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Blog Comments posted by circe_blue

  1. I think it was wrong for NBC to release the tape. It just gives the signal to other insane people that they can gain notoriety by going on a killing spree.


    Brian Williams can kiss my butt.


    I agree. I think it's one thing to tell people they've recieved a tape and report on the general gist of it, but I know that if I were family, I wouldn't want to see a picture of the guy pointing a gun at the camera every time I watch the evening news.

  2. I read his writings too, and I thought he sounded like a sociopath. I mean, there was very little "humanity" or understanding of human expression in the writing--it was stilted and cliched, and the character's names were "Jane" and "John", etc., showing he was devoid of empathy or comphrehension of how another could feel.


    It is really disheartening to see the media circus. I'm glad America has a free press but honestly it makes me sick to my stomach sometimes. I can't bear it when I see reporters ringing people's doorbells and lurking in neighborhoods hoping to interview a neighbor...but I can't help reading it or looking for it online. I suppose I am just part of the problem.


    Awful awful awfulness. I was in college myself not that long ago, and I keep picturing sitting in a language class and what it would be like if someone burst in. Or I imagine the students I TA'd and how could I ever save them from a deranged gunman.


    Wow, that's an excellent analysis of his writings. Cliche was the feeling I got from it too, and all of the violence (chainsaws?!)and the fact that both of his writings seemed to end in destruction of some kind is definitely disturbing. Unfortunately, if I were a VA Tech student, I don't know that if I saw his stuff in class I would be alarmed enough to call the police or a counseling center. It's so easy to write off someone as "That Weird Kid" and be done with it.


    Yeah, I was curious and ended up reading a bunch of stuff online too, which is how I came across his plays.As for the media circus, I heard from my friend that soon after the incidents, reporters were trolling Facebook pages, which goes into the realm of Ick for me. :wub2:

  3. Yum! Hope you don't mind if I covet your chocolates. Sounds like you got some great gifts.


    UGH on having to move in May. Moving is such a pain. I hope something opens up for you.


    Aw, thanks, I hope so too!

    And feel free to covet away. Apparently I don't eat as much chocolate as I think, 'cause there are still some left! ::hands over cyber-chocolates::

  4. They followed 3 families, one of which seemed nice enough (2 schoolteachers), but the other 2 families were flat-out clueless


    I think I caught that episode! Is it the one where the daughter kept wanting new $200 jeans and the mother kept buying them for her? That part made me go :) I have no desire for a pair of $200 jeans unless they stuffed about $150 in one of the pockets.

  5. I'm lovin the Benatar! Good luck with growing out your hair. I recieved what I thought was my most flattering cut in Thailand for $8. Everything else that followed including a ridiculously overpriced cut has never quite measured up::sigh::


    As for the Ring thing, I totally do that to my boy when I get annoyed at him :) He gets freaked out everytime 'cause I also add the jerky arm movements and whisper "I've fooouund youuu!"

  6. Ah, yes. My clothes and hair smelled like grilled meats for the entire ride home. The things we go through for good food! :shhh:


    The pop quiz dream was even weirder considering I'm a molecular and cell bio concentration and I would never in a million years get to take that quiz :boogie:

  7. Lovely pics. Ooo, an aloe plant, how cool! When I was younger, my aunt used to have an aloe plant and I thought it was pretty neat that she had skin care right in her kitchen as opposed something out of a bottle from the drug store.


    The only plant I've been able to keep alive for a long time is my potted bamboo plant I've had since freshman year of college. Victory! ;)

  8. congratulations! I'm sure you'll do great in school!



    My college friends and I would have bad porn parties, too. I think the worst was called Red Heat, it was an 80's red-scare themed porno starring a balding guy with a painted-on birthmark a la Gorbachev.


    Aw, thanks! :D


    Also, how is the birthmark thing sexy?! Gorbachev + sex = no! We watched The Italian Stallion starring Sly Stallone in his first movie role. Turns out he can't act in porn either :P (And he also, uh, doesn't measure up...)
