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Everything posted by fiddlehead

  1. fiddlehead

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I just got a frimp of Dracul from the lab with my last order. I was suprised and disappointed to discover that the new one is not at all like the one I got 3 years ago. I mean not even a little. The first one had lots of mint in the beginning and then settled into a strong spicy scent. The new one is almost non-existent on me. I can smell the ghost of what my original smelled like but I have to concentrate. And I slathered it. Weird.
  2. fiddlehead

    Hunter Moon 2007

    This is very much in the same family as Devil's Night. I think it's the wine I'm smelling at first, along with the musk. But the dry-down is mostly soft musk, like Devil's Night but not as sweet or assertive. I compared the two on my skin and they are very similiar.
  3. fiddlehead

    The Twisted Oak Tree

    Hmm. I got this hoping that it would smell like a real oak tree, moss and bark with a bit of greenery. Something like Zombi, perhaps, but with ivy instead of rose. It was not to be. On me, this turns to a very perfume-y green Ivy scent. I left it on for ages hoping something else would peek out but it stayed just the same.
  4. fiddlehead


    This is strange. On me, Azathoth is nothing but vetiver. I don't get any of the other notes. It reminds me of other vetiver-heavy blends like Hurricane and Devil's Claw. My skin must really amp vetiver!
  5. fiddlehead

    Brown Jenkin

    This is a suprise! I'd avoided ordering Brown Jenkins because of the coconut. It usually just ends up smelling oily on me, somehow. But the labbies frimped me with it so here goes! Brown Jenkins is very nice. I can smell some coconut but it isn't oily. The other notes blend nicely with it and though I also don't usually like sandalwood it's okay in this. The drydown is sort of like coconut/sandal wood incense. I get no sharp fangs at all
  6. fiddlehead


    Love Lies Bleeding is beautiful Lots of dry chocolate in the beginning. It then mellows to let the floral element come through. Roses? Could be, though I'm not sure. Later on in the drydown my husband swears he smells an incense note. We both like this one!
  7. fiddlehead

    Scents with a *Vintage* Feel

    *Nevermind* Someone already mentioned it.
  8. fiddlehead


    I haven't got much to add to the other reviews, really. I slathered it on my wrists and it was instant "old vintage perfume bottles on a dresser". Exactly! This is the scent I've been avoiding all my life But if it's a scent you love, better buy a bottle or three of this.
  9. fiddlehead


    This is woodsy, aquatic, mossy and musky on me. I'm not getting the florals except in the beginning and a vague hint later if I concentrate. It dries down to what seems to me to be pretty masculine. It's very nice and sort of fuzzy smelling, which is appropriate I'm going to try this on my husband. ETA I'm trying this again and now it doesn't seem masculine AT ALL. I'm getting the florals this time! Gorgeous!
  10. fiddlehead

    The Ides of March 2005

    Ides of March is promising when I first put it on. Rosemary and lemon come out first and are lovely. Fresh smelling and herbal. Eventually, those notes completely disappear and what is left is a floral that I don't care for on my skin. The longer I wore it the less I liked it Glad I tried it but it's not for me. And it's definitely too floral for the hubby.
  11. fiddlehead

    Crow Moon

    This starts out with a very strong perfume vibe. Very floral. As it calms down I can smell some of the evergreen and cedar peeking out around the flowers. Before long, maybe 20 minutes, it subsides into pretty much all violet, all the time. There is a *hint* of woodsiness but even that disappears. I ordered this thinking that maybe all the other notes would keep the violet from taking over but no such luck. I love the smell of violets in my yard but on my skin they just make me think of fancy guest soaps. I'm going to give it another try though, just in case. Maybe the other notes will stick around as the oil ages a bit.
  12. fiddlehead

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    The caramal note listed in this had me really worried. Happily, I cannot smell it at all. This opens with cherry and chocolate and dries down into a spicey blend with some cherry and chocolate and a hint of vanilla. Not as strong as Vice though at first it reminded me of it. The cardamom is different from the same note in Alone, to me. More like a mild cassia note, ala Red Phoenix. But mellower. I don't pick up the musk note. My first forum only scent is a winner! Err. Well, it isn't a winner after all. Too much cardamom for me in the dry down. Plus, I'm getting a skin reaction this time
  13. fiddlehead


    Finally, an Arkham scent that works on me! Shub starts out smelling, sure enough, like gingery spicy cookies. Nice. But the best part is later. What I suspect is the incense starts coming through and it becomes amazing. Deeper and more serious and spicey. I never got even a hint of Lemon out of this. I've been wearing it since 11:00, too. A definite winner for someone who's become increasingly picky about scents in her year of BPAL
  14. fiddlehead

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Jardin Sur Nil - Envy I can't explain this, but on me they are eerily alike.
  15. fiddlehead

    Black Ice

    Aquatics, flowers of some sort, and sort of clean/soap like. Really nice soap of some kind. Not at all what I was expecting. But with a name like "Black Ice" how could I resist
  16. fiddlehead

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    Lots of spices and woods at first. Then it dries down into mostly myrrh on my skin. Sort of reminds me of...Omen, I think. But not quite as masculine as I think Omen is. I'll have to try this a few more times. I did get a brief sniff of something Rose-like and a bit of the herbiness of Artemesia. But it was but a passing phase ETA: I'm trying this again in April, just for fun. This time it's reminding me of one of those Christmas oranges studded with cloves and rolled in spices. Then it morphs into spicy old fashioned rose scent but also still reminds me of the clove studded orange. Definitely a Victorian-ish vibe going on here. Potpourri-ish. I was thinking of picking up a bottle, but it's so distinctively "Christmas" that I believe my imp will do.
  17. fiddlehead


    Krampus starts off mostly red musk on me. Then something *really* woody which I think is sandalwood. These two notes keep trading off for a bit. Then I get a note that is "cold". I think I recognize it from a couple of other blends. Namely Samhainophobia and Pumpkin Queen. I'm probably nuts And sure enough, something that could be "dusty rags" and yep...there's the leather. What an interesting scent! I like the opening woodsy notes. They remind me a bit of Fenris Wolf. But I don't think I need more than an imp of Krampus.
  18. fiddlehead


    Yule. I like it! The reason I like it is that it smells very similiar to one of my favorite oils. This would be Arcana. Not exactly, but the verbena and frankincense definitely are very like Arcana. Unfortunately, Yule pretty much disappears on me within minutes while Arcana lasts all day so I don't think I need a bottle.
  19. fiddlehead

    Count Dracula

    Oooh. This is really nice. Clove and Cinnamon on leather. Not overwhelming leather, like I was afraid of, though it's definitely there. Also, it doesn't remind me so much of clove cigarrettes as real cloves. Some wood comes through on me buy mostly it's spiced leather. Not at all too masculine for me though I intend to try in on hubby anyway. Very much a Winter scent. Very warm and comforting. A side to the Count that I hadn't considered
  20. fiddlehead

    Devil's Claw

    Don't have much to add to the other reviews. I can't really detect any difference between this and Malediction, which I already have a full bottle of. There may be some subtle differences in the drydown but I can't articulate them.
  21. fiddlehead


    Gluttony. Hmm. This is more wearably to me than some of the other foodie scents I've tried. It starts out in a similiar vein to them, reminds me a bit of Creepy and Grog. I do get a bit of sweet coffee at the end. I'm sure now that I'm just not a "foodie" scent person. They're just too intense heavy for me, mostly.
  22. fiddlehead


    I got this as a frimp in my last order and didn't expect to like it. But it's my favorite out of all the ones I got! I love the opening notes of lemon and apple. It calms down rather quickly into a fresh rose scent that I'm really enjoying. When I don't want to smell like Zombi but still want roses I think I'll be reaching for Delerium
  23. fiddlehead


    See, this is why I've been avoiding foodie scents. I sniff the cap and I immediately get a big whiff of rum and coconut and I start salivating. And start thinking maybe I should give in and buy some Halloween candies. Yeah. Gah! The caramel! *drroooooollll*. I smell like a candy shop at Halloween. My husband's gonna love this, I think Not getting much apple, which is fine with me. I was afraid it would be strong once it was on my skin. But mostly it's caramel with some rum and coconut. A wonderful Halloween blend!
  24. fiddlehead


    This was so much like Samhain 05 when I put it on that I got a big grin on my face. But it seems less sweet than that. Less...thick? And there is this note I've never smelled before that reminds me of cool air, or water near by. This is fascinating! A walk in the Autumn woods by a stream at night. I don't know what it is, that note, but it does manage to evoke "chilly" without being the typical aquatic. This is just...wow. I'm, how do you say...gobsmacked. Very strange, very beautiful. I hope that note doesn't disappear. I cannot pick out any of the individual notes in this, much like Samhain. It definitely evokes a scene in my mind, though. And the label is adorable! ETA I've had this on for most of the day now. It's way more subtle on me than Samhain and I like that it's less sweet. I think I can identify the geranium at this point...
  25. Mandrake smells very dirt-like on me