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Posts posted by burrito_ninja

  1. I LOVE Rogue. For some reason it reminds me of backstage - either ballet shoes or instrument cases, so it doesn't strike me as masculine. It's my first leather scent, and I'm hooked. :) And layered with Morocco... on me, sublime.

  2. I don't wear any scent to interviews (I had 4 within the last month). Anything can tip the interview for or against your favor and the last thing I want is my choice in perfumes annoying someone who might have allergies.


    I agree with this. I once had a coworker tell me I smelled like pine sol when I wore something with vetiver in it. Her eyes were watering and everything ... she even said she didn't understand why people felt it necessary to smell like anything other than their own skin and even Tide laundry detergent was offensive. :eek: You just never know.


    I'm so weird because for the first few years that I used Lush, lavender always medicinally jutted out at me so it took me years to even dare try products like French Kiss or Waving Not Drowning. I can still smell them once they've hit the water, but I've actually grown to appreciate it in certain products. Love it in AOBS now whereas I hated it before. Don't be afraid of TKO, although I personally recommend getting the massage oil from the Trading Post. Have never tried the perfume oil but I've read that it is more lavendery, hence more medicinal, than the massage oil. You won't be disappointed with the massage oil! It is my favourite lavender-heavy perfume to date.


    ...anyway, I'll put TKO on my list. :)


    I got a bottle of TKO massage oil today and it's amazing. The French Kiss is definitely comparable. I get a lingering sugary smell on my skin when I use TKO, too, which is nice. I'm glad you recommended it!

  4. Play-doh and RAID?! oh no! hahaha!


    I know! The play-doh wasn't too surprising, considering "play-doh" has its own thread here. But the RAID... And I tried the imp a few times, thinking "maybe it was allergies!" or "maybe it was hormones!" or "maybe I ate something weird!" but no. So far, the stats are stacking up against Bread and Butterfly.


    I do have to say, though, that Alice was a total win. :)


    I'm so weird because for the first few years that I used Lush, lavender always medicinally jutted out at me so it took me years to even dare try products like French Kiss or Waving Not Drowning. I can still smell them once they've hit the water, but I've actually grown to appreciate it in certain products. Love it in AOBS now whereas I hated it before. Don't be afraid of TKO, although I personally recommend getting the massage oil from the Trading Post. Have never tried the perfume oil but I've read that it is more lavendery, hence more medicinal, than the massage oil. You won't be disappointed with the massage oil! It is my favourite lavender-heavy perfume to date.


    Yeah! And I like French Kiss and Waving Not Drowning, so I thought "lavender is my friend!" and went in for a full bottle of Oneiroi, which is mostly lavender, and it knocked my socks off. And it fades on my skin, but is still heavily medicinal. ...maybe I'm actually smelling something *else* in Oneiroi; I'm only assuming Lavender is the main note.


    ...anyway, I'll put TKO on my list. :)

  6. I can tell you that White Rabbit is different than I thought. The white pepper and ginger notes come out stronger than anticipated. I had an aged imp of White Rabbit that was really mellow.. that might be closer IMO! B&B smelled strongly of salty butter a little dry tea and sugar, to me. Unique, I'd say! :)



    You're right. I got my samples of White Rabbit and B&B. White Rabbit is nice, but there's about 20 minutes of play-doh, then it becomes nearly undetectable except for faint wisps. B&B... smells like Raid (the bug spray) on my skin. :eek: SO SAD! So I'm still searching. And so far, Molly Grue is the best match for me.

  7. To date, the only BPAL I have come across that reminds me of a specific Lush product is Sybaris. I have noticed a lot of forumites comparing it to Skinny Dip, but to me, it is a lot closer to Chai shower gel.


    I totally agree about finding something similar to Twilight. TKO is way too different (but still amazing, like a lavender vanilla marshmallow), and most lavender blends from virtually anywhere tend to go very medicinal on me.


    And I loved the Soft Touch too. Smelled kind of like a vanilla pipe tobacco to me.


    I wish BPAL had a strong tonka perfume oil, something that would smell along the lines of Think Pink or Absolution. It seems like every single BPAL with tonka also contains either leather or patchouli (Pussy is an exception), notes that tend to hate me.



    Totally agree about the Tonka in BPAL. It appears in most of my favorite scents, and those are primarily sweet scents (vanilla+amber+tonka is the holy trinity of base notes for me).


    I've noticed with Lush stuff that lavender appears frequently, but seems to be a fugitive note. Like, you almost smell it, and you smell it in the product at the store, but as soon as you drop it in water it disappears quickly. Which is good because lavender also goes medicinal on me. I had been avoiding TKO for that reason, but I might reconsider.... a lavender vanilla marshmallow sounds kind of delicious! :D

  8. Oh yesss. .Lush was my gateway drug too.

    The Soft Touch is amazing but from what I know it was discontinued. There might be a little left out there. It's an amazing vanilla mango orchid tonka-ish scent. I can't really think of a close match besides for oddly enough Nymphia. Soft Touch has this cooling mango thing.. it goes on feeling cold, IMO!


    Twilight BB: I haven't tried TKO but wonder if it compares? I think Aeval would be close, in composition & strength if we're looking at something that has tonka and a sweet soft floral. You might like Twilight the bpal too, but the jasmine makes this much more of a heady floral. Maybe also Paris.


    Ceridwen's Cauldron: ooh this is a good question. I'll need to think on that one. Molly Grue is oaty but too spicy. Veil is close but too floral. Maybe if you mixed them!


    The Soft Touch was my favorite body butter. I hoarded a couple bars when they said they were discontinuing, but one of the appeals of Lush is the no-preservatives. It also means my last bar of TST is past its expiration date, and aging quickly. Sigh. (it *does* go on cold!)


    Thanks for the Twilight BB recs. I'll add those to the list. And Ceridwen's Cauldron - is some serious magic. I think the essential oils are only part of the CC equation - the rest of it is all hot water loaded with diffusing cocoa butter and oats and some kind of cooking spices (maybe?) and it's like soaking in spicy, milky tea. Molly Grue is close; I was considering The White Rabbit to see if that's closer, or maybe Bread and Butterfly.

  9. LUSH is my gateway drug; I'm new to BPAL. Anyone have good matches for the Twilight bath bomb? How about Ceridwen's Cauldron? Therapy massage bar? How about The Soft Touch?


    THIS! I must find! :wub2:


    Agreed! It smells like a dreamsicle!

    Lush sez:

    "Full of nourishing oils like lavender and neroli, this body butter especially for hands has no end of conditioning capability. From your digits to your elbows, wherever there's a rough patch, let vanilla and mango save the day and delicately smooth the way for some soft touching. Butters and beeswax and mango, oh my! The spicy-sweet complexity will have you smelling yourself all day (in a good way)."

  10. The new grass body wash smells like Squirting Cucumber. Love this body wash by the way!



    I am DISO an oil the smells like LUSH's new Grass Shower Gel. I bought a bottle of BPAL's Squirting Cucumber but it just smells like BBW's Cumbermelon. No grass on me.


    Anyone else know of an oil that is close to Grass Shower Gel? Thanks! :wub2:


    I haven't sniffed Squirting Cucumber, so I don't know. But I got some Troll in a random imp's ear the other day and it smelled almost exactly like Grass shower gel to me. Maybe a little darker, but only a little.
