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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by circe_blue

  1. I'm posting this here even though I'll be posting in the thread too becuase I'm sure no one wants to read/hear what I'm sure sounds like a broken record by now: Why why why is Cally still on this show?! She really pissed me off with her "We don't get second chances-::looks at Sharon::-or third chances" comment. Congratulations, that was really subtle. What are you, six? I loved the bonus scene where Sharon creeps up on her. Awesome. Also-Someone saved the cats (or at least a cat) after the attacks! Yay! That's pretty much all for now. I'll post the rest of my thoughts in the BSG thread tomorrow when I'm less sleepy.
  2. circe_blue

    Battlestar Galactica-"The Son Also Rises"

    I want Starbuck to come back too. I miss her already. I think someone mentioned that she had her hand on the eject lever before the "incident", so that gives me hope at least!
  3. circe_blue

    Cool Quote

    A quote that has been making me smile lately. "It's never too late to have a happy childhood, and age only matters if you're a cheese." -Rick Steves FYI-Rick Steves hosts a travel show on public television
  4. circe_blue


    For my birthday, the boy came up to spend the weekend. He came bearing gifts Yay! I recieved- A live recording of the last Pixies show in DC from 2004. This was one of our first dates Audiobook of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, read by the author. I've been looking for this for months and months. A box of yummy chocolate from Schakolad. The box itself? Chocolate The chocolates! The boy (+ chocolate) Me!
  5. circe_blue


    Aw, thanks, I hope so too! And feel free to covet away. Apparently I don't eat as much chocolate as I think, 'cause there are still some left! ::hands over cyber-chocolates::
  6. circe_blue

    BPAL Locket!

    My BPAL locket came! Yaaay! I had to wait a few days to wear it, 'cause I wanted to buy ribbon for it. I think I'll wear it out for my date this weekend with the bf. We're going to go see 300 Admittedly, I didn't put anything in my locket today. At first I used a bit of cotton with Antique Lace, but......it's not pretty enough! The cotton bits poked through. I read in the Trading Post thread that someone used a bit of velvet, or cloth so I think I'm gonna do that. I just need to find a fabric store and cheap fabric. What do you use?
  7. circe_blue


    I was awakened today that 6am by my TV going on and off...by itself Ummm, ok. So I figure that since I am up I might as well check the school closings, since it's going to snow all day today. Well, I saw that my county has closed schools and went back to sleep, happy that I won't have to do this presentation till next week. I wake again, because yep, my TV is doing its thing. I unplug it and go back to sleep. When I wake again I double check school closings and of course, my county is NOT listed. Man, I could've sworn it was closed today! What a cruel trick you're playing, weird-haunted TV!
  8. circe_blue

    School woes

    School Woes: Good news-The apartment complex I'm living is fixing things up, renovating, adding hardwood floors, washers/dryers, modern kitchens. including high speed internet and electricity to the monthly rent, etc. to the units. Bad news-everyone who is currently living here are expected to leave and not come back till Spring '08 once their lease is up. So I'm pretty much out of a place to live once May comes up. WTF. Seriously. I expected that once I had signed on to live here I wouldn't have to move again, but now I do? If I had known that this was going to be the situation, I wouldn't have lived here in the first place. It's just not worth it, to go through the hassle of packing all of my crap up, placing it into storage and bring it out again once I find another place. And moving back in '08 wouldn't be worth it either since I'm a grad student, and I'd be leaving soon after. This is a college town so housing is rough. Every place has a waiting list, or doesn't rent to students at all. One place near this university has a waiting list that goes back to 2005(!) Ugh. It's just really annoying. Also, I had planned to do summer independent research up here, but because of the lease thing, I have to place to live, I can't. People who wanted a place to stay during summer looked a while ago, and again, I didn't want to have to move my furniture. This on top of other school things. I had spent hours and hours researching papers and sent a bunch of them to my professor so he could approve them or suggest which one I go for. Instead the first line of the e-mail I get back from him is "Sorry, I'm not excited for any of these" and later "Try looking for so-and-so, I might have a copy lying my office". I hate it when a professor has a paper in mind for you to do a presentation on, and not only doesn't tell you what it is, but wants you to attempt to download it from the internet. Where exactly? "Oh, just google it". This last part is a problem because I do not subscribe to any journals, and I sure as hell am not going to drop $32 for one 12 page paper. And, my school's library does not have this particular journal. Grr. I think he should've just lent me that copy so I could photocopy it or whatever intstead of playing e-mail tag for 3-4 days when I could be doing work He has given copies of articles to other students before, and when I asked him about this one the last week, he just told me to e-mail him. Ugh. I'm really frustrated. I hate hate hate doing presentations and I like to be as prepared as possible, and it looks like I'm not going to be as prepared as I want. Arrggghghhg
  9. circe_blue


    Ok, so I've recently gotten myself and the boy into Battlestar Galactica. I knew I was gone when I exclaimed "Frak you!" to the car that cut me off the other day in traffic. I knew the boy was gone when he made Cylon jokes. So far I've only seen the miniseries and a part of season 1 up to "Act of Contrition". The "Argh!" that is the title of this post is in response to my weird ability to attract spoilers from all over. And once I see/hear a bit of it, I can't stop! I'll be reading through some random LJs of people I only kind of know, or be listening to conversations in class, and now I know stuff and I can't un-know it. For example, Sharon "Boomer" is now "Athena", there's a weird/crazy pairing between Lee and Kara (imho, so wrong,ew, because it's a real possibility that they hate each others guts) and then there's also possibly Helo/Kara-which is so wrong becuase....well, it should be Helo/circe_blue Or at the very least Helo/Boomer...Aaa! I hope this show continues to be amazing. I used to be a really, really big X-Files fan but then season 8/9 came along and while I still wanted to watch, I would check out spoilers for the episodes to steel myself for whatever convoluted plot twist they threw at me on Sunday nights. Anyone else remember that "Fox/Dana" e-mail?? ::shudder:: PS-I am totally NetFlixing these of course. There's no way I'm waiting a week for each new episode again. Of course, I would have to dodge the spoilers more... Alright, I should get to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow and I'll most likely have to come back to this post to make it more comprehensible. G'nite! ETA: I am now finishing up season 2.5. So far Helo/"Boomer" or new model #8, and seemingly Lee/Kara. Stupid me-I forgot the number 1 rule of TV/movie romances. If they hate each other's guts, of course they will end up together Also, the boy and I have started calling Anders Dane Cook. Sharon Screaming "Let them try to take this baby!!!!" and Slamming Her Head Against the Wall = Creepy Last Parting Shot of Sharon's Pregnant Belly Set to Creepy Music = Double Creepy Gauis Having Invisible Naughty Dirty Cylon Sex and Getting Caught by Starbuck = Hilarious!
  10. circe_blue

    Random Thought

    "Here Comes Your Man" by the Pixies must be one of the most cheerful songs ever to me. A nuclear holocaust could be happening right outside my window, but if I hear this song it'll immediately be puppies and rainbows. How did I find this out? I'm having a bad day (deciding whether or not to drop a class for which I will get *no refund/or anything back* bye bye $800, it's cold, wet, snowy, and we're all being unexpectedly kicked out of our apartments at the end of May), and this song comes on iTunes and for 3min13seconds life is okay.
  11. circe_blue

    Oh, crap

    So I was really a hungry hungry hippo today so I went to the grocery store. I bought: Strawberries (on sale! they were delicious) Bagels Cereal Skim milk Vitamin water(I may be addicted, they're so yummy. Also: 3 for $3!!) A box of SnackWells creme sandwiches I thought I was being healthy. Well, hours and hours later, and 9 cookies later I glance at the back of the box. Calories: 110, Serving Size: 2 cookies Whoops. Teaches me not to check serving sizes first. I used to do it all the time, I swear, but the one time I forget! Bah! On a different note, I had another fight with my mom today. Really, I hate it when adults act like children. I hate it when my dad always takes her side even though she bullies him sometimes too. I hate living at home with them. Oh, you crazy asian moms. Distance makes the heart fonder, get me away from here!!
  12. circe_blue

    Feeling Accomplished (for once!)

    Ah, Sundays. I always have a love/hate relationship with Sundays. On the one hand they always signal the end of the weekend but on the other I love Sundays because usually I just lie around in my pajama pants reading the newspaper, drinking tea and eating things that are bad for me. Today, I (kind of) did just that *and* I managed to get some much needed work done. The boy spent the weekend at my place so today we had most of the afternoon together before he drove down back to his place. We finally went to Rita's. All you East Coast-ers know what I'm talkin' about. For everyone else, they sell delicious icees, ice cream, cream-ice and "gelatis". They're only open during the warmer seasons and we were lucky enough to catch them for the very first time today. It also happened to be their last day open until March 1st. The boy got a banana gelati, while I got a cookies and cream gelati. Their gelatis were...interesting....but very good. A Rita's gelati consists of a layer of frozen custard on the bottom of the cup, a layer of flavored ice in the middle, and a topping of more frozen custard on top. Mmmm. Well, after we went to Rita's we got lunch which allowed the gelatis to melt and mix in the cups in the car. I went to a Halloween party store where we discussed our costumes. He still has no idea what he wants to be, but he's seeming very excited to go as Vincent from Pulp Fiction 'cause I hinted that it would be cool to go as Mia and Vincent. Also a plus, a Mia outfit would be super easy to put together. All I really have to buy is a wig. I already have a white dress shirt, black pants and if I do this costume, I will place some powdered sugar on my nose and have a little droplet of blood coming out of my nose My other costume option would be a devil/schoolgirl thing, or Asami from Takeshi Miike's Audition. May be a little obscure for some people at the party who've never seen it, but man will it be freaky for those who have! ("kiri kiri kiriiii....") We also watched Dead Like Me on DVD today. It was a great show, I'm sorry I never got a chance to catch it on cable before it was canceled. George's character need to stop with the whining for, like, *one* episode, please. After he left, I got quite a bit of my take-home midterm exam done. I only have a couple questions left and I should definitely be done by Thursday (due date) *knock on wood*. And can I just say how much I haaaaaaate take-homes? They're always a million times harder than in class exams (because you supposedly have more time to research/prepare it) and it always stresses me out more. I have two separate study groups I'm going to on Tuesday for two different classes...oh man I hope I can get some pre-studying in beforehand. -------------------- Yule Update! Tentative To Buy List: Lick It Again - peppermint + sugar (supposedly more than last year! yay!) Brides of Dracula - almost based on name alone. I'm hoping this one at least smells pleasant on me even though I know florals generally aren't my thing. Sugar Skull '06- mmmm, sugar And imps of: Arkham Miskatonic University Night Gaunt Black Lily Shadow Witch Orchid Zombi
  13. circe_blue

    hello again

    wow, my last entry was quite a while ago. Well, the thing is, nothing much has happened. I go to class, I come back, I study like a fiend, then I either have my bf sneak up to my apartment to spend the weekend with me or I sneak down to him to spend the weekend there. All this sneaking around is necessary because even though I am 23 my parents would still have a heart attack/brain aneurysm if they even suspect I spend the night with the guy I've been seeing for nearly two years It sucks, and I feel juvenile for doing it but their idea of us hanging out involves them too, as chaperones I guess. Oh yeah, and the last time I was home my mother tried to convince me that the boy is cheating on me. Her reasons varied, but the gist of it is that we don't seem to hang out a lot anymore (to her her knowledge heh heh), he's spending more time away from me (he's in f-in med school and he needs to be at the hospital and is on call a lot), and that he's in med school and I'm not so he's gonna cheat on me with a cute nurse ("trust me, I've seen it happen"). I admit I let all of this get to me (I was stressed out that weekend) and I left home to come back to campus early. Ugh, all I wanted to rest at home where the people who live above me aren't partying 24/7 so I can go to sleep. *sigh* I asked the people in the leasing office if they could at least ask the people who live above me to put carpet in (the lease states that we are all to place carpet down in "high traffic" areas) but they said they can't do anything (!) and told me to go deal with them myself. Ugh, then why have it in the lease at all of no one's gonna enforce it?! I'm getting very frustrated. Sure my place is close to campus, but i'm thinking I would've been better off renting in a more residential area. And now I'm supposed to be working on a super-hard take-home mid term but I'm procrastinating....back to work I guess.... At least I get to wake to to an update! (maybe)
  14. circe_blue

    More wedding pictures

    You look beautiful! I can't even imagine creating my own decorations (and largely by yourself from what I've previously read??) Also: Mmmm, cake!
  15. circe_blue

    Sixth Sense? part 2

    Wow, thanks for sharing these, I loved reading them. The last one gave me the chills, though PS: yay, for the Talking Heads!
  16. circe_blue

    Bad Day (Major Whining Ahead!)

    Argh, today was one of those days.... Yesterday, all I did all day was read my textbook, take notes and studied. When I took a break, I (stupidly) went onto Facebook and proceeded to feel like Underachiever of the Year. All these people from my (admittedly way too competitive) high school went to Ivy Leagues, got a grad degree at an Ivy League then started their own companies, are assistant VP, in law school, in med school, or are just plain successful. I am really jealous of all of these people. Emotionally exhuasted, I went to bed. Silly me, I didn't realize the rest of the apartment complex if full of useless, inconsiderate douchebags who blare fucking Nickelback at full volume at 2am and hold loud, weepy drama queen cell phone conversations in the stairwell. I eventually fell asleep sometime in the early morning but kept waking up because the girl who lives above me apparently is not human and doesn't need sleep. Apparently, what she does need is a damn carpet so as to cushion the sound of her stomping around like a T. rex in Jurassic Park. I am not exaggerating. When she walks, my water glasses *vibrate* just like that scene in the movie (oh joy). When I woke up 7:30 to get ready for class, it was drizzling on and off. Class came and went, and when I was done I figured I would try to find the short cut my roomate told me about. I think you all know where I'm going with this. Well, it was drizzling before but now it's absolutely *pouring* and my umbrella craps out on me. It inverted and several little metal thingies are dangling off of it. So, umbrella-less, lost, and wet I trudge around campus and eventually get on the right path again, and now I'm here on the forum whining about it to anyone who will read this far. I must say, had I not gotten lost the shortcut would've been way convenient. I'll be using it next time for sure now that I know where to go. Now I'm off to take a nap before my night class so I won't be as grumpy, lol. What was your One of Those Days?
  17. circe_blue

    Update Wishlist

    *Emphasis on the Wish!* (I'm trying let my credit cards have a rest, I gave 'em a workout by buying textbooks ) A Picnic in Arkham Miskaonic University-"The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls. " Night Gaunt-"Their scent of their slick, rubbery hides is bittersweet, ticklish, and skin-creeping: something akin to yuzu, white grapefruit, and kumquat mixed with the snow-dusted flowers of Mount Ngranek." Arkham-"A shadowy, unapproachable forest of maple, birch, dogwood, cypress and pine softened by a garland of New England wildflowers: bergamot, columbine, rue anemone, blue violet, creeping phlox, bloodroot, toadflax, and pixie moss." The Order of the Dragon The Brides of Dracula-"Unquenchable desire, seething lust, malevolent sexuality, and voracious hunger lurking beneath a shimmering veil of unearthly beauty: gleaming skin musk, honey and white amber, plum blossom, osmanthus, sandalwood, calla lily, and a light, sensual blend of Eastern spices." Wilhelmina Murray-"Tea rose, white sandalwood and a flurry of pale, virginal blossoms, smeared with a smoky, blood-soiled blend of myrrh, hyacinth, Daemonorops resin, dark musk and blackcurrant." Halloweenie Devil's Night 2006-"This is the scent of autumn night, fires in the distance, with a touch of boozy swoon, playful sugar and thuggish musk" Pumpkin Queen-"The Glorious Grand Dame of the Pumpkin Patch! Regal Egyptian Amber, red ginger, orange peel, mandarin, cardamom, fig leaf and warm pumpkin." Samhain 2006-"Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein. "
  18. circe_blue


    So Tuesday is my first day of classes for grad school and I'm more nervous than I remembered ever being for undergrad. Will the work be too much? What if I can't take it? Will I make any friends? Will anyone like me? What if I'm doomed to staying in my room for semesters at a time, eating alone and not talking to anyone??! Gah! ::wrings hands:: Kind of related-during our orientation we sat with other people who were in our department and one guy annoyed the crap outta me. He would not stop talking about himself and about his knowledge on just about everything. He's the type to give unsolicited advice when you're in a conversation with another person and he is clearly not. This poor girl was trying to ask me something like, 4 times and he kept interrupting! We are not talking to you! And he did not shut up about being "in the Navy for the past 5 years". Dear god, I *don't care*!!!! So that entire night I was just afraid that everyone else in my department is like that too, even though I know that's impossible. Only a small number of people showed up for orientation (it wasn't mandatory) so I know not everyone will make me want to stab them in the eye with a broken beaker. I know for a fact that he's in one of my classes. If I ever have to do a group project with him....ugh, just ugh. My point to this ranting is: Annoying Guy has made me even more aprehensive, which I know is rediculous but still.... So, yes, I need to stop making drama outta little things and *relax*. I may swipe some Bluebeard or Regan on tonight to help that along. I'm starting to regret giving away my frimp of Somnus, lol. Unfortunately, there's no way I can stay up to 3am for the update. I've been packing all evening and stressing out so I need sleep. But, I'm looking forward to waking up to new additions...even if I might not be able to buy anything this time around (gasp!) I'm back to being unemployed so.....I think this will psych me up for the fall season. Yay for Halloween!
  19. So last weekend, my bf and I decided to watch one of the movies that he got off of his NetFlix list. The movie was a Japanese "thriller" called Kerei?. It was supposed to be a slightly creepy psychological thriller about a vain, shallow but beautiful plastic surgeon who meets an “ugly” girl who seems have some psychological issues stemming from her self-image. From the summary on the DVD case, the plastic surgeon’s life “is changed forever after they meet”. Sounds good right? Lots of potential for creepyness. Wrong! First off, lemme start by saying that hypothetically if I were to create a psychological thriller, I would not film it in a way that suggests that it is actually soft-core porn on Cinemax. The slightly blurry, soft-focus shots might confuse the hypthetical viewers and make them re-check their DVD and DVD case. Also, I would try to get more than $2000 for the budget so it doesn’t look like the entire movie is filmed in some guy's rented townhouse. Also, I would make sure that the “ugly” character, a person so ugly that supposedly people stare at her in the street, is in fact “ugly”. The girl they got to play this part could not be the Ugly Creepy-Girl, because she was actually the Not So Good Looking But Maybe If She Took a Hairbrush to Her Hair Once in While It Wouldn’t Be That Bad-Girl. Also, for the first half of the movie she wears an awful wool hat to disguse her unattactiveness. This is what I would do: Get rid of the hat, the bulky coat, slap some cover-up and lipgloss on her face and brush her hair. There you go. And she wouldn’t even have to pay millions of yen for plastic surgery that would make her face asplode in the end. In conclusion, do NOT rent this movie. For creepy Asian thrillers I recommend some Miike, specifically, Audition. Ooh, also, Tale of Two Sisters which is Korean and Shutter (Thai).
  20. circe_blue

    Bitching and Moaning

    I hear ya on the bad spelling. I recently placed a roomate wanted ad, and received an e-mail replying to it. The e-mail was so full of bad spelling, bad grammar and lacking in any sort of recognizable sentence structure that I thought it was spam.
  21. circe_blue

    Confession Post + teeny updates

    I confess that I love a certain band but I don't like most of their fans. I confess that I lose respect for certain celebrities/artists/whatevers when they start dating supermodels. Who wants some chick whose only job in life is to look "pretty", stay thin and not talk when you could have a supercool artist, scientist, teacher, businesswoman, archeologist, etc. for a girlfriend?! Bonus: there's a pretty good chance she won't boink you on the head with a cell phone either ....I love that line from 13 Going on 30: "Oh, honey, those aren't people those are models!" I confess I was tempted to turn my "roomate wanted" ad into a "friend wanted" ad. I confess that now that I can confidently load podcasts onto my iPod, I've gone nuts. Now I have a weird collection of 'em in my iPod. Style.com fashion shows, Tim Gunn's ( ) Project Runway, Paris travel, NPR books, National Geographic, science-y ones, and a geeky podcast (yay, comicbooks!). I confess that I'm thinking about not going to my 5 year high school reunion this November if I don't get down to my ideal weight. ----------- teeny updates: -Found more furniture for the apartment (thanks to cheap stuff from Ikea and Wal-Mart). Got my desk, my "entertainment center", two floor lamps, a bunch of accent rugs, a dining set, extra plates, some pens and highlighters for about $180. -Two people have called about the apartment so far; a guy, and a freshman girl. I don't feel comfortable living with a guy and I have no idea why the girl called. The university guarantees housing for all incoming freshmen...so..maybe she was on the waiting list? I'll give her the room if no one else calls, but I don't think I wanna live with someone that young since our lifestyles will be pretty different. I'm meeting her this Saturday to show her the apartment. -I'm starting to stress out about my gajillion doctor's apointments this month. Argh. And moving all of my crap in. And driving (I haaate driving) far away. -I think I've lost a bit of weight since I'm not working anymore. Makes sense since I'm not running around the lab and overeating when I finally get to sit in the office. I just eat when I'm hungry which ends up being about once or twice a day. But I still want some spicy tuna rolls! ETA: another update: someone else just contacted me for the apartment and one of the first things she wrote was about how she thought the price was too high. Well, hell, the two bedroom is $1145 not including utilities and the wireless internet, so yeah, I'll be charging around $600 to cover all that. Sheesh. > I can think of better ways to make money than to cheat pennyless grad students!
  22. circe_blue

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    I'll add: The Hamptons-some people described the cranberry note as smelling like Smartees candy Grog-Rich butterscotch candies with a rummy boozy note Obatala-Creamy coconut (it smells a little buttercream-y to my nose, even) Good luck! PS: I second the Jack recommendation. It smells almost exactly like warm, rich, pumpkin pie
  23. circe_blue

    Carnaval Diabloque, etc.

    Eeee! The Carnaval is here! What a pleasant surprise that it went up early too, even if a small part of me wanted to stay up with everyone on the Update thread and have a BPAL slumber party. (If someone teaches me how to French-braid my hair, I'll weave them a friendship bracelet! And shhh! be quiet or my mom will hear us and make us all go to bed!) I waited a couple days to make my order so that my endorphins would die down and I wouldn't say ....buy the entire CD set (which would be lovely except for that part about my bank account spontaneously combusting). Here's what I recently ordered: Mme. Moriarty: Misfortune Teller-5mL-$20 Antique Lace-5mL-$15 Imp Pack-$19.50 Les Bijoux Cockaigne Sherezade Carnal Eat Me Vecheryaya Total +shipping = $63.00 USD Which isn't bad, no? I've found out thanks to BPAL, that I'm able to prune down all of my online orders so I only get "essentials", hooray! I also made an order today because today was my very last day at work and it was a pick me up/reward. Despite my occasional posts in the Jobs Rant thread, I really did love my job. I liked 99% of the people there, including my awesome supervisor. Another reason I'm feeling sad about leaving is that the job market is pretty icky right now. I have friends who are still working their "transition job" not a job in their chosen profession. I was lucky enough to find a good job, with a decent pay and great people and I'm leaving it Also, I'm kind of scared of going to school hours and hours away from my hometown and my friends. I don't make friends easily (I'm painfully shy) and I can't imagine spending 2+ years doing stressful course/research work without some friends around. At least my apartment situation seems to be sorting itself out. They've changed property owners/managers to the company that managed my suites in undergrad. Now, my quad suite in undergrad was pretty damn awesome. They were clean, well constructed, heat/AC problemless, and included washer/dryers in the unit. My apartment complex, the way it was before new management (and according to reviews on apartment.com was "sketchy", "gross", "loud" and included some visitors that went by names of "roaches", "mice", "spiders" and "silverfish". Hopefully, with new people they'll clean the f-ing place up. I've been stressing out about the supposedly sketchy environment since forever. The only reason I signed the lease was because it was literally right across the street from school. I'm going up tomorrow to get my keys and move some stuff in. I reeeally hate bugs and if I do see roaches, spiders or silverfish I will be very very angry. ------- On a lighter note, my boy is coming over tonight to watch our new addiction: Numb3rs on DVD . Also, I will secretly swipe him with Bluebeard to see if it will smell yummy on a boy. Drive-by BPAL swiping! Whee! I already know he absolutely loves Antique Lace on me. He says it smells "happy and yummy". If I layer anything else with it, he will have none of it. The one time I tried layering it with Peony Moon he picked up on it right away "Mmmm, it's Antique Lace!....and something else that's not Antique Lace...::sad face::"
  24. circe_blue


    In the imp: Juicy, fruity pomegranites. Yay! Wet on skin: Fruity with a light boozy-ness to it. Really lovely. Dry: Same as above. Moderate throw. I this scent. It's bright, cool and summery.
  25. circe_blue


    Recieved as a frimp! In the imp: crisp florals. I am starting to get a little wary of this.... On skin: Minty, herby cool scent with something that unfortunately smells icky to me underneath. That icky thing smells earthy and....kind of like old vase water This is not looking up. Dry: erm...same as above. Verdict: The mintyness was great, but that other part was not. I actually had to go wash it off and slather some Dorian in its place. Utrennyaya I really really loved your name but obviously, we were not meant to be...