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Posts posted by Kalasin

  1. In the bottle

    Very sweet and kind of fruity, the scent reminds me a little bit of Yerevan



    Apparently lotus has a sweet almost candy-like smell because I smell no smoky incense, but Rockets.



    I can definetely smell the sandlewood and it's muting and balancing the sweetness of the lotus beautifully. Very pretty and sexy.

  2. In the bottle

    Honeyed strawberries, sweet but not cloying.



    The vanilla bean comes out but I can definetly still smell the honey and strawberries. As for the pears, my skin is saying, "What pears?"



    The vanilla and strawberry are definetly the strongest note, with the honey only just barely gilding the edge. Overall, this has a tendency to get SUPER sweet, so this is not a slather scent for me. I love it, it smells like Strawberry Shortcake dolls and tea parties, but I'm only going to be able to wear it in small amounts :P

  3. In the bottle

    What an amazing vanilla mint, just like candy canes! I'm impressed.



    Smells just the same as the bottle, but feels wonderfully cool. I'd also like to add at this point that this lovely cool stage makes Lick It as a wonderful tension headache cure when applied to the forehead and temples.



    The mint stays on for a surprisingly long time considering there's really only the vanilla to anchor it. Once the mint fades, it's a very soft powdery vanilla that is quite unobtrusive. I really like this perfume!

  4. On the skin, wet and dry, this smells like figs sweetened with almond oil. It also smells a bit spicy, like it has a hint of cinnamon or cassia. Regardless, this unexplainable scent is yummy!


    I feel quite confident wearing this and I'll have to try it out at a job interview or some such.


    ETA: applied for jobs with this on and got an interview on the spot! Also won a contest wearing this, so I'm totally grooving on it's good luck properties.

  5. This reminds me of a more floral version of Aeval. Whilst Aeval is herbal and green, with a hint of floral, Desdemona is full-on floral, but in a soft way. It is spicy where Aeval is herbal, due to the carnation, and the water lily makes it very ethereal.


    A nice soft, everyday scent! (as I loves the sweet pea.)

  6. On the skin, dry and wet, this smells like the bitterest cup of oversteeped green tea I've ever had the displeasure of drinking, with a splash of sour, acidic apple.


    If it smelt just of regular green tea and apple, I'd be all over this like white on rice as I'm on a search for a "clean" scent. But as it is, it just smells too harsh. I'll give it another chance before throwing it to the swaps.


    ETA: I gave it a fullday application, and it faded pretty quickly, though I found the throw wasn't as unpleasant as initially thought. I'll work my way through this imp but definetly won't repurchase.

  7. In the bottle, Dracul scared me at first. He smelled very pine, and reminded me of a perfume my grandmother gave me as a girl, not yet old enough to wear perfume, that was made from cedar resin. My first thoughts when receiving this gift were, "Why would anyone want to smell like a pine tree?" and opening this imp, I couldn't help thinking the exact same thing.


    I don't know what compelled me to put it on, but I'm happy I did! The scent transforms from pure pine to something sweet. I can definetly smell the orange blossom and the pine in that sweet scent, but the sweetness is tempered wonderfully by the black musk and the clove makes it so nice and warm. A very sophisticated blend that feels surprisingly girly on me! It also lasts surprisingly long on my skin which loves to eat scents, going on 3 and a half hours and still strong.


    Thank you, Lab, for this lovely frimp I would've never thought of buying myself!
