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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by white_jenna63

  1. Looking back, I'm not quite sure why I got this one. The name, maybe? 'Cause besides the amber and frankincense, I would pass on the rest of the notes. On first sniff, I definitely get the scorched/sulphur at the back of my throat. It's actually very difficult to sniff for awhile, and then it dries down to ginger. And with the exception of Kumiho, that's not a note that I care for. And I'm still trying to remember that when I make my selections.

  2. Okay, I don't know if it was the orchid or fig leaf that kept me from ordered a full decant instead of the half, but I'm kicking myself now. This is GORGEOUS. Have seen others say it's a dirty skin scent, and that's an accurate description. I get a...burnished gold feel from it, not bright or shiny, but the honey and resins are definitely there. It eventually dries down to "sexy dryer sheets" and is still so yummy. Definitely think this would be good on the husband, but I am greedy and keep the LEs that work on me for myself. :D

  3. So, I had high hopes for this blend, despite not keeping Lambs-wool or Fearful Pleasure. I love BPAL's apple scents, like The Hesperides, Poisoned Apple, and Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple. They can do *real* apple, which always runs the risk of turning into Yankee candle or potpourri.


    Unfortunately, that's what happened here. It started out as apple juice, definitely liquid as opposed to the fruit itself. Maybe a *little* bit of the citrus. Lots of throw, could smell it on my wrists while driving. After about a half hour, the spices started coming out, and that's when it went candle-y. Got a little bit of the sweetness at that point, but never really got the butterscotch.

  4. So, google tells us that "Malus" is the genus name for apples. Yay, knowledge! Upon first application, this is apple with white florals. Not the most familiar with florals, but I think I'm getting the ylang ylang more than anything. Really hoping they don't dominate this....


    As it's drying down, there's still apple, but now there's lovely musk and whichever floral came out first is fading back. Not very strong at all. The vanilla finally comes out at complete dry down. Overall a very nice sweet apple scent, will definitely be keeping it.

  5. Okay, I don't think I would have ordered this if it was on its own (as opposed to tossing it into the Weenie cart). I like Poe okay, but not enough to grab something just because it has his name on it (heck, I haven't tried any Last Unicorn scents after the first round). And really, I couldn't tell you what this blend would smell like. "Linen" tends to be a no-no for me in the real world of candles and dryer sheets, but the Lab's is okay. Tobacco musk...okay, I'll give it a try. But yeah, no idea what it's gonna smell like.


    .....it smells like perfume. I'm still trying to figure out what notes say "perfume" to me, but this is a well blended commercial perfume, without the alcohol. It's sophisticated, and I can't pick out any individual notes. I don't know how much I'll wear it, but I'll definitely be keeping it.

  6. Holy mulberry, Batman! This jumps out of the imp and assaults you with dark purple yumminess. I actually get a little bit of the mint when it's wet, and then a slight scary potpourri stage. That fades. However, then it's generic red/purple pillar candles. Meh.

  7. n the imp and initially on the skin, it's sharp, dry-stick seeming incense and musk. Google informs us that olibanum is frankincense and kurundu is cinnamon. Oh. Insert The More You Know graphic. Well, that would explain the incense....As this dries down, it's still very much staying "brown", a musky incense. Dry, a *beautiful* sweet vanilla starts coming through. Oh, yum. Would love it if it was more prominent, both in strength and showing up earlier. Not much throw at all when completely dry.

  8. In the imp, this is pure green apple Jolly Rancher. Wet, I definitely get the tea rose, which is adding a powdery note. Combined with the fruity sweetness, I'm getting an impression of bubblegum. After about an hour, it's a nice fruity blend, mainly strawberry and pom. Hour and a half, it's almost gone. So, eh. Nice enough on dry down, but really, I've got enough fruit blends that I love from beginning to end. So, think this one shall be added to the swaps.

  9. I love the Lick It family. And it's one of the few scents that my husband can tolerate on me, so I pick up an imp every year. They've all been very true to description, just with varying degrees of the mint, sugar, and vanilla. So, in comparison, LILYMI is more mint, especially on first application. On dry down, it's still not as sweet and creamy as LIA, but still awesome. :)

  10. About half of the reviewers mentioned a cinnamon note. I didn't get that at first, got sugary sweetness and a smoke/fire note, which then morphed into cinnamon. Then the whole thing turned into cinnamon/pink bubblegum. Yeah, not keeping this one.

  11. This is pink. Very pink. At first, you definitely get both the rock candy and cream pinks, but later it fades to a fluffy pink. There's some light booze notes; light as opposed to heavy wine notes. They're there, for sure. As always, I'm amazed at how BPAL manages to get "fizzy" to come across so well in a perfume. The booze backs off a little, so it's lovely pink fluff with a little bit of fizz. Lasted all day. Not too much throw.

  12. Tried Good + Paladin yesterday.

    Was "perfumy" to start with and then morphed into cheap roses about ten minutes in. No idea where the rose was coming from. It finally dried down to a sweet "meh". Definitely think it would work better with the addition of another scent for some variety, although hoping the roses don't come back.

  13. So, tried Chaotic + Elf this afternoon.

    After the initial burst of, aspen, I guess, it settled down to a musky, perfume-y mess. And it was *strong*. I'm thinking it was the amber combined with...something that said commercial perfume to me, but it was headache inducing. After about ten minutes it finally calmed down and now it's much closer to the skin.

    Musky, sweet, powdery, but still something that says "perfume" as opposed to "BPAL" to me.

    Love the individual scents, but this combo is not for me.


    ETA: Also tried the following today:

    Good + Elf: Oh, this is nice. I found Good to be too one dimensional to wear on its own, but Elf adds almost a spiciness to it. I'm getting whiffs of something like licorice. Definitely adds depth and complexity to it.


    Neutral + Elf: This is fantastic. Still getting the initial forest burst from Elf, but then the musk works beautifully with it. It's musky and sweet and sexy and woodsy, without being too masculine.


    ETA: I don't wear the RPG combos that often, and I've now found that Neutral Elf fades *very quickly* on me. I'll be removing it from my combo list. :(

  14. 207.




    At first, it's a sharp, spiced green, no hint of amber. Not a "pie spice" type spice, something sharper, like pepper, but not pepper (at least, not that I'm familiar with). And then it morphs into a definite melon note, maybe honeydew? The amber finally comes out as it starts to dry down, and it's a very "perfumy" amber, as opposed to golden incense. The heavy perfume note eventually dies down.


    Very interesting, this one.

  15. #102 here.

    In the imp, pure cheesecake. That's good, right? Even if I don't like it, lots of people like cheesecake.

    As soon as I put it on, poof, no more cheesecake. Takes a moment for any scent to come back, but then it's lotion.

    Just lotion.

    After a couple minutes, it turns into a nice, generic vanilla lotion. And then there's some nose tingling going on if I huff my wrists, like there's menthol or something in there, but that fades after a bit. And it goes back to a quiet, unassuming, vanilla lotion.

    Nice, but certainly not something I need to keep.

    This was a decant, and I'd love to see how the rest of the decants worked for other people. :)

  16. I'm surprised I don't see Tulzscha mentioned in more reviews of this scent. To me, this is a lighter, less intense Tulzscha, which is one of my favorites scents.

    This is mint and cucumber and non-foody sweetness.

  17. The Perfumed Garden for the Soul’s Recreation. This scent is based on a venerable Tunisian perfume that was used to excite the senses, inspire sensuality and inflame passion. Myrrh and Moroccan jasmine with apple peel, Indian sandalwood, myrtle, quince, citron, and thyme poured over soft musk.

    First hour: jasmine jasmine jasmine jasmine jasmine......
    Second hour: jasmine jasmine jasmine, oh hey, something soft and sweet, can't tell what it is. Too little, too late. Off to the swap pile!

  18. This went to pure powder on me in the first five minutes. Had a lot of throw too (husband asked me to wash it off and I swear I can still smell it in the room).
