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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by ancilla_morte

  1. I just saw your "Happy Saturday" just now! I really wish this forum would notify us when we have new profile comments. lol

    Hope you had a great holiday and that you're now having a great week!! :)

  2. Why does 27 feel like 30?

    1. lmfaith


      I find that 37 feels a lot like 30 . . . lol

      Happy Birthday!

    2. ancilla_morte


      haha, all a matter of perspective! Thanks! <3

  3. Haha! it's okay, I don't think we get notifications for these comment things anyway. Yeah I'll be back up there the weekend of October 10th for an important wedding. Of course that is the weekend that the labbies will be in NYC *sigh*

    Yeah I always try to buy from you guys ;)

  4. needs to make it through the rest of this summer alive.

  5. has tested and is now contemplating VILF

  6. is editing editing editing to make up for the Halloweenies that attacked my wallet this morning ;)

  7. Hey I was at Healthy Living during Brewer's Fest last month and I didn't see you :(

    I bought TKO and Shub Niggurath ;)

  8. ugh I really hate having class in a chatroom online.

  9. Hi! Sorry to hear about your leg :( Hope you are doing better now!

  10. knitting like a madwoman. its such a stress reliever. Though I do eventually have to stop and write the stupid paper that is the barricade between me and summer freedom!

  11. is going to have to take the stupid GRE's :(

  12. huge headache + too much seafood + long car-ride home in the backseat = me not wanting to do my homework tonight :(

  13. Today is my last day of stupid class! Then I can devote my time to knitting like crazy and sniffing BPAL. lol

  14. You and I are meeting up next time I'm in the UK. Can you imagine?? BPAL and... other things... LOL

  15. with a little extra something for the wait.

  16. hey, your inbox is full!

    Just wanted to let you know that I got the package sent back to me, it said on it there was an issue with customs and the package was refused :evil: I'm guessing I just didn't fill out the appropriate information?? I was sure that I did as its not the first time I've sent stuff to the UK.

    I will be repackaging and sending it back out tomorrow, wi

  17. Aww thanks!

    I love pink hair too, I've just never been able to pull it off :(

  18. Thank you for all your hard work and generosity!

    It means so much to us all!

  19. I decided to leave you a comment on your lonely profile.

    (I ate all the cookies you sent me...


    well my mom helped!)

  20. :D Hi twin (4 years long lost LOL)
  21. I added you as a friend. lol I hope that's okay!

  22. hehehe. I sure am sneaky.
