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Posts posted by Fefferbella

  1. '05 Version--


    Buttery pine trees?!? I get heavy brown sugar, butter, pine and roasted chestnut notes in this.


    I love it. Great Yule scent. Makes me wish I had a fireplace so I could roast some chestnuts!

  2. Candy canes! and something boozy... maybe gin???


    The boozy note quickly fades (15 min) and a perfect sugary minty candy cane note remains!


    This is such a fun holiday scent!


    ADDED Jan. 19:


    OMG this is good!


    Peppermint heaven! I don't like candy canes (except the fruit kind), but this smells so yummy!


    It faded quickly, but it's a marvelous room scent!

  3. I love this blend. Wine notes tend to love my skin, and this is no exception!


    Rich red wine mixed with sweet succulant berries and a hint of wildflowers!


    Sexy, feminine and gorgeous!

    A top 10 blend for me!

  4. Wow... heavy cocoa out of the vial, but almost immediately it fades to something much more complex and delicious!


    This reminds me of a combination of Bliss and Dorian with a hint or orange blossoms and vanilla.

    Eventually the cocoa note was gone and the orange blossom/vanilla blend with a faint hint of floral sweetness remains.

  5. I wasn't sure about ordering Pink Phoenix after reading the lab discription, but it sounded like too much fun to pass up.


    I'm so glad I got it! This is a fun, flirty and feminine scent! Sweet pea and vanilla take center stage at first, but a hint or honey underneath adds a sexy twist to this otherwise innocent blend. I also pick up a subtle strawberry note in this too!



    I love it!

  6. I love this scent! :P


    Sweet and spicey patchouli and a hint of rich juicy fruits. It's delicious and sexy.

    I can sorta see why people have compared this to Blood Moon (which I love), but Red Phoenix is much more feminine and complex on my skin than Blood Moon.
