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Posts posted by PumpkinGuts

  1. Allspice? ALL SPICE is right! *slaps knee* Ahem...

    Once the scary, burning spices go away, the most delicious creamy ginger milk emerges. It's light, but so, so lovely. This is one of those Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde scents that I keep around just to wait for the transformation.

  2. 2014 version:


    I've enjoyed all of Beth's Dia de los Muertos-themed scents; this is no exception. The cake is tan and bready with caramel, but not to the point of being buttery. I'm really loving the balance of food and incense. No beer here, but I don't drink the stuff, so maybe I can't detect it as well (on second thought, maybe the bread I assumed was from the cake was really the beer?) Wears close to the skin.


    I'm not sure I need a bottle, but I'm glad to have my decant. This stuff is yummy.

  3. I expected this would be a sibling to the sought-after Mme. Moriarty, but they smell completely different to my nose. The high-pitched, fruity tang of the pomegranate that I get during the wet stage really reminds me of Lampades. Pom, red musk, and amber dominate the scent the first couple of hours, with just a suggestion of rose. It dries down to mostly (a fantastic) myrrh on my skin. It should be called The Red Witch!


    Red fruits aren't really my thing, but I can see this being popular.

  4. Yep, this is the same ozoney, piney snow note from Yellow Snowballs, but with plum instead of citrus. Strong, sweet, and fizzy.

    My skin is apparently hungry for fruit, because after a short while I'm left with nothing but dryer sheets. My favorite snowballs are still pink. ;)

  5. Snow White came to mind right away. It has kind of a creamy, coconutty vibe to it and the florals are well-behaved. I bet it'll come back this year! Definitely a soft and cozy one.


    As for GC scents, maybe Titania (A nocturnal bounty of fae dew-kissed petals and pale fruits: white grape, white peach, iced pear, musk rose, sweet pea, moonflower and snapdragon). I read that you like peach and pear, and this is really pretty. Fae (A brilliant, ethereal scent: white musk, bergamot, heliotrope, peach and oakmoss) is a bright peachy floral, and one of my favorites.


    I really dislike florals, too. They have to be well balanced with other notes for me to wear them at all. Best of luck!

  6. Egads! I had to close the imp immediately after catching a whiff. Needless to say, it didn't make it to my skin. Hands down, my least favorite BPAL.



    It smells like hair dye in a beauty salon.


    An accurate description. That is some sharp rosemary. I also intensely dislike orange blossom, so this was never meant to be.

  7. Honeyed almond with LOTS of sugar and booze. Where has all the rum gone? Right into this here blend. I can't detect any hazelnut.

    Too sickly sweet for my tastes, but I can see foodies all over this.

  8. It burns usss! It freezesss! No, really, my skin is definitely tingling. First BPAL skin reaction, and I've been testing imps for five years. Acrid is right. I get both red-hot cinnamon and icy menthol with strooong smoke and some vetiver. I can't even. A scent like this is for a total badass, like Mr. T.

  9. Before the drydown, this smells utterly wrong on my skin... a damp sweetness that could only be the lichen does not play well with the other notes. Once that horrific phase has ended, it's all smoky vetiver and anise. As a licorice fan, I find it quite nice. I don't see myself using it much, but it was fun to try!

  10. Nocnitsa is a rather feminine and sweet conifer scent: fresh dew and soft breezes in a fir forest. Nothing dark about it! It wears pretty close to the skin. I'd prefer it was a bit more dank and earthy, but I love it, nonetheless!


    I wish I'd sprung for a bottle while it was still available, but my younger self favored foodie blends. Elf is similar, and will do for now.

  11. Not many GC scents have grabbed me, but sweet Odin's ravens, this one is delicious. Straight out of the imp I knew I would love it. I envision it as a violet-infused coconut pudding sprinkled with toasted hazelnuts. Warm and smooth like a silk blanket.


    Needless to say, I'll be snagging a bottle alongside my Weenie purchases this fall.

  12. Coconut and patchouli apparently equal crack on my skin, and I'm not even a patch fan. Neither note overwhelms the other, amazingly.

    I agree with the dirty macaroon description further up in the thread (sans cocoa), and I feel like goblin teatime would consist of them.

    This very well may be my first patchouli-dominant bottle purchase! :boogie:

  13. "So juicy sweeeet", as Gollum would say.


    Luckily, the violet trumps the jasmine on my skin. There are definitely sweet and spicy plums here (I can't identify any other fruits),

    and a subtle whiff of incense. I view this as a sister scent to the discontinued Blood Countess. It's pretty, but more floral than I'm

    comfortable wearing. Needs moar incense.

  14. Pink marshmallows with a short-lived greenness from the dandelion and sap. I would have liked the dandelion to be more pronounced.
    A cousin to Velvet Unicorn, but lighter and fresher. It also goes a little plasticky on my skin (VU doesn't). But hey, it lives up to its name! ;)
