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Posts posted by Fefferbella

  1. This is a sweet light patchouli, woodsy blend. Very nice.


    I was hoping for more tonka bean, but sadly it was barely a hint in this blend. The cypress is a little overpoewering, but still very nice.

  2. White tea, patchouli and amber. Wow.


    I was worried more floral notes would come out in this, but I was plesantly suprised! This is just lovely.


    Patchouli is one of my favorite note, and in combination with the sweet crisp white tea... perfection.


    I need a big bottle of this.

  3. My skin LOVES lotus.


    Paris is a really unique blend of lavender and lotus blooms. Very feminine and sexy. It reminds me of shopping in little boutiques in Paris, especially reminds me of the lavender fields in the wine country of France. Just lovely.


    This is deffinatly a big bottle scent!

  4. Vinland smells like sweet leafy trees and dirt! There is a subtle hint of berry underneath, but the leafy notes are overpowering.


    This is a really excellent scent. Must get the boy to try this one, I think it would smell heavenly on him. Sweet, woodsy scents are great with his skin chemisty.

  5. My first impression of Glasgow was Whoa... way to floral for me. However, I gave it a shot.


    I'm so glad I did, the sweet berry notes come out as the oil dries, and smell gorgeous on my skin! Very fresh, fruity and girly. The heather is just faint enough to not go entirely floral on my skin.


    lovely scent!

  6. This scent is nothing but cedar shavings on my skin. There was a hint of a bay note while it was still wet, but the cedar is too overpowering.


    Very masculine scent... must get the boy to try this one...

  7. I really really wanted to love this scent... sadly the rose note was overpowering.


    At first it's so well blended that it's hard to pick out single notes. I really love the way it smells in the vial. Upon drying down it's nothing but roses on my skin...


    off to the swap pile.

  8. Mmm... peony tea... interesting combination. The tea is a fresh and comforting note. In combination with the peony it's just perfect.


    It's a subtle blend that disapears quickly on my skin. I really wish the more delicate blends like this worked better with my body chemisty :P

  9. Deep mahogany and rich, velvety woods lacquered with sweet, black-red cherries and currant.

    The Red Queen smells like Cherry candy!

    There is a subtle woody note underneath, but the sickly sweet cherry note is overpowering. This is yummy scent, just not for me.

    Cherry apparently hates my skin chemisty :P

  10. The Unicorn is a sweet sweet dewey floral on my skin. It's almost too faint for my tastes, but lovely none the less.


    There is a crisp mint-candy note that contasts beautifully with the soft floral. Very feminine and soft.


    Deffinately not a scent I would have picked out on my own. Thank goodness for frimps!
