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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by fiddlehead

  1. Leaves and Incense and rain, fairies and fiddle tunes...

  2. It's August. I refuse to think about Halloween!

  3. Oh, Carnaval, where are you? Where??

  4. Glad that none of the Plagues are tempting me, after all. Moar money for the Carnaval!

  5. Had a tough time deciding on a scent today. Creeper Dragon, OG Banshee Beat or Smut. Finally went with Smut. My resolution to empty a bottle of scent is not going so well...

  6. Sitting in a cloud of Banshee Beat. Eyes rolling back in head.

  7. HallowsYuleLupers is almost over. I will order NO more smellies until the Carnaval. Stop laughing.

  8. Note to self: Do NOT buy anymore of the pumpkin scents. They never work on you!

  9. Woo! More new smellies coming!

    1. fiddlehead


      Trying out my Yules today. I think I'm getting a cold so I'll save reviews until later. So far, I like all of them though a couple aren't at all what I expected!
