I'd be crazy about it. But all the delicious sweetness is just too light.
  4. vanilla323

    Teatime in Roswell

    In the bottle: tea and very light cake Wet: this has a very lovely tea note and maybe I smell some of the watery cucumber but it's very light Drydown: now I can smell the cake note way in the drydown it's light and barely there though. It is very sweet and pretty. Maybe a nice scent for a little girl. If the cake note was stronger this would be more of a win for me. But it's mainly just a light tea scent. It has very little little throw and faded away very quickly. It has a cute alien on the label though which was cool.
  5. vanilla323

    Sticky Pillowcase

    This scent was a ton of candy in an old pillowcase for sure. It starts out like a sugar rush with a little bit of marshmallow in the background. The type of candy is blue lollipops and and fun dip for me. That is all very amazing to me but what throws this scent off for me is the pillowcase. I DO smell cotton/lint and it's kind of of dirty linen or something...maybe not dirty but dusty. That part is not strong at all but it's in the background. The candy notes are really amazing and sweet. Just not a big fan of the lint part. This had low throw and short wear time. A lot of fun though and a perfect scent for Halloween!
  6. vanilla323


    This one was all sweet orange and cake on me. Not much else going on. In the bottle and when wet it's all orange but on the drydown some of the cake comes out. It's a light scent. Very sweet and makes your mouth water. But it has pretty low throw and staying power. Really yummy though while it lasted.
  7. vanilla323

    Banded Sea Snake (2006)

    I'll admit I wanted this scent simply because Banded Sea Snakes are one of my favorite snakes! They're awesome! The scent is nice but not a total win for me. I do like Snake Oil but I like it more mixed with other things. This is just a little too masculine (maybe the oakmoss) and not foodie. And by foodie I mean the Snake Oil vanilla goodness is not prominent. It is a nice scent and I do like it but it's not love. It is aquatic though so if you love that kind of scent you have to give this a try! It had ok throw and not much staying power oddly. And yes I LOVE the label.
  8. vanilla323

    The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love

    This is an awesome scent! In the bottle it smells like salty chocolate On the skin and as it dries down it opens up a little and the seaweed and kelp comes out. It's so realistic and awesome. This only works for me because of the heavy chocolate making it still quite foodie. It definitely makes me think of sitting near the ocean and eating a box of chocolates. It works. It has decent throw but the staying pwer was about 2 hours, damn chocolate why must you run away from skin? Adorable label too.
  9. vanilla323

    Beaver Moon 2010

    I love Beaver Moon scents! in the bottle: light peach and strawberry wet on skin: now some of the cake is coming out but it's not cheesecakey to me, not like the other beaver moons. This is just sugary cake, strawberry, and peach. drydown: when it dries down they all blend together creating a soft sweet foodie peach and strawberry cake scent. It had good throw too. I got compliments when I wore this one. Not sure why but over time I sold/swapped this one...maybe the staying power went away or I really needed some money. Maybe I'll get it back one day. But i do love all the other Beaver Moon scents more so maybe that was just it.
  10. vanilla323

    Strawberry Moon 2009

    This is a wonderful strawberry scent. I am drawn to strawberry over a lot of other fruits but not sure why. It starts out as a very wild/fresh strawberry scent. Like someone just picked strawberries out of the back yard and has them all in a bowl. I can smell leaves and a tiny bit of dirt but it's nice. This is not an artificial strawberry (which I don't mind either). It's not foodie really either, but the other notes do add comfort to this scent and make it creamy and pretty. The staying power is kinda low though and the throw isn't strong either but it is very lovely.
  11. vanilla323

    Pink Moon 2012

    In the bottle: strawberry and florals On the skin: strawberry fades fast sadly that note was wonderful. And more of the floral notes came out, can't tell them apart but its definitely very floral heavy and the white chocolate is in the background keeping it a little sweet. I do not smell any bourbon vanilla which I wish was stronger. Sadly no honey or pink sugar either. Drydown: Now it's getting powdery! Uh oh. Still sweet and rather pretty but it's all floral and powder now. Darn. I wish the foodie notes came out stronger but sadly the floral ones did so it's not a total win for me. But I do like it and I'm sure on others it's wonderful. Good throw and staying power.
  12. vanilla323

    Plum Puddin'

    This scent was mostly raisins and currants with lots of spice and what I think is the sherry. I say I think because it's a boozy note that is new to me and sadly I don't really like it. It has that "grandma scent" kind of thing behind it too which is really weird and not sure why. This would be much better if it had a TON of pudding to balance out all these other notes. But I do not smell any pudding sadly. It's mainly fruits and icky booze. Luckily it has low throw and short staying power so it wasn't around long.
  13. vanilla323


    Has a cute little horse on the label. In the bottle: hay and a little bit of tart apple On the skin: I still get strong HAY but also some apples and oatmeal. I do not like this hay note though. It's really strong and there's something about it that makes me ill. Kinda reminds me of bird seed maybe. I don't know but it's weird. The apple scent is good but it's battling the hay. Drydown: On the drydown the hay gets a little lighter and some of the oatmeal scent comes out which is nice. I wish that was the prominent note not that hay. I don't get molasses but wish I did. This was kinda sad because the reviews make it sound so much better then it was on me. It did have good throw and staying power but it was mostly hay
  14. vanilla323

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    This reminded me of a salted caramel mocha but with SOOOO much salt! It was very very salty. The chocolate was there but it was light surprisingly. This was delicious on me but not really something I liked wearing. It did have great throw and great staying power! Salty treat!
  15. This scent was very exciting for me when I ordered it but when I got it the only notes that really came out were the chocolate...which was very milky and the mushroom but it wasn't mushroom it was more like light dirt or maybe dust. It just took a little sweetness away from the chocolate. I didn't really smell the other notes. The label was cool though it had a real looking heart on it. It had low throw and short staying power.
  16. vanilla323


    This scent is just simply RUM! It's a sweet slightly coconutty rum. Would be a delicious drink and it works as a perfume because of the sweetness. I don't think it's too boozy. It's just light and tasty. Perfect pirate's rum! Low throw and staying power.
  17. vanilla323


    Bliss is the perfect chocolate scent. It's not too fudgey or to sugary. It's just right. It's a perfect brownie chocolate I guess. When I first put it on it has throw but after about a half hour it fades away and so does the throw. Most chocolate scents fade very fast on me and this is no exception. But it is pure bliss while it lasts...
  18. vanilla323

    Egg Nog

    Egg Nog 2011 - Egg Nog is one of my most favorite drinks! So I bought this bottle the year it came out. This is perfect Eggnog! I can smell the egg, the nutmeg, vanila, cinnamon and all the other christmassy goodness! BUT it fades SO fast and has barely any throw. So I sadly let this bottle go. Egg Nog 2013 - So as stated before I love Egg Nog so I went for this again in 2013 because I hoped it would last longer this time. BUT sadly I had the exact same outcome! It's a perfect Eggnog scent and smells like the real thing but absolutely no staying power! I really wish it did because if so it would be a top five even holy grail scent for me, but low throw and no staying power breaks my heart. I bet I'll keep trying this scent though maybe one day it'll stick around. Egg Nog 2014 - This one was gifted to me and its just as delicious as the others. Very similar to 2013 and the staying power was slightly improved.
  19. vanilla323

    Dragon's Heart

    This scent was a learning experience for me. I tried it after Blood Amber (not good) and Dragon's Milk (love) hoping I'd love it but...nope. The musks were too much I guess and overpowered everything. The fruit wasn't even that strong and I love the scent of currants so that was disapointing. It didn't have much throw or staying power either. A lot of the GC scents seem to be that way on me. And what I learned was so far only Dragon's Milk was the dragon's blood resin scent for me.
  20. vanilla323

    Coconut, Vanilla Bean and Tiare Hair Gloss

    This was the first HG I ever tried! I got a decant from a fellow forum member. It was so lovely and very strong (which I greatly appreciate). I mainly got the vanilla and coconut and this was the good strong coconut I love. Didn't get much of the tiare but that was ok. It did work well in my hair too. My hair was longer when I had this so I put it on my ends only. Never repurchased it but it was the gateway to other hair glosses!
  21. vanilla323

    Blood Amber

    Not sure what year my bottle was from, got it off the forum, but it had the original lace looking label. This scent did not work for me at all! After falling in love with Dragon's Milk I wanted to try another dragon's blood type scent. But this one was just a powdery, dusty, icky mess. It did nothing for me and barely showed up on my skin. I don't know if it was the age of the bottle or what but it was nothing. Just light musky, powdery amber. No throw and obviously didn't stick around longer then 15 minutes. Too bad.
  22. vanilla323

    Sugar Skull

    2008 This scent on me is all brown sugar and cinnamon with some fruit too. Darker fruits that mingle well with the spices. It does have that burnt sugar note too. Or maybe that is the molasses and brown sugar playing together. It's like a devious foodie scent. Very sugary but also dark and spicy. Had light throw but did last a while close to my skin.
  23. vanilla323

    Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple

    In the bottle: tart apple On my skin: tart apple is number one, it also has a little bit of a burnt note to it. Waiting to smell the candy corn but not yet... Drydown: I get the sugar note now and the tart apple is still there. The candy corn never made a definite appearance and the tart apple is a bit too much for me. I was expecting more from this one...more candy corn that is lol
  24. vanilla323

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    In the bottle: light boysenberry scent On my skin: I get a lot of the boysenberry first but slowly the pancake starts to emerge. It's pretty good. The pancake scent is very light though. I hoped for strong ooey gooey buttery pancakes and this is not that it's just a light bakery type note. Drydown: on the drydown it all got softer and it's mainly the berry and a light hint of the bakery note (it's not pancake but more like bread) The throw was ok but it was just the berry floating around. And it was a quick fader, maybe lasted an hour. I do love the label though and just really wanted a strong pancake scent! Too bad this wasn't.
  25. vanilla323

    Anne Beany

    This scent was mainly butterscoth and vanilla cake on me at first. It was so sweet and delicious. Then on the dry down the cheesecake and crust started to peek out. It added a little spice to the scent. It was so yummy but then...POOF! It faded soooo fast and I was devistated! This was a sweet and delicious scent filled with all the notes I love, but damn it the staying power was sooo short! It killed me to sell this off, but I think I was upset that it disapeared so fast on me! Maybe one day I'll give it a try again but with age I wonder if the potency would be even less...