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Everything posted by fiddlehead

  1. fiddlehead

    Hesiod's Phoenix

    I love this. At first, it's all amber all the time but the longer it's on the more the vanilla comes out. The oude adds a note I can never describe but love. Sort of cool and airy. Awesome. If you like amber perfumes this is a no-brainer. For what it's worth, this isn't a bit like Tricksy on me.
  2. fiddlehead

    The Boundless Vista of an Inner World

    I really like this one! It starts out with a burst of salty citrus, reminding me of Nyarlathotep. That note backs off after a few minutes but is still present. I don't get the coconut at all but there's a bit of wormwood (thankfully, not too much). The green mosses get more intense as time goes on but I can still smell the citron. Really nice! After I wore this for awhile it definitely seemed like it would be very appropriate for a guy. Sure enough, my husband likes it a lot and he hasn't really liked a BPAL oil since Geek. I may have to order a second bottle for him, depending on how fast he goes through this one.
  3. fiddlehead

    Le Père Fouettard

    I like this quite a lot. I can actually pick out all the notes at one time or another. The Licorice and leather are probably the strongest. A bit of sweetness from the gaufrette and a sort of stone/dust note from the coal. But the licorice and leather are definitely the most present. It's subtle on me, which is perfect. I think it's a really unique scent and definitely unisex. If I were a slatherer I might buy a second bottle of Le Pere Fouettard.
  4. fiddlehead

    Gingerbread Snake

    The first time I tried this (yesterday) it was eye-watering levels of spicy gingerbread. In the background, a very shy snake was slithering past. Tonight I'm getting a bit more snake and the gingerbread isn't quite so strong, thankfully. I think as it continues to age and mellow it's going to be a favorite. It's like Shub with Snake Oil. Yum!
  5. fiddlehead


    Tricksy is a really good variation on the patchouli note. The honey is very much there but not super sweet. More husky smelling. And the aloeswood gives a nice undertone to the whole thing. I cannot really describe it because every time I sniff I get something a little different. Love this. It will go in heavy rotation with Goblin, #OWS, Malediction and the black and red patchouli single notes I have
  6. fiddlehead

    Patchouli Clove Massage Oil

    This is sort of "decadently warming" for sure! I put it on right after my shower and was enveloped in patch, clove and what I swear was a touch of vetiver. Might have been the cedar though. I can't smell the different patchoulis but it's definitely not just the black patchouli. Now, three hours later, I have to put my nose right up next to my skin to smell this. I'm glad because I was hoping it wouldn't have a ton of waft. The oil is a bit heavier and stickier than the bath oil I got, which makes sense for massage. Still, it works fine on damp skin and absorbs nicely! I think I've just developed a new addiction to the Trading Post's bath and massage oils
  7. fiddlehead

    Boo Bath Oil

    Ohhhh, this is so nice! Creamy sweet vanilla with a definite linen note to lighten it up. I was a little concerned it would be too sweet but it's perfect. I put a little on my arms and it soaked right in. I hope this scent will remain available as a bath oil and that the perfume oil comes back next Halloween. I definitely love this
  8. fiddlehead

    Snake Oil in the Pumpkin Patch

    I get lots of Snake Oil when this is wet, then the spicy pumpkin starts kicking in. Now, after about an hour I can get the Snake Oil again, sort of floating under and around the pumpkin. It's a really nice blend! I was afraid that I'd be getting Pumpkin scented baby powder but so far so good. It *almost* makes me want to order a bottle of snake oil and try one more time Can't wait to see how this ages. I love my aged Snake Charmer and WILF!
  9. fiddlehead

    Samhain in the Pumpkin Patch

    I love Samhain and was hoping that it would be a winner for me with the addition of pumpkin. But I've had this on for a couple of hours now and it's not really working for me. I don't detect the Samhain that I know and love, just a bunch of spice and pumpkin. It reminds me strongly of Pumpkin I from last year (which I just re-tried a day or so ago). Super spicy pumpkin, sort of a craft store potpourri vibe. It isn't as super loud as Pumpkin I but it's pretty close. I will re-try this later and update if it changes. It may just need time to settle and blend
  10. fiddlehead


    Can't add anything more, really! Awesome soil/moss/stone scent. Zombi is probably my fave BPAL ever and this is very much in the same vein. No roses, though. There have been times when I wished Zombi had no rose, so Placophobia is a big ol' WIN for me. I also loved Graveyard Dirt but GD disappeared so fast. Placophobia has lasted several hours on me. I might have to have another bottle of this so I can slather
  11. fiddlehead

    September Midnight

    Autumnal pomegranate. Mmmm. The pom is really nice and juicy-tart and smells amazing with the amber and myrrh combo when wet. It's sort of plush smelling. I was very curious about the "chypre" part because I don't remember seeing another BPAL with it. I thought I smelled something mossy for a bit underneath the other notes. It gets powdery-dry smelling eventually but I can still smell the pom wafting around. Appropriate for the season, for sure!
  12. fiddlehead

    Autumn Fancies

    I almost didn't order this because I'd tried Scarecrow and Coyote and The Lion and they all seemed too cologne-y/masculine to me. Autumn Fancies has the dry grass note that I love plus a bit of Lemon Verbena (I think) to sweeten it up some. It's soft and cuddly smelling so there's probably some musk of some kind in the background. Makes me think of a field of dry, sweet grasses. Just what I'd hoped for. I really like this! I've had it on for an hour or so and it isn't changing into cologne or powder on me, thankfully! Happy I got a bottle
  13. fiddlehead

    Womb Furie

    Womb Furie on me is Snake Oil and O combined. It manages to be the best of both with none of the super-sweet baby powder I get from Snake Oil and none of the Playdoh note I get from O. It's pretty much perfect for me. It also reminds me of Queen, another favorite of mine. Warm, snuggle-y and definitely female. I hope it's offered every year.
  14. fiddlehead

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    When I first put it on I get a really true cocoa scent. Dry and not at all sweet. Kind of like the cocoa in #occupywallstreet. After it's had time to dry it starts to lose the cocoa. It begins to remind me strongly of another BPAL oil I like. Finally, I realized that this is very like Dracul. This has the black musk and tobacco with cocoa. Dracul is black musk and tobacco with mint, fir, balsam of Peru, Cumin, bitter clove and orange blossom. I'll have to try Dracul again for comparison. In my memory, Dracul loses most of the other notes pretty fast and drys down into what I'm getting on the dry-down of BTBT. I wonder if the cocoa is gone for good. I like this, of course. I can see how some might get a baby powder note, but there's something else going on here (the tobacco, maybe) that saves it. It's got a really classic perfume vibe going on. Warm, sultry and grown-up. Very appropriate for a burlesque troop. These ladies have been around the block a few times
  15. fiddlehead

    Scent for Halloween?

    Mischief. Foody, but fresh.
  16. When this is still wet it reminds me strongly of Oak Moon. The effect is almost identical to me. But underneath it is something a little different. Either the tobacco or the teakwood is making this better for me than Oak Moon. It's a complex vanilla/wood scent. The tobacco is coming out stronger the longer I have it on. I really like this so far but I'll have to give it an all day test to be sure. It doesn't strike me as a masculine scent yet, the way Oak Moon eventually did.
  17. fiddlehead

    Third Charm

    This is definitely a RED MUSK blend, at least at first. But oh man, the longer it's on the better it gets. There are wafts of patchouli but then I'll get whiff of something like "O". The notes seem to balance each other out so none of them takes over. I cannot wait to see how this ages. It's already really lovely and sultry smelling I may have to add another bottle to my next order.
  18. fiddlehead

    Witch Dance

    Witch Dance is almost identical to Samhain on my skin. I can't pick out individual notes but it just is *that* scent. Witch Dance has a "cold" effect that Samhain doesn't. It also isn't nearly as strong, thankfully. I've had it on my wrist for about 30 minutes. Witch Dance isn't as different as I had hoped. I had a feeling it wouldn't be. The "dead leaves" note that is in many 'weenie blends is what makes them distinctive and very similar to each other. So, a lovely Fall scent but not different enough for me to have more than one bottle. If it doesn't give me a skin reaction like Samhain does, it will replace Samhain in my Fall scent lineup.
  19. fiddlehead

    Where is this scent?

    Okay, that's good to know. Thanks!
  20. fiddlehead

    Where is this scent?

  21. fiddlehead

    Where is this scent?

    I'm trying to find a scent someone mentioned called "Lamia" and having no luck. Can anyone help?
  22. fiddlehead


    I love the scent of this for the first few minutes. It's a very realistic pine scent, like you've just picked up a handful of pine needles and bruised them. I get very little orange out of this but I think it's what is adding an interesting feel to it. If it kept that initial pine note and lasted more than 10 minutes on my skin, I would buy this. Alas, it's pretty much gone.
  23. I just tried Hunger for the first time. To me, it's very close, almost identical, to Snake Charmer. I don't understand how this can be, given the notes listed. But I'm glad to have found it because my Snake Charmer is getting low!
  24. fiddlehead


    I just got this as a frimp from the lab. Based on the notes I never would have tried it. Not a fan of most florals. I can't identify any of the notes listed. When I first put in on I get what smells like red musk to me. Then it starts to smell like Snake Oil. Then it's very close to Snake Charmer & WILF and Mme Moriarty. If you like that family of scents you're going to like Hunger. I think I'm going to want a bottle of this.
  25. fiddlehead

    Halloween In The Miskatonic University Library

    Halloween in Miskatonic University. It starts out really weird smelling on my skin. Almost like cigarettes. Smokey and harsh. Loud. Eventually, it does smell a bit like when you lay your head down on an old oak table for a minute, just to rest your eyes before reading anymore. It isn't a pleasant smell, necessarily, but this scent gets close to the real deal. There is a sweetness to it, which I guess is the pumpkin latte note. I'm not smelling "paper" yet but do get a touch of cologne. Very faint. And here comes more pumpkin latte. It's been on my skin for about 20 minutes. Husband opined that the waft smelled like French Toast This is interesting enough to keep for now. I'll dab some one while I'm re-reading Lovecraft! Hopefully, it will mellow as it ages. I could do without that blast at the beginning.