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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Fefferbella

  1. Sensual, robust, and silken: voluptuous red rose bursting with lascivious red wine and sultry dragon’s blood resin.

    Spicey red wine and a hint of roses.

    Normally rose notes don't agree with my skin chemistry, but Blood Rose is different.
    It's very sensual, rich and a little musky. The rose note does become more pronounced as the blend fade, but the dragon's blood keeps it from overpowering.

    Big bottle on my next "to get" list!

  2. I bought Milk Moon as a gift for for a friend with a new baby.

    She uses a dab on her daughter's blankies to help her sleep.



    This is a gorgeous, creamy, milky, sweet blend!

    Personally I can't see wearing this on a routine basis, but for the baby, it's PERFECT.


    WOW.... the lab never ceases to amaze me!

  3. Jasmine!


    Jasmine notes hate my skin. They turn soapy and stale smelling. I had to wash this blend off as soon as I tried it on.


    I was hoping for more florals notes, but sadly the jasmine was overpowering.

  4. Antique amber frames a series of distorted, eternally warping clear crystal and glass notes.

    Wow House of Mirrors is lovely. This is the cleanest, freshest BPAL I have ever tried.

    I love this blend. It's hard to describe, crisp and clean are the only things that come to mind. It smells fresh and wet.

  5. This is woodsy and complex.


    At first I wasn't sure I liked it, but as it warmed and dried, layers of clove, sweet light florals and fresh chopped wood began to surface.


    This is a very strong, spicey and SEXY scent. I really love it, but it's too heavy for everyday wear.

    Deffinately a keeper.

  6. Oh my... this is SO sexy. I want my boyfriend to bathe in this scent.


    It's so warm, rich, woodsy and spicey. :D


    Sniffing this scent is making me day-dream about all the naughty things I want to do to my boyfriend :P


    Must snag a big bottle.

  7. Roses and Vanilla. *eww*


    Bearded Lady smells like a cheap generic perfume blend. The rose is sickly sweet and the vanilla is entirely too powerful for this blend. The two clash in an unsetteling way.



    I really wanted to LOVE this scent based on the reviews, but sadly it's off to the swap pile.

  8. Warm leather and rich, spicey ambers. Loviatar is a powerful, sexual blend.


    The first time I wore this, my boyfriend kept commenting how sexy it smelled. Leather notes seem to love my skin, and this is no exception. The musks and ambers blend to make a sophisticated complexity that keeps Loviatar from being too heavy, or overly masculine.


    On my skin, the leather warms up and tones down, while the spicey amber notes continues to sweeten. Very sexy.

  9. Patchouli and Apricot... oh my.


    I'm at a loss with this one. At first the scent is unsetteling on my skin.


    Dark, rich patchouli and sticky-sweet apricots.

    The contrast of sharp and sweet is so unque. I wanted to dismiss this blend and toss it to the swap pile, but I just can't...


    I tested this imp a second time... this time it was more sweet, less bitter. I think I need a BIG bottle of this...

  10. This smells like fresh pumpkin, butter and nutmeg. Wow. I want to lick it off my arm it smells so delicious!


    Foody blends tend to love me more than I love them... It's hard walking around all day at work wondering why you're craving pumpkin pie!


    This is deffinately a keeper, but I think I'll use it at a fall holiday room scent.

  11. I'm kicking myself for not ordering a dozen bottles of this blend!


    I love Blood Moon. It's spicey, rich and complex. The cinnamon scared me a little, but it quickly dries down and behaves itself among the other notes.


    This scent reminds me of bonfires in the woods, camping on a crisp fall night with close friends, and dewey, misty mornings in a deep pine forrest.

  12. Gypsy Queen was a pleasant floral suprise. Normally florals disagree with my skin and have a tendency to turn soapy.

    However, the complexity of this blend prevents that from happening. There are warm rich honey notes. Dark heavy incense notes and a subtle spicey smoke note.

    All these blend perfectly into a feminine, sensual blend, very fitting for a Gypsy Queen.
